#hitties and pink & blue
harryfeatgaga · 1 year
I need you and your nonnies to tell me what your dream concert outfit and dream cover song for Harry would be. For me I need him in low slung tight jeans, hitties out covering Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love or Traveling Riverside Blues. I need all the dirty sexy rock from him.
Something like this
OHHHHHHH MAN honestly anythink pink and sparkly I love the looks you sent are very sexy AND SONGS....GOD there is so many.....but one I neeeeed and have been wanting for so long is you and I by gaga
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workby · 3 years
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Graphcore Hardware
Designer by Pentagram
Text by Dezeen + Natashah Hitti
Pentagram and Map create bold visual identity for Graphcore's computer hardware
Pentagram and Map have set out to prove that computer hardware doesn't have to be "cold, dark boxes", by designing colourful products for machine-learning technology startup Graphcore.
The two design agencies have collaborated on the industrial design of Graphcore's artificial-intelligence chip system, which helps speed up the process and resource-intensive deployment of AI.
This includes an intelligent processing unit (IPU) – the company's own version of a central processing unit – and the rackmount chassis that contains it.
London-based Pentagram partners Luke Powell and Jody Hudson-Powell had already developed a visual identity for the brand, which includes a pixelated typeface and a bespoke software tool called Quadtree that is used to generate unique geometric patterns.
They enlisted London studio Map to help transform this into a physical design, able to represent individuality and "the potential for change".
Their aim was to create an alternative to "anonymous" computer systems, which typically "live in cold, dark boxes in even colder, darkened rooms".
Pentagram's design consisted of a series of colourful modular tiles that can be assembled in various ways.
Map translated these elements into a customisable panel system made up of over 50 distinctive injection-moulded plastic tiles, using the Quadtree system to generate patterns, layouts and colours for new tiles.
The design agency applied nine of these tiles to each Graphcore IPU, allowing for more than 1,000 unique combinations, in turn granting each unit with its own distinct identity.
Each tile is coloured in Graphcore's characteristic palette of navy, light blue, pink and pale yellow.The front face design of the rackmount chassis uses patterns from Graphcore's visual identity as openings for ventilation
"Affording this much time and care on the aesthetic of a product that largely goes unnoticed inside larger computer systems is unusual," said the design team.
"However, Graphcore's IPU is a unique breakthrough technology, and it is important that the launch products reflects this."
The front face design of the rackmount chassis, which is designed to connect eight IPUs together in a system, uses patterns from Graphcore's visual identity as openings for ventilation, and clip-on branded details can also be attached onto the airflow grid to add extra personalisation.
The aim was to create an alternative to "anonymous" computer systems, which typically "live in cold dark boxes in even colder darkened rooms"
This is not the first time Pentagram has created a new branding for a tech company – the firm gave insurance tech company Cytora an animated visual identity that aims to demystify how the business works.
To reflect the ever-changing quality of Cytora's artificial-intelligence-powered risk engine, Pentagram used visualisations based on these algorithms to make the company a brand identity, which feature constantly shifting blocks layered with pastel and bright colours.https://www.dezeen.com/tag/branding/)
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Discord Party Titles Game
For this game, we took turns suggesting a title, and we all pitched our idea for what we might write for it.
Rebelmeg - lock and key
@dreaminglypeach - Bucky finds a fluffy pink diary with a padlock on it, and sets off on a mission to find out who it belongs to. A choose your own adventure, of course
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - Bucky finds a key hidden under a carpet in Avengers Mansion. He wants to find what it unlocks.
@rebelmeg - soulmates au. Bucky and his significant other, even if they haven't yet met, have an extremely synced-up bond in which they feel an echo of each other's experiences and feelings.
MagicaDraconia16 - It was just a mispronunciation, he was drunk and tired, okay, and he happened to say "key" instead of "'kay". Now the others won't stop calling him the Lock to [character]'s Key…
@lbibliophile-mcu - Mixing up the tone, I'm going to take this super angsty: When Hydra was turning Bucky into the Winter Soldier, they kept running into problems with his memories of Steve. Eventually they decided to use it instead. They show Bucky proof of Steve's death, and twist that to the point where forgetting who he is is less painful than remembering Steve. That's why Steve being alive was able to break through the conditioning: Steve is both the lock and key to Bucky's memories
@lbibliophile-mcu - "Nope. Not Moving. Can't make me."
@rebelmeg - Bucky has found a Nap Spot. it's very important. He's warm and comfortable. he's got a fuzzy blanket. He's nice and drowsy. And then... then Steve and Sam come in, all raring to go and wanting to take him on a run. Bucky is not having this nonsense.
MagicaDraconia16 - Bucky, taken by car to some place he doesn't want to visit, now he's sitting in the car, arms folded, sulking.
@lbibliophile-mcu - It's Avengers movie night. Bucky got to the lounge early, and is wrapped in a pile of blankets, sprawled across the couch. The others filter in and take their seats. Finally Steve comes in and passes out the popcorn then tries to share Bucky's couch, but he refuses to move. So Steve stis on top of him. Bucky flails around a bit, and eventually manages to kick Steve out of the way enough that he can put his legs in Steve's lap, rather than under him
@rebelmeg - omg. alpine. alpine stole Bucky's favorite seat on the couch, and will not be moved. digging those claws in and growling and hissing and freaking out
@dreaminglypeach - Tiny Steve being petulant and refusing to stay out of trouble, and Bucky just picking him up and carrying him off like a sack of potatoes.
An angry, hitty sack of potatoes
@lbibliophile-mcu - different variation: Bucky sparing with probably Tony. It ends with Tony lying flat on the mat (I can't decide if face-down or on his back is funnier) refusing to move, while Bucky is pestering him to at least get up and stretch so he doesn't regret it the next day
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - Bucky should get out of bed but it's cold and he's so warm and comfortable is it really that big of an emergency that he needs to move?
@lbibliophile-mcu - That is a mood
@dreaminglypeach - Me every morning
@rebelmeg - "Bucky, we gotta go, people are in danger!"
Bucky, peering over the top of three quilts with a fluffy ear hat on his head: "let them perish."
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - Frost advisory, why must I go out in a frost advisory
@dreaminglypeach​ - “They got themselves into danger, they can get themselves back out again”
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - "Why are they out in the cold anyway?"
@rebelmeg - "what kind of a supervillain wreaks havoc during a frost advisory?" the lump under the blankets asks grumpily.
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - "Steve, you of all people should get why we don't hero in an effen frost advisory"
@rebelmeg​ - "Bucky, you're being ridiculous." 
*three pillows hit him in the face*
 "....before you leave, bring those back to me."
@lbibliophile-mcu​ - "Fine, I suppose you can be excused. But you gotta at least let [insert other Avenger significant other - Clint?] go. It's their actual job." "No. My warm snuggly." "Bucky..."
@rebelmeg​ - alpine meows under the covers contentedly
@ladydarkphoenix-blog​ - One more additional thought. Natasha comes in and drags everyone out being all menacing ans typical Nat
“Mystery Pizza” - @dreaminglypeach​
@rebelmeg​ - Bucky is.... 94% sure this is a prank. surely no food is supposed to be this alarming shade of blue. the thing is... it tastes amazing. like, best thing ever. best pizza he's ever had. it's the perfect sauce to cheese to crust ratio. He's not entirely sure what the purple things are, or why the cheese is neon yellow, but. oh well. He can just close his eyes.
MagicaDraconia16 - It's late, it's dark, Clint gets hungry and goes looking for leftovers. He finds a couple of slices of pizza that is delicious, but when he later asks whose it was and what flavour did they get (because he's never tasted that before), no-one knows anything about it.
@dreaminglypeach​ - “Clint… that wasn’t pizza.”
@lbibliophile-mcu - Ooh, insomnia/post-nightmare tradition. Show up in the kitchen in the middle of the night, pull out a pizza base, then proceed to pile a random selection on ingredients on top. Sometimes savoury, sometimes sweet (sometimes both). Sometimes ingredients are just dumped in the middle, sometimes they're finely chopped (almost minced) and evenly spread, sometimes they're carefully arranged in wedges by colour. Sometimes the results are inedible, sometimes they are surprisingly tasty. At any rate, but the time the pizza is assembled, cooked and eaten/disposed of, they usually feel much more relaxed. Multiple Avengers needing Mystery Midnight Pizzas can turn into either a cooperative or competitive event
“The Sunken Ship” - @themadhalewrites
@rebelmeg - Bucky has been a pirate captain for several years now, on the ship he confiscated from his old captors, the hydra crew. The rechristened sea wolf has a new mission now: undoing the work hydra did, with its crew of willing mates that follow Bucky wherever the compass leads them.
@lbibliophile-mcu​ - Someone is trying to get two of their friends to date. They'd be really cute together! They like the same things! They'd be perfect for each other! They keep trying to set them up on dates, and they're... sort of successful? The friends have an instant connection, and seem to have fun and enjoy each other's company. But there's a decided lack of kissing or anything else romantic going on. Eventually they find out that the friends had previously dated, and decided they were better as just close friends. They're decidedly miffed that they hadn't known about this before trying to set them up.
@themadhalewrites - The title made me think of someone comforting Bucky after binge watching a show and the two characters he was hoping got together get with other people.
@lbibliophile-mcu - It would be a good title for a mer-AU as well
@themadhalewrites - Or a treasure hunter au
Stay tuned for the Scavenger Hunt art we found that features Bucky wearing Halloween costumes!
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baekhyuns-abs · 5 years
bias tag
I was tagged by this loyal bean @vampwrrr​ love you hun xo who is my bias? (if you have to ask)
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and sehun and chanyeol and yixing let me live What made you notice him and what do you love about him? and the other three  so I listened to Exo before I watched them but Baekhyun’s voice 100% made my vagina quake and my heart burst so I decided then it was time to look at they faces. while i was trying to wrap my head around Exo K and M during the mama days I discovered this gif and my vagina quaked some more so that was that, I was sold, I was his and he was mine.
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It grew during Growl because I noticed how smol he was and his voice in baby don’t cry oMG and then that performance of it omg i love his voice, I love his voice so much uGH And their interview on Weekly Idol when he did his aegyo he made me cringe but i loved him. AND then showtime was a thing and we really, like really saw how annoying he was but at the same time just so lovable and adorable. The haunted house my god.  He keeps me on my toes whenever I watch him perform and do interviews because he’s a wild child and I love that about him, how he can just be a jumping adult man with the energy and mentality of a 6 year old but the next minute be serious, down to earth - I just love that in him. He smiles no matter what, he takes a lot of shit (as the rest of them) but hes loyal to his members, he’s loyal to the fans.
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okay so if we talking OT12 it was the same with Yifan, he was the tallest, he looked like he could fuck me up in a minute and i was down. ~ Sehun came for me during the i c o n i c mama awards of 2013. If you need a reminder of his soul sucking look, here. I was so so S O ruined by this look, the suit, this performance, h i m. Like yes give me the maknae.
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I stuck around the Sehun train because he was the youngest and the most endearing. He’s cheeky as hell but I love it makes me want to do things to make him shut up but however. He’s a brilliant dancer and we have seen him grow, we’ve seen his talent just take off from era to era and his hardwork and dedication just inspires me and just makes me love him more for all he does.  For all his hair colours that he just seems to own for all the bitch faces that just do things to me and the memes 
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Chanyeol (recently beefyeol) had always tried to worm his way into my life like if you bias Baekhyun you gotta bias Chanyeol right??? but i was being stubborn but thEN... Call me baby. i WAS SHOOK, i gave up and let him in LOOK AT THAT
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Ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears I will love them forever and ever. He’s tall as hell so that makes my imagination do things, the type of things that would make a mind reader pray for forgiveness. His voice was always always something that lured me to my grave and if it’s not just his rapping, he actually talks like that too oh my. His singing too holy jesus his singing just oh oops where did my underwear go??? I love how he sings more on the new albums like hes gaining confidence with it like l o v e that. His laugh that contorts his face is the best, I love seeing him so carefree and happy. This boy deserves nothing but the best of cuddles. 
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*inhale* *closes eyes* *exhale* y i x i n g unfollow me if youre an OT8 blog right now not even kidding gfto I love this boy so so so so much.  Yixing was always a member I had a soft spot for, he’s the sweetest, - fucking sexy omfg- we both libra babies, and he talented as hell and hes just my lil chinese boo since Yifan abandoned me. But he was never a bias, he was someone I just loved and appreciated for sticking with Exo, sticking with ShittyM Ent like his loyalty just made me love him so much. He’s got such a soft voice that is so under appreciated and his dancing like wOW his dancing. Since he’s been away doing his own thing, doing his thing in china and in the western industry my heart has just been bleeding for him. The hate he receives and the distrust some ‘fans’ have for him have made me feel super super super protective over this sheep and in turn it’s made me form an emotional attachment whoops. DID YOU SEE HIM AT THE GRAMMYS OMF MY HEART
Who would initiate skinship more: I feel like i turned this question into how we would initiate sex not sorry With all of them I think it would be them, bc I’m not the most forward unless I wanna fuck hello or I’m in a relo with you then you’re mine to touch idc. I’ve been told I’m intimidating a scorpio rising thing so maybe none of them would?? I’m unsure  Baekhyun and Chanyeol are equally loving and giving people and would just love to be touching someone they were attracted to in one way or another and tbh I’m fine with that. And tbh once you touch me i’m yours. Sehun, someone who would be very reserved at first due to his desire to seem cold, aloof and detached because he would want to be the ‘masculine’ male in a relo so would hesitate in skinship. So it would likely be me to be like ‘hey yes I’m sexually and emotionally available at your earliest convenience’. I seduce with my words and eyes, not my touch so he would have to touch me first in order for anything to take place Yixing, a fellow libra I feel like we would be the same in terms of skinship and seducing, words and eye contact until the tension is higher than the empire state building and at that point it could be either of us. Who would hog the covers more? In winter, me. Summer, anyone else. I hate the heat. Who would be the clingiest? mtl in my opinion Baekhyun Sehun Chanyeol Yixing 100% okay with any of them Who would say I love you first? I’ve never said it first in my past 2 relos so I’m going to say that they all would have to say it first.  Yixing I think would have the most confidence in saying it even if he was first. Baekhyun would be nervous I think and would see if I would say it first but he wouldn’t wait too long to say it (partly because he’s impatient and too excited with the prospect) and he would have to say because he can’t contain himself. Chanyeol would say it on accident in the middle of something, whether that be sex, we’re playing a game, or just having a laugh, he would blurt it out, similarly to the oh shit. But he wouldn’t regret it. Sehun is hard i think. I’m unsure what would happen there because I feel like we’re both stubborn so it would happen maybe drunkenly and then forcibly and awkwardly spoken about the next day with a smile.But if it was a drunken blurt it would be me to say it first in this instance because all my emotions come out when I’m drunk. I’m not an emotional drunk but I’m more free in my expressiveness when I’m drunk who would be more easily flustered:
Chanyeol hands down because I think me being me would easily get him blushing not because he’s innocent in anyway oh no but I just think I would surprise him with what goes on in my head and so on and so forth.
Baekhyun and Sehun would be surprised with what I come out with sometimes but I think (??) they would recover easily. 
Yixing is a hard one, I’m not sure what he would do other than get giggly what cuddling position would you two have: I would be the big spoon for Baekhyun any day of the week. I like the thought of us sitting down and him leaning back on my shoulder not my chest my boobs are to big for that shit unless he wanted to put his face in there then be my guest.
Chanyeol can lie on me, he can crush me I live for that, watching TV and him just on top of me his head on my upper chest and then falling asleep oh yes.
Sehun the shit I would just love to straddle his thighs while he’s minding his own business and take him by surprise and just wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull his head down under my chin fuck yes
Yixing the classic american movie tucked into his side with his arm draped across my shoulders as we’re watching TV, give me husband Yixing now.
which colors remind you of him:
Baekhyun: cool tone reds, ice blue and baby pink Chanyeol: warm tone reds, bright pink, bronze
Sehun: pinks, yellow, silver and white
Yixing: baby blue, gold, plaid which season would you like to spend with them: Winter: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Yixing. Autumn: Yixing, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun Spring: Chanyeol, Yixing, Baekhyun, Sehun Summer: Sehun, Baekhyun, Yixing, Chanyeol who would bake the cookies who would steal the batter: Me and Yixing would bake, Sehun would steal the batter, Chanyeol would be trying to help but just getting in the way and Baekhyun would be doing all three. I feel like this was SO LONG. Thanks for the tag xoxo
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kalidesautelsreads · 4 years
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Our Progress Pride Flag from @pridepalacelgbt came today! Until I can get some hooks for the porch, the kids found a wall where it fits. Thank you, Pride Palace, for this. Below from: Daniel Quasar redesigns LGBT Rainbow Flag to be more inclusive Natashah Hitti | 12 June 2018 “Graphic designer Daniel Quasar has added a five-coloured chevron to the LGBT Rainbow Flag to place a greater emphasis on "inclusion and progression". Quasar's Progress Pride Flag adds five arrow-shaped lines to the six-coloured Rainbow Flag, which is widely recognised as the symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. The flag includes black and brown stripes to represent marginalised LGBT communities of colour, along with the colours pink, light blue and white, which are used on the Transgender Pride Flag. Quasar's design builds on a design adopted by the city of Philadelphia in June 2017. Philadelphia's version added black and brown stripes to the top of the Rainbow Flag, to represent LGBT communities of colour.” #quasar #progressprideflag #pride #pridepalace #prideflag #lgbtqia2s+ #lgbtqpride #intersectionality #lgbtq🌈 #rainbow #stonewall #rainbow #ally #allyship #blm #equality #loveislove #kalidesautelsreads (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCuMBanlMiw/?igshid=w7x2f6ry25dh
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