#hijiri ahega x reader
baileypie-writes · 8 months
~🦋Hijiri Ahega/Cure Butterfly Dating Headcanons🦋~
Fandom: Hirogaru Sky Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Warnings: None!
A/N ~ I’m really loving Hirogaru Sky Precure! Cure Butterfly if definitely one of my favorites, I just find her character so charming! Lemme know if you want to see me write for any more Pretty Cure characters!
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~ Ahega is not very secretive when it comes to her felling towards you. She’s constantly complimenting you, and she’s always near you. However, she will take a while to confess to you. She wants to be one hundred percent sure you feel the same way about her before doing so. Once she is ready, she makes sure it goes perfectly. Perfect weather, perfect time, perfect place. It’s so perfect, villains from the Undergu Empire don’t even think about ruining the moment!
~ Ahega is one of the most supportive partners out here. No matter what your dream is, she’ll be with you every step of the way!
~ Even though she’s not supposed to, she’ll definitely tell you about her being a Pretty Cure. She tried to keep it a secret for a little bit, but decided that she couldn’t stand lying to you. She has full trust in you, so she doesn’t care if she makes her team mad at her.
~ It takes Mashiro a while to warm up to you. She has nothing against you personally, she just wants to make sure you’re good enough for her best friend. She wants Ahega to be with someone who makes her happy. Once she realizes how much Ahega loves you, be prepared to have a new younger sister.
~ Actually, scratch that. Be prepared to have four new younger siblings and a grandmother! The entire gang loves you, and treats you like a fellow Pretty Cure!
~ Whenever the Pretty Cure have to fight, Ahega sends you home immediately. She can’t stand the idea of the love of her life getting hurt. If you do end up getting hurt, she’ll stay by your side until you make a full recovery!
~ Ahega is a busy girl. She’s a nursery school teacher and a Pretty Cure. So with that being said, you guys don’t have a lot of time for dates. Or time alone for that matter, with her living with five other people. But don’t worry, you still get lots of attention and affection from her! And when a time does come where you two can go out, it’s the most fun thing you will ever experience!
~ Ahega wants you to be healthy and happy. So she’s constantly asking you what and when you’ve eaten, and how much sleep you’ve gotten(pretty hypocritical of her, considering how little sleep she gets). She’ll cook delicious and nutritious meals for you, and she’ll even pack you a bento box!
~It doesn’t matter what gender you are, she will do your makeup! She loves trying out new brands, colors and styles on you. And if you want to do hers, she will not refuse! Don’t forget the sparkles!
~ Ahega’s not shy when it comes to PDA. She loves holding your hand and giving you little pecks on the cheek. However, if that makes you uncomfortable, she’ll stop. When you two are alone, she loves cuddling. One of her favorite things is falling asleep to the sound of your heartbeat.
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
~I Knew you Could do it~
Ageha Hijiri/Cure Butterfly x GN!Reader
Fandom: Soaring Sky Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral, becomes a Pretty Cure
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Hurt/Comfort?
Synopsis: When your girlfriend and her teammates are in danger, your wish to save her grants you a new persona.
Warnings: Violence, the Pretty Cure getting their asses beat, cringe.
A/N ~ Wrote this all it one sitting. Now it’s midnight, and I have school in the morning.
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Loud crashes and whooshes from the battle was all you could hear. The Pretty Cure were working as hard as they could, trying to beat a Ranborg. But this one was tough. None of their attacks seemed to affect it. You were very worried. Not only were the Pretty Cure your friends, but Cure Butterfly was your girlfriend. You didn’t want her, or any of the others, getting hurt.
“Alright guys, let’s do it!” Cure Sky shouted. The others nodded, and began their big power move.
All at once, the Pretty Cure shouted all at once. “Majestic Chroniclon!”
A purple book appeared before Cure Majesty, as well as a pen. You felt your stress and worry begin to melt away. You were familiar with this move, and it always defeated the enemy.
All the Cures were powered up. They began to create a giant wave of power, but before it could reach the enemy…
An unexpected blow from Minoton caused the move to fail. The Pretty Cure tumbled to the ground, de-transforming and shouting in pain as they hit. Your precious Ageha landed just a few feet away from your hiding spot in an alley.
“Ageha!” You shouted, and ran towards her spot on the concrete. You put one hand behind her head, and the other in hers. Her eyes fluttered open, and while she didn’t have the strength to form a sentence, she still gave you a loving smile.
Minoton let out a sickening laugh as he saw the scene from his place on top of a building. “Guess the Pretty Cure weren’t strong enough this time!”
A mix of panic and rage filled your body. You needed to save Ageha and your friends. You needed to whoop Minoton and the Ranborg’s asses.
Suddenly, a pen and a strange round item appeared before you. You recognized these. Your friends all owned them. They were a Sky Mirage Pen and a Sky Tone. They all used these to transform. You guessed that’s what you needed to do right then. You stood up, and all your friends looked in your direction.
“Sky Mirage! Tone Connect!” You shouted. And placed the Sky Tone into the pen, and begun your transformation.
It was like you were transported into a whole new dimension. Lights were flashing as your old appearance changed into a new one. Your hair changed its style, and your outfit was completely different. Many bits and bobbles popped into existence, adding onto your new look. With a hop, skip and a jump, your new persona was ready.
“(cure name)!” You shouted, completing your transformation.
All the other Pretty Cures looked in awe at their new teammate. You looked down at Ageha, and smiled at her. After a moment of admiration, she smiled back.
“What? Another one? Well this just got interesting! Go, Ranborg!” Minoton shouted. The Ranborg began bolting towards you.
You stepped back, frightened. You didn’t actually know how to fight, so you began to panic.
“Hey.” Ageha said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at her, and she was smiling. “You can do it. I know you can.” You smiled back at her, and with a shaky sigh, took a step forward.
You meant to take a small leap, but it ended up launching you into the sky. You panicked a bit, but thought to use this to your advantage. You positioned your foot in front of you, and landed a blow to the top of the Ranborg’s head. Not wanting to stop, you began punching it relentlessly. Your fists hurt, but you kept going.
The Ranborg’s hand smacked you away, sending you into the air. You decided to combine all your power to defeat this thing.
You waved your hands over and over, until the wind around you took the shape of the drill. You kept going until it became massive.
“Precure! Tornado Drill!” You shouted. Then you used all the force you could, and launched it towards the Ranborg. It didn’t even have time to comprehend what was coming before it was defeated.
You let out a sigh of relief.
“Well, looks like I have a new opponent. And it’s a strong one.” Said Minoton. You glared at him. The destain you felt for him made you want to fight him right then and there, despite just having finished one. You pushed yourself in his direction.
“Slow down (cure name). We can have a proper fight some other time. Minoton-ton!” He said.
“Wait!” You shouted, but he was already gone. You yelled in anger, but then remembered your teammates.
You hopped down to the street where they were. They were no longer lying down. Instead, they all sat near each other. They looked exhausted, but no one could mistake the proud looks on their faces.
“You were awesome (cure name)!” Sora exclaimed.
“Thanks.” You said, and de-transformed. “I’m still getting used to this. It all happened so fast.” You looked down to your girlfriend, the biggest grin on her face. You nelt down to be with her.
“I was so worried about you.” You said, trying to prevent yourself from crying.
“I know, but it’s okay now. Besides, those feelings helped you defeat the Ranborg.” Said Ageha, her hand cupping your face.
You smiled, and pulled her in for a kiss, which she gladly accepted.
“I knew you could do it.”
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