#hes so pretty hes like my muse
wyrmscockfortress · 7 months
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i finished him :)
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catherine-sketches · 5 months
So in my “will-i-won’t-i” with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (where I procrastinate and don’t watch the shows and only absorb the content through TikTok, Tumblr and sometimes Twitter) I came across Staticmoth/ VoxVal.
I saw the scene with Angel and Valentino. His abuse and disgusting behavior. I have an idea on how this moth asshole behaves.
And I have seen some people think that their relationship would be toxic, that Vox and Val, if the predictions are correct and become (or are revealed to be) a couple, would beat the shit (physically, mentally and emotionally) out of each other on the regular, but I think the idea that him and Vox having a healthy relationship could be such a punch to the gut plot wise.
Because that would mean Valentino IS capable of understanding consent. He KNOWS what working with someone else means without disrespect. He FULLY knows what sex is supposed to be like.
But that’s is between equals. Vox? His equal. Fellow overlord.
Angel? His property. Why would he give a shit about his thing?
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deus-and-the-machina · 4 months
hythlodaeus be like "teehee I hope I can be of some use" *clean headshot* 😊
bitch they wanted you for the aether-centric governmental position I know you think your curmudgeony cunt husband is amazing but stop selling yourself short its a slippery slope to sacrificing yourself to make god smh
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pinksilvace · 2 days
"There are merits to the Broadway revival choreography," I say. The crowd boos me off the stage. I walk, dejected and with my head down, to the wings.
"They're right!" A voice cries out. I look up, and there he is: Alonzo catsthemusical himself,
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remyfire · 5 months
I think Leo Bardonaro is an anesthesiologist.
One, because an anesthesiologist's job is to take the 10 or 15 minutes max they have with a patient and essentially convince them to put their entire life in their hands. Other doctors and surgeons typically get a significantly longer chunk of time to interact with the patient and answer their questions, but at the end of the day, it is the anesthesiologist who will be keeping the patient alive, stable, and safe while the procedure is going on. For better or worse, Leo has the kind of relaxed, companionable personality that would not only be able to leave a patient laughing, but also to feel entirely at ease—he's confident, he's collected, and if he's not worried about this, why should they be?
Two, because I think he would've had way too much fun making jokes about laughing gas.
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chilapis · 1 month
ajax. ajax, ajax, ajax, ajax. you’ll never guess who i’m thinking about.
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amajorartattack · 2 months
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I've made some refs for Sigil's band members, I'm genuinely very happy with how they came out, even if it took me a couple days, cuz I hate lining art, plus I decided to draw a fuckin drum set for Jace's ref. I fucking can't with myself, post 4am decisions are totally fun./s
The main reason why Jace's has a drum set though is just cause I wanted to show what part of the band each of them are. Jace is the drummer, Muse is the guitarist, Austin is the bassist, and Sigil is the vocalist...But fuck drum sets are a fucking pain to draw. Also also I'm so fucking happy with the name I came up with for their band, it's on the bass drum of Jace's drum set, "Troll 'N Crossbones," I love plays on words, and i just fucking loved this one.
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sansheritageposts · 2 years
hi sans . thoughts on one miss miku hatsune
she's the entertainer of the century
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tidemoonchild · 3 months
Headcanons & Musing
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Hank as stay at home dad!
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resolvebound · 1 month
Send ⭐ for a sample of a new muse I am thinking of writing // accepting
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Dorian watched the customer leave his shop. Kids these days, he thought, they didn’t appreciate quality workmanship the way they used to. ‘Kid’ was probably not quite the right descriptor for the young man that had come and gone, as he was perhaps in his twenties, but still…that would put him at least half Dorian’s own age. It occurred to him then that he was getting old, almost reminding himself of his father with the weary thoughts of youth. The idea of having any sort of similarity to his father would have stirred up disgust in the past, yet now there was almost a touch of fondness (though a slight, reflexive scrunch of his face could not be denied).
As he picked up the magic imbued knife from the countertop, he held it up to catch the light. In the reflection of the blade, his own eyes stared intently back at him, the rich, chocolate shade of which he inherited from his mother, while the ever-present seriousness echoed of his father. He tilted the knife slightly, the adjusted view now showing the lower half of his face and the heavy stubble of dark brown that shaped it.
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Eyes ever discerning, he spotted a smudge along the blade from where the kid had touched. Frowning, he pulled out a cloth from beneath the counter, carefully wiping the knife clean. Polished once again, the weapon gleamed from the tip down to the intricate detailing on the hilt that surrounded the Lacrima fused within it. When he thought about it, he supposed the knife, along with everything else in the shop, represented every interest he had that his father had struggled to understand. Craftmanship, art, creation, magic.
Dorian moved around the counter to return the item to its proper place, setting it gently on its stand. He turned, eyes surveying the rest of his wares to ensure everything was where it should be. Swords, knives, bows, arrows, armour – they made up the bulk of the humble store, all crafted with great care and typically infused with magic. Fusion was his speciality after all, and his curse. The joining of different elements, materials, or items to create something new.
His gaze shifted over the various magical objects he’d made, settling on the display of enhanced prosthetic limbs. They had been, and continued to be, the most difficult and rewarding work, and happened to be what had finally garnered the respect of his father, as one such magical limb had allowed the man to continue his work after that dark time.
He wondered if he should call in on his parents next time he headed out. A search for resources, or a job request via his guild, either could bring him back to his old hometown. Funny, even after all these years and everything they had been through, he still felt as if he needed an excuse to visit. Nevertheless, now that he thought about it, it had been a while since he’d taken up a request. Master Goldmine never seemed to mind the time that passed between his visits to the guild, knowing both his personality and his...circumstances.
It would be…good to visit. Yes, the timing was right too, the next full moon was still a couple of weeks away.
Plans of travel began to form in his mind, lists of what he might need to take with him, or pick up along the way. However, his thoughts on the matter soon halted as the bell above the front door jingled, heralding someone’s entrance. A quick look at the newcomer found his eyes drawn to the guild mark visible upon them, the shape of which stirred certain mixed emotions. Even without the guild’s fame (or infamy, according to some), the Fairy Tail insignia was all too familiar to him.
It wasn’t easy to forget his first guild, after all.
He frowned, rubbing a hand first along his shoulder where old scars seemed to ache, then through the thickness of his hair (which he had forgotten he’d cut short again, but knew it wouldn’t be long before the loose waves once again reached his shoulders). Smiling was not a common expression of his, and was not something he faked, not even for the sake of serving a customer, so he merely greeted his visitor with a respectful nod (if they looked, they might see a degree of warmth in his eyes, however).
“Welcome,” he said, voice low, almost as if it wasn’t used to being used, “Can I help you?”
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Just played Lesson 13. Still don't like Lilith's presence much but DAMN we got World Building and Diavolo characterization- That's pretty good. ( Won't elaborate for spoiler reasons but yeah liked it enough I suppose. )
Kinda been waiting to get some stuff on Diavolo and Barbatos so eager to see what comes next.
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fairymint · 13 days
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Marriage is always a nice thought....though it does take a bit of planning.......Right?
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
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Just started fashion dreamer. I know it's not style savvy and I'm not expecting it to be but I am glad the NPCs are still insane <3
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heibon-hiroo · 1 year
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I deeply apologize to anyone who followed me before I got infected by Hiyori Tomoe
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hwaarang · 4 months
i’m literally screaming crying & throwing up why is hwoarang so beautiful in t8
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damagedrot · 5 months
" like - THANKS. " she said easily enough crossing through the path he opened for her. ducking under his arm to make her way into the house. HER EYES PASSING BY HIS INFANT'S, " hey little dude. " she offered to the kiddo. not quite sure if she'd get a response, her mind more focused elsewhere anyways.
@jokethur . /. continued.
" your house is . . . wowzers. " it was half hearted, but she wasn't the best at complimenting someone else's home. her aunt's was a upscale Gotham abode. made for two. kept together by hired maids, && unfamiliar faces. coming through the home as frequently to conduct business with her uncle. her aunt was scarcely made to be there. but Lucy never really needed adult supervision. especially tonight.
hair, still bubblegum pink, with jaded pieces poking out here and there. she was good at adjusting, and easily found the kitchen after wrestling past their pets, " pizza - totally needed it. " she grabbed herself a slice. preferring the cold cheesy bread with pepperoni to microwaving it.
her eyes ducked down as her imaginary boyfriend entered the room. his glasses left on his nose even as he pushed them back over his eyes. Freddy had always been pretty introverted, but he was oogling her quietly the moment she first cut her hair, && applied that hair dye. saying that she looked like a celebrity, or an anime girl. she never understood his references, but he had trailed with her the whole way to Arthur's , " you think he has netflix? " Freddy asked.
" you think my aunt's --- gonna be pissed? " Lucy said instead. eyes looking around the room. Mapping out all the crooks and crannies, " she didn't see me leave. " she said that out louder for Arthur to hear.
" and . . . it's a look? " mentioning her hair. hands coming up to touch the strands. wrapping a small portion around her finger.
". yeah - you need to fix it. " freddy playfully jabbed at her. chuckling into his ninetendo switch.
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