#highblood perspective
understandableparadox · 5 months
The grand homestuck oc tournament poll: Round 5!!!!
The second to last week of hooting, hollering and begging for votes! no need to be shy now, time to double up on shoveing these special lil guys right under everyones noses!!!
zalium azoran
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Zalium is a rogue fuchsiablood who was raised by an axolotl lusus away from the prying eyes of the alternian empire. eventually he was able to find community in the lower bloodcastes of alternia and here he learned about alternian history from a true perspective.
he gathered an aliance, heavily inspired by the sufferer's rebellion, and rises up against the empire. being a highblood he held a greater chance against the empress and gl'bgolyb, and after a strenuous battle he manages to take down the horrorterror and the empress in turn
i don't even care if he's bad i love him so dearly
Viiveh Telore (Now with new and improved art!)
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Viiveh is a fuchsia blood in an abusive relationship trying to forge his own destiny. He tries to stay positive and is unlearning some classist traits. He goes to the surface and hides his blood color by dressing like a robot. He really loves tech and the mechanics of it, since the seadwellers can mainly only use bug-based tech underwater. He takes the name Vexxin during his hiding. Don't get him started on troll Daft Punk.
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lockea · 4 months
10 Fanfiction Recs
In honor of IFD 2024 and @ao3org organizing the feedback fest, here are 10 fanfiction from my bookmarks (all complete, lots of oldies) spread across as many fandoms as I read.
Scylla and Charybdis by Mithrigil, puella_nerdii Fandom: The Hunger Games "Finnick decides that, come hell or high water, he is bringing his tribute home from the seventieth Hunger Games. That tribute is Annie Cresta. But Finnick never thought that he would have to choose between bringing her home and keeping her safe, and he wants both. How Annie Cresta crept up on Finnick Odair."
I heard Hunger Games was back in fashion, so have this fic from 2011 that's just so good.
Primary Colors by RobotSquid Fandom: Homestuck (no, I am not apologizing!) "As a young troll living in the desert with the Dolorosa, the Signless comes across an unconscious psionic wriggler. Over the next few nights, they come to understand and care for each other. Although seemingly destined to be apart, they make a promise to be together again. But the destructive ways of the highbloods are becoming more widespread, and as the Signless begins to dream, he dedicates himself to regaining the peaceful world Alternia once was. But troll society as it stands now holds no sympathy for a candy red mutant, a psionic slave, or the matespritship they have."
A canon-compliant (I think, I stopped reading Homestuck around this time) story about the Signless that's full of great world building and honestly I don't remember much but I have it on my bookmarks list for a reason, I'm sure.
A Long Road to Destiny by Miko Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (set in Final Fantasy X verse) "The summoner's journey is a long, hard path to walk. Having guardians you trust makes all the difference in the world."
The story follows Cloud, who is half Al-Behd, as he makes his pilgrimage to be a summoner. Early on, he's joined by Sephiroth, a former Summoner, and Zack, who wants to be Sepiroth's guardian, and the three begin quite the epic adventure to save Spira.
Immovable, unbreakable by Cards_Slash Fandom: Assassin's Creed "Altair has known since he was thirteen years old, the year he realized he was an omega, that his body was never going to be his own. He thought he had overcome his own fate when Al Mualim agreed to allow him to stay on as an Assassin but even becoming the youngest Master Assassin ever did not save him. Following the semi-failed mission at Solomon's Temple, Altair is gifted to Malik as a reward for his service. Malik doesn't want Altair but he does not turn down the chance to show him his place."
A retelling of the first game if Altair was an omega, lost his assassin status, was summarily married off to Malik, and had to work around all that to still solve the mystery and save the day. Altair is truly the biggest badass in this story, and the historical perspective on an Omegaverse is truly neat.
Teach Me How to Fight (I'll Show You How to Win) by Skalidra Fandom: Batman (DCU) "Dick is taken by the Court after his parents' death to be trained as a Talon. He becomes loyal, deadly, and the Court's primary Talon. At least until he meets a boy from the Court's secondary, darker kind of servant who gets assigned to be his partner, and makes him start to care about things other than serving the Court. Tim, a boy-genius member of the Court, could have told anyone who listened that pairing Talon with the other boy - Jason - was a poor decision, and the fact that the Grandmaster of the Court doesn't listen, at all, is something he's finding less and less tolerable."
I love this fic so much that it was my first attempt at fanfiction binding.
Oh, You Wondrous Creature by Ginia Fandom: Final Fantasy XV "Ignis Scientia had learned at a young age to perform his duties quietly and flawlessly. He learned not to draw undue attention to himself, as attention had often lead to pain and humiliation at the hands of those who considered themselves to be his betters.
He has no idea what to do when the attentions of one Gladiolus Amicitia are directed at him. He expects harshness and cruelty, but is met with something quite the opposite."
This is classic frenemies to lovers scenario. Ignis and Gladio start off disliking each other, but as Gladio uncovers more about the discrimination Ignis endures, he shapes up to be a friend, ally, and eventual lover for the steward.
Someone You Have To Let In by Arsenic Fandom: Batman (DCU) "Basically a horribly sideways BDSM-AU where Talia actually raises Jason from the dead to use him to get Damian to safety. If you're looking for super indulgent h/c, I got your back. If you're not, this is probably not the fic for you."
This was my introduction to the BDSM-AU, also called the Dom/sub AU, where people have biological imperatives towards either dominance or submission. The world building here is especially great, as there's parts that talk about how you raise kids in this kind of dynamic. Also I love me some Dick/Jason so there.
Holding Cell by red-catmander Fandom: Guild Wars 2 "Rytlock Brimstone is trapped in a human jail with a hairless mouse, a talking plant intent on infuriating him and a headache the size of the Black Citadel. Now he's stuck fighting in the arena, buying his freedom one slog at a time, and the only thing awaiting him when he gets out is scrapper duty.
He hates these people. He's sure of it. Especially Thackeray.
He really, really wants to hate these people."
Listen, this fic is hilarious. Like funnier than anything Snargle Goldclaw could write (if you know you know). It's Rytlock/Logan in like the crackiest way possible and while I unironically love this fic to pieces, it's main use in my life is to deal 1d6 of psychic damage to members of my GW2 guild.
Maan'alor - The Prime by papermachine Fandom: Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy Era) "Jango Vhett was Mand’alor only briefly to the Mandalorian Empire before he was captured by the Jetii and Republic forces on Galidraan.
Now an unwilling guest on Kamino, he is buir to Boba and he fears his protection can only stretch so far for the rest of the children made in his image. Jango doesn’t know if he can save all of the clones from the Kaminoans or the Republic, but he does know this: Verde sa akaan nau tracyn kad. Warriors are forged in the fires of war.
These children are made for war, and they have been fighting to stay alive since their creation.
He will do what he must to save them."
The series is ongoing, and this is technically the third installment in the series, but it's a great place to start reading. The series follows various characters in this AU where the Sith Empire, the Mandalorian Empire, and the Republic are all at war with each other. Meanwhile, an unwilling Jango is template to the clones, and he is NOT happy about is. But rebellions are built in secret, and Jango never was a very good spy.
hope has bloody knuckles by independent_variables Fandom: Star Wars (Clone Wars Era) "Davijaan discovers mountains, thinks about the war, and maybe falls in love."
I think some people are turned off from this fic because it's a relationship between Davijaan (Odd Ball) and an OC, but the main focus is on Davijaan and Cody's relationship with each other as clones, as having survived the Clone Wars with no Order 66. There's also some lovely word building around Pantora which is the real appeal of the fic, imo. And of course Loren herself is easy to like, with a strong personality and well developed character. You really want to root for her and Davi as the story goes on. Like, come on you two idiots! Figure it out! I do love this fic very much.
Oh my gosh picking only 10 fics was hard. Here's my bookmarks page if you want to see what else I'm reading.
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p0ssumkingdom · 8 months
does anyone else find the extended zodiac stupid? not the concept of it, but how it works. the fact that each caste has 24 symbols based on aspect and lunar sway and that castes have "true" aspects or sways just goes against everything that homestuck had established.
first off, true signs. each caste has an associated aspect and lunar sway that coincides with the twelve beta trolls (e.g prospit/blood for lime caste, derse/void for indigo, etcetera). does this mean that there is something special about these specific signs; some twelve cornerstone trolls, pioneers of the caste sign system? this implies that the beta trolls just so happened to be the representative trolls of the entire species (which yes, they ended up being, not because of their signs but because of the circumstances of sgrub), which further suggests that the caste system is not bullshit and isnt entirely based upon oppression which is like. WHAT?? the ENTIRETY of hivebent supported the idea that the alternian caste system was created to exploit the gifted lowbloods and keep highblood nobles and seadwellers in power!! but hiveswap comes and models every troll after their equivalent blood color troll in homestuck, which makes every bronzeblood related to animals, every purpleblood a clown, and the wordt one being that every goldblood is a powerful psiioniic which is STUPID because psiioniics are meant to be a rare mutation special to goldbloods but wgatever! make em all laser blasting gamers cus who gives a shit!!!! just make em all batteries why not!!!!!!!! ANYWAYS. true signs also imply that every caste has a special, deeprooted connection to a sburb aspect and moon? why? it just implies that every troll has some sort of quality about them because of their blood color! does a purpleblood HAVE to be connected in some way to rage and prospit?
perhaps true signs are simply a matter of perspective. the beta trolls all left an imprint on the human universe with the constellations, and calling them "true signs" is 1. because they line up with the traditional zodiac, and 2. because the trolls presented in homestuck are those signs. that still doesnt fully explain this little tidbit, but whatever.
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one other mystery is how the signs are assigned? excuse me if i missed anything explained in homestuck/hiveswap, but how does a troll get a specific sign? are they just assigned based off a categorization system? do the signs define what your role as a troll is to alternian society? true sagittarius is given the title of "Sign of The Engineer", but taurus is "Sign of The Unfledged"? what is "The Unfledged"? it's clearly based off of tavros, as he was never able to spread his wings, so does every other taurus troll considered "unfledged"? this brings up another question, would two trolls of the same sign be generally similar? how many leo trolls out there live in caves with their lusii, making ship art? or facist bootlicking hipster aquariuses, desperately seeking a relationship with the heiress?
or maybe, just maybe, the extended zodiac is just bullshit. nothing to be taken seriously; empirical propaganda designed to put trolls into molds. an in-universe system, just like castes or quadrants. thats what i want to go with now that i think about it. the aspects and sways were replacements for other troll concepts our human minds cant comprehend, and there's no real purpose behind the extended zodiac. thats probably what it is. in-universe, of course.
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splickedylit · 1 year
I reread domestic diplomacy for the umpteenth time and it’s just! So! Good! I love love love how from Dave’s perspective Gamzee is an absolutely fuckoff enormous clown monster who apparently stalked straight out of a horror movie and into Dave’s life as part of his alien boyfriend’s traditional alien polycule. I’m cracking up just contemplating it, it’s such a good dynamic! Especially with all the xenolinguistics and communication difficulty! 😂
I love how your Makaras are typically written as being on the absolute upper end of the troll height range, which it looks like is out beyond nearly all human outliers. It sort of sounds like the troll height distribution of your stories has a broader range in general than human heights? Or would you say that the average troll is taller than the average human, and the spread is comparable?
Hee, thank you very much! I think Dave definitely was feeling like a pretty cool dude who was totally chill about his boyfriend's weird alien stuff, but Karkat's a pretty entry-level alien as far as aliens go, lol. Turns out they also come in "7+ foot fish-goat-bug alien in clown paint" flavor.
RE: heights, I would say...hm. The average troll height is a little taller than the average human height, although the mode--sorry to break out math concepts haha--is about the same! Most trolls you meet are about normal human-sized. But I've had a long-time headcanon that trolls just continue to grow as long as they're alive, so very long-lived highbloods create dramatic outliers that bias the overall average upward! Average troll is over 6 feet is actually statistical error: Big Motherfucker Peixes, who has been growing for thousands of years and is the size of a truck, is an outlier adn should not have been counted haha
I will also say, on top of that, I think of my Tall Makaras as not even "the upper end of the range", but as outlying the range completely! Like, that at 15-20 sweeps, Gamzee is at the height that would be expected from a highblood several hundred sweeps his senior. And the GHB, at multiple hundreds of sweeps old, is bigger than literally anybody, and pretty much only matched by the Condesce, who's ridiculously old and has been growing the whole time like a lobster haha.
I find it very fun if all twelve of the main trolls we get in canon have like. Some form of mutation, or something outside of the norm about them--some of those are canon (Equius's strength, Nitram wings, Karkat's blood, Kanaya the rainbow drinker), and some of them are me having fun! And, y'know, making the Makaras big enough that even other trolls who are used to big highbloods see them and go (°ロ°)
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This is "Beforus for Real Justice", formerly a blog against SJWs and Rebels but nowadays we're fairly chill.
We fight for real justice, when we feel like it.
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you have to kill veneta dentav
Banned Topics:
Currae Falsum/Former Mod Bronya
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Mod Terezi (2) (T3alblood, H3/Th3y, Head Mod, b3st lawy3r)
Mod Karako (2) (Hemoanon, They/Them, Preban, Culled, a kind p3rson) formerly Mod Amisia
Mods Barzum (Gold, He/Him, Culled) and Baizli (Gold, She/Her, Culled)
Mod Chernobyl (Human, He/They)
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MN/Mod Dave (Hemoanon, They/Them, <3)
Mod Jade (Midblood, she/her, post ban technically, <3)
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Mod Eridan (Violetblood, He/It, Postban) totally has a thing for mod marsti
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Mod Mallek (Goldblood, They/Them, Postban)
Mod Karkat (6) (Highblood, He/Him)
Mod Boldir (Bronzeblood, She/Her)
Mod Galekh (Indigoblood, He/Him, "Basically" Postban)
Mod Stelsa (Highblood, She/Her)
Mod Joey (Hemoanon, He/She/They)
Mod Neophyte (Teal, He/It, Postban)
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Opinion on Kankri (or Cronus)
Oof ill be honest it's been a while since a did a good examination of their canon characters
Let me preface this with the fact that each of them are supposed to be obviously recognizable as exaggerated stereotypes of different kinds of real people.
They're both problematic in their own ways, Kankri in his performative advocacy that only goes as far as correcting others and going on long rants about the implications of an issue and Cronus is his idolizing of the Greaser life and "nice guy" bs. But the thing is, they're literally eternally stuck as 19 year old ghosts, just arguing with their friends and alt versions of them and themselves. They don't grow or mature and they don't have any better perspectives to teach them better even if they were open to accepting that the way they act isn't okay. They each think the way they are is who they have to be in order to be an activist for Kankri or be cool for Cronus.
Are they great people trolls? No but again they're 19, dead, and stuck in a video game with an infinite number of other 19 year old versions of themselves and their friends.
But they do each play their own part in the story and when examining both the way that society was on Beforus and their narratives amongst their ancestors/dancestors they make sense.
For Kankri, Karkat, and Signless (who is literally Kankri but on Alternia), their major recurring thing is being treated differently by society because of their blood mutation. While Kankri doesn't have to fear being killed due to his blood color he does still face hella ableism because the society on Beforus believes lowbloods should be coddled due to their lack of power in comparison to highbloods. The trolls of the cancer sign always have to fight for themselves somehow as a reoccurring theme and Kankri's activism is his. Had he been able to continue growing and learning he could've become a better activist as he got older but because of the game he didn't and now spends eternity frozen as the same person.
For Cronus, Eridan, and Dualscar, their characters think of themselves as cool and better than others because of their status as violet bloods but in reality is regularly disregarded personally and not as worshipped as they think they should be. With the peaceful society of Beforus his "nice guy" bs was given more room to flourish bc he wasn't spending his time causing as much bloodshed and instead was focusing on how to make himself "cool" in a misguided attempt to get the attention he wants. Hussie himself has been quoted calling Cronus the worst character in homestuck and that's what he was created to be for the story. Had their session not started, could Conus have become a better troll some day? Maybe but we'll never know.
At the end of the day, they were both created to play a specific part and have a specific influence on the story.
Did I used to have fun back in high school shipping them? Yeah a bit but I grew out of that a long time ago. There's actually a Cronkri fic on AO3 that low-key still haunts me to this day. It can be a cute and fun ship if you wanna have fun with it. Are they good for each other? No but depiction does not equal glorification and it was through the exploration of characters like that going through some (tbh uncomfortable) stories that taught me some perspective on certain things and the only way to learn and grow as a person is to explore stuff like that. Plus it's okay to just have fun with silly bad characters I mean look at Vriska lmfao
Sorry that this turned into a whole thing but they're both characters that were intentionally written to be kinda shitty teenagers and too many ppl turn into real life Kankris trying to villify fictional characters.
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skips-is-asleep · 1 year
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Equius board by gamzee
Explanation undercut:
This was a lot of fun to make! I don't think gamzee would make these the way everyone else does, he doesn't think like everyone else does, he's not good at determining what encapsulates the OTHER person. Instead, he picks pictures he likes that remind him of the person, and then proceeds to get lost and selects images that he just likes with no relation. I'd love to include more images to express this but >:( alas.
I think gamzee genuinely really likes Equius. Maybe he can't perfectly articulate why, but if asked, he'd probably say "he says funny things, he has such a unique perspective :)" (<-paraphrased) and also Gamzee just likes everyone who talks to him. If there is quad shit going on, I think gamzee feels red for Equius, but Equius is really fickle and switches a lot between red and black (mostly black tho) and gamzee just goes with it to be a good "matesprite"
I think gamzee WANTS to be good and wants to be gentle, but he has his base instincts as a highblood and pressure from Equius
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homeshippinglikeapro · 3 months
Regarding my previous ask: there are actually numerous non-Tolkien fictional immortals (herein "immortals" including very long lifespans) that age at the same rate as their non-immortal counterparts, so it was almost certainly intentional (not to have them age like lobsters, that was just a real-world example for fun); immediately springing to mind are the Sorcerers of David and Leigh Eddings' "The Belgariad", who age and mature at precisely the same rate as non-magical humans up until a point where they no longer age at all. There's numerous other examples of this in fiction and mythology, but I really don't feel like digging them up since it'll take more time than one should put into an ask sent to a request blog rather than a standalone essay :P In short, highblood aging makes no sense only from a Tolkien-esque perspective of "immortals that age/mature incrementally based on their lifespans like humans do", but perfect sense otherwise.
This is getting morecomplicated than i expected to :D
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sunset-bound · 2 years
Equius as he relates to identity
Equius' themes themselves involve bodies and physicality a lot, and i mean a LOT. It can be seen in every one of his interests: hoofbeasts are literally hypermuscle horses, he fistfights, even his interest in engineering, as most of what he builds are robot bodies-- in fact he builds a troll body and replacement limbs for other characters.
This repeats itself equally for his failings, his strength is out of control; he's easily nervous, which manifests as sweat, a bodily function; he's incurably horny etc.. But the main takeaway from all of this is that all of the physical facet of his character ties back to his Aspect, Void. And as his Class says, he is a Heir, he embodies this physicality throughout everything he does, but most importantly, he gets to shape it with his hands. At first this is presented as overconformism, he wants to change himself physically to fit the box he was born into, to keep the status quo.
His character suffers deeply from having his personality stunted, his true self beaten up to give place for an empty shell of a person-- Equius entire personality is, in fact, his position as a highblood. He's not born all the things a highblood is expected to be, but being a highblood the only thing left of his personality when you cut off everything else. His over the top performance of that role fits very closed with a trangender narrative, especially with how a human vision of masculinity overlaps with the traits he is emulating. Strength, stoicism, rationality. His stunted personality reflects a stunted exploration of gender.
Ultimately, he has never had the chance to be knocked into self awareness and lucidity over this situation, but time and again i imagine he letting himself experience that. Would he not feel disconnected from a body pushed to the limit for an impossible standard? Even as he is, does he not resent his body not reaching that ideal quite enough?
If he and Nepeta were to survive against Gamzee, if he fought back against a higher caste, he would be thrown into a complete reality shift. His worldview being put in perspective as such would certainly leave him there to rebuild himself from scratch. Who is Equius Zahhak, and what is this body without the greater purpose of fulfilling his role in the caste he was born into?
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psiimaid · 1 year
What's your take on the vantas' with gills? I think it would give signless a really good perspective on things.
hrm the headcanon itself is one i could go either way on tbh? it comes from the freshwater limebloods headcanon, right?
i’d argue that signless has a.. different perspective anyway. at the very least, as someone who isn’t on the spectrum at all.
he didn’t live a traditional lowblood life. he can’t fully understand their experiences, or the experiences of slaves, or even those who have lost their lusus.
likewise, he’s never lived the life of a highblood and all that entails. he can’t fully understand them, either
he lived his life, an unconventional one, with an unconventional guardian, y’know
his views are unconventional, they’re revolutionary, recognizing the oppression people further down the spectrum face while also standing solidly firm in his beliefs that say highbloods deserve kindness and love and freedom from the system, too. the part of “equality and forgiveness” that people don’t like to hear.
he doesn’t need to have impossibly walked in everyone evers’ shoes for him to have validity. signless is similar to ye average lowblood in many ways, yes, but in this specific situation the gills seem like a way to counteract that? in a symbolic way? but don’t add much imho beyond appearance + “oh yeahh don’t you just hate when they dry out” solidarity with seadwellers
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oasis-nadrama · 11 months
‘Wake Up.’, by Lupa - Let‘s retrace our treachorous paths
Review by Oasis Nadrama, 05/07/2023 (up to page 722)
Moderate spoilers for the beginning of the comic
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[Drawing by Lupa]
Wake Up starts with a resounding failure. A SGRUB session fails. But how does it fail exactly? Through the memories of the survivors, we are about to discover the truth...
The fundamental gimmick of the story is its greatest strength: it plays like an extended version of archetypal P.O.V. episodes or movies, embracing each character's perspective, one after another. This allows us to better understand their struggles, their hopes, their flaws, and to develop significant empathy for their ordeal. The SBURB Lands also benefit from the point-of-view approach, the prolonged focus envelops us in a thick and legendary atmosphere, a potential the original Homestuck webcomic had but never developed adequately. The planets are wild and lush, teeming with life and myths, and the local consort population is more adorable, brave and in need of saviors than it ever was. Considerable groundwork is spent on the lore of the Lands, with appreciable results. The P.O.V. approach, in the end, also provides good pacing, with unpredictable pauses, interruptions, timeskips and development of the past events, as well as the usual amount of troll bickering.
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Alternian culture wouldn’t be Alternian culture without the daily amount of mauling, passive-agressivity, direct agressivity and detestation. [Drawing by Lupa] About the trolls, well, what a dynamic cast! They sure are... interesting. Involving. Lovable. And hatable. Some extreme personalities are at work, some of them incredibly detestable (Blaiek...), and they all resonate with each other in all kinds of fun way. A success of an ensemble cast, made only better by the fact that Wake Up is the one work which does explore in-depth the social implications of the hemospectrum ideology. The bloodism-related dynamics EXPLODE here, with an incredible amount of struggles, hidden or semi-hidden blackmailing, fetishization of lowbloods by highbloods and the reverse... 50 shades of interpersonal abuse, ultraviolent group mechanics, shattering of entire groups, invisible barriers, all of the stereotypes and dead angles in the world, complete brainwashing for some, the works. This ultra-realistic, if extremely bleak, picture of prejudice is part of the soul of Wake Up, and we can only pray that it inspires other fanworks to follow in this promising path. The ethical, philosophical and political relevance of the approach is surpassed only by the intensity it provides to the interpersonal relationships and to the workings of the group.
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Blaiek, the most disgusting being ever known to trollind. [Drawing by Lupa] The drawings are excellent. The author and artist of Wake Up, Lupa, works in the animation industry and one can quickly see she's a professional. The color palettes are on-point, the lineart impeccable, the poses energetic, the character designs well characterized, and there's a lot of expressivity to every face, to every body. The style fits well with the conflictual and often hostile nature of the relationships here, and is also well attuned to atmospheric moments as well as to action sequences. Altogether the visual facet is beyond criticism. So are there any flaws in this webcomic? Well, regrettably, the beginning is kinda weak. There's some classical setup and erratic introductions. The author is aware of the problems and revised the first act in order to sharpen it. It is, at least, serviceable, and contains some funny and interesting aspects. It is worth it to advance through the first pages and to reach the big story twist.
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"Welcome to my Youtube channel! Today we'll learn how to use alchemy!" [Drawing by Lupa] Because, yeah, there is this twist. And this gimmick. This raw approach. Once again, the P.O.V. gimmick is Wake Up’s greatest strength. From the moment the trick truly appears, from the moment the characters start uttering their tales, the narration will grab you by the collar, carry you screaming and throw you in the well of neverending twists and tragedies. Time to wake up and read this great story!
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understandableparadox · 6 months
The Grand homestuck oc tournament poll! Round 3 winners!
the results are tallied, the dust has settled, its time to see who is left standing!
Auiwyn Trasyl
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The silliest, most self deprecating emo you’ll ever have the displeasure of meeting. His favorite movies would be the troll twilight saga, and they would make fanfiction of his rainbow drinker oc and Troll Edward. They have such a large obsession with rainbow drinkers that it’s consumed almost everything in his life. They would geek out if they ever met Kanaya, it would be so bad they’d probably faint. Would bite people to taste the blood and then gag when it tastes bad.
zalium azoran
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Zalium is a rogue fuchsiablood who was raised by an axolotl lusus away from the prying eyes of the alternian empire. eventually he was able to find community in the lower bloodcastes of alternia and here he learned about alternian history from a true perspective.
he gathered an aliance, heavily inspired by the sufferer's rebellion, and rises up against the empire. being a highblood he held a greater chance against the empress and gl'bgolyb, and after a strenuous battle he manages to take down the horrorterror and the empress in turn
i don't even care if he's bad i love him so dearly
Anomal Conspi
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One of the most brilliant, anxiety ridden queens on her whole planet. She’s so paranoid that she has a backup plan for just about anything. She predicted the world was going to end via meteors and had a ship fully ready to go for several years, and had a mental breakdown when she ended up being right. Overthinking is her strongest skill, making plans for her plans just in case something she didn’t think of happened. Her ship, despite being made of old and ruined tech, is so heavily equipped with safety features that she should probably be in charge of OSHA because ain’t no one getting hurt on that thing. Would go outside in a hamster bubble.
Viiveh Telore (Now with new and improved art!)
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Viiveh is a fuchsia blood in an abusive relationship trying to forge his own destiny. He tries to stay positive and is unlearning some classist traits. He goes to the surface and hides his blood color by dressing like a robot. He really loves tech and the mechanics of it, since the seadwellers can mainly only use bug-based tech underwater. He takes the name Vexxin during his hiding. Don't get him started on troll Daft Punk.
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Atroxx lives in a swamp full of boiling tar, lurking in the dark and serving as something of a dark legend to the locals. They fear her and often leave her sacrifices, believing her to be a monster or some sort of demon. She just likes getting free things out of it and sometimes toys with the minds those who wander a little too far out of the torchlight, taunting them from within the darkness. If you survive an encounter with her, she's not very eloquent, and is quite stubborn and impatient, unpredictable and almost wild in behavior. She is also, however, incredibly resourceful and clever.
Lollie Gravez
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Your name is LOLLIE GRAVEZ and you use ne/nem/nir, sh3/h3r/h3rz and h3/h1m/h1z. You are a SCENE KID first and foremost, and a troll second.
You love COMICS, CARTOONS, and SHIPPING, and listen to way too much ALTERNATIVE MUSIC. You send a lot of your spare time SEWING CLOTHES, both for yourself and your PLETHORA OF PLUSH FRIENDS. You spend way too much money on VIDEO GAMES, that you never get around to playing. When you aren’t hiding in your room away from the world, you love watching shows with your friends, then making self inserts for all your friends. Your squad loves the troll anime SUGIO QUEST FOR KOKORO, despite it being outlawed for rebel imagery.
Orfeus Etimio
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Orfeus is soft spoken, docile and as weak as a troll gets, but people tend to fear them because of the horde of ghosts following them everywhere, even for those that can't see spirits the presence is overwhelming.
They constantly give more than they can for the ghosts and have ended up emotionally drained, not properly reacting to most situations and appearing emotionless. İf you grabbed them and took them home they'd only say "ok" and let it happen.
They like playing minecraft with their moirail also
Persep “Perse” Rhiali
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She streams, she draws, she always has a knife on her, with a small size and big personality Perse WILL either be your friend or A Problem (TM)
?????? Achlys
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19 yo Mage of Void hemoanon, Achlys is a air-headed party girl who likes to take it easy, life is definitely too short to be worried about every little thing. She's quite friendly for a troll and always knows what to say to please people. She changes quadrants pretty often.
However when SGRUB begins she seems to know just where to look to learn all the rules and easily makes herself the leader before anyone notices. Not to mention her fake lusus and dreamself that seems to be puppeted by horrorterrors…
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sumbier0 · 1 year
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Okay time to elaborate on this *cracks knuckles* but in a separate post because hey I would actually want this part to show up in the tags
So, first off, music on Alternia hardly has an industry. Actually, calling it an industry would be generous, especially after Signless' revolution - almost no one even makes music, and a big chunk of troll population might not even really have an easy access to it . After the S revolution its not even an available career choice, all music is probably made by teenagers /children [even IF adults make any music, it probably stays in the ship or whatever setting they're in]
So any parties, events involving music are most often organized by highbloods, but thats either way not that often.
Now more onto what the music might be like itself. Purple bloods most likely have genre of music really alike if not the same to ICP, but this is not neccesarily the case for other highbloods. Obviously there would be an overlap either way - 'ICP' genre influencing different highbloods music and vice versa, a lot of inbetween songs.
Music of other highbloods I imagine is pretty loud. They have to worry less about hiding and their music is less controversial for the alternian empire. The text usually would pretty cheery as well as the general theme [well, for alternian standards atleast]. Even motifs considered darker on Alternia by lowbloods would be turned cheery from warped perspective of highbloods. Not sure what exactly it could be a mix off, but probably would be alike to rock, maybe in some case heavy metal? Definetely something very energetic, that's for sure. 99% of it qould have a lot of pro empire propaganda.
Lowblood music on the other hand would be way more hushed. Maybe something similar to ballads,, It wouldn't necesarily touch more on controversial topics for example how shit the empire is,or not outright, the methaphors for those only visible to those who seek it well. Still songs outright speaking ill of all the Alternia bullshit would be more common I imagine. Often maybe their songs also would be shorter? The only songs that could ever go 'mainstream' would be the ones romance themed. Oh yeh, in general romance songs I think would be the most popular.
Returning to lowblood music, you'd usually have to get it from specific networks/places. Some subgenre would be a bit more energetic, dealing with hard topics in a way that makes them easier to process/ more bearable. And some would even try to make the opression as a mighty, worthy albeit tragic fate.
You know, anything that helps getting through daily hell that can be Alternia. Oh and quality a lot of times is ass and it sort off became a characteristic for this music. Some would try to highlight this effect by adding to their tracks sounds of broken thing etc.
Also I imagine lowbloods use more easily makeable and transportable instruments, in case they have to quickly move from one place to another. Plus it would be harder for them to find a new instrument if they lost their current one.
The [possibly] most popular romantic genre would be really varied, the most blurred between what's considered lowblood and highblood. The seconf most popular genre would most likely centre around rulers and their achievements. Well maybe popular is pushing it a bit, but its one the easiest to spread and access since its not controversial to the empire.
Of course in general there would exist a genre that would be a big mishmash of the two.
I also think seadwellers music would be a bit different to landdwellers but im not sure how honestly.
Then jades' music would be very specific while not spreading out further than the cluster of jades it was made in, very local. It would also focus on struggles specific to them, but thats really a given for any blood caste. It could feature quite a lot of ambient cave sounds, and in general a lot of unusual instruments or even just setting as the instruments.
And I imagine at some point quite a chunk of music was dedicated to Signless' movement, although they might've become a forgotten thing after the revolution died down.
Okay I think that's all my thoughts
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othercat2 · 1 year
Re-Reading Price of Forgiveness
And I'm right to a part where The Grand Highblood, Gamzee and Karkat are being especially mushy. (Well, mushy for trolls. And mushy with the caveat that Karkat is GHB's kismesis and Gamzee is Karkat's moirail and GHB's matesprit. So Karkat's mushy toward GHB is very snarky.)
And I'm re-reading with the most recent chapter in mind. The chapter where Feferi and the other troll kids find out that Gamzee is in a relationship with GHB and that Karkat is being "forced" to interact with the GHB. (And from their perspective, "interact" means "probably torture.") The chapter where they start panicking because GHB is actually terror, even if he is a very good matesprit to Gamzee, and is capable of having a balanced relationship with a kismesis (Karkat). They don't know that, and I am anticipating their attempts to rescue Gamzee and/or Karkat.
Just. It's the difference between the stories they're living in. Feferi and the others are some kind of rebellion/espionage/thriller, but Karkat, Gamzee, HIC and GHB are in an adventure romcom. The snowball effect as the kids panic is just amazing.
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back on my drone karkat shit, but this time, with a twist! karkat being a drone isn’t really prominent, just in the background
karkat lives in the middle of nowhere, not too far from the sea, but far enough that seadwellers won’t decide to attack him. so he’s at the shore one day catching some fish bc mans gotta eat yknow, and who other than feferi swims up to chat (they’re both roughly 3-3 1/2 sweeps rn) and the edges of her fins haven’t started turning pink, and she only has her head poking out of the water so karkat can’t see her blood color/sign. she says hello and is all friendly and poor karkat is just so confused. they talk for a bit before they have to leave because the sun will come up soon. karkat thinks it’s just a one time thing, but then it happens again. and again. and again
and now it’s a routine, and neither knows the others blood color (karkat assumes feferi is violet and feferi assumes karkat is a lowblood) and everyone is just having a grand old time for a couple sweeps but then oh fuck! some highbloods that are probably drunk on faygo decide that this hemo-anon troll sitting by the shore should die! and it’s this whole thing, feferi comes and joins the fight and she and karkat kill the highbloods and all is well but then they both notice that they’re both injured and bleeding and it’s this whole dramatic, emotional thing, where karkat is freaking the fuck out because 1) a troll knows his blood color and 2) said troll is the ducking heiress, and feferi is frantically trying to calm him down and she does and oh fuck I guess they’re moirails now who woulda guessed
and feferi thinks that everyone knows that drones have bright red blood, until karkat says that his blood isn’t natural and he’s a mutant, and she informs him that actually no karkat you’re a drone I thought everyone knew drones have your blood color and karkat proceeds to have a mental breakdown
anyway karkat teaches feferi about lowblood culture and stuff and feferi helps karkat research about drones and what they need and this got really long so I’m just gonna stop here but how do you think this would affect their session
~ 🔥 anon
If Feferi and Karkat start the session as moirals independently of the reason, the team avoids a lot of the Eridan downward spiral cause Feferi wouldn't have revealed she never had romantic feelings for him right after losing Alternia and he wouldn't have isolated himself in his planet
Karkat would have been a lot more in control if he had a moiral and Feferi's position on the hemospectrum would have taken away some of the pressure to prove himself so he would have been a lot more effective and focused as a leader
Feferi would have had some perspective and would have been more invested in trying to smooth down casteist disagreements among the team as soon as they popped up. She might avoid dying altogether
The drone thing would add some unique problems but overall the session might have gone better, I guess? It would be one of the cases where being too good dooms the timeline
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stop-highblood-hate · 2 months
HELLO wh i don't knou if this shit is active bwt STILL
I’M a violet blooded gal and stwff uith conflictions regarding wh,,,, ywo KNOU
AND honestly i feel kinda for them sometimes and a bwnch of my other friends keep telling me they deserve better BWT
I uanted to hear abowt ywour thwowghts heeding this SITWATION
GIVE me a new perspective, MAYBE (OH man if this blog is fwcking innactiue and dead i uill be so wtterly ASHAMED)
hey! fiss blog issnt dead, i jusst havent had a ssingle assk worf ansswering in a while LMFAO
fere issnt much i can really ssay wifout knowing more about your sspecific ssituation, but if you feel bad about- well, feeling bad for fem ssometimess, fatss okay! we all make misstakess after all, no troll iss one hundred percent flawlessss (except for her imperial condesscenssion, of coursse) - but your friendss sshould really be helping you figure fat all out, insstead of jusst confussing you efen more :/
jusst remember fat ass a highblood (and ESSPECIALLY ass a sseadweller), you can do far more good by upholding fe casste sstructure - it exisstss for a reasson, after all, and fe benefitss of it will efentually reach fe lowbloodss too, efen if fey pretend fere arent any 💀
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