#how to make money for christmas
randygrim · 6 months
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No fandom stuff for today, only creatures
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aforgottenballad · 10 months
I think if Yoite grew up and got a job and earned money. Well. I don't think he should have to participate in capitalism but IF he did I think he would always be buying people food and treats and gifts. Not because he was irresponsible or bad with money because he wouldn't be. But he wouldn't know how to spend money on himself and would want to show people he cared and provide something in return for their kindness
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yeehawbvby · 6 months
Um. A fee I didn't know I was being charged for from the service I order meds from just came out of my bank account and now I have negative money
Anyone wanna pay me to write or doodle things for them?? ;;w;; My Ko-fi is in my pinned post if so.
Just let me know exactly what you want (and who you are, so I can contact you here! Or you can DM me letting me know which request was yours) and I'll get right to it. I don't have a commission sheet or anything so just give what you can and I'll do my best to make it worth it.
I'd really appreciate any help I can get right now from those of you who can spare it!!
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 5 months
Should I spend my Christmas money on a Carson commission….👀
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bibiana112 · 8 months
Hhhhhhhh I wanna be hired so bad
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elyserie · 8 months
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Sobs … He’s so beautiful … So precious … My huswife is finally really here with me …
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l0ganberry · 5 months
I was meant to do the "rainbow" fabric but I got stumped when I remembered that I didn't had any fabric to do that. Specifically thin ribbon-like cloth that would be wrapped around the staff, below the crystal.
To solve that, I decided to do some online shopping on Etsy to get the things I needed.
This is ribbon I ended up buying for the "rainbow fabric". (I'm gonna paint it with the fabric paint I already have.)
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I got red LED lights for the crystal. (I haven't decided on how I'm gonna do the crystal. 3D printing is not my thing but I have been thinking of just doing moldable plastic? Maybe???? I might need some help on what to do to make my own crystal that looks like that.)
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Then lastly (and for fun) I got the last of this type of yarn for the base of the crystal. So that way there's visual texture to make it look really cool.
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claitea · 5 months
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browsing the japanese pokemon center with a translator is fun
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tabslabs · 5 months
I have made choices this week and they may not have been good choices but they were made and I’m living with them now
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knightzp · 4 months
finished the cozmez memory novel
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classicjdog · 4 months
#i have some christmas money lying around so i guess i'm just gonna have to buy an ethernet cable#my setup (if you wanna call it that) is really not conducive to getting wired up at all#but fuck man there's no way i'm gonna just not play this fucking game it's way too fucking sick#well at least i had plenty of time to play the story lol which for the first like 80% of it's runtime it's like hey this is fun#like it's not super boring & there are actually some really cool moments sprinkled in here & there#then there's the second-to-last jin/kaz fight which was kinda what i expected the finale to be#like ok they've got their big crazy final forms & they're gonna have their big over-the-top anime fight & that's all fine i guess#but then they have one last normal hand-to-hand fight#and speaking as a long-time hardcore tekken fan that last fight is one of the best most joyful experiences i've ever had with a video game#like i've always felt that jin's transition from tekken 3 to tekken 4 was such a cool melding of story with gameplay#like in story at the end of t3 he's betrayed by heihachi so in t4 he forcibly unlearns the martial art heihachi taught him#and this is reflected in gameplay by his moveset being completely different so them coming back around to that in t8#and reinforcing the whole theme of jin accepting his past by LITERALLY GIVING YOU HIS TEKKEN 3 MOVESET IN THE FIGHT AGAINST KAZUYA#WHILE A REMIX OF HIS TEKKEN 3 THEME PLAYS???? GOD WHAT A FUCKING SEQUENCE!!! CHEF'S KISS MWAH MWAH MWAH#and then just the lovely little moments of fanservice. obvious stuff like kaz wavedashing or he & jin doing the namco logo thing 1 last tim#but then obscure stuff like jins t3 df1 glitch & kazuyas weirdo t4 re-stun combos?? like how many ppl are even gonna know about that shit??#they hella did not have to do that but they did & it makes me so so so happy#so yea the t8 story is like 80% a fun entertaining little romp & 20% the hypest shit i've ever ever ever seen#and also reina is the best new character namco have made for tekken since steve in t4#it's funny cause in the whole leadup to t8 i was having a little trouble figuring out who i was gonna main#cause in t7 i spent most of my time bouncing around basically the whole cast before finally settling on julia near the end#obv no julia in t8 so i had to pick someone else & no one in t8 was really jumping out at me#lots of super cool characters that i'd already played quite a lot of but not really anyone that's like ok yea that's my fucking guy#lots of sick af potential secondaries but no main basically#then they released the reina trailer & i was like ok yea that's my fucking guy#sick design sick stage sick AS FUCK music & a bunch of mishima staples to go along with it???#she's got an electric? hellsweep? wavedash? flash punch combo? stonehead?#plus some heihachi specific staples? demon breath? heaven's gate? iron hand? fucking HUNTING HAWK??? then yea that's MY FUCKING GUY#so yea reina fucking rules & i just wanna play her against real ppl please for the love of fuck#OH ONE MORE THING THEY DID ANOTHER GREAT JOB WITH THE MUSIC. AT LEAST 3 NEW TRACKS ADDED TO THE TEKKEN PANTHEON OF ALL-TIME CLASSICS
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straydogged · 5 months
cannot wait for one of my partner's brothers to bring home a significant other and to have the "hey here's what to expect" talk with them. it'll be nice. or horrible if they just get completely accepted without any hesitation. which I suspect is the more likely case.
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that-cheer-up-anon · 6 months
Would love to not spend $20 on a doctor appointment to tell me that the weird blood spots on my legs that are now reaching my arms "just happens" and tell me not to do anything about it. You know. Something that has never happened to my body before and has lasted at least a month now.
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y-eontan · 6 months
coaching the girlie that she Should by all means make her boyfriend help her cook the food he demanded of her and that is not endearing that his repertoire consists of Scrambled Eggs.
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fandoms-writings · 6 months
i love my mom but sometimes i really just wanna -
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suncaptor · 6 months
Thanksgiving is just sort of interesting because I'm still experiencing that deep seated loneliness just waking up but it's also like I never cared about this day anyways
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