#how to jump higher jumpsoles
corebits · 7 years
Increased My Vertical Jump Ability From 32 to 44 Inches
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What’s going on guys my name is Alan from corebits.tumblr.com.
“Why My Story Will Shock You… And How I Increased My Vertical Jump Ability From 32 To 44 Inches Within Only 3 Short Months With No Additional Training Time, Equipment Or Supplements…”
If You’re Ready To Finally Say Goodbye To Spending Hundreds Of Hours On The Court And Gym, Wasting Time And Money To Useless Manuals Or Equipment With No Or Little Progress On Your Vertical Jump Abilities…If You Are Ready To Finally start Jumping Vertically And Gain The Envy Of Your Team Members and Opponents….My Story Will Be The Most Important One You Ever Read…
From the Desk of Vincent Evans, GA
If you’re thinking about buying jumpsoles, expensive supplements, or any other vertical jumping product to increase your vertical jump, I’m extremely relieved that you’ve found my blog. You will be amazed and even shocked as to how advanced, effective and different to anything else this method is that I have discovered after searching through tons and tons of material on the web and devouring almost every manual there is on how to jump higher. Yes, “almost” as there are still one or two manuals out there that I haven’t read. And I am glad I don’t have to waste any more money and time, because I finally found something that works and that is simply out of this world.  
Forget about JumpSoles, forget about expensive supplements, heck forget just about everything you have ever learned about jumping higher!
I have been playing Basketball for over 15 years now. Being only 5,10” tall, I have always had quite a disadvantage over most of the other players I played with or against. I always had to emphasize on learning superb technique, which is the reason why I had to tackle one of the most important aspects of improving my game – the vertical jump. I thought it would be quite easy, so I just tried any conventional strength and quickness training methods I could get my hands on via Google and Amazon. However, I improved only marginally, and finally hit a plateau after 3 years of very, very intensive jump training. Have I reached my genetic potential? At 32 inches…”No way!” I thought!
Jumping higher is not about a lot of practice, or simply doing exercises over and over. It did not work for me and it won’t work for you! I thought by training really hard and trying out all those theories and manuals from the so called “Jump Gurus”, it would only be a matter of time and practice that I that would get to the top of all vertical jumpers – after all, I was training hard, by the book, and it also felt like effective training. And they say that persistence pays of, right? Wrong! I wasted so much time and energy (not to mention money), and it was an incredibly frustrating experience. So what does work? The quality of exercise, the right formula, and a very unique set of very advanced knowledge are required to get to the top. No wonder there are only so few expert vertical jumpers in the world, of which many are also “just” genetically blessed. Most of the advanced players in the NBA have access to the world renowned coaches, who are being paid literally millions of dollars to teach this. It is about working smart, not just hard. And in this case it actually is about working very smart.
But, what exactly do I mean by saying the right formula or simply a lot of advanced knowledge? Let’s first check out…
Why almost 90% of all written vertical jump material is simply misleading, obsolete or ineffective
I am totally not here to put other vertical jump manuals down. That is just not my place. However, I do want to share my experiences with The Jump Manual by Jacob W. Hiller and how it totally stands out in comparison to the rest of the material out there.
One of the reasons why most jump programs out there don’t work is since they are written by ghost writers hired by internet marketers. Most of them have never ever even trained in vertical jumping at all, but make it alluring to buy their manual in which they sell very general training ideas, that is normally readily available elsewhere.
Another reason why none of that stuff works to create what experts call “vertical explosions” is that most trainings just train one facet, while effective vertical jumping consists of a multi-faceted approach where 9 variables need to be trained for notable results. When added together, you build up massive effects.
Also, I found that some trainers are just focusing on their own personal experiences. But what these trainers often tend to ignore is that they belong to the few that are genetically blessed and that they could just do about anything that makes a bit of sense to increase their jumping ability (pretty much so as it is the case with bodybuilders on stereoids). And sadly for most people, these training programs yield little to no results.
Eventually, I found something that worked – fast and effectively
So let’s check out what is probably the burning question of yours by now. What IS actually working? What is the magic formula or that advanced training I have been speaking about all this while? Well, there is actually nothing magical about this method, it’s based on pure science and a lot of work with hundreds of athletes.
Having spent so much time, money and energy desperately trying to succeed with products that would help me with my ability to increase my vertical leap as fast as only possible and surpass the skill of anyone I played against, I am so glad that I found something that works this great.
I never heard of  The Jump Manual before and I was a little sceptical due to my experiences in the past. However, after reading some complimentary reviews, recommendations and studying this subject more closely, as well as the fact that the costs to set up is so minimal, I decided to give it a try.
Jacob is not an internet marketer and I think that is the reason why there are still some products that are bought over his (as he is really a none-BS type of guy). He has trained NBA player, Olympians and professional dunkers and for the last 10 years has focused his entire time and energy to this one specialty – helping others to increase their vertical jump quickly. I first couldn’t believe the hype in the testimonials, but then I read his guarantee. He promises that you will increase your vertical by at least 10 inches or he refunds you. Since I could try it out for 60 days, why not!?
I used his methods, asked him questions when I did not understand anything, and in only 2 short weeks I had a 4" increase in my jumping ability! And after 3 months, I increased my abilites from 32 to 44"! At thispoint of time, I am just excited to even further improve my vertical leap.
You might be like my previous articles: - Plyometrics Exercises - Measure Your Vertical Jump
Some of the people I met in the forums actually come from very different angles. Some have experienced a plateau, just like me, and used the method to break through it immediately. Some needed an edge due to their heights, others are tall and have literally become inconvincible on the court with this further skill.
It is fun to see people’s faces that see me do a 360 dunk at 5,10” or block guys that are substantially taller. It’s impressive and this can be a lot of fun for you, too.
At a gist, this is what you get in the program:
Complete workout chart
Complete training video library
Exact nutrition plan
One-on-one training
Weight room alternatives
Much more
Here’s why I recommend it.
The reason why I recommend The Jump Manual is because I followed Jacob’s plan for a matter of weeks and the results were almost unbelievable. It yielded figures that many would have never reached or if lucky over the course of years!
Although it did take me longer to improve my vertical jump than some testimonials on Jacob’s website, I did manage to get an average of over 1 inch per week for around 3 months now, which I’m sure you’ll agree is nothing short of astonishing. And I am excited about where the journey will lead towards, as I am definitely not maxed out yet as I still aim at cranking the over the rim windmill! I finally managed to push through my plateau, which is a problem most people that train hard encounter sooner or later without this method. When I am on the court, I can’t believe how high I am jumping, and so can’t the other players. The improvement was just way too fast!
In my opinion, The Jump Manual is way more superior and far more effective than any of the other products I tried. Obviously, and I know that, everyone is different, but it has worked extremely well for me and I am excited to spread the word to everyone I know or don’t know.
The best part is that you don’t have to spend more time in the gym or waste money on things that don’t work, such as supplements and expensive equipment. Working smart, not just hard, is what you want. Yes, you will have to put in the effort to going trough the advanced material (and it really is advanced), and yes you will have to take the courage to try out something incredibly new and different than what you probably know or ever have heard of, but in matter of only days, you will realize very measurable first results. You will see changes almost immediatey, and with the coaching and help of Jacob, and other forum members (I actually got to meet some of the folks from the forum, which really is motivating and fun) it is really difficult to not succeed with this quickly.
Anyway, I hope you’ve found this information useful in which ever stage you are on your vertical journey, because if I had only known about the The Jump Manual a few years back, I would have saved a lot of trouble, money and headaches with all these other things I tried out, but well, you live and learn. I wish you every success!
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