#hi Love!!! Sorry for scaring you my dear but Ghost can't resist
ghouljams · 15 days
Observation and Interview Logs Pertaining to SCP-141-d, ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ "Ghost" ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️
Entry Interview and Assessment, SCP-141-d:
(Intake researcher ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ sits in a metal chair at a metal table. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ is staring at the chair opposite them) ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Would you please state your name. (Several minutes pass in silence. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ grows progressively more agitated. The empty chair across from them scrapes back, and their eyes follow in invisible path to the bolted door. The door is shaken once, then a second time. Silence. The chair scrapes back in to the table.) ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Your name. (Tape records silence and lack of movement for another ten minutes before ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ requests an end to intake interview.)
Observation Note 1-1:
This one seems fairly standard. No presence on film and a bad attitude. SCP-141-d non-hostile.
Interview Log 9, SCP-141-d:
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Good afternoon Lieutenant, it's always nice to see you. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: I hope you don't mind, I'll be narrating our session today. Please feel free to stop or correct me at any time. However you feel comfortable. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: SCP-141-d is nodding his head. He appears... relaxed. Another nod (laughs) alright relaxed. SCP-141-d is male, Caucasian, um, brown eyes, buzzed hair likely blond, looks maybe 130-135 kilograms. He's wiggling his hand. I'm rather good at this aren't I, I should be doing fairs. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Looks to be about 190cm. He's giving me a look. I checked your file, sorry to disappoint. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: SCP-141-d does not appear on traditional cameras, so this is the best we can do. He is, as of yet, refusing or unable to speak to research staff. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: He is also rather fond of rude gestures, well I can give them right back lieutenant.
(Silence lapses for the rest of the tape)
(skip 1:00:35 >>)
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Well that's our time. Riveting conversation as usual Lieutenant, I'll let personnel know you can go back to your room.
Interview Log 14, SCP-141-d:
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: This is my... eighth session with SCP-141-d. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Still not talking, eh? He's shaking his head. Anyone ever tell you, you have a nice smile Lieutenant? He's nodding. Oh shove off it. Arrogant- Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Well, talk whenever you feel like it. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Can you talk? He's nodding. Ok, phew, probably should have asked that a while ago. Don't want to be seen wasting foundation resources. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: You know I rather enjoy our sessions Lieutenant, I hope you do as well. They're sort of... comfortable. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: He's... nodding, um, leaning forwards to rest his elbows on his knees. He's just sort of watching me, par for the course really.
(Skip 30:45 >>)
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: I hate to interrupt your silent observation, but you really can talk about anything. Honestly given how safe your anomalous nature is, this is really more to keep you from going stir crazy than anything else. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Standard procedure for all safe anomalous entities to have regular- regular sessions with me. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Um. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: SCP-141-d has stood from his chair and is walking towards the door. He's testing the handle and- he's shaking the handle now. Now he's walking the room's perimeter. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: That's fine Lieutenant, you're free to move as you want to. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: He's, uh, he's stopped in front of my chair, and is just sort of... staring at me.
(Skip 54:36 >>)
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: We're almost done with our session, would you like to take your seat again?
(skip 1:00:14 >>)
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: Alright I'll, uh, I'll see you next week Lieutenant. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: He's nodded. Ok, well, I suppose that's something.
Psychiatric Notes, SCP-141-d:
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ "Ghost" ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ is hard to pin down as he has yet to speak a word to me or anyone else. The other members of SCP-141 speak to him during their brief activation periods, but he will not respond to them either except in short grunts or shakes of his head. I would like to say he appears to be even-tempered and non-hostile, but given the nature of the other anomalous individuals in SCP-141 I am hesitant to give such a review. If I were to hazard a guess I would say he is waiting on something, or perhaps I just haven't found the right trigger yet.
Personnel Note, SCP-141-d:
Anyone else think it's weird that the biggest member of this thing has the most mundane anomaly?
Interview Log 15, SCP-141-d:
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: How's my favorite Lieutenant today? Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: He's smiling. That's good to see. Well, let's get this silent movie started, shall we? He's shrugged. Not eager to start today? Another shrug. Alright, well, speak whenever the spirit moves you.
(skip 59:15 >>)
SCP-141-d: I wanna wrap my 'ands around your pretty li'le neck. Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: What.
(There's the sound of one chair scraping against the floor, then another. There's sounds of struggle, the recorder is knocked from the table. The last few seconds of the tape are muffled but audible.)
Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️: ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ you don't want to do this, please take your seat. SCP-141-d: Beg.
Site Memo Regarding SCP-141-d:
SCP-141-d is reclassified as hostile. SCP-141-d does not appear to be anomalously dangerous. No extreme measures or adjustments in containment recommended.
Memo to Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ regarding SCP-141-d, ⬛️/⬛️/20⬛️⬛️:
SCP-141-d has requested to resume psychiatric meetings. Denied
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Matchup requests: CLOSED
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Matchup request for: anonymous 
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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You are absolutely fine, dear. My form is about thrice as long so I totally get it. Besides, This way I have more to go on. Anyways, I can already tell that we would get along so well, pffft.
It honestly took me all of 5 seconds of reading this to decide your ship, I hope you enjoy it. 
Power couple right here
I mean, seriously 
There is no hell you wouldn't raise
I hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty, though 
But my goodness, no one is safe from the two of you
Your humour, dark and inappropriate as it may be, is right up Undertaker's ally. You can send him howling with laughter with a single offhand remark or retort. 
Most of the time, I would ship someone with chaotic energy with someone who is more calm and level headed but honestly, Undertaker is the exception to this rule
He would genuinely get on the nerves or anyone who can't match his level of chaos
But ooooh boy would he be able to keep pace with you.
The constant playful bickering would be extremely amusing to watch, not that any of you would get any work done 
The two of you would be too buzzed on caffeine and laughing until your guts hurt
Every night at his place is more like a sleepover
So many go there more sparingly. You both technically need sleep.
Also pet names!
You two would have the weirdest pet names for each other
"Death goddess" (Undertaker has a cruel sense of irony)
This is the only instance where the pet name "Boo" is acceptable 
Undertaker would be able to see right through your dirty, airhead façade, if only because he puts on the same one.
It piques his interests. "What is she hiding?"
The first time you saw one of his "guests", he assumed that you would be off put by her presence as most were. 
She was a young female, brutally mugged on the street, her corpse left to rot when the thief accidentally killed her. At least, that is what he thought. 
You, on the other hand, did not seem even the slightest fazed.
He actually looked a little disappointed. "What? No screaming? I love the sound of my goddess mewling." Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. 
You kinda look at him incredulously.  "It's a dead body. What is it going to do, get up and chase me?"
The smirk on his face was slightly alarming. "Maybe..."
Okay that was a little bit... worrisome. 
Regardless, Undertaker concluded that she resisted her mugger and he slashed her throat, killing her before running off
Of course, you saw a completely different story and pointed out something that slipped his notice entirely. But of course, you would be grinning from ear to ear and speaking in a light-hearted and airy tone as you loom over a gruesome maimed corpse. "No, no, the multiple lacerations to the jugular could not have been the cause of death. Notice how there is little to no blood-clotting and the edges of the wound appear singed. The injury was cauterized and simultaneously inflicted. And since blood loss, not asphyxiation, is the primary COD on slitting one's throat, this could not have been the killing strike."
A little bit taken aback, an exuberant laugh bubbled from Undertaker's lips. He was impressed.
To use a heated knife meant the killer, whoever it may be, did so on purpose with the intent on keeping her alive long enough to torture her. 
You two probably met in the weirdest fashion
You were in the city, heading to get a fitting for your newest corset when you heard someone shrieking.  
It took you a few moments to register that it wasn't exactly shrieking that you heard- rather maniacal laughter. 
Pausing, you noticed a group of individuals clustering around a shop labeled "undertakers". If their clothes were anything to go by, these people were nobles. 
A woman dressed from head to toe in scarlet held a pale, unworked hand to her lips.
Beside her a kid slightly taller than you on the account of the wooden heels he wore on the back of his shoes looked quite ticked off. 
It was quite an interesting collection of individuals. Besides. What would nobility be doing WAITING outside an Undertaker shop? They usually had other people waiting on them, rarely was it the other way around.
On second thought,  who in the world had the guile and lack of self-preservation skills to make nobility wait?
The door creaked open as a raven haired man stepped outside, looking all too pleased with himself.
While you couldn't ignore the handsome curve of his face, his smug expression told you all you needed to know regarding the sheer levels of impudence and egotism surrounding this individual 
Those wine russet eyes opened, directing a firey stare at you, boring into your own gaze. 
You held his eye contact for a moment then turned on your heels and continued on your little errand. 
The rest of the nobility seemed to finally be allowed in the shop
On your way back from the fitting, you decided to stop by this Undertaker's to try and find out the reason for the things you witnessed. Those nobles seemed to be long gone so you were safe as you stepped inside.
It was black. Pitch black. A peal of deranged laughter echoed from the abyssal chasm within. 
You remained unnerved as you folded your arms and gazed across the room with steadfast resolve 
Something nudged against your foot looking down, through the shaft of light that shone through the door frame, you were able to spot a literal skeleton hand on your foot
You quickly kicked it off and appeared even more incredulous 
Whoever had been trying to scare you appeared to give up
The candles flickered back to life and you spotted a grey-haired man, swathed in a black coat, lackadaisically stretched across an examination table. His silver mane tapered into a thick fringe which completely obscured his features save for the cheshire grin that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face. "My. It's not often that I get two customers in one day..." he purred ominously 
"Yeah. About that. What was with those nobles earlier?"
He chuckled and pressed a clawed finger to his lips. "A gentleman never kisses and tells."
You just kinda looked at him like ???
It really wasn't your business what this Undertaker and that butler were doing in here alone as everyone else waited outside but wasn't that a bit-
The thunderous laughter that burst from Undertaker's chest told you that he was joking
How he managed to do so with a straight face was beyond comprehension. But perhaps he found your genuine consideration of his sentence to be amusing.
You two end up striking a deal. And it was a weird one. Undertaker would tell you what the nobles were doing and in return you would have to get a fitting for a coffin. 
He lamented that it was not his usual payment but "The little Earl is being so stubborn, he refuses to let me fit him. You are just as tiny. I think you will do wonderfully."
Like "uhhh? Thank you?"
It's not every day you get a chance to be fitted for your future coffin. 
So you allow him to take measurements 
His fingers ghosting against your skin as he does so, sending goose-flesh pricking across your arm
Once he is finished, he divulges all he can, which only seems to confuse you more.
Nobles who solve murders? Isn't that the Yard's job. What are nobles doing getting involved. Half of them have never cleaned a single dish in their life, how can anyone expect them to catch a killer.
The Undertaker watched you with a smirk equal parts knowing and amused. He just loves seeing you think things through and figure them out. 
Meanwhile,  you caught on to his mannerisms. He knew more than he was letting on. But you doubted he would tell you more.
Thanking him for his service, you headed out.
You barely made it a block when you were jumped by someone.
A shadow
Strong arms pinned you to a wall, you tried to call for help but the soft leather of a gloved hand clamped over your mouth. You were left to stare into those same burning russet eyes for the second time that day.
The boy from earlier, taking a step out from behind his attack butler crossed his arms. You noticed the eyepatch he wore, but did not have the mind to question it. You were currently pinned to a wall, your mind was a bit preoccupied
"Why are you following us?" The kid demanded
You rolled your eyes and looked back at him before angrily gesturing to the mildly irritating hand over your mouth.
The kid looked just as irritated. "Sebastian."
The butler needed no further command. He removed his hand but kept you constrained in place. 
You appraised the pair warily. 'So, the butler's name is Sebastian... heh. More like Sebastard'
You were also smart enough to know that if they were investigating such a high profile case like Jack the Ripper, they were probably into some pretty shady stuff. If they were speaking with Undertaker, then they had connections to the Underworld. After all, every dead body killed in the underworld usually makes its way to the Undertaker at some point or another. It was quite brilliant, actually. 
The boy looked impatient so you answered truthfully.  Albeit carefully. You were wondering what a bunch of nobles would be waiting for and wanted to meet the person who had the nerve to keep them waiting.
The kid seemed somewhat satisfied with your answer, if not entirely indignant towards it. You had a feeling that you chose your words well because he appeared to agree with what you were saying. He obviously did not like the Undertaker. 
Sebastian- sorry, Sebastard, on the other hand, did not appear all too convinced. But he seemed to have gauged that you were not a threat and decided not to voice his concerns.
You were let off with a stern lecture about meddling in "Phantomhive" affairs. 
Dodged a bullet on that one
Still. The revealment of his surname only brought more confusion upon you. Phantomhive was a KID'S toy company.  Why is the head of a kid's brand investment murder?
The more you looked into it, the less it started making sense 
And that sent you down a spiraling trail that eventually lead you back to the Undertaker 
Whether or not you return to him as a friend or one of his "guests" is completely up to you and how careful you walk this dangerous tightrope
Oooh, ominous. Thank you for request, dear.
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