#high five yourself if you caught that little rascals reference
wheels-of-despair · 1 year
@oneforthemunny's Summertime Writing Game The Title: Bad Apples The Eddie: Janitor!Eddie (and a lot of Oliver) The Prompt: 🃏 Wild Card The Summary, Since I Went Off-Script: Someone called your sweet little Oliver a "bad apple" so now you're gonna have to make a point. A sweet, delicious point. The Words: 2k Author's Note: Oliver's pretty quiet in this. It's his first summer with Teach and Janitor!Eddie, he's still getting used to them.
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"Are our apples bad?"
You looked to Oliver and then to the bowl of fruit on the counter in confusion. You'd only just walked in; could he smell a rotten apple already? Has pollen season officially claimed your nose as a victim? You step closer and pick up an apple to inspect it.
"I mean, they might be a few days past their prime, but I don't think they're bad. Why do you ask?"
He shrugs. "I'm gonna go read," he mumbles and goes to his room, closing the door quietly. You pick up another apple and give it a sniff. Nothing. You turn over each apple in the bowl, looking for any sign of rot. Not even a bruise. What the heck?
And then the phone rings, and the art teacher ranting about the incompetent music teacher who better not come back next year makes you forget about the apple problem.
She keeps you occupied for the next hour with a conversation that couldn't be had on school grounds - even a nearly childless one, since you were just there today cleaning out your classrooms - and then you start fixing dinner. Oliver usually wanders in when he starts smelling food, but today, he stays put. A little odd, but maybe he's just tired. He'd spent most of the afternoon on the playground with other newly-freed kids who either belonged to fellow teachers, or been so conditioned to school that they'd gravitated toward it even now that summer had officially started. You decide not to bother him; he knows he can hang out with you whenever he feels like it.
When Eddie comes home, he greets you with a kiss and asks what's for dinner. You inform him of tonight's menu - one of his favorites, to celebrate the end of the school year - and his face lights up.
"Where's the little guy?" he asks, leaning back on the counter and crossing his arms, looking gorgeous doing it.
"In his room. He's quiet today."
"Any idea why?"
You shrug. "Go check, maybe you'll have better luck."
"Kay," he pushes off the counter, give you another peck, and goes to check on Oliver.
You hear a knock and then muffled voices. Can't escape the boys' club, even in your own house, you think as you clear the table.
You call when dinner is ready, and the boys enter the kitchen together. You notice that Oliver has changed his clothes at some point, but don't question it. He's a big boy, he can decide what he wears and when.
Oliver is still quiet during dinner. He'll speak when he's spoken to, but doesn't volunteer any information about his day or chime in like he usually does. You're growing more curious by the minute, but you don't get any answers until Oliver is safely tucked in.
"Alright, spill," you order, the second your bedroom door closes.
"Spill what?" Eddie asks.
"What's up with Oliver?"
Eddie heaves a sigh and comes to sit next to you on the bed.
"Somebody called him a bad apple."
"What." Not a question. You're seething already.
"Some kid on the playground asked another one if he smelled something funny, they went back and forth like a bad comedy routine, punchline was that there must be a bad apple around."
"Who was it?"
"He didn't say."
"Well those little brats better hope I don't find out." Eddie gives you an affectionate smile for your over-protectiveness.
"He's alright. He thought they meant he smelled bad."
You roll your eyes so intensely, your whole body flops back on the bed in frustration. Eddie joins you, less dramatically.
"I explained it to him… but I wish I didn't have to."
"What is wrong with these damn kids, Eddie?"
"They're being raised by the people who did the same shit to me."
You reach for his hand, fumbling for a moment before he realizes what you're doing and helps you out.
You stare at the ceiling and sigh together, breathing out all of today's frustrations.
"What are we going to do?" you ask, helplessly.
"Keep taking care of him. Hope he values our opinions more than theirs."
You turn your head toward him, and he turns his toward you. It's a comfort, knowing that Eddie understands exactly what Oliver's going through and how to take care of it, but it's also infuriating that this cycle never ends. Kids are doing the same shit now that their parents did twenty years ago, and probably their parents before them. What's the point of even trying to teach them better?
You eventually get up, dress for bed, and turn in for the night.
It's not until the next morning that you have a brainstorm.
Oliver wanders into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes, when he smells the bacon and eggs. He smiles when you tell him good morning. That's a good sign, at least. You fix plates, Eddie pours drinks, and you have a nice breakfast together.
"What are you two gonna get into this morning?" Eddie asks.
"I thought we might drop by the grocery store, pick up some summer necessities and a few things for Steve's tomorrow."
Eddie's mission today is to help Steve assemble a pool. Not the fancy, heated, in-ground kind his parents had; but a modest above-ground pool just for the summer. It would probably take the rest of the night to fill; Team Munson had been invited to a soft open tomorrow, just a quiet get-together for the boys to pat themselves on the back for following instructions and sticking a hose in the four-foot pool.
After breakfast is eaten and the dishes are in the sink, Eddie takes off and Oliver goes to get dressed for today's shopping trip.
Oliver is a great shopping companion; he's great at pointing out sales you may have missed, and never tries to deviate from the list. (Eddie's a bit of an impulse shopper. Oliver is the list when he accompanies Eddie on an emergency grocery run.)
In the store, you grab a few staples that need replenishing, and then head for the produce section. You visit the discount rack, and find exactly what you're looking for. Thank you, Bradley's Big Buy. You lift a sack of apples with a fast-approaching sell-by date, and spin them around for a quick inspection.
"Aren't they bad?" Oliver whispers.
"They look fine to me," you answer, placing them in your cart. They're a little bruised, and probably mealy, but there's no obvious rot. You grab a few decent-looking lemons off the discount rack too.
You check out, carry your bags to the car, and talk about what you're gonna do this summer all the way home. When you get there, you hand Oliver one light bag and the keys, and he rushes ahead to open the door for you with your armful of groceries.
"Thank you, my good man," you say affectionately as you pass, heading straight for the counter and depositing your bags. Oliver closes the door and follows with his own, sliding it onto the counter. You pull out your bag of apples, and he side-eyes them.
"I thought we might have a pie tonight, what do you think?"
He shrugs.
"You want to wash these for me?" you ask hopefully. He shrugs again, and you smile at him. You open the bag of apples and take them to the sink, and Oliver follows. You turn the water on and demonstrate how to rinse them and then put them in the dish drainer, and Oliver pulls up his little step-stool picks it up in no time.
Oliver washes, and you begin peeling the clean apples by his side, dropping the peelings and the slices into two different bowls.
"You know, when I first met Eddie, he used to bring me an apple every day."
"He did?"
"Yup. Mr. Harrington told him that the saying is 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away', but he kept bringing them for the teacher anyway. I thought it was cute."
Oliver smiles and finishes washing the last apple, reaching forward to turn the sink off.
"You wanna help make the pies, or go play?"
"I'll help," he responds.
"I was hoping you'd say that," you wink. "Fetch me two of the glass pie plates from the bottom cabinet?"
Oliver hops off his stool and starts digging, emerging with a clink of glass and a triumphant "Aha!"
By the time he returns to your side with the pie plates, the apples are peeled and sliced and you're ready to unroll the pie crusts that have been sitting on the counter since you got home. You wipe off the glass with a dish towel and place them on the counter side by side.
"Some people think this is cheating," you explain, fitting the crust into the plate, "but I think it's one of the greatest modern inventions. You know in the old days, people spent hours measuring and mixing and blending and rolling just to make a mediocre pie crust? These taste great, they save us time, and thanks to someone's sharp eyes, we even saved $1!"
Oliver grins and watches you add sugar and spices to the bowl of apple slices. After everything is mixed and coated, with Oliver's help of course, you offer him a piece. He shakes his head, so you shrug and pop it in your own mouth. You'd been a little worried, but the apple tastes fine, and honestly… you could load just about anything with sugar and your boys would love it.
After the pies are assembled and in the oven, you and Oliver turn your discounted lemons into a pitcher of lemonade to take to Steve's. After a few taste tests and minor adjustments, you and your assistant determine that it's perfect, and you put it in the fridge to chill.
You play cards at the kitchen table until the oven timer dings. And then you pull out two gorgeous pies and set them on the counter to cool. Oliver inhales deeply from his place at the table, and you try to conceal a grin. You play another few hands while you wait for them to stop steaming, then decide to go for it.
"What do you think, should we sample it before Eddie gets home? Make sure it's okay?"
Oliver taps his chin as if he's thinking, and then grins.
"That's what I thought," you laugh, getting up to cut two test slices. You bring them back to the table, wondering when Oliver is going to bring up bad apples again. The intoxicating smell seems to have banished the thought from his mind, because he reaches for his fork and takes a bite as soon as you set the saucer down.
"Is it good?" you ask, before cutting into your own slice. Oliver nods enthusiastically as he chews.
"Still think the apples are bad?" His face falls, and he looks at the pie warily, remembering that it was made with subpar produce.
"You know, I think apples are a lot like people," you say gently, taking a bite and chewing thoughtfully. "Sometimes the ones that look pretty and shiny on the outside are rotten inside. And sometimes the ones that look a little different are the sweetest. Even the ones that are imperfect, or bruised, or have been banished to the discount rack at Bradley's Big Buy can surprise you... they just need a little love. And a lot of sugar." You go in for a second bite. "Oh yeah, nothin' wrong with these. Perfection. What do you think?"
Oliver stares at you for a moment, letting the speech you've been planning all morning sink in, and then a smile grows on his face. He nods and goes in for another bite. This kid is amazing.
About halfway through your pie, you hear a car door slam. A moment later, Eddie steps inside and inhales dramatically. "Is this Heaven? Is that where I am? Is that what this smell is?"
Oliver laughs and says, "we made pies!"
"You made pies?"
"Yup!" Oliver chirps.
"Apple pies?"
"Yup!" Oliver repeats.
"Multiple apple pies?"
"Yup!" you confirm, getting up to cut him a slice. "One for us, one to take to Steve's tomorrow."
"Yup. Heaven. This is Heaven."
"Come on, angel, have a slice," you place his pie on the table, and he looks at it with hunger… and then pulls you in for a kiss.
There's nothing bad about these apples.
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xbaepsae · 4 years
our little secret | drabble
“To say you are nervous would be an understatement.”
[jeongguk x reader]
genre: brother’s best friend!au
word count: 3.2k
rating: pg-13
a/n: helloooo! for some reason, the original fic has been getting a lot of traction recently. so, i finally found inspiration to write a little follow up drabble. i really meant for this to be a true drabble (which i consider less than 2k words) but i couldn’t stop writing lol. anyway, please excuse any grammatical errors; i never really proofread & enjoy :) xoxo
also, if it isn’t obvious, please read the [original fic] before this drabble to save you from spoilers!
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“Why is it harder to see each other now that we actually want to see each other?”
It’s been a few weeks since the beach trip. You haven’t told anyone about the relationship yet. For now, you just want Jeongguk all to yourself.
“So, you didn’t want to see me before the beach trip?” Jeongguk smirks at you, hair disheveled and torso barely covered by your bed sheets.
You don’t think you’ll ever get over the way he looks in your bed. It’s a sight that just looks, and feels, so right. “Of course, I did. What I mean is, now that you’re my boyfriend…I want to see you more—not just to fuck.”
“Say that again,” he smiles.
“Not just to fuck?”
He laughs, “No—the boyfriend part.”
You reciprocate the laugh, “Oh. Hey, boyfriend.”
Jeongguk’s response is to pull your body against him. Your hands cup his face for a kiss, never getting tired of the taste of his lips. His hand move down your body and cup your ass. Beneath you, you can feel him getting hard again. You’re about to tell him you’re ready, but your phone starts ringing.
Pulling away from your boyfriend, you groan and answer the call. “Hello?”
On the other line, you hear your mother’s voice. She asks you how your day has been so far, and then asks, “Are you hungry?”
“Uh…no. why?” you ask, confused by the question.
“Because I’m on my way home right now.”
That has you off the bed, “What?”
“I’m five minutes out—leave the door open for me, yeah? I’m bringing food!”
“Why are you coming home?” The second the words come out of your mouth, Jeongguk gives you a weird look. “Aren’t you working?”
“Your father and I aren’t workaholics all of the time, sweetie. Besides, I thought the rest of today could be a girl’s day. I’m about to turn into our neighborhood right now.”
Your mother hangs up and you look at your boyfriend with a panicked expression. “Fuck—my mom is on her way home right now!”
“Food—I don’t know. But that’s besides the point. You need to leave!”
Jeongguk haphazardly pulls all of his clothes on, hair still completely messed up. You do the same, pulling a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on. After you two are dressed, you throw his things at him and rush him down the stairs. Before pushing him out the door, you press a chaste kiss on his lips and tell him to stop by again tomorrow.
You shut the door with a stuttering heartbeat; and as you finally catch your breath, the door opens again to reveal your radiant mother. “Hey, mom.”
“Hey, sweetie. Hungry?”
“Starving,” you offer a smile, praying she doesn’t inspect your haphazard self too closely.
Your mother hums in response, bypassing you into the kitchen. “I thought you said you weren’t hungry when I called earlier?”
“Umm…I guess I am now?”
You follow her into the kitchen, watching her pull out little tubs of Chinese takeout from the paper bags. Now that you smell the food, you realize you actually are starving. All you ate earlier was a bagel with strawberry cream cheese—not the most filling thing ever.
Grabbing two plates and utensils, you begin to dig into the food. For a second, your mother just stares at you; you’re almost sure she’s caught onto your act. However, the second she begins to eat too, you know you’re safe.
Silence engulfs the kitchen afterwards, the both of you too engrossed in the food. You nearly finish an entire tub of noodles when your mother sets her utensils down. “Did you realize this hunger before or after I saw your boyfriend run across our yard?”
You choke on the noodles and begin to cough violently.
“Honey, haven’t you heard of that saying: mothers always know?”
“I mean…” it’s starting to feel a little too hot in here, you realize.
“I’ve known since we were at the beach, sweetie,” she says, and you suddenly feel beyond embarrassed. “When were you going to tell us?”
Your face feels like it’s going to explode, “Umm…eventually I would’ve said something.”
“But you’re dating Jeongguk—he’s not just anybody, honey. That boy is your brother’s best friend and someone we’ve welcomed into our home with open arms. It’s not that I don’t trust him or anything…but you’re my daughter.”
“I know, mom. He’s not just anybody to me either…” you release a breath. “I like him a lot…even love him, mom. I think I’ve always been in love with him.”
Her expression softens at your words. “I can tell, love. I’m honestly fine with it—whatever makes you happy, makes me happy.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“Just…please don’t sneak around anymore. That boy nearly gave me a heart attack earlier.”
You’re unable to contain the laughter that bubbles through your lips. “Okay.”
“I guess the real question is, have you told your brother yet?” your mom asks.
“Nope,” you sigh. “You know how he can be sometimes.”
“Of course,” she laughs, “I gave birth to that little rascal, so I know firsthand.”
You would consider yourself close to Taehyung; he’s your older brother—by only a year and six months—and is generally protective of you. Not in an overbearing way, but enough that it made you off the market while you two were in high school together. Obviously, you were, kind of, off the market in high school despite that notion; but Taehyung doesn’t know that.
In the Taehyung-Jeongguk friendship, you’ve always been the third wheel. Growing up, they made a bit of an effort to include you; but for the most part, you’ve never fit into their duo dynamic. It’s just always been them plus you on the side. So, you don’t know how your brother is going to react.
“What if Taehyung hates me? It’s like I stole his best friend.”
“Your brother wouldn’t hate you,” your mother says. “He’s protective of you and loves you.”
“Yeah, but him and Jeongguk are like this,” you twist your pointer and middle finger together. “They do everything together.”
It’s your mother’s turn to sigh. “True, but I think it’ll be fine.”
“Are you going to tell dad?” you ask.
“If you want to tell him yourself, I won’t. But I don’t think your father would care either way. He loves you, and he loves Jeongguk too.”
“You can tell dad, but I want to tell Taehyung myself. He deserves that at least.”
Your mother smiles, “Good choice.” Suddenly, her eyes light up. “Why don’t we have a dinner together—just our family and Jeongguk—and you can introduce him as your boyfriend.”
“What kind of old school—”
“Hear me out,” she interrupts you. “The dinner will serve as a buffer. Your brother won’t suspect a thing, and your father and I will be there just in case something goes wrong.”
You blink. “Like, you mean if Taehyung decides he wants to beat Jeongguk up.”
“Oh god, mom,” you groan. “That would be the worst possible outcome.”
“Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
To say you are nervous would be an understatement.
You’ve been pushing this day off not because you don’t want to confront the situation, but because you’re afraid of how your rather temperamental brother will react. Well, maybe you should call him idiot brother instead because you don’t understand how one person could be so blind.
It’s not like you’re still purposefully trying to hide the fact that Jeongguk if your boyfriend. You think it’s pretty obvious. Now that your parents know, you haven’t really bothered to hide anything. Then again, boys are quite stupid. You would know, you’re dating one after all.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Boys are stupid,” you respond, and the way your boyfriend’s nose scrunches does weird things to your heart. Good kind of weird things. “Especially you.”
Confusion quickly changes into defense on Jeongguk’s face, “Hey, I thought we were over this already—didn’t we decide that we’re both stupid for not saying anything?”
You almost laugh, “Not that. I’m just saying in general.” A sigh leaves your lips. “Why do you have to be best friends with my brother?”
“If Taehyung and I weren’t friends, how else would we have met?”
“We would still have gone to school together,” you offer, but he just raises a brow. “Okay, maybe you’re right—you were too cool in high school anyway.”
“I thought you were cool in high school too,” Jeongguk smiles, “you didn’t care about what other people thought about you—or the fact that you were connected to us.”
“I mean, how else was I supposed to act? Girls were always throwing themselves at you, and they tried to be my friends too,” your mouth presses into a straight line. “I had to be nonchalant.”
Your boyfriend takes that opportunity to press a quick kiss against your lips. Immediately, your lips turn up into a smile. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“From overthinking? Yes,” he says, and you know he’s referring to the Taehyung situation. “It’ll be fine.”
“You sound like my mom right now.”
“If even your mom said that, I believe it.”
Maybe they were right—maybe everything was going to be alright. You just needed to be more positive. It was a beautiful day, with beautiful weather, and you had a rather beautiful life. “I should probably go home and help my parents with dinner.”
“I have to be over by seven, right?” Jeongguk asks.
You nod, “My mom and I are sending my brother to pick up a cake at six-fifty, but the cake isn’t supposed to be picked up until seven-fifteen. This is giving us some time to kill, so come any time in-between.”
He laughs, “Sounds good.”
With a departing kiss, and a few whispers of reassurance, you take yourself off of Jeongguk’s couch and drive home. Once you are home, you see both your parents in the kitchen cooking up a storm. “Woah, what is going on here?”
“We’ve got to impress your boyfriend, right?” your father cheekily asks.
“Ha ha,” you roll your eyes. “But seriously—what is with all this food?’
Your mother only smiles, “Food is the best distraction.”
“Okay…” you don’t get it, but whatever. “I’m going to take a shower before dinner.”
After a quick shower and a little bit of makeup—to make you look more alive than you feel—you run back to the kitchen. There, you see Taehyung talking with your parents and you feel your stomach sink just the slightest. This is all too real.
Hearing you coming towards them, he turns around and narrows his eyes at you, “Tell me again, who this boyfriend of yours is?”
“It’s a surprise,” you reply, forcing your nerves down.
“How come you never said anything before? Like, when you came home from school? He goes to school with you, right?”
“Why are you asking so many questions?” you try to change the subject. “Don’t you have a cake to pick up?”
Taehyung scrunches his face, “I’m just saying…it’s a little suspicious.”
Ignoring his comment, you just watch as he grabs his car keys and walks out the door. With the rev of his car engine, you force your nerves to calm down—though it really doesn’t make the nausea go away.
After ten minutes of setting the table and plating the food, you hear the doorbell ring and the nausea ceases for a moment. Ever since you told Jeongguk that your parents knew, he started ringing the doorbell. Despite that housekey, he wanted to appear more “proper” in front of your parents. This admission just made your mother laugh.
Opening the door, you’re about to greet Jeongguk when you realize that you can’t see him. Instead of your boyfriend, all you can see are flowers; a giant bouquet of flowers. You’re speechless at the array of roses, baby’s breath, and sunflowers—all of your favorites, all bundled into one. Not only are you surprised at the mere fact that Jeongguk got you flowers, you’re even more shocked that he knew your favorites. When did you ever mention it?
“Do you like them?” his voice breaks your thoughts as he slowly reveals his face. You notice that his smile reflects your own.
“But how did you know I like sunflowers and roses?”
Jeongguk merely shrugs, a smirk stretch across his lips. “Just a feeling.”
“Well, thank you, boyfriend,” you rise on your tippy toes to kiss him, and he meets you halfway. “I love them.”
As he walks across your threshold, you forget why he’s here in the first place. You forget about Taehyung. You forget about all of your trivial problems. When you’re with Jeongguk, everything fades away—all your worries and stresses; all you can think about is him. Setting the bouquet down, you realize that Jeongguk is staring at you.
“Are you still worried?”
You stop in your tracks, “I wasn’t…until you mentioned it now.”
His gaze meets yours, and in his eyes you know is telling you not to worry. You’re trying not to worry, but it’s a little difficult not to. Especially, when—
Behind you, the door jingles open and your heart sinks into the pit of your stomach. Instantly, your thoughts are running a million miles per hour. You feel the onslaught of panic and anxiety begin to fill your system.
“Hey Jeongguk,” Taehyung walks into the room carrying the cake your mother ordered. “I didn’t know you were coming to dinner.”
Your boyfriend takes the slightest step towards you, which helps to ease a little of the dread you feel. “Yeah, your mom invited me.”
“Did she tell you that my sister’s boyfriend is coming to dinner too?” Taehyung laughs, nodding towards you. “Isn’t that funny? Can’t wait to see who this dude is.”
“I’m standing right here, you idiot,” you roll your eyes, nerves mostly calm. “If you’re going to talk about me, at least wait until I’m not around.”
Taehyung bypasses you, setting the cake down on the kitchen countertop. “Anyway, where’s this boyfriend of yours?”
“How did you pick up the cake so fast?” you change the subject. The cake wasn’t supposed to be ready for another 10 minutes.
“I don’t know,” your brother shrugs. “It was ready when I got there.”
If only you could strangle that cake lady. You had very specific instructions for that cake, and she wasn’t supposed to let Taehyung walk out of that bakery until a certain time. “Well, isn’t that great?”
“Anyway, where is this boyfriend of yours?”
You narrow your eyes. “Why? Are you excited to meet him or something?”
“Maybe…maybe not.”
“You know,” you start, “if you weren’t such an idiot we wouldn’t even—”
“Is he a no show?” Taehyung smirks, cutting you off. “Couldn’t handle the heat?”
“I think he’ll be fine.” Turning around, you notice that your parents are standing beside Jeongguk. When did they get there? Your parents look done with both of your sibling antics, but your boyfriend just blinks at the scene. “Why don’t we all have a seat?”
“But mom,” Taehyung pouts, “what about…”
She silences him with a simple look, and you all make your way to the table. You slow behind your brother and parents, hoping to find solace in Jeongguk’s embrace. He brushes along the small of your back and whispers, “Breathe.”
Everyone takes a seat, and surprisingly—or maybe your brother isn’t a total idiot—Taehyung notices that there were only five seats and plates set up. And they’re all taken now. You watch your brother glance around the table, circling back-and-forth between you and Jeongguk. Oh, come on, Taehyung; don’t make me have to tell you.
“Something’s not right here,” he finally says, and you want to smack him upside the head so bad. “Where is the boyfriend supposed to sit?”
No one says a peep; instead, they all turn towards you. You said that you would tell Taehyung, but you didn’t want to actually have to do it.
“Don’t be mad, but…” you take a deep breath and look to Jeongguk for support; he smiles, and you feel alright. “I’m dating Jeongguk.”
You watch Taehyung’s face morph from confusion to shock, and then back to confusion before it becomes completely blank. For a moment, you’re worried that he’s upset or—even worse—mad at you for dating his best friend. But before you can voice an apology, your brother breaks out into laughter. He’s laughing. What?
“You’re dating…” his fingers point to you and Jeongguk, “each other?”
He waits for conformation; when Jeongguk nods, Taehyung breaks into another round of full-bellied laughter. Now, it was your turn to be confused. “Why are you laughing?”
“Because I can’t believe it,” he manages to say in-between laughing and crying—you really can’t tell the difference at this point. “We had a dinner just for this?”
“You’re the idiot who couldn’t tell.”
“Well,” Taehyung finally sobers up, “thanks for telling me, I guess.”
You bite your bottom lip, “Are you…mad?”
“Oh, I’m furious,” he says, shocking you. Your brother turns to Jeongguk and instantly narrows his eyes. “I’m going to fucking kill you, you asshole. Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my little sister?”
“Language,” you mother chastises.
“So, are you mad at me? You know, for stealing your best friend?” you ask, biting the inside of your cheek.
He turns towards you, and the fury simmers down. “Of course not—Jeongguk and I will still be friends no matter what. I’m just mad that out of all the girl in the world, he had to pick you…you know? You’re my sister and I don’t think anyone’s good enough for you.”
You don’t see this side of Taehyung often—the protective, angry, older brother side of him. Especially not anymore since you’re both adults now. But, although it’s a bit shocking, you admit that you appreciate his reaction. Also, you realize your mother was right; even if he doesn’t voice it much, your brother does love you.
“That’s sweet,” you finally say, “but just so you know, Taehyung, I love him. So, you better get used to it.”
Taehyung scrunches his face before turning to face his best friend, “Well, asshole, aren’t you going to say anything?”
“You’ve always known I had feelings for your sister,” Jeongguk says. “I’m not going to apologize for falling in love with her, but I am sorry that I didn’t say anything earlier.”
“Hmm…” your brother flattens his mouth. “I guess you’re going to pay when I kick your ass.”
There’s a certain gleam in his eyes, along with the knowing smile on Jeongguk’s face, which lets you know that they’ll be alright. What a relief. And when your boyfriend turns to face you, you know that even though this might’ve seemed like the hardest battle, there is bound to be more hardships. However, you’re ready for anything—excited, even. Because as long as Jeongguk is with you, you’ll take it all in stride.
“But can we eat before you guys do that?” you ask with a smile. “I’m starving.”
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker Ch3
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,700
- Author Note: Pure cliche~
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Chapter 3
The clock is ticking. Every time the clock strikes 12 indicating one hour had just passed, Seul’s anxiety doubled in comparison to previous hour. And it repeated itself until the door to the intensive care unit opened widely only to be welcomed with a distress and sombre looking man in his late 50’s. Since Ji Seul just arrived two hours ago, she was not able to meet the doctor in charged so like a reflect Hoon arose from his seat greeting the man in front with a polite bow.
“Family of Hwang Jihyun?” said the man which earned the siblings’ attention right way. They nodded in unison as both looked eager to hear whatever was about to be spilled that moment.
“How’s my mother?” Seul clasped her hand together hoping for some positive answers.
His lips were pressed into a thin line and he heaved a soft sigh “I am afraid her condition is worsening than I expected. I already warned her to be consistent with her weekly treatment, guess she is too busy to do that. May I know is she working or a housewife?” Seul was baffled. She really could not understand what he was trying to deliver at the moment. What treatment was he referring to? As far as she concerned, her mother never mentioned about her being ill.
“I think I am a little confused here, what do you mean by weekly treatment?” Hoon brows perked up in curiosity following her sister gazed to the man in his white attire in front of them. It never dawned to any of them that their mother was ill or at the brink of death.
“I am sorry? Are you not aware of your mother’s condition? She suffered from a kidney failure and it has been a year since she was diagnosed with one. And currently she is still waiting for the donors. That is the sole reason why she must show up for the treatment without skipping any. Her life is depending on it” he fixated his round glasses examining the two teenagers in front of him.
Both Ji Hoon and Ji Seul gasped upon hearing the news. They really had no idea why would their mother lied to them when it was a serious matter. It must be because of the money. Then it finally dawned on her that their mother was so stubborn to keep her job as BTS’s caretaker just because they paid her handsomely. No matter how tiring the job was, she would keep going without reconsidering to quit any.
The man then understood something was off judging from their clueless face, he then continued “I apologized that I am the one who break the news to you but please talk it out with her. She must quit whatever she is doing now and start to pay attention on her health more. Her condition is not favourable to do any tiring activities which required her to move around. It will only drain her more” he patted Hoon’s shoulder with a hint of sympathy and concern.
Seul was losing her words. She really had nothing to say so she chose to shut her mouth tight. As much as she wanted to vent her anger questioning this stupid destiny being set to her family, it was no use. She is the eldest in the family so she had to appear strong and calm. Her heart is shattering apart, and her dam is about to explode by anytime soon.
It wouldn’t do any good to bawl her eyes out in front of Hoon. No matter how annoying Hoon could be, he is her younger brother and a cry baby. If she ever shed tears today, Hoon would follow along. She didn’t want Hoon to witness her weak and fragile side. She had to set a good example to her brother. In the name of her love for this family, Seul would not shed tears tonight. Never.
“Don’t smile, you are still guilty for keeping this from me and Hoon, mother” Seul sighed as she watched her mother ran her fingers between her white hair.
“Hey who is the mother here. You or me?” Mrs Hwang frowned in response.
Seul scoffed “Do not play mother today, I am your guardian and the heir of the family! So I have right to question your despicable action, dear mother” she crossed her arms with a deep sigh.
“Heir? Don’t make me laugh young lady. We don’t even own a building, you are calling yourself an heir. Why so shameless Ji Seul? Aigoo.. Aigoo..” the older woman flicked her daughter forehead annoyed by Seul’s dramatic reaction. Sometimes she wondered how could a young lady like Seul act like a seventy years old grandmother. Her speech could be unreasonable in comparison to her age.
“You should have told us. Don’t you think we at least deserve to know that you are suffering and need help. If you are keeping the pain to yourself, how am I supposed to help. Mother, we are your children, can’t you at least share the loads on your shoulder with us?” she reached out to her mother hand and interlaced it with hers. It felt so cold.
Her mother broke a genuine smile with a hint of fatigue and sadness “Seul-ah, I am your mother there is no way I am pressuring you with my problems. I will be fine don’t worry because having you and Hoon by my side give me strength to go on with life. I am sorry that I keep this away from both of you but I don’t want you to worry about me. It is hard enough for both of you living your life like this” she sighed.
“Don’t say that. We are happy living with you” Hoon pouted in his seat. He moved to take a seat beside Mrs Hwang and wounded his arm around her. He disliked seeing his mother suffered alone, enduring the pain for them when he’s a big boy already. For once, Hoon wanted to quit everything and worked this thing right. Yet, he knew he couldn’t do that because of his mother and Seul. Seul sacrificed her studies so Hoon could graduate high school with zero worries. The least that he could was to graduate and secured a good job in the future.
“Mom, we are family and we care for you. Never lie about your health again, it is worrying us especially when it involves life or death. Your health is not something to gamble. Please listen to us for once, quit your job and concentrate on getting better instead” Seul persuaded.
Hoon nodded as he continued “I can do a part time job, it will be enough to support us at least every month” Mrs Hwang shook her head immediately and her eyes shot open.
“OH GOD NO HOON , you are not allowed to work. This is your final year before graduating, don’t you ever think of working, you hear me!” she swatted Hoon’s hand with a deep growl indicating her disagreement to his foolish idea.
The latter pursed his lips in annoyance “Why can’t i? Nuna is working hard every day for us, so does you. I really want to help for once! I want to contribute in this family as the only man exist here” he exclaimed.
“No means no Ji Hoon. We talked about this before, let us handle the things until you graduate” Mrs Hwang brows creased in anger. Hoon stroked her shoulder with an apologetic look even though deep down inside he never agreed to this rule set by his mother. How irrelevant? Kids at his age nowadays worked to earn money so they could buy things that they desired.
In his case, he wanted to work so he could help the family. He was being noble but his mother didn’t see that as “being noble” instead.
“Fine, I am sorry” Hoon murmured. One thing about Hoon, he was quick to admit his mistake and “sorry” seemed an easy word for him to utter putting Mrs Hwang at ease. At least, her only son listened to her and was born with good manners.
Seul who was silent finally uttered something which caught her mother off guard “I will meet the agency you are working with and let them know about your condition. I am sure they can terminate your contract with them so you can stop coming to the boy’s dorm cleaning after their mess” she suggested.
“NO! What about the boys? Poor boys, I can’t simply terminate the contract. That will get us into trouble and Seul-ah the pay that I earned from this job is hard to obtain from another job. I am not going to let this job go” her mother argued.
“MOM THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THE “POOR” RASCALS FOR GOD SAKE! They are not even your children, why would you care so much! Plus, I can find extra works so don’t you worry, if we put up the works that I do together, it will match the pay that you earn from them” she shrieked in disbelief pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration. Now now, she need to calm down.
Mrs Hwang moves her forefinger back and forth accompanied by a soft sigh “No that won’t do. You are human not a supersonic creature that can do three to five jobs a day, I’m against that idea! I will keep that job so stop complaining. So in return i promise to get my treatment more frequently” Seul cringed not believing her words.
“You can’t be trusted mother. I reckon you will show up to your treatment if you are going to babysit those babytan” she hissed.
“It is Bangtan, Ji Seul. Manners” she warned.
Hoon scratched the top of his head feeling a little dizzy due to his sister and mother childish fight. It was unnecessary to be honest and they banter like a 10-year-old or maybe even worse than that. So, there you go, Ji Hoon the only man in the family decided to step in and resolved the issues.
“What if…” two pair of eyes were on him as he cleared his throat before finishing his words “What if nuna replaced mom’s place as their caretaker?” he suggested like an innocent puppy. His eyelashes batted innocently watching the two important women in his life having a staring contest which weirded him out.
“Oh that is possible” Mrs Hwang eyes twinkled in happiness.
“MOM WHY?” Seul looked flabbergasted at her reaction something that she didn’t expect for sure. She then tore her gaze from the older woman and sent a death glare to Hoon’s direction. If it weren’t for that foul mouth of his, she would not need to hear such crappy suggestion from him. Why would she need to fill in her mother’s place as the rascal’s caretaker when she could simply end the contract in a day?
“Or you prefer me to work as I am still ill? I am alright with that too” she threatened with a playful smirk. Ugh, her mother could be mischievous and pull childish threats from time to time.
“Mom, you are not using that against me!”
“Nuna just do it, plus you wont be meeting the babytan you are practically a ghost there. You only clean and leave right way once you are done with your job” Hoon reasoned.
Seul shot him a glare causing him to press his thin lips together sealing it shut. If looks could kill, Seul would be a serial killer by now.
“At least Hoon has some sense” she caressed Hoon’s back admiring his son for having his back on her.
"Excuse me, i am Ji Seul, 22 and a college dropout and you want me to do what? Babysitting grown up men?" she cowered not trying to make up of her mind pertaining to this job that her mother offered on table.
Mrs Hwang fired back with no hesitation "Not babysitting you are cleaning up the dorms and cook occasionally, it is called a caretaker" Hoon smug proudly of his mother’s statement.
"Cleaning up their mess is not babysitting? Are you serious right now. That is being noble and do i look like super righteous to you?"
"You can’t make luminaries doing chores. They are superstar"
"Superstar or not I’m not doing it.  Ask this babytan whatever terminate your contract so we can live peacefully" 
"It is BANGTAN and they are nice kids!"
"KIDS MY FOOT. I AM YOUR DAUGHTER NOT THEM! GOSH" this really infuriated her. Why her mother was stubborn though she understood the part where it seemed impossible for them to get a good pay like Bighit gave to her mother now. However, it would not hurt to try right?
The bicker was stopped by the sound of the door being opened by one of the nurses. The woman in his early 30’s smiled at their way “Miss Ji, will you come with me for a moment? There are documents need to be signed” Seul arose from her feet with a nod. Hoon and Mrs Hwang watched her figure disappeared from their vicinity and tilted their head in confusion.
Hoon turned to face his mother “Mom, will nuna agrees to the idea? Even so I really don’t want you to work anymore, you need to get your treatment until we find a donor for you” he mumbled sadly.
“Aw, my baby. Don’t worry, your nuna may appear harsh on the outside but she is a kind lady. She always makes a good decision” she tapped his nose with a soft chuckle. She knew Ji Seul so well, that girl would not bear watching her mother work in this condition. She might throw a fit like before at first but at the end of the day, Ji Seul would give in to anything that is the best for their family wellbeing.
Ji Seul was left speechless. She sat alone on the chairs at the hallways feeling remorse upon scanning the documents a.k.a hospital bills that need to be settled by the end of the month. Funny thing was the total of the bill was not even relevant.
The medical cost nowadays is crazy as hell. Half of it was covered by insurance but they still needed to chip in money to settle the rest of it before due. At this rate, her pay from her exsiting job would not be enough to cover up the medical expenses.
Was this the moment where she needed to agree on babysitting grown up men? How she against the idea of looking after those babytan. It left her with no choice anyways.
To continue her mother’s legacy or to fall into bankruptcy.
Ji Seul clenched her fist gathering the last ounce of her courage, she finally made up her mind. Inhaling a deep breath, she returned to her mother’s room with a forced smile. She knew things that bothering her mind right now could not be a burden to her mother. Her mother had suffered enough, it was her time to repay all the sacrifices that she made.
“what’s the matter?” Hoon brows flinched together in worries.
“I will do it” she blurted out without backing away. If she ever hesitated, she would change her mind again. How easy was it for her to change mind within a second?
“Mmm… do what?” the older woman tried to play fool when she was aware what the young lady in front of her trying to say. Looking clueless as always was Ji Hoon, shifting his gaze from her mother and sister back and forth. He desperately needed to know the answers to this situation.
Seul exasperated a heavy sigh “I will replace you babysitting babytan” she uttered with a heavy heart. Guess, she had to endure this as long as she could earn money to pay for her mother’s medical expenses and their living. It would be all good.
“About time Ji Seul” she cheered with a nod followed by amused Hoon beside.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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