hotellalgarhfort · 1 year
Hotel at Jaisalmer - Hotel Lal Garh Fort And Palace
Let us spoil you for both luxury and comfort. #comfortandluxury At our hotels, you will find all the amenities required for great relaxation. We make your stay just as enjoyable an experience as you can imagine.
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We are waiting for you at Hotel Connaught House. Come, stay and enjoy all the luxury facilities that Hotel Connaught has to offer!
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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depressedzelda · 8 months
Hrrrgghhh was told 2 stay home today while bf goes to our friends and has a serious talk w him and. Im worried ngl. This friend in particular has said some shit to me that if it had come from anybody else id have ghosted forever but theres something about him, i just see a looooot a lot of myself in him and cant seem to hold anything against him. But if he keeps going the way he's going he's gonna be the first of us to die, no question. So. I feel bad for him that he's hearing this from us but at the same time its now or never, if he doesn't listen this time then we're not sticking around just to watch him kill himself...eugh sux man
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whimsidollie · 1 year
Seeing someones blogs DNI isnt even a "do i apply" it always becomes a checklist or so batshit insane i screenshot and send it to some gcs eith "tag yourself"
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Has anybody even tried to parse out how many alleged cases of 'long covid' are actually the result of covid, how many are people misattributing symptoms to covid, how many are just the product of people's imaginations, and how many are long term effects of the vaccines?
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dwtisgay · 2 years
Another reason I don’t think any doxx controversy will come around after the meetup is bc there isn’t really much left? This sounds so sad but antis and kf and all have basically already dug everything controversial about dreams past out and spread it around, even if it didn’t get much traction bc main ignored it. Like there’s not much they haven’t already found? Idk maybe, although if that’s true it’s so sad for poor dream lmao
ah, for the sake of not wanting things to be jinxed, I will entertain even if there were more controversial bullshit left, dream has weathered this much already, in a period of his life which frankly looking back on it must've sucked ass, he's been through hell and back and is STILL going strong if there is anything left, I am sure dream can weather it much better with george in his arms
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
^ forcibly looking into obligatto to understand the timeline
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computrangel99 · 1 year
girl help i was venting abt how violent my thoughts get sometimes and one of my mutuals responded with "get this guy in schools👏👏" NOOOOO
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frudoo · 2 days
Mister Asylum — Simon “Ghost” Riley
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Warnings: Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, hospitilization.
Patient!Simon Riley x Fem!Nurse!Reader
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Simon always knew that his life would end this way—head pressed against the barrel of a waiting gun, emotionless eyes staring straight ahead, preparing. He never expected it to be by his own hand, though he couldn’t let himself be surprised, could he? Years of abuse, trauma, bloodshed, scorn. He’s hardly a saint. This ending is better than the one he expected, for himself, for the rest of the world. Maybe even more merciful than the death he truly deserves.
He sits with his legs criss-crossed in the middle of his living room that remains decorated with nothing more than a simple glass top coffee table and a sofa opposite of him. No rug or carpet that blood could soak into, no stains that the next homeowners would be plagued by having to deal with. Easy cleanup for the crime scene crew once the authorities would inevitably be called. It would be as if he never even lived there—a ghost resident whose demise would never be revealed even to those riddled with the most morbid curiosity.
Simon is so lost in his own calculations, that he doesn’t process the turn of a spare key in the lock of his front door as he digs the pistol further into his temple, jaw clenched so tightly that the tendon is sore. He didn’t anticipate that Johnny had decided to visit, and he surely didn’t expect the gun to be knocked out of his hand and his large body to be tackled to the floor by his sergeant. The weapon goes off but the bullet doesn’t blast through his skull like he’d planned—instead, it fires at the couch cushion and settles in the fuzzy depths, right where he would usually sit on a lazy afternoon.
He almost doesn’t process the way Johnny’s tears spill onto his pale, maskless face, the way the Scotsman holds his wrists down above his head and against the wooden tile with one hand as he calls Captain Price with the other. Not that Simon needed to be held down. He was far too weary and defeated to fight. His voice was stuck in his raw, aching throat until the sergeant cupped his face in his hands, desperation and anger written on his features.
“Shoulda let m’go, Johnny,” Simon rasps, blank brown eyes staring at the ceiling, unwilling to look his best mate in the eye.
“Ne’er, LT,” Johnny lightly smacks the lieutenant’s cheeks affectionately, once-bright blue eyes now tinged with worry as they dart between his friend and the door.
The captain eventually arrives and helps Johnny escort Simon outside, into his truck. The three men sit in silence in the driveway for a while until John speaks up.
“You understand we can’t let you be alone anymore,” his usual gruff voice softened with something akin to sadness—sympathy, maybe.
“Yes, sir,” Simon nods, hands clasped together, resting in his lap.
“Nor can we let you go on any missions. Protocol won’t allow it, and quite frankly, I’m worried you’d put yourself in harm’s way purposefully. I can’t have you or my other men getting hurt,” Price sighs, running a large hand down his face and covering his mouth, lost in thought.
“Understood, sir,” The lieutenant grunts, trying to ignore the sound of Johnny’s sniffles beside him.
“I’ve spoken with Laswell as well as my own superiors, and we’ve come to the conclusion that… institutionalization would be the best course of action.”
Simon falls silent. Take him out of the field, fine. Keep him company to make sure he’s alright, great. But being thrown into the looney bin feels more like retribution than treatment. His fists clench and he can feel the captain’s watchful eyes on him in the rearview mirror.
“Simon, this- I hope you know this wasn’t an easy decision for anyone to make. I’d much sooner call a missile strike than put you somewhere other than under my protection. But unfortunately my hands are tied.”
“Simon, ye ‘ave tae listen. Please,” Johnny rests his hand on top of one of Simon’s, trying not to let out a sob at the trembling he feels in his superior. “We need ye ‘ere.”
This isn’t right. None of this shit would have happened if he had just pulled the trigger sooner. Simon’s mind is nothing short of a maelstrom wreaking its havoc, screaming at him to jump out of this truck and book it to the nearest bridge to jump off of. He might have done just that if his body wasn’t vibrating with frustration and helplessness and blinding regret—or maybe it’s just the hot tears that blur his vision and render him unable to move or even breathe properly.
“You’re as good as a son to me, Simon. Let us do this for you. For us,” John sniffs, and if he didn’t know any better, Simon might have thought his captain was crying. “You don’t have another choice.”
Simon doesn’t speak again, rather gives a single nod to signal his compliance. An order is an order no matter how badly he wants to ignore it. All he wants to do is melt and allow the backseat of Price’s truck to absorb him. It all seems like far too much fuss just for him, an assassin, scum of the earth, a waste of precious space. He settles for blinking the tears out of his eyes and looking out the window, even allowing Johnny to keep a calloused hand on top of his own. John calls the hospital and lets them know they’ll be getting an intake.
The drive to Shadywood Hospital is a silent one save for the occasional sniffle or sigh, or the rattle of the truck’s tailgate on a particularly bumpy road. Nobody dares say anything out of fear that they’ll offend one of the other men. The last thing Price and Johnny want to do is make the situation worse, and Simon isn’t the kind to open up about his troubles, even more so now that his plan has been obliterated. He’s supposed to be a strong, unyielding leader—fearless, not this shell of a soldier who let his pain and misery take over. He used to be precisely that: an unstoppable, unbreakable force. He’s not sure when exactly that changed.
The exterior of the hospital is about as dull and lifeless as Simon expected, mossy overgrowth clinging to the weathered brick structure. It looks like something straight out of an old horror film, he thinks. All it needs is some thunderstorm sound effects and perhaps a murder of crows to warn of his impending doom. No such luck. Maybe even the darkest of forces don’t deem him worthy of such caution. Maybe even the most heinous of monsters would ridicule and cast out the enigma that he is.
“Out ye get, LT,” Johnny pats him on one broad shoulder, trained eyes scanning the lieutenant’s face for any hint of emotion be it sadness or fury.
Simon remains stoic as he steps out of the truck, batting away Price and Johnny’s hands that try to usher him inside. Not a bloody child, he thinks, though the petulance with which he crosses his arms would suggest otherwise. When the rush of cold air hits his face, he’s suddenly aware of just how naked he is without his mask and he turns around with a shake of his head.
“Not goin’ in,” he mutters, scratching at the tattoos on his left forearm so hard that he peels the skin.
Johnny grabs Simon’s wrist to get him to stop, frowning at the sight of his nails, sharp and much longer than he usually keeps them. He’s unsure of how nobody noticed that their beloved Ghost had stopped taking care of himself. John sighs and runs a hand through his hair, contemplating before nodding firmly.
“I’m sure they have a mask in there. I’ll go grab one for you, yeah?” He grins softly, patting Simon’s back fondly before stepping inside.
“Ye’ll be alreit, ye ken,” Johnny steps in front of Simon, hands resting firmly on his biceps to get him to meet his eyes. “Ye ‘ave tae be. Ye’re Ghost. Ye’re me brother.”
Simon chokes back a sob, teary eyes fixed on the darkening clouds in the dreary sky to avoid showing his weakness. It breaks him to see his sergeant so worried about him. He doesn’t deserve his pity, his fear. Price comes back before Johnny can force Simon to say anything in response.
“Here you are,” John hums, handing Simon the flimsy mask and offering him a gentle chuckle. “Black, just for you.”
Simon nods again, adjusting the flexible metal in the surgical material to fit the crooked bridge of his nose. Feeling a little less exposed, he sucks in a deep breath and turns on his heel to trudge into the hospital. The fluorescent lights nearly blind him and he furrows his eyebrows, blinking through the pain before focusing his eyes on the receptionist.
“Simon Riley,” he breathes, and the lady nods with a soft smile.
“Yes, sir. If you’ll have a seat over there, the intake nurse will be right out. Would you like your mates to-”
“Yes,” he cuts her off, nodding towards Price and Johnny who stand beside him like bodyguards. “Sorry. Yes. I’d like them to be in there with me. Please.”
“Of course,” she nods once more, offering the three men another small grin.
Simon, Price, and Johnny all sit in the waiting area impatiently. The sergeant looks around nervously while the lieutenant stays still as a statue, eyes focused on the floor. John sniffs and rubs his clammy palms on his jeans. Simon can’t remember the last time he’s seen the captain this anxious, and knowing he caused it makes him feel even worse. He shouldn’t have hesitated; he should have just pulled the trigger immediately upon holding the gun to his head. There wouldn’t have been this much trouble for the team.
The sliding doors part with a mechanical whir and heavy footsteps rush in, boots squeaking against the linoleum floor. Simon wasn’t going to pay it any mind, but Johnny stands up and goes to greet the person with a hug. He only looks up when he feels a hand on his shoulder, eyes meeting deep brown ones much like his own. Kyle.
“Simon,” Kyle whispers, placing his other hand on the lieutenant’s opposite shoulder. “Price called.”
Another wave of shame washes over Simon and he suddenly can’t bring himself to maintain eye contact with his other sergeant. He doesn’t deserve this kind of support, especially not from the entire task force. His throat closes up and it gets hard to breathe. He’s trapped in his head, locked in place, and the walls are closing in. The tears threaten to spill despite his struggle to hold them back, burning at the brink of his waterline. It’s too much, he’s suffocating, he’s about to snap-
As if right on cue, the nurse comes in and calls his name. He jumps up, shoving past Kyle to follow the woman behind the protected doors without looking back. The other three follow close after and stand with their backs to the wall, intently listening to the questions Simon is asked. The lieutenant almost laughs—he’s usually on the other side of the interrogation table.
Simon fills out the countless pages of paperwork with a shaking hand, carefully sliding the clipboard back to the nurse. He feels so small, so pathetic, having this many people watch over him like he’s a sickly babe. In a way, he supposes he is—the only difference is that an infant is worth saving.
“With the information you’ve given me, Mr. Riley, we will be admitting you effective immediately. Your progress will determine the length of your stay. We’ll be monitoring you closely each day to see how you’re doing, alright?” The nurse tilts her head sympathetically, cusping her hand over one of Simon’s. “We’re gonna get you feeling better, sir.”
Simon nods slowly, nervous eyes flickering past the woman to look between his three mates. They all have the same solemn expression on their face, each fidgeting with a different finger or article of clothing. He thinks they’d rather be getting shot at in a foreign country than here, coddling this grown man who doesn’t know how to handle his emotions. He would, too.
“I’ll give the four of you a couple of minutes to chat while I go get your bracelet ready, yeah?” The nurse excuses herself, slipping past the two sergeants that stand on either side of the door.
The men are silent, none of them exactly sure of what to say or do until Simon finally breaks down, his head falling into his hands. Pesky tears he’d been trying so hard to fight off stream down his face and soak into his mask, his broad shoulders shaking with every raspy sob that dares rip from his throat. John immediately pushes himself off the wall and embraces his lieutenant who, for the first time this evening, doesn’t bother fighting him off. Price’s large hand cradles Simon’s head to his clothed midriff, the other patting his back like a father would calm a colicky baby.
“I’ve got you, Simon. You’re gonna be alright,” John whispers, fighting back tears of his own.
The captain hasn’t seen Simon cry like this for what seems like centuries. He never wanted to witness it again, but the hidden memories come flooding back in as he presses his cheek to the top of the blond man’s head. He had sworn from the moment he met Simon that he’d never allow any harm to come to him. He’d keep every enemy away, train him perfectly so that he could protect himself. He never considered that his lieutenant’s own mind could be deemed an enemy.
Johnny can’t stand the sight any longer—he shoves the door open and books it out of the hospital, back sliding down against the cracked brick as he brings his knees to his chest. Kyle follows quickly after, sitting beside his fellow sergeant, silent and seething, angry at himself for being so clueless. How could none of them, not one, see that Simon was doing so poorly?
Simon notes their absence even in the comforting arms of the only father figure he’s ever known.
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valdederon · 2 months
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another gift i couldnt resist making for the amazing @teshamerkel background ( not cannon toby still a charmander :p ) a pokemon criminal attacked him and nia hospitilizing her and now tobias is angrily confronting the criminal. god rest that criminals soul they are in for a world of pain
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stealeroflemons · 1 year
what time is it? it's eah no-name-headcanon-time #17
fair warning this is still within my darker versin of EAH headcanons so if you find those topics uncomfortable then maybe check out some of my other posts instead :)
Faybelle absolutely would love Janice from Mean Girls while simultaneously have incredible respect for Regina's scheming
Apple does not know how to do "regular people things" like pump gas or how to work a stove
Cerise and her mom have a bunch of livestock and small gardens with food around their house, a real off the grid lifestyle
Dexter loves loves loves eating oreo cookies with creme cheese because he swears it tastes like cheesecake, but he won't eat actual cheesecake (the first part was inspired by my friends dad)
Briar has to have her friends come to the doctors with her because despite being afriad of close to nothing, she is afriad of needles, for obvious reasons
Sometimes Briar wakes up in random places with no memory of what happened, sometimes from a bad sleeping/fainting episode or from a drug she took to fuel her need for adrenaline
Rosabella always has Briar's location on so she can see where she is at all times because of how often Briar has one of those moments ^^
One of the scariest things that can happen to a faerie in the eah world is having your wings cut off. Because of this, Faybelle and Farrah are extremely aware of their wings at all times and HATE when someone touches them
Hunter gets physically and violently sick when he sees dead animals or had to go hunting with his dad
Sparrow is, to the surprise of many, not that into drugs or alcohol. He's worried a lot about what it would to do his voice (I imagine him to sound like Tyler Joseph)
A lot of the athletes at the school (Justine, Duchess, Hunter, Cerise, Lizzie, etc.) miss classes because of physical therapy appointments
A larger amount of royals comapred to rebels go into emergency care or varying therapy sessions (mental health, physical health, emotional health,) due to all the unhealthy coping mechanisms they resort to while being pressured to follow destiny (Briar unfortunately holds the record for hospitilizations)
On a lighter note, Ginger likes to make care packages with Maddie full of baked goods and soothing teas for the students who have a particularly rough time like Briar
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Apollo/Admetus VS Apollo/Hyacinthus (Hyapollo)
Apollo/Admetus - made Apollo's second mortal punishment bearable, even joyous. Apollo loved him so much he blessed his cows to have twin calves
he loved him so much he won for him the hand of Best Wife Ever Alcestis
 he loved him so much he persuaded the Fates to invent a loophole so he could avoid a premature death, in some myths he even got the fates drunk and then persuaded them, which is girlboss behaviour, plus admentus comforted him at a critical time, aka after the Asclepius Situation. -Dadmetus was know with his hospitility and kindness. I guess that's also what Apollo needed after his sorry excuse of father made his son oof. After his punishment was over he went to fates to make him live longer. For him. For a mortal. 
Apollo/Hyacinthus - Idk i like them
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prof-lemon · 1 year
I like this new "hyper-specific poll" trend!
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I just saw snake discovery’s video about their false water cobras and they said they were mildly venomous and that caught me up a little. I know you’ve said keeping venomous snakes is generally unethical, so I want to get your info on it. Is this an exception? Or is their low toxicity and far back teeth what makes them safe enough to keep safely?
Like hognose snakes, false water cobras are rear-fanged venomous and their venom is not medically significant to humans. I don't believe snakes with medically significant venom are ethical pets, but rear-fanged venomous colubrids like falsies and hognoses can make great pets and don't pose a real danger to their keeper.
That doesn't mean that keepers of rear-fanged venomous snakes like falsies should go around sticking their fingers in their pet's mouths, though! Their venom isn't medically significant to humans, but it can still be painful, and it's possible to have an allergic reaction - think about how variably people can react to bee stings. No one has ever died (or even needed sustained hospitilization) from a falsie or hognose bite, but it's still smart to know when your snake is venomous and handle them with caution and respect.
I love falsies, they're on my list of someday snakes. The only note with them is actually a husbandry one; these are semi-aquatic snakes and need an enclosure with a large water feature. They're awesome snakes but they are not snakes to buy on a whim.
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