#his design is so much fun though. Hes like. biker vibes 2 me.
disruptivevoib · 1 month
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This MF
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kitanoko · 6 years
Note: Hey guys I’m back with part 2, I’ve decided to make this 3 parts ‘cas I have way too many things I wanna write. Here’s Dr.Todoroki meeting up with Designer Momo and amongst that, him talking to his friends thru the phone :P Enjoy!
In which the doctor meets his match 2/3
Just fifteen minutes before, Todoroki had finished up seeing the last few patients prior to his usual lunch break. He tossed his pen and notepads on the side, shrugged his coat off leaving himself only with a Henley and khakis, and hung it on a hook. Stretching his arms to open up the knot in his tense shoulders, Todoroki groaned and left his office. Kendou was there turning off the lights, strolling casually to the door to flip the sign from ‘open’ to ‘be right back’ and grabbed her phone on the counter.
“Tetsutetsu?” Todoroki asked, a smirk gracing his chapped lips.
Kendou tried to hide her blush with the folder in her hand but couldn’t. “Yes, he’s waiting for me to try out the new gelato place in the next block.”
“Ah, I see, well have fun.”
“You want to join us, Todoroki?” Kendou said, a bit hesitant.  She was obviously asking out of politeness; her relationship with Tetstutetsu, her childhood friend, had been rocky for a while but Todoroki was glad that they seemed to have figured things out as of late. Todoroki shook his head in response to her offer.
“I wouldn’t want to disturb you guys, you know I can’t function without espresso.”
Kendou gave a toothy laugh. “Alright doctor, careful though, too much caffeine isn’t good for your heart.”
Heart huh. Todoroki thought, stepping out with hands in his pocket. Reminded him of the black-haired lady that came in earlier. What was her name again?
The woman that saw him for her ‘heart problems’ somehow dwelled in his mind; he was one for few words, weighing heavily on actions rather what comes out of his mouth, and he wondered why he felt suddenly so curious about her. Maybe he should’ve striked a conversation. He chastised himself. What was he talking about, he’s a doctor for pete’s sake. His job strictly forbid such interactions. Plus, it wasn’t like she was special.
Turning around the corner and dodging a pair of bikers, Todoroki saw his destination looming ahead. Almost every weekday, he’d be at the local Pacific Coffee at 12 o’clock on the dot.
The bell rung above his head when he pushed through the glass door and Todoroki was once again greeted with smiles all around from the baristas there. He became a loyal customer starting from a year ago when his clinic first opened nearby; unbeknownst to him, Todoroki was the talk of the store ever since. Whenever he visited, the staff would try to get his attention. Failing miserably so, of course.
The doctor sauntered over, asked for an espresso (leaving behind a healthy tip) and waited patiently.
Something then caught his attention. It was the ‘heart problem’ woman.
“Dr.Todoroki.” He heard her say into her phone, face etched with annoyance, “Yes he’s quite easy on the eyes ---“
Gossiping about him was she? He listened further, eyebrow cocked and feeling elated.
“No, it means he sounds boring.”
Did he hear that right? HIM. BORING?
Todoroki gritted his teeth, lips no longer curving upwards, though succumbed to his thoughts; yes perhaps he wasn’t the most interesting or the most humorous like his friends but he wasn’t THAT bad was he?
Oh crap, now she hung up and was about to stroll right into him, he better step aside—
In an instant he felt a gush of hot liquid tainting his shirt, good thing it didn’t burn him though (he wasn’t ready for two burns in his lifetime) but the woman was horrified at the consequence.  
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” The woman donned an expression Todoroki couldn’t describe. He watched her perturbed as she grabbed as many tissues as she could after she threw her now half- empty cup away. He pulled at the edge of his shirt to see the damage.
He was about to say ‘don’t worry about it’ but was loss for words at her motherly concern. Todoroki opened his mouth before Yaoyorozu looked straight in his heterochromatic eyes.
Hand lifting away from his chest, her dark orbs met his with dither.
“Doc—Doctor Todoroki?!” She stammered, stepping backwards. He pulled her slightly to him at her elbow.
“Watch out,” he said, stopping her from bumping to yet another unsuspecting customer, “You don’t wanna hurl someone’s coffee over yourself.”
Yaoyorozu flinched.
“I will pay you for your dry cleaning, or how about I buy you a new shirt—“
The woman’s gaze wondered over from his coffee stained chest in which the wet fabric was clinging on all the way down to his abs and --
“No need, this shirt’s old anyway.”
The woman snapped out of her reverie and flipped a piece of dangling hair away from her heated cheeks, almost ready to bow apologetically. “I’m very sorry. Really. I—“
Todoroki wanted to chuckle. “Seriously, calm down, it’s a shirt. Your latte on the other hand,” he paused before taking out some change, “Let me get you a new one.”
“What? I’m the one who poured it all over you…”
“But I was the one who stood right behind you. Let’s just say fault’s half half?”
Yaoyorozu seemed very satisfied with that conclusion and the man’s eyes lingered a little bit too long at her glossy lips.
“Alright, if you say so.”
Mina would obliterate her if she knew she was now on somewhat a ‘coffee date’ with the doctor she’s obsessing over. Yaoyorozu herself wasn’t that intrigued of course. Even if he had perfect abs and an even more perfect face. Okay and hair and the way it would move, mixing in white and red in the breeze…okay Yaoyorozu focus.
She pressed both her palms neatly around the warm, steaming drink, and let the fumes of coffee enter her nostrils in enticement. She noticed his apprehension.
“Your name’s…”
“Yaoyorozu Momo,” The woman answered. She didn’t blame him for forgetting, her name wasn’t the easiest to say or the most common. The man in front of her was quiet and she decided he wasn’t a social butterfly even with fans running to his feet.
Sitting outside in the patio seemed nice at least. She could hear the background jazz riding on the wind as the baristas came in and out to tidy up the tables. The string of mini lights adorning the edge of the rooftop and the sienna moldings that gave an air of sophistication made her smile. Yaoyorozu remembered how long it took her to decide on the paintings that hung inside as well; she probably lost two nights of sleep because of this project.
The owner was so in awe of the results that she gave Yaoyorozu a generous gift certificate as well as a VIP card.
Thinking back she wondered when she actually had a long vacation was.
The black-haired lady observed the man sitting across from her brushing away a maple leaf that had drifted onto the table, his nose wrinkling a bit at the scent of his drink. Her heart began beating extremely hard without warning again and she clutched her chest. 
Todoroki stared at her, immediately rising from his seat. “Are you okay? Let me check again, this looks way more serious than before.”
Yaoyorozu waved both of her hands in defense. “No, no please, I feel much better now.”
He sat back down but his cloudy expression didn’t let up. 
“If you’re in pain you have to let me know.”
The woman nodded, biting her bottom lip sheepishly.
“So um...is the espresso good?” She attempted lamely, the ache in her chest hadn’t subsided though. Perhaps he was her weakness.
“Yea but I think the beans are a bit over-roasted. Otherwise, it’s my go-to whenever I feel drowsy.” He answered.
Silence again. The squeaking of chairs and clinky of dishes beside them was all they could hear.
Todoroki cleared his throat and Yaoyorozu continued to watch him. Whatever Mina and those fangirls saw in him, she wanted to find out. He was extremely non-reactive however; more so than Yaoyorozu had expected of someone his caliber. Does he not network?
But he did buy her the latte, his mannerisms were decent (clearly from a high-class family, no doubt about that) and was a gentleman the whole way through.
Yaoyorozu began to sip the last few drops of the coffee after a faint sigh.
“So what’s your occupation?”
She glanced at him through her eyelashes.
“Im an interior designer,” Yaoyorozu replied.
“I’ve always enjoyed designing myself,” the man opposite of her said, “It’s interesting, how environment could change so much of one’s psychology.”
She thought back to his office.
“Orchids were a nice touch.” She clicked her fingers along the rim of the cup, “It really soothes the soul, and the monochromatic colour scheme fits.”
“I’ve always wanted to make it more of a traditional Japanese style, you know with paper lanterns, calligraphy and tatami mats? But it didn’t seem appropriate for a medical office.”
Yaoyorozu scoffed wondering how that would’ve turned out, and watched the aquamarine in his eyes light up in the sun’s golden rays. A silly thought crossed her mind; she was reminded of Kendou, the lady working as admin, and contemplated whether they were dating. They were both tremendously beautiful and she wouldn’t be surprised if they had something for each other.
Anyway. None of her concern.
“Yeah that’s true,” she rounded back on topic, “May I ask which interior designer you hired?”
Todoroki rolled his shoulders back, leaning comfortably. “Hitoshi Shinsou.”
“Oh, our biggest rival.”
Todoroki tilted his head a bit. “Really? Interesting, you must work for ‘Erase’ then. The other company I considered.”
The woman couldn’t contain her sly grin. “Yupp, I’ve worked there as long as I could remember and you know what, we could’ve done it better.” She crossed her arms, almost urging him to retort.
The man cocked a brow. This cheeky woman.
“I think I’d need to see some of your designs before I make a conclusion.” Todoroki noted and Yaoyorozu waved a slight hand over to her right.
“Take a look for yourself.”
The man’s eyes rounded. He had always admired the vibe the shop gave off but he couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was. From the dim stage lights above the shelves, the mahogany display area for the shop’s beans and the wave-like baseboards on the wall, Todoroki had previously decided the ambience was a notch above most.
“You did this? For Pacific Coffee? I’m impressed. Maybe next time when I need a whole new makeover I’ll call you.”
“’Course, we can do what you ask for and better,” Yaoyorozu beamed.
“Could I get your number then?”
She took out a business card wedged between the card holder behind her phone and slid it over to him with two fingers. Todoroki ran a contented gaze on the matte minimalistic card.
“Thank you, I’ll make sure to give you a shout.”
He read his watch, 12:43.
“And looks like my lunch is just about over,” Todoroki said, watching her wanton smile transform to a soft line of disappointment. Or maybe it was just his imagination.
“O..Oh yes of course, I better go home too and get some rest as per the doctor’s orders.” Yaoyorozu quickly joked. She felt herself craving to talk to him some more which seemed to be a miscalculation on her part. The whole time before she was thinking how much of a boring log he was and now she didn’t want him to leave? Yaoyorozu chastised herself inwardly.
“Nice meeting you, Yaoyorozu.”
“Call me Momo and,” she pointed at his dirtied shirt, “ I hope you get the stain off.”
Todoroki did a small nod, his hand again combing from his bangs to the crown of his head. Yaoyorozu bit her lip tenderly. “You can call me Shouto and yeah, don’t worry.”
She answered with a grin.
“Goodbye Shouto.”
“See you.”
The man slumped down on the couch; after a day’s work he needed a drink. Todoroki poured himself a whiskey on the rocks and turned on some classics on his stereo and flopped his head backwards onto the cushion.
Yesterday his accidental meeting with Yaoyorozu had still lingered on his mind and suddenly he recalled his first date. It was with another doctor whom he had met during his residency. She was the one who initiated it, and he accepted. The dinner was okay, she talked a lot and didn’t intrigue him and didn’t seem to understand what personal space meant. All in all, he cut her off after the first date and he tried again for another date with another woman. This time she was a bestselling author. He was the one who asked her out and she appeared to be quite comfortable with him until things got too comfortable and again she wouldn’t stop shutting up about her books. Thus things ended on a sour note.
Todoroki gulped down the cool liquid that coated his throat, leaving a bittersweet taste on his tongue and swirled his crystalline glass a little. The sound of the clacking ice woke him and he fetched out Yaoyorozu’s card, fidgeted with it until he concentrated on her number.
Should he give her a call? Maybe say he needed help with designing a new…uh…
Todoroki looked around the room, his saltwater aquarium eerily glowing behind him.
Yes, perhaps design a new fish tank.
He shook his head. Ugh no that wasn’t her job. How about a new living room?
He did another quick scan. But he liked the way it was and had gotten used to it.
Then something clicked in him. He hurried to scroll for Kendou’s contact on his phone and dialed.
After a few moments, he heard response from the other side.
“Hey Kendou?”
“Uh…hey Todoroki,” she sounded a bit disheveled, “can I uh…help you with something?”
Was there someone else in the background?
Todoroki grimaced. “Ah sorry if I’m bothering you and Tetsutetsu,” he said, “hey what do you think about getting our office a new look?”
Kendou mumbled something sounding like she was trying to fend off Tetstutetsu.
“Yeah sure I guess? But the clinic is relatively new, you really think we need a renovation already?”
Todoroki clicked his tongue. “Well, I just thought it’d be nice, I saw mold on the crownings already.”
“I could wipe the mold away with some diluted bleach, we don’t need to demolish everything just because there’s fungi on the walls.”
The man slapped his palm against his forehead. Now he just sounded stupid.
“True, but I um…” Todoroki dawdled for a bit before he heard Tetstutetsu grab the phone away from a protesting Kendou.
“Hey TETSU—“
“Yo doc,” Tetsutetsu sounded irritated, “Yaya get new ceilings, doors, walls, whatever. You do what you want okay, now let’s leave it at that. Bye bruh.”
And Tetsutetsu hung up.
The man looked at his phone slightly aghast at the sudden intrusion from Tetsutetsu and decided he’d take that as a ‘yes’ from Kendou. However, something spoke to him to ask at least one more friend if he was sane or absolutely out of his mind. After all, spending thousands of dollars just to get close to this one girl? Was that how he’s going to get her to like him?
Todoroki snapped himself back to reality, tapping absentmindedly against his glass and putting it down. The contact below Kendou was Kirishima, and the one before was Kaminari, should he phone either just to check? Or maybe Midoriya?
Out of convenience, he phoned Kirishima. A few more rings and he heard a sound.
“Uh, Kirishima?”
Todoroki wondered why it was so noisy on the other side.
The man squinted. “Alright, sorry it’s nothing, I’ll see you later.”
Kirishima shouted again, electronic music in the background was starting to give Todoroki a migrane. “OKAY ALRIGHT. I’LL PHONE YOU LATER. K.”
Todoroki thumbed up to Kaminari’s name to give it a go. Now laying his whole body on the couch, he wondered what Kirishima did to get Bakugou to go to a party.
“Hello?” Kaminari’s voice suddenly came, “Todoroki? Hey whats up.”
“I have a question.”
“Uh…okay? I’m not sure if I’m the right person to be asked a question from DOCTOR Todoroki.” Kaminari joked and Todoroki rolled his eyes.
“Yeah it’s something you’re good at.”
“Oh shit, you wanna get a girl.”
The man flipped over on his side on the couch and took a deep inhale. Then exhaled.
“OH SHITTTT YO,” Kaminari covered his side of the phone and cried out to whoever at the back, but Todoroki could still hear him clear as day, “TODOROKI’S TRYNA GET A GIRL.”
“Let me talk to him!” Was that Midoriya?
“No, let ME talk to him.” Okay that was obviously Tokoyami.
Todoroki waited for a bit. “Hey you guys having a group hangout without me?”
Kaminari’s voice turned mopey. “Well you’ve been quite busy lately so we all just last minute planned to meet up. Now we all know why you’ve been so occupied.”
Snickers all around.
“No,” Todoroki mused, “I just met her yesterday.”
He heard a gasp from the other side, “You fell for a girl you just met yesterday? Jesus, she must be a piece of work aint she?”
“Yes she’s quite a smart one, really interesting and has a knack for making me smile? I guess?”
“OH MY GOD CONGRATS TODOROKI-KUN,” Midoriya shouted into the phone and Kaminari probably wafted him away. Was Kaminari putting him on speaker without him knowing?
“Alright, bros gotta help each other. Remember when you helped me out with Jirou? Ya well I’m here for ya now. So describe the situation.”
Todoroki wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead and reached to turn the air con on higher.
“So she’s an interior designer. I met her ‘cas she was my patient. I know these type of things are conflict of interest but I feel like it’d be fine ‘cause she didn’t seem like she was gonna come regularly anyway. Figure that part out later. What I’m trying to do is pay her to redesign my whole office and ---“
“WAIT WAIT WAIT. You want to stash out 10k…just so you can meet her again.”
“Uh huh. Exactly—“
“Todoroki are you INSANE?!” That sounded like a mixture of Midoriya and Kaminari now.
He was expecting this type of a response.
“No I’m not insane. I am perfectly fine. I could’ve gone the usual route to ask her for a dinner date or whatever but I feel like she isn’t looking for anyone right now. Or heck maybe she’s already seeing someone. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was.”
“Yes but wasting that much money is not necessary ...Todoroki my dude. Just do it the old fashion way.”
“I don’t want to do it the old fashioned way. I want to see how she truly is in her element. And designing my office seem to be it.”
Kaminari sighed. “Okay then why are you phoning me when you’ve already made up your mind.”
“Because I feel like I need you guys to validate this. I don’t know—“
“You’re a mess Todoroki. This girl must be real special.”
The man pondered for a moment; he didn’t think she was anyone worth getting to know before but from yesterday afternoon onward his opinion had flipped 180 degrees.
“Well,” Kaminari said with mumbling from Midoriya and Tokoyami in the background, “We’re with you all the way then but if you need anything just call us up. Tokoyami also has something to say to you.”
Then came Tokoyami’s unemotional voice. “May the Abyss show you the way, Todoroki.”
The man’s lips curved to a relieved smile.
“Thanks guys.”
Now he just needed to contact Yaoyorozu and get the project started.
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littlemix-styleblog · 5 years
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Requested Little Mix Inspired For  Ludovico Einaudi concert 
PrettyLittleThing BLACK OVERSIZED SWEATER DRESS: £18. So out of all of the girls who go to concerts often everyday, every year Jesy is...No where to be seen. We don`t even know if she has been to one before which makes this job a little harder. But that doesn`t mean we can`t fufill your request and come up with a banging outfit. Thankfully this wasn`t too hard for us and we managed to scramble this ensemble together. So let`s start with the main piece of the outfit being this oversized black sweater dress from PrettyLittleThing. In case you have been living under a rock you would see and know that Jesy likes to wear oversized clothes. Now wearing oversized clothes shouldn`t be a nightmare to you, it`s a great alternative to a jacket or a coat. Shirt dresses have become popular over the last few years, You can dress them how you want, So you can dress it without support aka a belt, You can dress it with support either up or down or you could wear it for lounging around. We personally like it when it has support as when it`s just left hanging loose it could look like a tent on you and you would have no structure or stability. So if you`re looking for a good time with your friends this is your guy. What`s more is that it comes in a variety of colours.
I Saw It First Yellow D Ring Slogan Tape Belt: £4. So as I mentioned above a felt would help support the shirt dress and make it look more cute and stable. In case you have been sleeping your whole life you would know that the famous Off White yellow and black belt has become a worldwide hit recently with celebs and god knows who else wearing them. Even though the belt costs more then our lives, there is plenty of cheaper alternatives on the market and so we have found one right here from I Saw It First.
Buffalo Classic hi top chunky sole trainers in black: £166. Let`s make no mistake about it Jesy loves her Buffalo shoes, She has been seen wearing them a lot lately and I don`t think theres no stopping the girl wearing them. Even though they arent to everyone taste shoes like these have become a huge trend recently..The chunky, wide trainers have become a staple in many girls closets as we revist the 90s. However, if the price isnt to your taste then you could settle for a pair like these
PrettyLittleThing BLACK FLAT TOP BAKER BOY HAT: £10. If you wanted to accessorise the outfit or make it a bit more classic then why not add a baker boy hat. I would like to note these hats arent just for winter but they can be worn for summer too..So get some good use out of it. Do remember you can always take it off and you can still pull off a cute hairstyle underneath.
Topshop Black Striped Tube Socks: £3.50. For the oddest reason socks have also become a big trend again recently...Gone the days of having no socks or hiding your very own socks with your dogs face on them. Don`t be scared to get your socks out and have a little fun. If you`re like me and don`t like having bare feet in socks then socks are the way to go, They are also a great piece to accessorise your outfit with. I think we`re going for a sporty vibe with Jesy`s outfit here..Which we didn`t plan at all. If you didn`t like them then we have another alternative here 
PrettyLittleThing GOLD DRAGON PENDANT NECKLACE: £6. Probably wondering about this, But let me explain. So if you have been following Jesy`s fashion recently and watching EatingWithLittleMix you would know Jesy often wears necklaces and sometimes she wears a statement necklace. Now recently in episode 2 of Eating With Little Mix she was wearing this...Egyptian queen gold statement necklace, She likes bold, edgy necklaces. So we went on a mission to find a bold and edgy necklace and we ended up with a scorpion which we think could do just as well.
MissGuided white seat belt buckle blazer mini dress: £40. Isnt this dress a beauty? Inspiration taken from a photo shoot when Perrie wore a purple asymmetric tux just like this one. These dresses have become so popular recently and do you know why? Yes it`s the seat belt and before you start no I do not know why seat belts have become so popular recently..You can find them on belts, dresses, skirts, tops, bags everywhere. I mean for a cheaper alternative you can always rip your dads seat belt out of his car and glue it onto your top, But I`m sure he won`t be very pleased with that. So it looks as though the seat belt trend won`t be going for a long time as I can well see this continuing into the festival season. Aside from the seat belt the dress altogether is a beauty, it`s asymmetric so it makes your legs look thinner. It`s in the style of a blazer or tux if you will giving it structure and stability. I wouldn`t mind snapping this one up for myself. 
MissGuided black pointed toe lace up barely there heels: £28. We couldn`t decide what shoes went with this dress so we went with them all so bare with me as we go along here. Heels, If you wanted to go for the classic, feminem look then heels are your answer..I chose lace up heels because I personally don`t like the look of bare feet or ankles, Lacing going up your leg gives it definition. You can also team these with black over the knee high boots making your legs look slim and sexy, Overall giving it a edgier and bolder look. Lastly, If you`re looking for some fun and want to promote your girl why not wear a pair of her Superga trainers?
PrettyLittleThing STERLING SILVER 100MM LARGE HOOP EARRINGS: £18. Perrie is very rarely seen without her classic gold hoops nowadays. With these earrings you can wear them if you wish, it`s your choice. We chose these sterling earrings from PrettyLittleThing. If you`re weary about the price the reason they are £18 is because they are sterling...Sterling costs a lot. They are also available in gold. 
ASOS DESIGN marble clutch bag with metal handle: £30. I hit the jackpot when I saw this. Searching for a similar bag to the Balenciaga tote she is often seen with I struggled until this beauty popped up on my screen and oh boy did I fangirl. I could`ve chosen this as a dupe for the Mango one she has but I decided not too..I dunno why. I was debating whether to include this one because it doesn`t look like a concert bag to me and it didn`t really go with the outfit but the more I think about it, the more it goes with the dress we suggested. This bag was too much to pass by and not show you guys. It`s marble effect with metal handle is just a purchase waiting to happen.
SHEIN Cross Back Scalloped Trim Bodycon Dress: $9. I think out of the girls Jade is probably the easiest when it comes to this sort of request. Jade is the type of girl that wears everything and anything and can make it look good. Jade has been seen over the years sporting bodycon dresses whether they are pink, black, red or any other colour. She seems to be embracing her figure more as she wears these on a daily basis nowadays. So we went for this one from Shein, Now it is important to note that due to Jade`s skin tone she shouldn`t be really wearing bright, vivid colours as it doesn`t suit her. Try and stick to more emerald tones like maroons, blacks and greens. We decided to go for this dress today because you can either wear it casually to a concert or out for dinner. Please read on to see what we have teamed this with.
Nike White Air Force 1 Hi Trainers: £90. Now do bare with us here...You either love these or loathe them, These Nike air force Hi top trainers are such a 90s staple popular among the basketball courts and now popular among the fashion elite. I have seen a lot of people wear these Nike hi tops lately with dresses and skirts, whether it`s casual or done up so this is nothing new...This is actually becoming a fast trend. I would understand why people wouldn`t like these as they come across as heavy and chunky and if you own a pair of Air Force trainers you would understand, So we have found another alternative pair for you and they come in the form of converse. These converse are another Hi top option but are less chunky and oversized and more light and fresh on your feet.
ASOS DESIGN ultimate leather look biker jacket: £35. Much like Leigh`s jacket this is a option (Yes, I am aware I`m doing this back to front) you can also choose this jacket if you don`t want to be cold. This jacket goes with the look we set out for you and we would like to officially name it the cowboy look.
River Island Black leather western block heel ankle boots: £75. We picked these boots as a alternative to the trainers in case you wasn`t feeling them and wanted to look a bit more classy. We chose these cowgirl boots for obvious reasons...Although the price may seem a little pricey do think of the investment you are making, Think of the wear you will be getting out of them and joy they could be bringing you.
ASOS Stradivarius studded western handbag in black: £10.50. How many times have I mentioned on this blog Jade loves a shoulder bag? Y`all should be familiar with her Prada, Guess, Versace and sugar cube by now. We picked this one up because it went with the cowgirl style we are opting for. So if you wanted a place to keep your pepper spray and chewing gum in case another cowgirl comes in and tries and steals your man then heres the answer.
PrettyLittleThing BASIC BLACK FEDORA HAT: £10. I absolutely love hats like this, I think they are so bold, cute, edgy and quirky. These hats are fab for festivals, concerts, casual..Cowgirl. I love hats like these with wavy long hair. I just think hats like this most of the time make the look which is why I include them in every inspired I do.
PrettyLittleThing BLACK MATTE THIN RETRO SUNGLASSES: £8. Finally, What`s a post without sunglasses like these? Jade loves retro sunglasses and I think she must have about ten million pairs hidden away in her little cave. Of course you don`t have to opt for these...Hundreds of styles and colours exist on sites such as PrettyLittleThing, MissGuided, Topshop and ASOS. You`re probably wondering what good will these be inside a concert? Well they won`t be, I`m adding these because they would be good as a unnecessary accessory.
MissGuided white oversized denim jacket: £38. Summer is round the corner and you`re panic buying..You don`t know if this would look good for that festival or if that would look good on holiday. So we took a simple denim jacket whether it`s blue, black or white it works and teamed it with this outfit, A slight chill in the air or a raindrop and your night could be ruined because you didn`t bring a jacket, Did I mention this is so versatile...Rain proof, Cold proof, boy proof if you`re lucky. A denim jacket would go with anything and everything so make sure you get good use out of it whilst you can. We picked this jacket because our outfit is all black and we wanted to add a bit more colour and depth.
PrettyLittleThing JILL BLACK SLINKY BRALET: £10. Let`s be honest, When isnt Leigh wearing a bralet? Throughout the summer months she is seen wearing bralets non stop in a variety of colours and styles. This one is no different...This is simple but a classic, Can`t find anything to wear? That black bralet would do. When you want to throw some shapes you don`t want nothing clinging to you or making you feel uncomfortable, you would want to feel free and easy. This top comes in a variety of colours so if you fancy shaking things up.
PrettyLittleThing BLACK SUPER HIGH WAISTED WOVEN WIDE LEG TROUSER: £25. We next teamed the outfit up with these black high waisted flared leg trousers from PrettyLittleThing. Flare trousers are also another item from the 90s that has somehow wormed it`s way back into this decade and become a huge trend. A lot of people associate flares with nights out or for the beach, But realistically you can wear these for anything and everything...Which is why we put them into this post, We want people to have confidence and try something new. However, If you`re not ready to venture out yet then we have the perfect alternative for you in the form of skinny black jeans. Yes the classic black skinny jean that goes with anything..We found these ones from ASOS and these ripped ones. We made sure that either of the jeans fitted peoples specifications..So we made sure they werent tight or jeggings (No one likes jeggings), high waisted and compliments a womens figure. Either one goes with the bralet we have also chosen.
Puma Basket Classic White Trainers: £65. When you go to concerts you never estimate how long you would be standing for and at the end of the night you see girls carrying their shoes to the car as they walk the cold streets bare foot..Do you want to be that kind of girl? Of course not you want to be comfortable and have fun and not having misery or pain that heels bring. So we chose these one from Puma for £65..Leigh and Jade are big fans of Puma trainers so this is nothing new. However, If you wanted to invest in your shoes a little more then we have a great pair from Ted Baker here
Topshop Amour Layered Necklace: £7.25. So this is when we come to the part where it is totally up to you whether you want to add accessories either layering it up, or layering it down. We decided to include this necklace as it`s great for accessorising and covering a bare chest..Layered necklaces have become a big trend over the last few years and I hope to see them remain popular for the foreseeable future.
Topshop Rose Gold Flat Hoop Earrings: £5. Wouldn`t be a post without hoops, Leigh loves a hoop earring and it`s very rare that you see her without them so we had to includ them. We chose rose gold earrings because we know girls love the colour..They die for it, As I mentioned before rose gold is a very popular colour not just among jewellery but on phones, cosmetics, furniture, decor the list is endless. Every girl needs a little rose gold in their life.
A huge credit to our guest editor for this post.
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8 Reasons to Visit Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
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8 Reasons to Visit Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is known for its small towns surrounded by wide swaths of thick forests that in the late summer are swallowed in heavy early morning fog coupled with winding dirt roads—you can literally count the number of cars you pass on one hand. While it may sound like the perfect setting for Stephen King’s next chilling novel, The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is also home to a diversity of natural beauty untouched by humans. 
Places to Visit in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
I won’t lie, Michigan’s UP wasn’t always on my travel list. I had heard about its flawless beauty but as a vegan, I thought I would starve in a land that prides itself on its hunting prowess. Dining amongst horned and furry trophies just didn’t appeal to me. 
But then our travel lives changed. We began switching out jaunts across the pond for staycations and the allure of mineral-stained cliffs and turquoise waters beckoned me to Northern Michigan. I’m glad they did. I was in awe of the beauty that had been beneath my nose all these years.
Even if you’re not an avid outdoorsman wanting to connect with Mother Nature, I promise, you too, will be in awe of its amazing scenery. Need more convincing? Check out these 8 reasons to visit Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Marvel at Michigan’s largest waterfall, Tahquamenon Falls
Whether you visit in the warmth of summer, in the midst of autumn’s kaleidoscope of colors, or during winter’s chilling wonderland where trees are perfectly covered in a blanket of lush white snow, a visit to Michigan’s largest waterfall is a must! Located in the second largest park, Tahquamenon Falls State Park houses two powerful waterfalls-the Upper and Lower falls. Nicknamed “The Rootbeer Falls” by locals, the falls have an unusual brown tinge to the water thanks to cedar tannins that have made their way into the water. Nothing to be concerned about but it creates an interesting color to the flowing falls that you’re sure not to forget!
Tips for visiting Tahquamenon Falls
Most flock to the Upper Falls first, but if Tahquamenon isn’t your final destination, I would stop at the Lower Falls and then continue to the Upper Falls because Google will most likely have you continue your travels south along 123.
At the Lower Falls consider renting a rowboat for $7 a person or $20 per boat to get an up-close view. If you’d rather stay on land there are a myriad of hiking and biking trails, including a short trail with a ½ mile jaunt to scenic overlooks and a 13-mile Rivermouth Trail. Whatever your choice there is plenty of room to explore! And, if you want to stay a little longer, consider renting a rustic or modern campsite.
Enjoy one of four National Lakeshores in the United States, Pictured Rocks
Best known for its wildly rugged cliffs that look as though someone unleashed a toddler with a paintbrush, The Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is a must-see destination in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The lakeshore stretches 42-miles from Munising to Grand Marais and offers visitors the opportunity to explore over 100 miles of trails, 12 miles of pristine white sand beaches with Caribbean blue waters, multiple sand dunes, an array of flora and fauna (including black bears!), and so much more. 
You may be wondering what caused the painted cliffs of the National Lakeshore? The cliffs’ coloring actually comes from deposits of iron, copper, manganese, and limonite that, when mixed with the groundwater running down the face of the cliffs, creates exotic coloring of orange, white, red, blue, and green.  The end result has become one of the most photographed spots in the UP because of its unique beauty.
Cliff dive in Presque Isle State Park
Not to be confused with Presque Isle in Pennsylvania (always Google it with Marquette in the search), this 323-acre park is located just outside downtown Marquette. The park looks as though it has truly been untouched by man, and to some degree, that’s true, thanks to Fredrick Law Olmsted. Olmstead is known for his involvement in designing New York City’s Central Park and in the late 1800s, he made a visit to Marquette to advise the city on how to utilize Presque Isle. His advice was simple, “don’t touch it.” Over 100 years later his advice is still being followed.
Visitors can take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and hike through the park’s many trails or consider biking the 2-mile Peter White Drive loop, which circles the entire park and takes visitors through canopies of fragrant pines and skinny birch trees. Every once in a while, the forest breaks to reveal Lake Superior.
But, the number one reason visitors flock here in the summer is to tackle their fear of heights and jump from the park’s 10-15 ft. black rock cliffs and cool off in Lake Superior. To find this special place, head to the northern tip of the park where, in the heat of summer, you’ll see cars lined up along the road. A small parking lot is also available.  
Even if you don’t want to take the plunge, it’s fun to watch others hesitate, re-consider, and ultimately jump into the emerald waters. 
Enjoy lunch in the UP’s largest town, Marquette
After exploring Presque Isle Park, head back into the charming college town, Marquette. With just over 20,000 people it clocks in as the UP’s largest town and one of the few places in the UP where you can enjoy the charismatic small-town vibe and shop at well-known stores to stock up on creature comforts. 
The town offers a great mix of dining from greasy pizza to dishes sourced entirely from local Michigan farms. My suggestion is don’t miss The Bodega, this LGBTQ-women-owned restaurant sources almost its entire menu from local Michigan farms and prepares everything from scratch, daily. Dining here is a treat! The menu is well marked for vegan and gluten-free dishes, making it the prime spot to experience the fresh flavors of Michigan for all its diners. I also suggest you try the sweet potato-filled Que Pasa tacos. 
Where to stay in Marquette – Landmark Inn is a lovely boutique style historic inn that is located downtown Marquette.
Hike or bike until you just can’t go anymore
If you love to work up a sweat and get your heart pumping, then the UP is the place for you! Michigan is well on its way to being known as a “Trails State,” with thousands of hiking and biking trails that weave through heavily wooded forests and snake along sandstone cliffs on Lake Superior.
Bike to Munising or Grand Island
If you want to clip in and explore the terrain with two wheels, head to Munising! The city has been hard at work creating a variety of trailheads to entice bikers to saddle up. The trails are all located within easy reach of downtown Munising but the track you don’t want to miss is on Grand Island. Hop on the Grand Island Ferry for $20 and get ready for rustic wilderness and 40 miles of trails to explore. The trails range in difficulty but if you’re looking for a scenic work-out then hit the island’s 20-mile 2-lane perimeter track.
For those of us who’d rather stick to exploring with our own two feet, there are an endless array of trail options that range in difficulty, many come with Instagram-worthy views, waterfalls, and hidden beaches! A few spots not to miss include The Chapel Loop Trail in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Sugarloaf Mountain in Marquette, and The Lake of Clouds in the Porcupine Mountains. 
Kayak in Lake Superior’s Caribbean blue waters
Lake Superior’s emerald and turquoise waters beckon visitors to jump on in! Not only is it a fun activity but it’s the best way to view the mammoth Pictured Rocks. 
For seasoned kayakers, you can bring your own and get paddling, but if you don’t own a kayak or are maybe unsure of your paddling prowess, consider joining a guided tour. The guided tours in Pictured Rocks take paddlers by many gorgeous sites like Bridalveil Falls, Chapel Rock, Kissing Rock, and Lovers Leap Arch, among others. The tours are leisurely paced and take anywhere from 2 – 6 hours. 
If you’re paddling on your own be sure to keep an eye on the small craft water advisories as Lake Superior can become choppy quickly! If that happens, take off from Sandpoint Beach and paddle to Grand Island. The waters are sheltered around the island creating a smooth ride and Grand Island has great painted cliffs too.
Capture beautiful views from Sugarloaf Mountain
If you want a breath-taking view but don’t really want to spend hours hiking to find it, then head to Sugarloaf Mountain. The trailhead is located just a few minutes outside of downtown Marquette. There are two trail options, easy and difficult, but to be honest, they both take about 15-20 minutes and require a fair amount of stair-climbing. It’s worth it once you make it to the top, you’re rewarded with unobstructed views. On a clear day, you’ll be able to see Lake Superior, Marquette, Presque Isle Park, and Little Presque Isle as well as Hogsback Mountain and the large swath of forest between Marquette and Big Bay. ?
It’s a great spot to enjoy the changing fall colors too.
End your day with spectacular sunsets 
For most city-dwellers, sunsets are obstructed by buildings, power lines, and more making it difficult to get a clear view of the pink and orange sun-soaked sky. Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is filled with countless miles of wide-open sky and sea, making it the perfect place to sit back, relax, and enjoy the view.
A few great spots to enjoy the view include Sandpoint Beach in Munising, Grand Sable Dunes in Pictured Rocks, Brockway Mountain Drive in Copper Harbor, and White Fish Point in Paradise. 
These are 8 amazing reasons to visit the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. If you are looking for adventure, outdoors and a great food scene, be sure to add Michigan to your travel list.
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