#how the heck did they recover TB2?
How to describe this masterpiece by @preludeinz and @carryonstarkid beyond a simple YOU MUST READ IT?
It makes me shiver for many different reasons.
The first and most obvious being how well the cold environment is described, genuinely shuddered a couple of times and actually it’s pretty warm here!
The others are more to do with how precisely this fic puts you in the headspace of each of the brothers. There’s a shiver of nerves at the lack of info, the sick shiver of anticipation as John is on the edge of jumping into something terrifying, the goosebumpy horrifying description of what swirling snow does to his mental state… I could witter on but you’re best off reading it yourself without me spoiling.
Just have a warm drink handy, perhaps.
Gets a bit sweary in places (not that anyone would blame the boys in the circumstances, they are exactly what cursing was invented for!!) but just mentioning in case that bothers you.
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