#hire react developer
balkrushnapatel · 1 year
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thereactcompany · 2 months
How Do React Hooks Use the Push Method?
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The push () method accepts an array and returns a new length after adding one or more members to the end of the array. The push method typically aids in adding the value to the array. It is a practical way to assign one or more key-value pairs to the object using bracket notation.
Using the push method makes assigning the value simple. These choices work well for adding the item to the array’s end. React hooks enable minimal code that may be used to quickly and easily create comparable features. These are good choices for using the lifecycle method in combination with the React state, even without using the writing class.If you need to integrate the Push method in your React apps then you need to hire React experts who will simply integrate this functionality in your app.
What are React Hooks?
React Hooks are a type of function that lets users connect function components to react state and lifecycle elements. UseState, useEffect, useReducer, useRef, use Callback, useContext, and useMemo are just a few of the built-in hooks that React offers. We can also design your own custom hooks.
As of React version 16.8, hooks for React are accessible. Before the introduction of hooks, only the class component—not the functional component—was able to preserve state. After the introduction of hooks, the functional component’s state can also be maintained.
Using all of React’s features, you may develop fully functional components by implementing the hooks concept. Unlike classes, this enables us to make everything simpler.
Advantages of React Hooks
Improving the Component Tree’s Readability
As it makes it possible to read context information outside of JSX, the “useContext” hook has been an invaluable tool for significantly increasing the readability of JSX. Although “useContext” makes it even cleaner, the static “contextType” assign in class components made this possible in the past.
Not only is the code easier to read, but using the React dev tools to debug makes it much simpler to read the component tree. This is really beneficial for components that were previously using many nested contexts.
Incorporating Adverse Effects
It was possible to add event listeners in “componentDidMount” and remove them later in “componentWillUnmount” for class components, which divided the setup and removal of side effects across several lifecycle methods. Any component with several side effects may result in code that is harder to read and has related functionality distributed over a number of disjointed lifecycle methods.
However, the “useEffect” handles side effect creation and breakdown, which fixes this issue. In order to accomplish this, it lets the effect function return a function that splits down the effect.
Acceptable and Reusable Logic
Undoubtedly, custom hooks are an excellent way to share functionality between different components. A custom hook is basically a function that, like a regular hook, can be called within a functional component and utilizes one or more React hooks.
Must You Include The Push Method?
The call() or apply()objects, which have a distinctive resemblance to arrays, are usually utilized in conjunction with the Push method. The push approach, in particular, depends on the length of the property, which makes it simple to choose which feature is best for beginning to insert values to a certain extent.
The index is set to 0 when the length property is not translated to a numerical value. In particular, it covers the potential for length with the nonexistent. In the process, length cases will be produced.
As strings are native, array-like objects are not appropriate choices for use in applications. These strings offer an appropriate solution to perfection and are unchangeable. Object parameters that resemble arrays are a good method for quickly figuring out the whole plan of action for excellence.
Hiring React js developers is a quick and hassle-free choice if you want to add the push function to your React hooks. React useState() hooks are required to update the array; they do not include the push() method for the Array object. In this process, the spread operator is a very practical choice.
push(element0, element1)
push(element0, element1, /* ... ,*/ elementN)
How Can I Use UseState() To Create An Array State?
The new length property of the object is included in the return value, which makes it easier to generate the Array state using useState(). To enable the array state variable, you must use the useState() hook.
import React from "react";
const { useState } = React;
const [myArray, setMyArray] = useState([]);
The variable containing the state array and the special technique for quickly updating each property are returned by the useState() hook. Without the useState() method, updating the array is typically very challenging.
It is quite convenient to add the new element to the State Array. It would be quite easy to add a new member to the array when this state is present.
It’s a great option to use the best method return from useState while utilizing React to update the array with ease. Even with the new array that is formed by merging the old array with the new members in the JavaScript Spread operator, the update method, or setMyArray(), is useful for modifying the state. Using the useState update function makes it easy to create the new array from the old array.
setMyArray(oldArray => [...oldArray, newElement]);
It is convenient to utilize the first technique, and the function is enabled with the old array as the first parameter. Better access to older arrays containing state objects is also provided.
onChange = value => checked => {
this.setState({ checked }, () => {
this.setState(prevState => {
Object.assign(prevState.permission, { [value]: this.state.checked });
Adding The Array In React State Using Hooks
The.concat() function is useful for producing the speedy updating even without any problem, however the.push() function does not work well with updating the state in React app development. The spread operator makes it simple to enable JavaScript array state. In the React state, there are numerous methods for quickly adding an item to the array.
Pushing the item into the array is not a convenient choice because it is not quite as convenient to change the state directly. Using React Hooks to update state is made simple by the array’s React state. It’d be far more practical to store JavaScript objects with the array in React state.
1. The push() method adds new elements to the array’s end.
2. The push() method modifies the array’s length.
3. The push() function returns a new length.
For instance, useState is a hook that is enabled with functional components that make it simple to add additional functionality for the local state. React seems like a good choice for maintaining state in between renders.
The command useState([]) would automatically initialize the state to contain an empty array because these are known as the useState Hooks. The array is shown and is a suitable parameter for passing useState().
import React, { useState } from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
function App() {
// React Hooks declarations
const [searches, setSearches] = useState([])
const [query, setQuery] = useState("")
const handleClick = () => {
// Save search term state to React Hooks
// ...
Pass a callback to the function that creates a new array in the state setter.
To add the new element to the end of the state array, we can pass in a callback that produces a new array. This would update the state array.
import React, { useState } from "react";
export default function App() {
const [arr, setArr] = useState(["Demo"]);
return (
<div classname="App">
<button onclick="{()" ==""> setArr((oldArray) => [...oldArray, "Demo"])}>
Click Here
{arr.map((a, i) => (
<p key="{i}">{a}</p>
When using React Hooks, why does.Push() not work?
These are known as the reducers, and they are typically enabled by using the setSearches() major method. For updating the passed value’s current state, it is a handy alternative. TypeError, the search engine, is used to update these features with a number from an array. As the array’s method and state are enabled by .push, the state of [] replaces for the Map React state, and .length equals 1.
JavaScript does not apply code 1.map() when the.map() functioned.
The setSearches state setter or reducer function from React Hooks is a very practical way to update the state without altering the previous one. The rescue operation is taking place at Array. prototype.Concat() is a function that is used in push().
Reason.Concat() creates a new array in order to update the state. The old array would remain fully intact automatically. They would inevitably offer a higher return on the modified array.
setSearches([query].concat(searches)) // prepend to React State
To get the combined arrays quickly, you can use a JavaScript spread operator. In the React state, they are used to add the item to the array.
[...searches, query] to add a new entry to the array's end
To prepend an item to the front of the array, use [query,...searches].
// Save search term state to React Hooks with spread operator and wrapper function
// Using .concat(), no wrapper function (not recommended)
// Using .concat(), wrapper function (recommended)
setSearches(searches => searches.concat(query))
// Spread operator, no wrapper function (not recommended)
setSearches([...searches, query])
// Spread operator, wrapper function (recommended)
setSearches(searches => [...searches, query])
Implement the State Setter Function
It is possible to give a callback into the state setter function that useState returns, which takes the old value of a state and produces a new one.
We only need to return a duplicate of the array in order to add the member we want to push to the end.
import { useState } from "react";
export default function App() {
const [arr, setArr] = useState([0]);
return (
<div><button> setArr((arr) =&gt; [...arr, arr[arr.length - 1] + 1])} &gt; push </button> {JSON.stringify(arr)}</div>
); }
React component state arrays can be updated with new items at the end by sending a callback to the state setter function, which receives the old array value and returns the new and latest array value. As we saw above, we can modify the state of an array in React by using the Push function, specifically the useState hook. Incorporating new elements to JavaScript arrays is appropriate when using these methods. For integrating the React applications in the Push Method, you need to hire React Expert from a reputable React app development company in the USA.
Need More Information? Contact Us Today.
The React Company : Your Partner in React Excellence.
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kanhasoftblog · 7 months
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qset-solutions · 8 months
Why Should Your Business Hire A React JS Developer?
In today's fast-paced digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. To achieve this, businesses need skilled developers who can create dynamic and responsive web applications. One technology that has gained immense popularity in recent years is React JS. In this blog, we will explore why businesses should hire React JS developers and how it can benefit them.
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The powerhouse of web development
React JS is an open-source JavaScript library maintained by Facebook. It is widely used for building user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. React's popularity can be attributed to its efficiency and flexibility. It allows developers to create highly interactive and responsive web applications with ease.
How does it enhance User Experience?
React JS developers are experts in creating user-friendly and visually appealing web applications. They can design websites that load quickly, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Fast-loading websites tend to have lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates, contributing to business growth.
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The overlooked benefits of hiring a React JS developer:
Optimized for SEO
React JS is SEO-friendly, which means that websites built using React are easily crawlable by search engines. This can lead to improved search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your business online.
When you hire React Developers, it can be a cost-effective solution eventually. These developers are well-versed in the latest web development trends and best practices. Such developers of QSET can efficiently build and maintain your web applications, reducing the need for constant revisions and updates.
Cross-platform compatibility
React JS allows developers to create applications that work seamlessly across different platforms and devices. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that your website or web app reaches a broader audience, increasing your potential customer base.
Faster development
React JS offers a component-based architecture, which streamlines the development process. Developers can reuse components, saving time and effort. Therefore, hire React Developer for faster project completion and quicker time-to-market for your products or services.
React JS is highly scalable, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a startup looking to establish your online presence or an established enterprise seeking to expand, React JS can accommodate your needs.
Competitive advantage
In today's competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. By hiring React JS developers, you can differentiate your business from competitors by offering a superior online experience to your customers.
Community support
React JS has a vast and active community of developers and enthusiasts. This means that your business will have access to a wealth of resources.
It would incorporate libraries, tools, and solutions, to enhance your web applications.
Hiring a React JS developer can be a game-changer for your business. From creating stunning user interfaces to improving SEO rankings and ensuring cross-platform compatibility, the benefits of hiring a React JS developer are undeniable. So, if you want to stay competitive and provide your customers with a top-notch experience, hire  React JS developer.
Investing in QSET for React JS development can lead to significant returns for your business. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your online presence to the next level with this powerful technology.
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techtalksonthego · 10 months
How to Evaluate a ReactJS Portfolio: A Comprehensive Guide
Hiring ReactJS developer is crucial for the success of your web development projects. Evaluating a developer's portfolio is an essential step in the hiring process, as it provides valuable insights into their skills, expertise, and suitability for your team. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key steps to effectively evaluate a ReactJS portfolio and make informed hiring decisions.
Review Real-world Projects: The first step in evaluating a ReactJS portfolio is to review the real-world projects showcased by the developer. Look for a diverse range of projects that demonstrate their versatility and ability to handle different types of applications. Personal projects, freelance work, and professional assignments all provide valuable insights into the developer's capabilities.
Pay attention to the complexity and scale of the projects. Projects that involve challenging and large-scale applications indicate a developer who can handle complex requirements and deliver high-quality solutions.
Assess Code Quality and Structure: Code quality and organization are critical factors in evaluating a ReactJS developer's portfolio. Review the code samples provided in the portfolio to assess readability, maintainability, and adherence to best coding practices. Look for clean and well-structured code with consistent formatting, meaningful variable names, and appropriate comments.
Evaluate how the developer handles state management, component architecture, and code reusability. A well-organized codebase demonstrates the developer's ability to create maintainable and scalable applications.
Evaluate User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX): A strong focus on user interface and user experience is essential for any ReactJS developer. Examine the UI design and UX elements in the showcased projects. Look for visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that provide a seamless user experience. Responsive design and cross-device compatibility are essential considerations.
Consider the developer's attention to accessibility and user interactions. A developer who prioritizes user-centric design can create engaging and user-friendly applications.
Review Backend Integration: ReactJS is often used in conjunction with backend technologies. Evaluate how the developer integrates ReactJS with backend services, APIs, and databases. Check their familiarity with state management libraries like Redux and data fetching techniques like Axios or Fetch API.
Projects that showcase successful integration with backend technologies indicate a developer who can handle end-to-end application development.
Assess Problem-solving Skills: Problem-solving skills are crucial for any developer. Examine the challenges faced in the showcased projects and the solutions provided. Look for examples where the developer tackled performance issues, optimized code, or implemented complex features.
Consider how the developer handles error handling, edge cases, and asynchronous operations. A developer who demonstrates resourcefulness and a willingness to find innovative solutions is a valuable asset to any development team.
Evaluate Communication and Collaboration: Technical skills are essential, but communication and collaboration are equally important. During the hiring process, conduct interviews to assess the developer's ability to communicate effectively and work collaboratively with the team.
Checklist of Evaluating a React Developer’s Portfolio
When evaluating a ReactJS developer’s portfolio, it’s crucial to look beyond just the aesthetics of their applications. Here’s a checklist to help you assess the depth of their skills and capabilities.
Project Complexity and Scale
Review the complexity and scale of the projects in the developer’s portfolio:
Have they worked on large-scale applications that handle high volumes of data?
Have they managed state effectively in complex applications?
Is there a variety of projects showcasing different use-cases of ReactJS?
Evaluating a ReactJS developer portfolio based on project complexity and scale provides insight into their ability to tackle real-world challenges.
Use of Advanced Concepts and Technologies
Examine how the developer employs advanced React concepts and related technologies in their projects:
Do they leverage hooks and context API for state management?
Do they use Redux or MobX for managing complex application states?
Are advanced concepts like lazy loading, code splitting, or server-side rendering implemented in their projects?
These concepts are key indicators in a ReactJS case study to gauge a developer’s in-depth knowledge.
Responsiveness and Performance Optimization
In this era of diverse devices, it’s important to build applications that perform well and are responsive across all platforms.
Are the applications in the developer’s portfolio responsive and mobile-friendly?
Have they implemented performance optimization techniques like memoization or virtualized lists?
Performance optimization is a critical component when examining a ReactJS portfolio.
Testing and Debugging
Robust testing and debugging practices are the hallmarks of a reliable ReactJS developer.
Has the developer implemented unit tests or integration tests in their projects?
Do they utilize tools such as Jest, React Testing Library, or Enzyme for testing?
Thorough testing and debugging practices should be visible in a comprehensive React case study.
Collaboration and Version Control
Working effectively in a team and maintaining version control are crucial for modern development practices.
Do they have experience with collaboration tools like Jira or Trello?
Do they utilize version control systems such as Git?
This insight reveals the developer’s ability to work in a team and manage versions effectively.
Understanding of Accessibility and SEO Best Practices
Building applications that are accessible to all users and optimized for search engines are significant aspects of quality web development.
Are the developer’s projects built with accessibility in mind?
Do they employ SEO best practices in their applications, like semantic HTML, meta tags, or server-side rendering?
This highlights the developer’s commitment to inclusive, user-friendly, and discoverable applications, providing a holistic view of their ReactJS portfolio.
The Importance of a React Development Agency
Understanding the Role of a React Development Agency
A React development agency plays an indispensable role in the web development landscape. Whether it’s creating a dynamic website or a complex web application, a competent React development agency can deliver optimal results.
A ReactJS development agency hosts an array of skilled ReactJS developers with the expertise to build scalable and efficient web applications.
They have an extensive ReactJS portfolio, showcasing their ability to handle a wide range of projects across different domains.
The process of evaluating a ReactJS developer portfolio becomes more streamlined with an agency, as they provide a collective showcase of their team’s skills and experience.
Advantages of Partnering with a React Development Agency
Engaging with a React development agency provides several significant benefits:
Versatility: An agency houses a diverse set of ReactJS developers, bringing various skills and experiences to the table. This diversity enhances the quality of your project.
Scalability: With a team of developers at your disposal, a React development agency can easily scale up operations as per your project’s needs.
End-to-end Services: From ideation to deployment and maintenance, agencies provide comprehensive services, ensuring a smooth development process.
Reduced Risk: An agency usually follows rigorous testing and debugging protocols, thereby reducing the risk of errors and bugs.
These advantages are well-documented in the ReactJS case studies provided by these agencies, giving you a clear picture of their capability and reliability.
Choosing the Right React Development Agency
When selecting a React development agency, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation. Here are a few points to consider:
Portfolio: Review the agency’s ReactJS portfolio. Look for a variety of projects, complexity, and how advanced React concepts have been implemented.
Client Reviews and Testimonials: These provide valuable insights into the agency’s reliability, technical expertise, and ability to meet deadlines.
ReactJS Case Studies: Detailed case studies can reveal the agency’s problem-solving abilities and their approach to tackling challenges in past projects.
In conclusion, a reliable React development agency can be a valuable asset, ensuring your project’s success while minimizing risks and complications. As such, carefully evaluating a ReactJS developer portfolio and their React case studies should be a top priority.
Evaluating React Development Agencies
Evaluating React development agencies can be a complex process, but with the right approach, you can identify the best fit for your project’s needs. A thorough examination of the agency’s ReactJS portfolio, React case studies, and team of ReactJS developers can provide valuable insights.
Key Aspects to Consider When Evaluating React Development Agencies
When evaluating ReactJS developer portfolios, you should pay close attention to the following aspects:
Technical Expertise: Analyze the technical skills of the agency. Look for usage of advanced React features, performance optimization techniques, and testing methodologies in their projects.
Project Complexity: Assess the complexity and scale of the projects they’ve worked on. Experience with large-scale, complex applications indicates proficiency with ReactJS.
Industry Experience: Look for experience in your specific industry or similar ones. This can ensure the agency understands your business requirements and can deliver tailored solutions.
Client Testimonials and Reviews: These can provide insights into the agency’s reliability, punctuality, and client satisfaction levels.
Importance of Case Studies in Evaluating React Development Agencies
A detailed ReactJS case study can reveal the agency’s problem-solving abilities, technical expertise, and approach to tackling development challenges.
Problem-Solving Skills: A good case study will outline the challenges faced during the project and how the agency resolved them.
Project Management: Case studies can highlight the agency’s project management capabilities, including their ability to meet deadlines and maintain quality.
Business Impact: Look for the impact their project had on the client’s business. Did it improve efficiency, increase revenue, or improve user experience?
The Role of the ReactJS Developer in an Agency
A top-notch React development agency houses a diverse set of ReactJS developers, each bringing unique skills to the table.
Experience: Look for developers with varied experience, both in terms of years and project types.
Certifications: Certifications can provide validation of a developer’s skills.
Continuous Learning: In the fast-paced world of web development, continuous learning is crucial. Look for evidence of regular upskilling and staying updated with the latest ReactJS trends.
In conclusion, a thorough evaluation of a React development agency, including their ReactJS developer portfolio and React case studies, will help you identify the right partner for your project.
Best Practices for Selecting a React Development Agency
Choosing a React development agency for your project requires a thorough understanding of their competencies. To make the selection process easier, follow these best practices while evaluating a ReactJS developer portfolio or analyzing a ReactJS case study.
Identify Your Project Requirements
The first step towards selecting the best agency involves a clear understanding of your project’s specific needs:
Define the project scope, deliverables, and desired features of your application.
Understand the level of expertise needed in ReactJS for your project. Not all projects require the same depth of knowledge.
Having these requirements upfront can help streamline the process of evaluating a ReactJS developer portfolio.
Thorough Evaluation of ReactJS Portfolio
The agency’s ReactJS portfolio can give you an insight into their past work and capabilities:
Look for variety in the projects they have handled. This includes different industry domains, project scopes, and technical challenges.
Pay attention to the complexity of the projects. Working with large-scale, complex applications is a strong indicator of an agency’s proficiency.
Analyze ReactJS Case Studies
ReactJS case studies can offer a more detailed look into an agency’s approach towards problem-solving:
How has the agency tackled challenges in previous projects?
Has their solution made a significant positive impact on the client’s business?
How do they manage projects to ensure timely delivery and quality?
Case studies are a valuable resource for evaluating the capability of a ReactJS developer or agency.
Validate Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews can offer insights into an agency’s reliability, client satisfaction levels, and ability to meet deadlines. Look for:
Consistent positive feedback about the agency’s technical prowess and project management skills.
Any recurring issues that could potentially impact your project.
Consider the Team’s Expertise
A team of skilled ReactJS developers is a crucial factor in choosing the right agency:
The team should have diverse experience with different projects and use-cases of ReactJS.
They should show evidence of continuous learning and staying updated with the latest ReactJS trends and techniques.
In conclusion, selecting a React development agency requires careful consideration of the agency’s portfolio, case studies, client testimonials, and the skills of their ReactJS developers. Following these best practices will help you identify the right agency for your needs.
Understanding the Basics
Before we can dive into dissecting a portfolio or analyzing case studies, we need to comprehend the fundamental skills a ReactJS developer should possess.
Technical proficiency in ReactJS: This is the cornerstone of a ReactJS developer’s skill set. They should be well-versed with the key concepts and practices of ReactJS, including JSX, ES6, Redux, and Flux.
Problem-solving in ReactJS Development: A developer’s problem-solving skills can often be the difference between a good and a great hire. ReactJS developers often face unique challenges that require a deep understanding of the framework to solve. Hence, proficiency in technical aspects should be complemented with effective problem-solving abilities.
Understanding of Real-world Applications of ReactJS: Developers should have a grasp on how ReactJS can be used in real-world scenarios to create effective and efficient solutions. This understanding often comes from hands-on experience working on diverse projects.
Teamwork in ReactJS Development: ReactJS developers rarely work in isolation. Their ability to collaborate with others — from back-end developers to designers — is critical to the success of projects.
Adherence to Project Deadlines: Lastly, a developer must demonstrate their ability to manage time effectively and work within set deadlines. This skill is often indicative of their professional maturity and efficiency.
This foundation is critical when evaluating a ReactJS developer’s portfolio and case studies. In the following sections, we will take a deeper dive into how to critically assess these areas to make an informed hiring decision.
Dissecting the Portfolio
After you’ve grasped the foundational skills of a ReactJS developer, the next step in the evaluation process is to dissect the developer’s portfolio. This process isn’t merely about browsing the completed projects; instead, it involves an in-depth analysis to understand their approach, technical depth, and ability to execute projects.
Portfolio Presentation in ReactJS: The first step in dissecting a portfolio is to look at its presentation. This can give you a clue about the developer’s attention to detail and their approach towards work. The portfolio should be well-organized, clear, and should effectively showcase the developer’s skills and experiences.
Understanding ReactJS Portfolio: As you dig deeper, try to understand each project listed in the portfolio. What was the developer’s role in each project? What were the challenges they faced and how did they overcome them? This will give you insights into the developer’s problem-solving abilities and their expertise in ReactJS development.
Technical Proficiency in ReactJS: The portfolio should also demonstrate the developer’s technical proficiency in ReactJS. Look for evidence of their experience with JSX, ES6, Redux, Flux, and other related technologies.
Reviewing ReactJS Case Studies: A good portfolio will also contain case studies of the projects the developer has worked on. Review these case studies to understand the developer’s approach towards solving real-world problems using ReactJS.
Assessing Developer’s Project Role: Understanding the developer’s role in the projects listed in their portfolio is crucial. It will help you gauge their teamwork skills and their ability to work within set deadlines.
Real-world Applications of ReactJS: The projects in the portfolio should also demonstrate the developer’s understanding of real-world applications of ReactJS. Look for projects that showcase scalable and efficient applications.
Decision-making in Hiring ReactJS Developer: After going through the portfolio, you should have enough information to make an informed decision. But remember, while a portfolio gives you a lot of information, it’s only one part of the equation. As you move further in the process to hire dedicated ReactJS developer, make sure to also evaluate other factors like their communication skills, cultural fit, and technical tests.
Through this rigorous assessment, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the ReactJS developer’s professional capabilities, paving the way for an informed hiring decision.
Look for developers who can articulate their thought processes, provide constructive feedback, and actively participate in discussions.
Conclusion: Evaluating a ReactJS portfolio requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond technical skills. By considering real-world projects, code quality, UI/UX design, backend integration, problem-solving abilities, communication, and collaboration skills, you gain a holistic view of a developer's capabilities.
Identifying the right ReactJS developer is crucial for building successful web applications and fostering a strong development team. With the right evaluation criteria and a thorough assessment of the portfolio, you can confidently hire the best-fit developer for your projects and ensure the success of your web development endeavors.
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i4technolab · 1 year
Discover the top 11 reasons why ReactJS continues to be in demand in 2023, including its performance, reusability, and scalability. Learn why hiring a skilled ReactJS developer is crucial for building web applications using this popular JavaScript library.
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codesandprograms · 1 year
Hire React Developer to Maximize Your Development Potential
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Why do you think the web or app development industry is soaring high in demand? There are nearly 5.07 billion internet users globally, and this community is highly accustomed to the digital interface.
Website and applications are at the core as the most valuable assets. Why?
This is because a well-designed and functional website or application has the power to reach its target audience, promote its products, and establish a brand identity. 
Regarding web and app development, how does React enter the picture, why do businesses hire React developer, and what are some top hiring tips? We will address these questions in this article. Let’s get started!
Why Hire ReactJS Developers for Web Application Development
ReactJS dominates the list of the top Javascript frameworks in 2023 with its consistent first spot. This framework is widely in demand for website development as it's enriched with rich functionalities that contribute to creating an SEO-friendly interface.
This framework is not reputed to degrade the quality of your site on search engines which is a crucial factor to consider in web development. Moreover, it's a cross-platform framework with ease of learning and the availability of a wide range of analytical tools. 
Several other reasons to hire ReactJS developers include: 
Agile development
Developers prefer this framework due to the possibility of reusing UI components. This saves significant development time, meaning developers can build complex applications with minimal coding resulting in quick turnaround time. 
Enhanced performance
Using a virtual DOM helps update the user interface without reloading the entire page. Therefore, you can experience faster page load speed, improved user ranking, and, subsequently, better SEO ranking. 
Better user experience
To enhance user experience, dynamic and interactive web apps are the need of the hour. ReactJS, with its component-based architecture and state management system, builds responsive, intuitive, and engaging web apps.
Extensive developer community
There are plenty of React developers globally. In case of any stucks, developers can access a pool of documentation and resources for ongoing assistance. Therefore, your project can be delivered without delays and comply with the latest trends and technologies. 
How to Hire React Developer for Your Upcoming Web App Development Project
Now that you are familiar with its significance, the next question queued up in your mind will be how to hire React developer. Well, that’s pretty simple if you keep the below-mentioned hiring tips handy:
List your requirements
With the rising demand for React talent to curate high-quality web applications, it has become immensely challenging to identify the right candidate for the job. To simplify and streamline the hiring process, the preliminary requirement is to list your requirements carefully. This includes all vital details pertaining to the job role, such as project scope, timeline, budget, skills and experience required, etc. This will help you effectively narrow down your options from a large pool of applicants. 
Value experience and expertise
When you are looking for ReactJS developers for hire, overlooking the experience and expertise of the applicants can leave you blindsided. Just having technical expertise doesn't serve the purpose. They must be able to put it into practical application, and that is only possible with professional experience and expertise. Ensure that they have a proven track record of delivering exceptional quality results. 
Evaluate their work portfolio and references
A work portfolio is like an applicant's professional work history blueprint. It will help you verify the truthfulness of the resume claims by showcasing their previous work samples and references. You can gain insight into their coding style, problem-solving ability, quality of work, competence, etc. 
Conduct technical interview
Technical proficiency is a prerequisite in the tech domain. A technical interview round will help you evaluate the candidate’s ReactJS skills, knowledge, and familiarity. Ask them specific questions about the framework, such as state management, lifecycle methods, component rendering, etc. 
Closing Thoughts
To fully harness the potential of React in web application development, you must hire React developer.
Their expertise and experience can offer specialized inputs for exceptional output. To find the right candidate and maximize your development potential, you must choose a one-stop hiring partner like Uplers.
Hire Indian remote talent hassle-free with up to 40% cost savings at a 5x speed. Just provide a job description and onboard the best match from a pre-vetted pool of the top 3.5% of talent. Reach out to them for remote recruitment of first-class React developers.
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ampleworksoft · 1 year
React Native is a powerful framework for building mobile applications using the React JS library. It offers many benefits, including code sharing, performance, and a large community of developers. If you’re looking to build a mobile app, React Native may be the right choice for your business. To get started, consider hiring experienced React JS developers who can help you create a mobile app that meets your needs.
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webideasolution · 1 year
Are you looking for a way to take your web development to the next level? Web Idea Solution is the company you need to contact! If you hire…
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wordsystech · 1 year
React Development Outsourcing
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thereactcompany · 2 months
How to Send Form Data Using Axios Post Request in React
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Many developers use React, a leading programming language for app development. Industry leaders prefer React for cross-platform application development. A proper understanding of React and the library is essential to work well for the project. If you want to handle react project properly, you can hire react developer and finish the task.
As a React developer, sending form data to a server in react with the Axios. Processing axios is an important javascript library. It is the best way to make HTTP requests from a browser or nodejs. Individuals must understand how to use the Axios to make a post request and send form data.
About Axios:
Axios acts as an HTTP client for JavaScript that works in browser and node.js. It is an easy-to-use and lightweight library that delivers the perfect interface for HTTP requests. Axios can build on top of XMLHttpRequest API and fetch API. 
On the other hand, it supports promise API and intercepts responses. Axios is responsible for transforming requests, canceling requests, and response data. It is excellent for changing JSON data and provides client-side support to safeguard from the XSRF. It supports browsers like Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, and IE.
Form data:
Form data is the encoding type that transfers to the server for processing. Other encoding types can be utilized for non-file transfer like plain, text, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and a lot more. React developer helps you in sending form data in react projects with Axios.
If form-data lets files to include in form data, plain or text propel data as plain text without encoding. It is applicable for debugging and not for production. Application/x-www-form-urlencoded instructs data as a query string. Encoding type can be included in HTML with enctype attribute. 
Send form data in the Axios request:
Sending form data in the React app to the server is an important task among many developers. Axios is an important library for making HTTP requests quickly in React. You can understand the important process of sending form data in the react project using Axios. 
While using Axios, developers easily make post requests and set the data they wish to send as a request body. If you carry out this process, you can utilize the Axios.post() method that acquires two arguments. It obtains arguments like server URL and data you need to send. 
FormData object joins two fields with matching values. It makes HTTP requests to specific URLs with a FormData object. It uses them as a request body and sets the content-type header to multipart or form data.
Once the request is successful, the response can log into the console. If the request is abortive, the error response can log to the console. Using Axios in the project requires installing Axios first. You can install it with the proper command.
Launch react project:
Whether you have a project already, you don’t need to launch. If you don’t have any projects on your device, you can create them first. 
You can open a terminal and run the required command. 
npx create-react-app axios-form
Once project creation is over, you can go to the project directory.
Install axios:
To use Axios for post requests in the React project, you must install it properly. You can use the following command to install the Axios.
npm install axios
After successfully installing the Axios, you can carry out sending the form data in a project with the Axios post request.
Create form component:
When it comes to the React project, you must make a new component for form. You can name it and save it with .js
// src/Form.js
import React, { useState } from ‘react’;
import axios from ‘axios’;
function Form() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
name: ‘’,
email: ‘’,
const handleChange = (e) => {
const { name, value } = e.target;
setFormData({ …formData, [name]: value });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await axios.post(‘YOUR_API_ENDPOINT’, formData);
console.log(‘Form data submitted successfully:’, response.data);
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error submitting form data:’, error);
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<br />
type=” email”
name=” email”
<br />
<button type=”submit”>Submit</button>
export default Form;
In this component, you can label the form with two input fields. You can utilize the useState hook to deal with form data. Axios is ideal for making the post request when the form submits successfully.
Import and apply form component:
After creating the form component, you need to import and apply the form component to the project.
// src/App.js
import React from ‘react’;
import Form from ‘./Form’;
function App() {
return (
<div className=”App”>
<h1>React Form with Axios POST Request</h1>
<Form />
export default App;
Replace your_api_endpoint:
In the form component, you can replace your_api_endpoint with the actual endpoint. It is easy to send the form data in a project and complete them easily
Run React application:
After the above step is over, it is time to run the React application with the following command like
npm start 
React application is running and allows you to access it in the browser. You can fill out the form and click the submit button. You must view the form data that is sent to a specified API endpoint in the browser console. You can try the necessary steps for the form data sending in the project utilizing the Axios post request. 
Overall, the above details are useful to understand the process of sending the form data in react with Axios. With the help of a hire react expert, you can get the proper guidance and support to handle this process. 
Experts assist you in integrating the form component with the server-side endpoint and dealing with the data effectively in a project. Axios makes a form data sending process in the react app development project. So, you can work with the skilled and knowledgeable react expert and obtain an ideal solution for challenges. 
The React Company : Empowering Developers in React Technology.
Don’t Hesitate to Get in Contact for More Info.
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balkrushnapatel · 1 year
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kanhasoftblog · 8 months
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sentientgeeks · 1 year
The popularity of these technologies keeps on rising. Flutter Vs. Hybrids are running a buzz, and developers are trying to make out the best of these technologies.
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codesandprograms · 1 year
ReactJS Developers for Hire: Tips to Follow While Hiring
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Have you been amazed by attractive graphic images, captivating slideshows, and glowing buttons on the website? Well, that’s what React does. React is an open-source JavaScript library that is used by businesses for UI building. Looking for React developers for hire? React has a community of developers. Yet, finding the one with the right skill set and experience as per the requirement of your project can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you find the one easily.
Tips to help you hire React developer easily
Job posting and application - This is the stage where candidates apply to your job posting. Your aim is not to attract more candidates but to attract the right ones.
Therefore, create a compelling job description that is clear and concise yet contains all the necessary information the candidates would want. Keep it brief and to the point. List all the skills you look for in an ideal candidate, day-to-day responsibilities, etc.
This is where you convince the applicant to come to your organization. Another thing the recruiters and hiring managers should keep in mind is to post the job ad in the right places. 
Screening - Candidate screening takes the most amount of time in the recruitment process. Recruiters have to go through a pile of resumes, their experience, background checks, etc, and then shortlist the ones that closely match the requirements for the interview.
The process is both time and resource-intensive. Even then, there is a lot of room for errors and biases. Therefore, a lot of companies choose to partner with recruitment companies or leverage remote hiring platforms like Uplers to make things easier.
There are online assessment tools as well that companies use to make their process bias-free. 
Portfolio - Before you shortlist candidates and hire ReactJS developers, make sure to ask for their portfolio to get an idea of the kinds of projects they have handled, type of apps built etc.
Unlike a resume, a portfolio will give you an idea about the candidate’s practical skills. Based on their portfolio you can then ask the developer to code samples in the Interview to verify their skills further. 
Interview - Interview is an important and final step in the process of hiring React developers. Interview is an effective opportunity for you to gauge an employee’s communication skills.
Good communication is the key to cultivating healthy relationships at the workplace. When you talk to the potential hires during the interview, you can judge how well they communicate and convey their ideas in technical conversations. 
Onboarding - The hiring process does not end when you shortlist and extend the offer to candidates. Onboarding is an equally important step when you hire dedicated ReactJS developers and demands due attention.
Onboarding is the process of acclimatizing the new hires into the process, culture and operation of the organization. A good onboarding aims to make the new recruits feel comfortable and shows that their workplace is supportive.
Therefore, an effective onboarding ensures a happy workforce and reduces turnovers. Therefore, it is important for employers to have a standard onboarding process in place.
Companies hiring from Uplers need not worry as Uplers manage the onboarding process for their clients and ensure that the new recruits have everything needed to get going. 
Therefore, hiring React developers can be challenging but remote hiring platforms like Uplers make it a breeze. With Uplers you can hire top React developers from India in just a week with up to 40% cost advantage. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
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yourteaminindia · 2 years
Necessary Skills to Consider While Hiring React JS Developers
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With the popularity of ReactJs, companies and businesses expect a lot from developers. So, you must seek developers who have the necessary skills to adhere to the specific duties and responsibilities of the jobs. Here are a few skills you must look into before having a React Developer: 
Javascript and EcmaScript
ReactJs developers should know Js features, functions, and syntax. They should have experience in DOM, JavaScript Scopes, ES6, Event bubbling, and hoisting. A detailed understanding of the Ecma script is important to creating React applications. 
Technical Expertise
Developers should have a good technical understanding of JSON, Advanced HTML, Scsslint, ESLint, HTML, and Rest API. They must use the core components of React, like JSX, Component Lifecycle, hooks, class, functional components, etc. The experts should be familiar with Zoho, Jira, Jenkins, etc. 
Frameworks and Testing tools
React Js developers should be familiar with the unit testing frameworks and technologies like Sinon, Tape, Jest, Mocha, etc. They should have a good command of the frameworks and end-to-end testing tools like Cypress, CucumberJs, Selenium, NightwatchJs, puppeteer, and more. Moreover, a good knowledge of React frameworks and Libraries would be an added advantage. 
Multiple Technologies
Choose a developer who has a good command of multiple technologies and is compatible with the Mern Stack. They should also know about the Mern stack to deal with the issue of server loading time and JS application and manage several development requests. 
Version Control Systems
You must look for a professional React developer who is proficient in dealing with VCS like SVN, Firebase, TFS, Hit, Mercurial, etc. From them, Git is more popular for storing projects on the hosting platform, including GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.
Additionally, hiring developers should be skilled in the VCS to compare the old-new code and reduce possible errors and current. 
Js Build Tools
You must look for React Js front-end developers who are well-versed in various JS tools, React developer tools, and Redux DevTools. They should be experienced in maximizing the React Library and dealing with the new build tools like npm, Webpack, Yarn, and Visual Studio Code. 
React Basics and Styling Methods
Your professional developer should know about Creating React apps and their applications. They should be experts in technologies like Babel, JSX, NextJs, etc. 
Furthermore, they must know everything about CSS technologies like LESS, SASS, SCSS, and other pre-processors. Also, they should know technologies like CSS-in-JS and CSS frameworks like MaterialUI and Bootstrap) for styling React components. 
ReactJS Workflows 
ReactJS developers can easily manage projects and prioritize state management for their app performance optimization.
Moreover, they must know about popular libraries and structures of state management like Context API, React Native, Axios, React Router, Redux, MobX, etc. Their knowledge about new progress like React hooks can be an added benefit.
Sprint Planning
When hiring React developers, make sure that they are able to plan workflow and tasks to finish them on the said deadline. In other words, you must hire developers.
Workflows or tasks and finish them within the desired deadline. In short, you should hire React developers who are experts in sprint planning. They must be capable of dealing with task management tools to track and share the advancement of your project sprints.
Flexible Learning Curve
React features exceptional community support. It is one of the finest libraries for web development, which undergoes enormous changes and progresses every day. Therefore, the developers must be able to learn technology updates and changes when required.
Apart from these skills, you should consider interpersonal skills, such as acceptance of failure, efficient communication, teamwork, change management, creative thinking, and exposure to constructive feedback.
Read More: How to Hire the Best React Developers
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