#honkai helia
herrscherofmagic · 3 months
(spoiler-free discussion of HI3rd Part 2)
So I finally got to catch up w/ the previous chapter (moon shenanigans w/ Helia & Coralie) and dove right into HI3rd Part 2's release- and I've gotta say, I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit so far!
*Quick disclaimer, I'm playing with CN voices, and the voice acting of a character can really influence a person's perception of them, so keep that in mind
So far each of the main cast we've met so far has been fairly likeable. I was unsure what Sena was gonna be like but so far she fits in quite well. She's got the same bubbly personality as Ely and March, but she has neither the pushy-ness that Ely has nor the snark March has. So she's definitely reminiscent of both of them but still feels like her own person, and since we literally just met her there's gonna be plenty of time for her character to develop.
Also really enjoyed the interactions with Helia and Coralie, it's clear that they're not super besties like Kiana & Mei but they're certainly close as comrades and I'd like to see how their dynamic develops! I'm looking forward to new battlesuits for them someday and I really hope Mihoyo follows through on that idea. I'd love to see how their adventures in the Sea of Data shape their world-view as they're challenged by things that Schicksal's Valk training never could've prepared them for.
and Dreamseeker was quite nice, too! They're not a silent protag, though of course the quasi-self-insert thing does make it a bit more awkward than usual. But overall their presence doesn't really affect the story in a negative way so that's no concern at all, and they contribute to the team a fair bit in terms of both knowledge/wisdom as well as how they interact with other characters and move the conversation forward. They're not super bubbly nor are they cold, they're just ordinary in a charming way, if that makes sense?
and then Songque... ooooohhh lord she was a LOT more than I bargained for in so many ways. in a good way, I think? >.> either way, not gonna say much about her because I don't even know how to begin describing her. I just wasn't expecting her to be so... lively. Like, crazy energetic, in a very controlled-chaos sorta way.
Also in terms of worldbuilding/lore I think it's been handled quite well. It doesn't rely on obscure knowledge from Part 1, i.e. not technobabble-heavy, but if you're familiar with stuff like the workings of the Sea of Quanta then it's easy to see how things are working behind the scenes.
It's a super fascinating concept for a setting and I really like the juxtaposition of past/present as well as how the story seems to fully embrace the chaotic nature of the Sea of Quanta, giving us really strange and unusual sights and writing characters who are born into this strange reality and take it for granted.
Oh. and the new music. pretty good so far! it's nothing at the level of Genshin but that's a really high bar to pass anyways. For HI3rd's standards it's solid work and enjoyable enough to listen to while playing the story & fighting. I have a lot of other thoughts about HI3rd's music as a whole but that's a whoooole other story lol
so yeah. Part 2 released, and HI3rd didn't suddenly combust into flames and explode. So far so good, hard to say how it'll change going forward but there's not much of a point in worrying about that yet. My only regeret is I had to skip 2/3rds of the Fu Hua arc for this because of issues w/ my schedule and how busy I've been, but I think it was the right call cause I'm really looking forward to the new Part 2 story, both main story & side content!
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novrium · 3 months
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Can I introduce you to my sleep paralysis demon because I feel like she'll haunt me in my dreams like why did I manage to max you out you came out TODAY I'M--
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catcantnavigate · 2 months
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honkai part 2 trio (backgrounds are screenshots from in game)
enjoying the story so far even though i really miss the part 1 cast
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eternalvoxel · 2 months
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I think more people should play Part 2
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lostacelonnie · 4 months
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fioresacros · 3 months
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ah yes i love part 2
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endlesslytired · 2 months
Making 2 posts because one all together would not work out for tagging and id lose my mind. Some HI3 mixed in because fr just play it if the recent video was confusing. (It's worth it)
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(and the yoyo weapon from free daily passes...)
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nattnattkatt · 2 months
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i ship them
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moontheoretist · 2 months
*spoilers alert*
I started playing Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 and DAMN it's so fucking interesting! LIKE SUPER NEAT. Imagine that 1 billion years ago there was a civilisation on Mars that got anihillated by something (*cough cough* Finality *cough cough*) but then several bubble universes are created around it with people in them and because the Sea of Quanta distorts time they didn't live this billion of years that the rest of the planets in Solar System did, no, they lived barely a 100 years since the catastrophe so from THEIR point of view Earth is still just a "blue planet with no civilisation" which means that our planet already has oceans but probably only filled with amoebas and not any other type of life, just bacterias as life on Earth appeared 3.7 billion years ago, but it takes a LONG TIME for life to actually evolve so even 1 billion years ago Earth doesn't really have anything to show off. While from the point of view of Earth - Mars (Luoxing) is DEAD for so long that we didn't even entertain the possibility that civilisation was EVER there to begin with (even if it was probable considering that Venus also had civilisation before it got destroyed too as Honkai Impact 3rd follows the multiverse logic of "1 planet = 1 universe"). Which all and of itself is SO COOL. Because it both is scientifically accurate, but also super Sci-Fi with bubble universes floating in the Sea of Quanta, anchored to Mars and protected not to sink into the Sea completely, with Honkai Energy just existing and PEOPLE LIVING IN HARMONY WITH SHADOW THINGIES GIVING OFF HONKAI ENERGY.
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drawleivings · 3 months
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simplified the new mcs designs
actually doing that made me understand kinda what they wanted to do with the designs so I think I like them more now 👍
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pissmaster228 · 1 month
mhy really did Helia and Coralie DIRTY with that timeskip. They've been sent exploring where no CE human has been before, something that's both difficult and potentially /lethal/ See the IRL space race for a close example, all of them went through gruelling training and were fully prepared to not come back.
(contains events from Oxia's chapter 2 so don't read if you haven't finished that)
Helia's a workaholic who's OBSESSED obsessed with getting stronger and romanticized going out in a blaze of glory since childhood. (dorm and bridge interactions) (Hey doesn't that remind you of anyone) Being an A-rank doesn't help. May I remind you she's been a valkyrie since Otto was in charge? Her A-rank title is her greatest pride. She's been mentored by the Goddess of Earth and yet she's still objectively speaking a nobody.
Coralie, in contrast, is a BIG SHOT. She's got furry mutations, got a PhD at 17, her parents are leaders of a military branch(AE is a branch of the US army right? or am i misremembering?), she inserted the Planck constant into her name ffs. Basically almost all the time she was the most specialest girl in the room.
Then these two spent a year locked together in a rocket(why were they flying by spaceship, again?) and started their most exciting mission of mining rocks with Helia as the muscle and Coralie as the brain.(Coralie insists Helia isn't dumb, just childish) Helia took care of things like maintenance (she wrote the voyage log for example) Then they discover an analogous structure to the Eye of the Deep(lovingly nicknamed the Sandpit) and try to pry it open(Tesla HATED the idea, Nagamitsu was very enthusiastic though)(why is this woman still working for Schicksal again?). Du-dunn, they get inside and now they're stuck in a bubble universe where their earthly titles mean nothing, their roles in an explorer team are already taken by other people (Sena, Entropy) and bitches who seem to know Something keep talking about using them as a blood sacrifice(Perception, Chenxue). Yeah, rub it in that they're disposable.
Coralie is very openly pissed about it. She's stuck far away from her home, surrounded by UwU quirky beings and worst of all, she's there because she didn't listen to her mom. And Helia? That's been her reality forever. She stays silent in discussions because she feels like she has nothing to contribute, she's always guarding the rear when they walk somewhere(visible in group shots, wasn't stated outright) and when Lantern ambushes them she doesn't try to flee like Songque, doesn't take out her weapons in a defensive stance like Coralie(well guns aren't the most defensive weapon but you get what i mean) but steps forward as if attempting to shield Entropy and Senadina with her body. Helia is literally the Valkyrie Ideal. Valuing protecting others over her life, even if they barely know each other. Also abs.
oh my god this got way longer than i thought it would and i didn't even mention the Union episode
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dearmrfantasy18 · 2 months
puppy pile!!
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cosmic-shine · 29 days
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Some small sketches from Honkai Impact part 2 story
Also miss Sweet in left upper corner cause i accidently started her diner event before starting the main story plot lol
Also love Coralie
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arialityy · 3 months
Honkai pt.2 first impressions (as of completing pt.2 ch.1 phase 1) (don't come at me)
I'm gonna be focusing mostly on the characters in this post, but I'll briefly go over the ui and open world
So... I really miss the old ui already lmao. Even if it did look old and outdated, I think it was pretty unique for a sci-fi game and personally easier on my eyes (I think I just need to get used to it, but everything looks to similar in the new ui and I can't focus as easily on it 😭 That's probably just me though) I also think it looks kind of out of place if you go back to play older chapters, but it's not horrible. Personally, I feel like I'll always prefer the old ui. However, it looks great in the new open world chapter! Usually, I don't really like the ow chapters, but this one actually runs well, and I've been enjoying it quite a lot, even the side missions. (Also, it's just really nice to look at) It definitely reminds me of hsr and apho, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
As for the new gameplay, it's... ok. The new battlesuits don't feel much funner or nicer than the old battlesuits. If anything, I like them less. With Helia and Coralie, the effects are fine since they're A-ranks, and the gameplay is also nice for an A-rank. Senadina's actual gameplay is fine. But her animations are so boring 😭 I like that it lights up the area around her but that's about it. I get that sometimes the animations could get too flashy, but Senadina's are just boring for what's presumably meant to be the fancy new S-rank. I'll cut her some slack, though, since it's still the beginning of pt.2.
Finally, I'll be talking about the characters themselves! Remember, these opinions are very subject to change, as it's only the beginning of pt.2's story. (I'll ommit my opinions on the designs for today)
Starting with the Dreamseeker!
I really appreciate how they didn't make them just another self insert who barely talks. Though I don't see why they didn't fully commit and give them a name. They could even keep the genderswapping thing by giving them an androgynous name. (Speaking of that, I didn't think I'd like that, but y'know what, it's cool that it's actual genderfluid rep!) However, the DS's personality so far has been kind of boring in my opinion. I think they're a very intriguing character. I mean, they were born out of the Sea of Quanta and hilariously chill over dreaming about dancing with a goddess who tells them they're gonna save the world, waking up in the SoQ with an amnesiac version of that goddess, and being thrust into a whole new bubble universe. I know they want to get home, but damn, I feel like I would freak out more. I really hope we get to learn more about them, and their personality shines through more!
Senadina- Ok. I'm pretty sure this is a controversial opinion already, but I don't really like Senadina. I want to because her selective memories and connection to a goddess are interesting, and she has cute moments, but she kind of just... annoys me. I mean, we've seen this kind of amnesiac but bubbly character before (*cough cough* March 7th *cough cough*), and something about her personality just annoys me. I can't pinpoint what it is about her, but like... I just don't really like her. She starts growing on me, and then she'll say something that annoys me. Right now, she feels like a character just designed to sell toys to me. I'm sure that will change, as she's one of the main main characters, but right now, she just isn't it for me. I hope she gets more interesting, and I grow to like her more.
Coralie- She's very much the Bronya of the group, but she's not just a Bronya clone, and I can appreciate her for that. I don't think I like her as much as I liked Bronya right off the bat, but of the main four, she has the most personality to me so far. She's also just kind of weird, which I like lmao. I have less to say about her and Helia, so just know that while I do like her, she's far from being an instant favorite.
Helia- She exists. That's almost all I have to say. Her bridge voicelines did make me like her a bit more, though. I think she's kind of cute, but nothing about her interests me. I also don't really like that she's yet another Durandal fan. I get that we only have like - 2 Dudu fans other than her, but it's not really an original character trait. Why couldn't she have been a Kiana fan or something? Even a Theresa fan would be cool. Teri needs more fans. I think she's fine, but boring.
Songque- She's definitely my favorite so far! There's definitely enough intrigue surrounding her for me to want to know more about her. What was that "dream" sequence with the DS before they actually met about? She's a shu, but what does she really know? I also like her personality. It's not like my favorite personality or anything, but she definitely has one, and it adds to the intrigue surrounding her. I hope she doesn't just go away after this story arc is finished.
So, that's most of my opinions about pt.2 so far! I left out some stuff, but this is really all you need to know about how I feel about the characters, gameplay, and ui so far.
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hoyoversenews · 3 months
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subscribe to my telegram - t.me/AratakaBattleBeetlesItto o((>ω< ))o
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krawlernyannyan · 22 days
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I'd like to take today to thank Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 for blessed lesbianism in a temporary Bejeweled event.
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