#here you only can do the school tournament and shiny hunt
midnight197 · 1 year
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This 3 are my favorites of the shinys I own so far! I wish Scarlet and Violet actually had something like the Battle-Tower. I would love to fight with them. Or at least Gym-Leader/Elite4-Rematches. Fighting in the School-Tournament is getting boring after a while ngl x'D
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theofficersacademy · 3 years
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The Caledonian Plateau, due west of Garreg Mach, has long resisted development despite being firmly in Empire territory. The muddy terrain and dense swamps are a nightmare to traverse, but those same qualities have been embraced by those that value privacy beyond the watchful eyes of government bodies. Privacy that the Church has respected until now, that is.
Pelleas, Sharena, Larcei, Farina Matthew, Fernand, Charlotte, Clair Inigo, Flayn, Pent, Byleth, Gatekeeper
TEAM TAG: #LabyrinthPlateau2021
Pennywell: A waterlogged village in the dense, forested swamps of the Caledonian Plateau. Reed-woven huts sit on floating islands, and it takes knowledge and a trained eye to tell where the bog will support your weight and where it will not. At the heart of the village sits an ancient alder tree with coins nailed to the bark, surrounding a simple carving of a pregnant woman with wyvern horns. Simple fishermen are said to make their home here, but their muscular bodies and their deft handling of their tridents and nets perhaps hint at just why both the Empire and the Church have allowed them some form of autonomy with no lords to answer to.
The Mosquitos' Perch: A seedy tavern at the outskirts of Pennywell. Because of how out of the way it is from well-travelled roads, it often serves as a rest stop for travelers looking for discretion and staff willing to forget names and faces by morning. The denizens of Pennywell are normally not involved in any shady business that might pass through their little village, but they are just as willing to look the other way if it means enjoying their local alcoholic specialties.
Gambling is a popular pastime across the Plateau, since there isn't much in the way of entertainment otherwise. The staff keeps a wealth of dice and cards handy in case someone is in the mood for a game. Proving your skill in these games is a surefire way to earn their respect.
People of Interest:
Tara: A plain-looking widow in her late 40’s, she is the seventh generation owner of The Mosquitos' Perch. She's an unassuming woman, firm but fair, and amicable to the students. Being a personable and neutral lady (and good at de-escalation) helps her keep the village safe when there's always trouble walking through the door. Respected by patrons, and disrespecting her in any way means that you're in the belly of the nearest swamp monster by sundown. Because of her position in the town, she is considered the unofficial liaison between the church and Pennywell by both parties, and it's clear that it's stressing her out.
Nessie: A young woman in her early 30’s, dressed in a colorful motley of fabrics that toes the line between a wealthy mercenary and a down-on-her-luck court jester. A self-described "wanderer", she hails from Bergliez territory, though that piece of information had to be dragged out of her by the local patrons. She's been under the tavernowner's care since she arrived floating in the rivers "like chewed-up driftwood". Has a gnarly wound on her face wrapped in bandages. She's happy enough to weave a tale on how she had fought a Crest Beast before coming here, but that is the only consistent detail across the many extravagant tales she tells. Now that she's regaining her strength, her personality as a gambler and brawler is finally shining. Pretty gullible and not one to turn down a challenge, especially an exciting one, and loves to show off.
Vetch: A cynical barfly in his early 50’s. He's clearly distrustful of the Church and quick to pull out one of his many conspiracy theories: that the Saints still walk among us, that there is a secret society called the Evil Eye that is behind every bad thing that happened in the past decade or so, and that elixirs are just upcharged vulneraries with a different label so that they can line the pockets of Big Pharma. Frequently grouses about "the youth" and prone to wagging his finger at any bothersome teenager, or anyone younger than him for that matter.
Things to Do:
If you’re going to be searching the swamps, you better start learning how to traverse it. Get some sturdy shoes and build up your sealegs by learning how to steer a boat through the river!
Legends of aquatic crest-beasts ruling the swamps are common stories back in school, but your journey here gives you your first glimpse at the real thing: a massive long-necked reptilian creatures breaches the water’s surface, a crocodile’s carcass clenched in its jaws. But such terrifying monsters can easily keep the village fed for days, and you can’t help but wonder what crestigator stew tastes like. It’s dangerous quarry, that’s for sure, but that’s all part of the thrill of the hunt!
With shiny knights and aristocratic brats being the talk of the town, Nessie brings the attention to herself again with a mud-wrestling tournament to welcome you all with. No prizes, of course, but what’s a broke girl to do about that? Sidebets are already abound, and muscle-bound, charismatic Nessie is the favorite to beat. Make your own bets if you have the cash, or get down and dirty with the rest of them.
Though Tara is wary of anyone other than her manning the bar, she can’t deny that she needs the help now that there are a dozen more people here. However, she seats Vetch right across from you, ever quick to criticize your mistakes and lament the decline of Fódlan youth. Playing some games with him with the dice under the counter ought to temper his anger, though part of you wonders if extra booze would get that done quicker...
Your justice senses are tingling, and for good reason: you haven’t gotten a good look at them, but their dark cloaks and strange masks are shady enough for you to go out and investigate. Pennywell may be no stranger to the seediest people of Fódlan, but that doesn’t mean you have to stand for it!
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June 28, 2021
Well, it's been a few years since I wrote anything here. Mostly because these past few years have been an absolute whirlwind. My last post ended with Sean and I almost becoming official. Well, last week we had our 3 year anniversary together. Time flies.
Since my last post, I got accepted into the biotechnology program, for which I am forever grateful for. The program is very, very difficult and was the most mentally and emotionally taxing thing I had ever done up until that point. Being in class from 8:30am-4:30pm everyday with only 1 hour lunch break was rough. 6 to 7 classes a term was rough. Having a never ending midterm season was rough. But it was worth it. I made some amazing friends who I will hopefully have for the rest of my life. I gained some amazing lab skills and had some amazing opportunities. And best of all, I can actually see an end goal for my career. I don't know exactly what it will look like yet, but I know I want to be working on research in some sort of management position. Maybe not for forever, but for some time at least.
First year at BCIT was rough. Hard adjustments, lots of work and figuring out our class dynamic. But I came out of it stronger, knowing more about what I could do and how to succeed. Sean and I went through a rough patch in November of our first year together. His best friend from high school, whom he had feelings for for most of the time in school with her, was breaking up with her boyfriend of 5 years and basically went to Sean and said "I said no in the past but if you asked me now, I would say yes." And he doesn't know what to do so all he can do is come and tell me about it. And of course this happens on my birthday. So what do I do for my 18th birthday? Cry all night long. Yea, it was fun. It takes him a week to decide to choose us. Pretty rough but in the end it makes us stronger, especially since she comes around again in a year (but I'll get to that). After that Christmas, things change again. We were happy and then suddenly we stopped texting. Because of my schedule, we could only see each other once a week on Fridays. Everything was fine when we were together but during the week, everything felt empty and wrong. It took us until April to finally talk about it - I even wrote a letter about being upset that he's never read. But we finally talk about it and we figure out that we need to talk more and so we start calling each other. From then on, we try to discord each night and it has done us well.
After my first year at BCIT, I land my first co-op job in the Hancock Lab. I didn't think I was going to get a job at that point but I was so glad that I did. We did some really cool stuff with pseudomonas where we screened mutants for biofilm defects and tested biofilm growth in anaerobic conditions. I got to present my first poster at CBR Research Day. The lab pre-covid is amazing. Susan bought us beer and pizza and sushi every Friday and over the course of the summer, the drinking of the beer would start earlier and earlier (5pm at the beginning, all the way up till 2pm by the end of the summer). I had a great time in the lab and learned a lot.
My second year at BCIT was rough too. The workload got even worse that first term and I'm pretty sure we all hit our lowest lows. Just surviving became the name of the game and we did it well. Despite that, we had time to go play volleyball and support Josie's badminton tournament and fool around playing ultimate and snowball fights. We had some amazing memories and we didn't realize how fast time would fly until it was almost over.
And then Covid-19 hit. Assumed to be transferred from some sort of animal to humans in a Chinese wet market, racism and violence against Asians skyrocketed, just as the world shut down. Our last month at BCIT was canceled right before our eyes and we never got to celebrate finishing and surviving. Instead, classes went to online lectures and exams went to online formats and we stopped being able to see friends or go out or do anything really. Restaurants and attractions were shut down, maximum capacities and masks enforced and uncertainty everywhere. Talks for vaccines were hopeful, but I was skeptical about anything being ready until 2021. And I was right. As of today, all of us in the family have 1 dose of Moderna, although Mom is to get her second dose next week. Things are slowly opening up (provincial travel bans were lifted and movie theaters opened 2 weeks ago!) They're talking about what a post-covid world will look like, and I think everyone is grateful. In some ways, we lost a year and a half of our lives to this virus.
After finishing my time at BCIT, I was hoping to do a 4 month co-op placement abroad. Nothing of my applications turned out, but given covid, all travel ended up being restricted anyways. Not only that, there were no co-op jobs as every company in the world faced very uncertain economic and social times. I ended up taking April and May off and worked June and July at Collingwood again. Camp was different (lots of pool noodles and yoga mats) but in some ways, very much the same. I was grateful.
Despite the continued uncertainty of the next school year in a pandemic world, I was lucky to have the connections with the Hancock lab to allow me to do a full 8 month Honours Thesis with them. I took 4 classes per term on top of that and took them in the bioinformatics room on my laptop so I could be in the lab for the rest of the day. And boy, was I always there. 9am starts to 7pm finishes were not uncommon. Plus the 1.5 hour commute each way. Things were not easy. I thought BCIT was hard. 4th year at UBC trumps BCIT, easy. I was always stressed and strung out, I was constantly having to miss classes to do experiments (thank God for recordings) and at times, basic things refused to work (bacterial plating will be the death of me yet). The mandatory classes were all crappy and each have their own story that I may have to tell another time, but needless to say, I was not having a good time. I'm glad I made the effort to do an 8 month project, and in a way Covid made it both easier and harder. Easier because everything was recorded so my schedule was flexible (although I did my best to try to attend most lectures synchronously). Harder because I was in the lab more than I should have been and it meant some of my school work was compromised (thank God for Nabeel inviting me to his CHBE group). I survived, but I don't think I would have been able to go on much longer. Thank God for co-op and 8 months away from school.
In January, we were all on the hunt for co-op positions. Amazingly, I was super popular, scoring 6 different interviews of the 12 different applications I put in. I never got a Zymeworks invite though, which made me a little disappointed. But I think it worked out for the better because it meant I was more open when I was calling with Michelle. Meeting with Ting and Julien, we hit it off right away. I never get nervous for interviews and because of that, I feel like I'm really good at covering and clicking with interviewers. I asked lots of good questions and we were all laughing during that 1 hour interview. I got a call 2 days later from Michelle telling me I had gotten the job and I was so excited. It was the perfect fit. The chance to do more cell culture. The chance to do some research. The chance to maybe be hired on after grad. Working now, I feel really grateful for the opportunity. The company is a little odd, but our little CPD bubble is great to be a part of and I hope that one day we can make a difference.
I bought my first car on my first day of work - a 2012 Mazda 3 Hacthback with only 105k km. He's black and I've run him into the curb a few times, but he still looks super shiny (despite getting shat on within the first hour of being home) and I love him very much. The freedom of having my own car is amazing.
So why am I posting now? Well, I've been having some doubts and I needed a place to write it all out and I remembered this Tumblr. Reading back my old posts is a little sad because I started this Tumblr because I was sad. Things have been so much better in the last few years so I haven't been around. And make no mistake, I am so much happier than I was back then. But I've always learned while writing, so here I am to learn about myself and my feelings.
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vg11k · 5 years
Fire and Blood - 16
...My hand is shaking as I write these lines. The cold freezes my fingers, but your smile is enough to warm me up, engraved in my memory. Grissenwald is only three days away by cart, if it doesn't rain any more and we don't break a wheel... But enought of those words that will bring bad luck to me. Place to the one I prefer and who give myself some comfort : Roxanne. My dearest... you have no idea how much I miss your arms... See you soon, my love.
...several types of animated corpses, punctuated Scleras.
With his finger, he stroked the chin of the rotted corpse that separated them. Her bare feet slipping pleasantly in the grass, she approached more. Relaxed, all senses awakened, she drank his words.
In fact, he continued with his parchment-like voice, they do not need a necromancer to exist. The proof is in that many of the undead travel the world without anyone having raised them.
He took her hand in his own. She could feel his bones through his wrinkled skin and shivered with pleasure. Guiding her wrist, he invited her to press her palm against the dead man's forehead.
However, two categories can be distinguished. Those with consciousness... and the brainless, guided by the last sensations they still have. They wander around with no real purpose. They don't have a single thought. A few hints of sensations at most....
She sketched a smile as he passed behind her without stopping talking. She rubbed her toes together without realizing it.
Necromancy is nothing more than a subtle spider's web, linked to each of them. Handle these wires with skill and any dead person will become your puppet. Controlling more requires skill, but with practice you will realize that it is often not necessary to weave too much. Leaving the printed instincts in the muscles and flesh allows to save a significant amount of concentration.
The old vampire allowed himself a smirk.
That's the secret of necromantic art : being able to handle as many puppets as you can. With a minimum of threads. And this, without forgetting your own physical body.
Telling her to look up, he stared into the young woman's eyes.
I will teach you to shape the dhar, to braid threads that you can attach to the dead.
Turning away, he resumed his monologue:
The conscientious dead, on the other hand...
...is a capricious gift that only needs to be released, his teacher said in a serious tone.
The teenager's pen was panicking on the sheet of paper, trying not to lose any words.
Unlike other schools, we do not draw on its power. Once lit, we hold the bridle to avoid destroying our very essence.
Combining practice with theory, the magician with the shiny skull and red beard slammed dryly with his fingers. With some sparks he produced a flame that floated above his raised index.
An entropic spell would soon have devastated Altdorf, he continued as his manifestation swelled suddenly to the point that the apprentice felt the heat on his face and had to wrinkle his eyes. You must not give in. You must never give in. You must exercise restraint at all times. I would like to insist on this point.
And as it did, the crackling sphere retracted until it was just a spark that he dissipated with a wave of his hand.
This is the secret that will make the difference between a burnt-out idiot in his own hut and a Magician from Flamboyant College.
Do you have any water left ? His neighbour asked him as he sniffed.
Without bothering to answer him, he handed him his bag. Their patrol would soon end. Only one more day and they'd go back to the Dunkelberg barracks. It was about time : he couldn't feel his feet anymore and his bag had been slicing off his shoulder since the day before. This time they had not seen any green skins or monsters with goat heads. They could consider themselves lucky.
Thinking back, he had collected a few coins from dice gambles during his wake tour, despite his numb fingers. He could consider himself lucky.
Go on guys, tried to motivate them their lieutenant without much conviction. Only one more hour and we'll be at the cave of relay. And until then, back home !
Hooray... moaned his neighbor while giving him back his water flask.
He could not repress a tired smile, shifting his gun on his valid shoulder to spare his arm. The grey mountains were no place for men. Only the boldest and craziest ventured into it. Or those overwhelmed by debt...
Quickly, the metamorphosis took place. As the cycles progressed, it felt its hold on it growing. Already it felt its coat blossoming, the anger bubbling in the depths of its consciousness crystallizing a multitude of thorns on its outer shell. Its long branches, bending under their own weight, softened to resemble those of a weeping. Its incarnation spread to the slightest rib, sharpening its leaves one by one and making them as sharp as the tools of the vandals.
On the morning of the next cycle, it felt that the process was over. The crackling it produced caused all the flying parasites from the grove to flee. Its bark split all over, breaking up under the pressure of a second layer germinated from below, covering its physical body like scales.
Poorly it made a first step. It knew it had to imitate these inferior forms of life, but its scarlet thirst swept away its disgust. The base of the trunk of the white willow it had chosen was now split in two, giving it the mobility of bipeds.
As everything around Loren's other spirits moved, both happy and panicked at its arrival, it persevered, becoming more stable with each step. Shining with an emerald rage, coming from the depths of time, it turned its gaze to the East. It would feed their corpses to this same land that they mutilated day after day...
...to play the fool!
Shaking his head, Manesh'k slowly returned to reality. His mind was still fogged up by the flood of memories he was recalling. He recognized Luther's voice. And once again, he was angry.
Since this damn forest I don't recognize you anymore. Between you spending time with that glassy look. Gilnash who only has eyes for his pet elf, and go so I can mother you, go so I can feed you... And I'm on the kid's babysitting duty in all this !
Sighing, Manesh'k looked up to Enguerran, fell asleep in the vampire's bed. The immaterial spirit was rolled into a ball on its blanket, also appearing to be sleeping. Even if the vampire was aware that this was not the case. Looking up, he answered his younger brother, looking at him while he was sitting in a tailor's chair, with his back to the wall.
He doesn't really need supervision, he says.
That's not the point, I...
You should focus more on the memory of Castille, he interrupted him. Sclera was a mad man, but he taught her so much in terms of magic... got scared of it. If this idiot had not consumed all his power to create demons, he could have laid the foundations for a new Murkain...
But the younger one just made a dismissive face.
It is to practice what I have to do, not dwell on the memories stolen from that girl, Castille, over and over again. And I need corpses for that.
Sighing with exasperation, Manesh'k shook his head. This opportunity to better understand the very concept of magic was not, in the end, such a good thing for his nephew....
A sudden knock was heard at the door, interrupting the debate between the two vampires.
On the market on the south shore, said the innkeeper when Luther opened it to him. A sir's shout' spread the word that last-minute tournament participants should show up as soon as possible. 'would have a trifle to settle.
He stared at Luther from top to bottom, engulfed in his armor in poor state after they had spent the entire day locked in the room.
I thought you'd be one of those guys from the tournament. Am I right?
Discerning, Luther whispered with a smirk.
Slipping his hand on his bag, he pulled a piece out of it.
The dawn is not yet here, but what is the weather like outside?
The other groaned, staring at Luther's gloved fist.
The dawn, the time...
Then he seemed to realize that the shutters were closed. Only a candle lit the room.
It's raining since this morning. As predicted by the thinking heads of our Lord. That's why the tournament was postponed to that night. It should calm down as it says.
It is raining yes, but do we see daylight ? Manesh'k insisted as he got up.
We haven't seen the sun since the lunch break and I don't think we'll see it until morning.
I see... thank you.
Thank you, my lords, he whispered as he pocketed his coin. I'll pass this on to your companions in the room next d....
Don't worry about it, Manesh'k interrupted him as he rushed forward. I'll take care of it. You may leave now.
Gheu... As you wish...
As soon as he disappeared on the stairs, the vampire blew with relief. A little more and he would have taken short Gilnash and Gaylria. And the gods alone knew if he would have survived this unexpected intrusion.
What do you think ? It's fine ? asked Luther.
It's dark, he said, Manesh'k gauged. Let's find some headwear and see what Thierry wants from us.
Slowly advancing into the large room, the grey-bearded leader moved from one support to another. Here was his father's armor. There, his grandfather's pourpoint. He could not repress a sad smile by lingering over the obvious patch, roughly made on the side. He had been mowed down by a greenskin when he himself was just a little boy. He was the same age as Hugo at that time...
Why did you accept them to this tournament?
He turned to his dear vassal and friend, who was looking down at him. The Lord of Bordeleaux stood upright, but this man was just... taller. Dressed in his eternal black gambison, he kept his two hands crossed behind his back and stared at him intensely.
And why not ? He replied, shrugging his shoulders. I am looking to expand my court and for that I offer their opportunity to all. Not only to Carloman, Drink-without-Thirst or the Beast-Hunt...
I know well, the giant interrupted him without him taking offence. But still. One had armor that I wouldn't give to a beggar. As for the second one, I have the impression that he took his militia colours from a dead man.
We have no way of verifying your statements, noted the owner of the place. They could be telling the truth and really have confront these monsters in Casseneuil. Hugo's entourage would be all the better with people of this calibre.
With all due respect, dared to pursue the man dressed in black while his interlocutor was bending over a weapon rack. If this Luthor has proven to be a formidable man, what about the second one ? What about the thief who accompanies them who doesn't want to participate ? And I've never heard from Averland talks about....
Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, his eldest said. Let's wait until the end of the night to get a better idea of who they are.
The henchman did not insist, despite his obvious scepticism. They stayed for a while longer in the room where Thierry, the lord of Bordeleaux, meditated before his family's weapons, armours and writings.
Did you ever see him on your last visit ? The chatelain, I mean.
Luther did not answer immediately, dwelling on the boxes in front of them.
He was just a kid if my memory is right. There's no way he'll remember me.
I see. Did you ever cross Walach's path at that time ? Manesh'k continued as a groom came to them.
Not yet....
Good evening, gentlemen, a young man in his twenties broke in while wiping his hands on his pants. What can I do for you?
Mandrak and Luther, chained the vampire to stop his elder questions. A messenger of the Lord should have told you about us.
Ceasing to rub his hands, their interlocutor stared at them, studying them with a suspicious look : two adults with a pale skin, one in blue tabard of the sovereign's men, the other engulfed in an armour that had known better days.
That's right, he finally answered. However, I fear that you may face some difficulties.
He invited them to follow him, taking them to the stable.
We have very few animals available for you, he began. And most of those who remain have never been trained in combat.
It's not a problem, Manesh'k said in a reassuring tone. As long as they carry us during the game, it will do the job.
The human ticked when he heard these words. He stopped.
Excuse me, but have you ever ridden a beast in battle that has never been trained for this ? Or worked with an animal you don't know and who won't necessarily accept you ? With all due respect, if you really intend to participate in the tournament in these con...
Details, Luther swept away. And to answer you : yes. We had already ridden mounts we had met a few minutes earlier at war. Don't doubt us.
At war, the groom repeated it halfway while squinting again.
Indeed, no armed conflict had torn the region apart for more than a decade. However, although they looked dark, both seemed to be in their thirties.
And... these mounts, that...
Enough, Luther cut off and lost patience. They survived just like us. Now show us which animals we will have to ride later if we want to participate in this event.
Whether it was the aggressive tone or the vampire's wild grin, the human understood that it was in his interest not to forget his place.
It's... about... these horses.
Spreading his arms apart, he pointed out five boxes to them. Luther frowned immediately, his fists clenched against his hips.
Too old, too frail, not athletic enough, Manesh'k judged by studying the selected animals in succession.
To the young man's surprise, the animals moved back one by one and pawed on the ground as Manesh'k passed in front of them. Most of them neigh of protest... or fear? He could not have said it well even if he worked every day with these horses. One of the younger ones even reared up.
I should have known... the horses I sold yesterday were stunted but at least they weren't like these...
Luther, don't forget we're coming in unannounced. We should already consider ourselves lucky to be participating. That Thierry is lending us horses for the event is...
He stopped in front of a new box. The animal in this one didn't seem to run away from him like the others. Just like the beast next door. Both followed him with their eyes, scratching the ground as if they dared him to move forward.
What about these two ? he asked.
Still dazed by the strange reaction of the five animals, the groom took a look at the horses designated by Manesh'k before shaking his head.
I wouldn't recommend them. The twins are not horses that can be ridden.
And why is that ? Questioned Luther as he approached, finding a semblance of enthusiasm. Both seem to me to be in the prime of their lives and in perfect health.
They have a bad temper, explained the young man. No one has ever been able to mount them or make them work, either way. The one on the right even regularly tries to bite me when I feed him. However they have an excellent pedigree, I think that apart from the breeding we will never make any...
We take them, Luther cut them off with a carnivorous smile.
Lightning and Scourge, Luther whispered, pulling the two horses by the bridle. I hope you will deserve these pompous names....
You know, we should be happy that they don't fear us like their comrades, Manesh'k tempered by following him.
Peuh, they....
Please excuse me, my lords....
Both turned to an approaching teenager. He was pushing a wheelbarrow in front of him with two orange gambisons that had seen better days.
Are you Mr. Mandrak and Luthor Harkon ? He hesitated as they stared at him in silence.
My first name is Luthe....
It is us boy, Manesh'k preceded him while hiding an amused smile with difficulty. What do you want from us?
Well, a representative of Lord Thierry asked me to give you this.
Putting his wheelbarrow there, he lifted one of the jackets up so they could study it. Immediately, Manesh'k guessed that it had not been made the day before, far from it. However, it appeared to be fully functional and showed no signs of tearing or mildew. At the heart's place was a clumsy and difficult to interpret painting, hastily painted directly on the canvas. And he found that it was also painted between the shoulder blades, much more detailed. A stylized scarlet dragon.
This is....
...surprising, Luther finished, just as surprised as he was.
Both exchanged a perplexed look. The day before, they had presented themselves to the chatelain as members of the Order of the Dragon. This detail disturbed them because among Abhorash's heirs, they had the habit of calling themselves Blood Dragons. And until then, only Walach had pushed the vice to the point of drawing a coat of arms after Luther's rebirth : a black dragon on a scarlet background. Neither of them had thought of putting their lineage forward during this competition.
Should I... should I bring them back ? Asked the squire like neither of the two vampires had a word.
No boy, we... we take them, opposed Manesh'k by taking the one he was handing them.
Without wasting a moment, he put his arms into his padded sleeves. The skirt was a little short, he noted. But the shoulders were a little loose. Enough not to interfere with his movements. A smile slowly drawing on his features, he twisted his neck to see the symbol on his back. After all, that coat of arms was worth another.
Yes, we take them, he repeated with more confidence.
Next to him, Luther rolled his eyes but did not add a word, contenting himself with accepting the other outfit the boy was holding out to him.
In possession of these new suits, the two fighters went to the competitors' area, which was lit by numerous torches. Multiple water troughs had been spread along a fence.
They stepped forward to claim one of these water troughs when a wacky man stumbled past them. He stammered an air of dubious accents, the bottle in his hand. The man didn't even seem to see them, his armor rattling with every step.
What can I say, we are in Bordeleaux, could only justify Luther by shrugging our shoulders.
They were in a meadow made muddy by the heavy rain of the day. Here and there, exhuberus tents betrayed some wealthy participants. However, the two undead did not care. They needed neither comfort nor preparation. All they had to do was wait for the contest to begin. On the other side of the poles, several individuals were already gathered in a square of open ground, playing steel in front of their attentive future opponents.
Nevertheless, both did not dwell on it, preferring to use this time at their disposal to familiarize themselves with their new horses. In turn, they went up and made their mates trot. If Scourge, Luther's mount, tried for a time to bite him, he knew how to recall it to order by tightening his grip on the animal's neck. The yelping, mixed with fear and pain, which it pushed then assured the undead that it would learn this lesson. So he released it. Witnesses of his operation, a group of squires who passed there remained silent.
What's the matter ? Do you want my portrait ?
They run away without asking for their rest. However, this was not the case for a competitor who also observed the scene from a little further away.
The gauntlets, Luther said, raising his other hand.
Indeed, sharp points punctuated the arch of his phalanges and fingers, giving his hand a hooked appearance.
Approaching calmly, the man exchanged a serene look with him, simply nodding. Because Luther did not wear a gauntlet on his hand grasping the animal's mane. As Manesh'k approached in the opposite direction on Lightning's back, Luther took care to mentally note the colors of this stranger. It featured the colours of Bordeleaux, yellow and blue, as well as a stylized trident on its shield. However, it was personalized : a gold cross and hunting horn framed the weapon with right teeth while a vine leaf overhung the whole.
An interesting meeting ? Manesh'k commented as he followed his gaze.
You have no idea....
It seems to me that there are more people than we thought, he added while looking at the men in the various outfits who were gathering.
Meh. Less than a dozen of them deserve attention....
Alone with his horse, the young man flattered the neck of his powerful steed drinking peacefully. It did not seem to perceive the nervousness that animated his rider. Trying to keep his mind busy and ignore the last people crossing swords a little further away, he undertook to put on his "bastard armour" according to his own words. A lamellar tunic to protect his abdomen and thighs, combined with a steel breastplate with only one shoulder pad.
However, buckling the straps alone at his side was always tricky. This was noticed by three competitors passing by. Laughting as one of them pointed to him, they approached. For a moment they critically examined his mount without letting it be understood that they intended to help him. He ticked and made a grimace, giving up his preparations for the time being.
Where are you from, little man? began one of them as an introduction.
He stared at his elder without answering, lingering on the blue blazon embroidered on his tunic. A trident underlined with arrows : a participant from Bordeaux.
I come from Brionne, finally answered the stranger.
Brionne, repeated a second one while circling it, flattering in turn the neck of the animal.
And what are you looking for in Bordeleaux, Monsieur de Brionne? pursued the third one behind his back.
He was bent over the shield leaning against the water trough. He stroked the black line that crossed the scarlet coat of arms all over its diagonal, thoughtful. Calmly inspiring, the brionnois did not bother to answer, watching the individual near his mount.
What is this drawing? continued the previous one while raising the shield. Did you do it yourself?
Giving him a new look, his mine began to darken. This one had ram's horns rolled up on themselves on a round shield, also on an Azure background.
It's a Griffin, he creaked.
A Griffin ? Seriously ? Have you ever seen one of them before ?
That's right, he replied after a moment.
Huh, nonsense....
Say, you don't have anyone else to bother? interrupted the brionnois suddenly as he warmed up.
Hey boy, show a little respect for...
A Griffin did you say ?
All four of them rotated as one piece. Hands calmly crossed behind his back, Manesh'k was discreetly approached. He wore the orange gambison offered by the lord without buttoning it, revealing the blue tabard he wore underneath. Next to him came Luther, having partly put on his dented armor over his jacket. He held their frames by the bridle, impassive.
Mmh ? Insisted the newcomer in orange clothing while scrutinizing the young man.
In doing so, he royally ignored the other three people.
Man, who are you to come and join our conversation? said the knight with the spiral horns, looking at him, his eye turned towards the blue tabard.
A Griffin?
I'm talking to you dude, he repeated, putting his finger on the intruder's chest.
Without giving him the slightest glance, Manesh'k grabbed his hand. Crocheting his little finger, he bent it with a twist of the wrist. Neither of them wore a gauntlet. The Bordelin made a pitiful yelp as it fell to its knees in the grass, its elbow completely arched.
Excuse me, Manesh'k said while finally giving him a look. Were you talking to me ?
On his back, a smile stretched across Luther's face as the unfortunate man's companions held hands on their sleeves.
N... no I... go on, did he manage to answer despite the pain.
Manesh'k nodded and returned to his interlocutor without letting go of his prisoner's hand.
A Griffin ? He said again.
The young man, a little under thirty, blinked as he stared at the protagonists of this unexpected comedy.
I... yes. It suddenly began to harass farmers working near Freduss Forest, several months after its first appearance.
How tall was it ? Do you remember the appearance of its head?
Uh... it was the same size as me on Albart's back. My mount, I mean. And its head, I don't know... dark eyes, a long beak like that, light brown feathers and some golden ones at the junction with the neck...
The vampire tilted his head sideways, detailing it in turn, thinking, as he continued to describe the beast.
You must have seen it up close to notice that kind of detail, an I wrong ?
Now embarrassed, the brionnois swallowed. Then added :
I... put it down.
And... how did you do it ? Manesh'k continued, more and more interested in this story.
Attentive, the vampire had not detected any jolt in the young man's rapid pulse while he was saying that.
An... arrow in the wing. Then I harassed it with a spear until it broke it.
He humbly shrugged his shoulders before resuming.
At that moment, its wounds were reducing it enough for me to finish it off with a sword.
Mmh... you confronted it on foot, so Manesh'k deduced. Wise decision : I think it would have slit your horse's throat with a blow of the talon. Pain tends to make them vicious.
Probably... it hung the talon on the edges of my shield. It gave me an opening that... wait, you have... you too...
Manesh'k sought Luther's gaze. Did he just say too much?
Behind the brionnois, the bordelin with arrows came in turn to grab the shield that was now lying in the mud. Slowly, he straightened it up, studying the upper stop... before he started to fade. Three parallel grooves were engraved in wood and steel....
Possible, Harkon replied with an enigmatic smile.
...mercy, begged the man still kneeling.
Not for a moment had the vampire released the torsion he was applying. And his two companions, overwhelmed, were not sure how to handle this situation.
And you, my good man, turned away while Manesh'k by pushing vice. Why are you wearing ram's horns on your shield ? Were you a shepherd before ?
I... I occured a beast... a beastman... during a duel... prisoner after a failed raid...
He "occured a beastman", Manesh'k repeated to his nephew. This terrible inmate was probably armed to the teeth... such courage.
I would be curious to know the feats of arms of our other friends, Luther replied. But I remind you that we are expected. Last night's mustache-guy passed a few minutes ago for us to start gathering in front of the stands.
It is true ! Manesh'k realized by finally releasing the hand of the unfortunate man who, surprised, stretched himself all along.
Keeping his arm against him, he rushed to his feet and took refuge near his companions.
But who the hell are you? he spat. You almost broke my arm !
Almost, Manesh'k pointed out with an amused smile.
Last minute participants, Luther simply replied while turning his heels. See you at the tournament.
What is your name, Griffin killer? asked Manesh'k before following him.
Darran fr... he hesitated before recovering : just... Darran.
Well, Darran, maybe I'll see you later.
Next to him, the looks of the three arrogant knights widened : they had just noticed the stylized dragon on Luther's back. Was it a pompous acquisition, the symbol of an unknown order... or was it...?
You do not participate ? the sovereign wondered as the first competitors greeted the gathered crowd.
Heavens no. I'm not as belligerent as my companions, Gilnash replied with a pinched smile.
And my concentration is required elsewhere than in the arena, he thought without adding it, keeping one hand on Enguerran's shoulder.
The order of the Dragons, said a man close to them, thoughtful. I don't think I've ever heard of it.
Gilnash studied it for a moment before resituating it. Earlier, he had been told about the crew of the imposing trading ship that was anchored in the mouth of the Morceaux. The Lord of Bordeleaux hoped to develop the river trade of his city in the coming decades. The presence of a familiar captain from Marienburg, Arabia and even the islands of the mysterious Ulthuan elves was therefore a good omen for the future. He must have been the captain of this ship.
There are not many of us, justified the vampire. And we come from a country far from the coast.
Mannan keep you, you don't know what you're missing. See, this city has understood this well.
Turning south - and the river beyond the buildings visible in the moonlight - he looked at the booming port.
Fishermen know who is filling their nets and avoiding storms. All that Bordeleaux lacks is the necessary infrastructure to accommodate real merchant ships. And a temple dedicated to the lord of the salt water.
Why not make it one? questioned the sovereign next to them, following their discussion. A ship itself dedicated to Mannan?
Well, here's a brilliant idea, and...
Gilnash, however, was saved from the political and religious discussions he felt smouldering between the two men when a trumpet blew lower.
Good evening, everyone ! I have the honour to officially introduce this tournament, organized in honor of the birthday of Sir Hugo de Bordeleaux, grandson of our Lord !
Under a general ovation, a kid a little younger than Enguerran approached timidly, not daring to move too far from his mother. On the platform next to the stands, the herald was waving at him to approach. After a few moments, he finally reached the Bordelin, which took his hand warmly.
Sir Hugo, tomorrow evening, one of these brave knights will have the honor to sit at your table for years to come !
What do you think of his story ? Manesh'k asked, turning away from the speech and looking for Darran.
Luther shrugged his shoulders.
He mentioned the detail you wanted to hear, didn't he ? The golden crown I hear.
Does your nephew Julot participate in the contest ? Gilnash was surprised when he noticed him in the second row.
That's right. But if he wins, which would surprise me greatly, the next one in the ranking of this tournament will join my court. And so it is if this one is already one of them.
Are there many of them ? asked the ship's captain.
Well, in addition to Julot are Piers, Renaud, Ferragus... a newcomer intervened by designating them in turn. And maybe I'm forgetting one...
Unlike the other people in this gallery, he was not dressed in a breastplate or a pourpoint but in simple, light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing. The sailors who came with their captain studied it with astonishment.
Let me introduce you to Martin, placed the lord. My Augur. It is to this person that we owe to have anticipated the terrible weather that has been going on all day. Without him, we would have taken the water in the afternoon rather than enjoying the show that evening.
Martin only did quick greetings to each of the people present, his trident pendant beating on his chest. He lingered a few seconds on the vampire, squinting. Gilnash slightly tightened his grip on Enguerran's shoulder. This man had a slight affinity for winds. He perceived it. But did he perceive it as the undead, by its nature and its concentration turned towards the other side of the river and a very precise room ? But the Augur turned away. He exchanged a warm greeting with the ship's captain and then sat down near Enguerran and stretched his legs relaxed.
...son of Louis Light-Hoof, Piers of the residence of Ivy, the knight Darran from Brionne... listed the spokesman, the interested parties raising their weapons in honour of the boy.
A male in love parade, Manesh'k whispered for himself. Exhibiting in full view of its nuptial feathers. Claiming a new territory....
It's Gilnash who's going to be curious to learn more, Luther slipped with a mischievous smile. He who had been so disappointed that Varison did kill that couple they couldn't train....
To this memory the elder roughly refrained from bursting into laughter, attracting black glances from their neighbors.
And does your son-in-law participate ? Asked Gilnash between two names.
However, he guessed he had touched a sensitive subject when a sadness passed over the lord's eyes.
This one could not be present, replied the estafier with the scarf arm. There is a case in Aquitania that requires his presence despite the birthday of his eldest son.
Gilnash considered him for a moment. He realized that this massive man with a cold look was speaking for the first time in his presence. So much so that he began to believe that this person dressed in black was mute.
None of my heirs are involved, said Thierry with his eyes fixed on Hugo. Even if I require that all spears used tonight be blunted, an accident can happen. And I refuse to let my grandson witness a tragedy on this particular day. Julot is the only member of my family who participates.
An honourable and understandable decision, the captain from Marienburg nodded his head.
Ralof from Riverwood, Carloman Goat Killer son of Roland, Jacen from Lily Fields from Aquitania, Benoist the Whelk Hunter from Moussillon...
How did you tell him again ? He answered with tears in his eyes.
"All you have to do is hatch an egg," reminded him of the younger one, who in turn repressed a laughing.
He was so anxious to have one as a mount... he calmed down laboriously.
Who knows, if that's the case, his would litter has given him satisfaction.
If the Lord of Bordeleaux, once again smiling, was absorbed by the speech of his spokesman and grandson, this was not the case of Gilnash. The shared hilarity of his two congeners was as misplaced as it was contagious. Torn between embarrassment and amusement, he managed to keep his composure. But it was not an easy task. I mean, what could they have said to each other that was so funny ? Manesh'k literally stuck his fist in his mouth to remain silent !
... Mandrak of the Order of the Dragon of Averland.
However, it was necessary for the younger to elbow him to respond to the identity they had presented the day before. So he hastened to raise his Lahmian sword to heaven without even pulling it out of the sheath, all smiles. Having noticed his lack of discipline, the spokesman sniffed dismissively before resuming.
... Luthor Harkon, also of the order of the Averland Dragon.
Finally, he put one knee down and found himself at the level of young Hugo.
My lord, can we declare the contest open ?
Looking at his mother, the child hesitated for a moment, before showing his approval with a vigorous nod.
For Hugo! The herald cried out as he stood up, sword pointed towards the sky, which slowly saw the two moons rise.
For Hugo ! exclaimed the forty or so participants of the competition.
Required helmets and blunt spear heads provided by squires... I would give a shit about blunt spear heads....
Pushing a new curse, Luther kicked a clod of dirt that crashed against the foot of the stands.
He explained to you, told his elder having regained his calm before imitating the herald's accent: Our good lord wants neither death nor injury there. It's about not pushing your lil' guy.
Nonsense. Broken teeth and a few trifles would forge his character...
However, Manesh'k had no argument to make about this statement. But they were not in a position to protest about these modalities....
...and encounters drawn by random draw, Luther ironically looked up to heaven with a gesture of helplessness. Father would go crazy if he heard that !
But are you done complaining ? You will be able to ridicule unfortunate peoples who will only understand their misfortune at the last moment....
Certainly ! However, I hope we will not have to fight each other. Cross the whole empire, a forest infested with pointed ears and this barbaric land to beat you up... That I could have done years ago ! No need for a tournament !
Both laughed heartily as they went to their horses, Lightning and Scourge, the latter failing again to bite his rider when he tried to get in the saddle.
The spokesman called on the first two fighters to take their positions, inviting them to accept the blunted spears handed to them by the squires. That is, weapons that were neither sharp nor edged. He also indicated that for those participants who did not own a helmet, several had been made available to them.
Called for the first time, the two riders went to introduce themselves to their ladies and handed their spears to them.
But... Doesn't Piers already have a wife and a baby ? A bordelin close to the vampires was surprised.
He pointed to the knight in bright green colours, seeing a woman hanging a scarf on his weapon.
Are you stupid or are you doing it on purpose ? replied his interlocutor. THAT's his wife.
Ho crap... but by the way, isn't him already from our lord's court ? What is he...
It is the vineyard price that interests him, he was cut as they were taking place.
With the sound of a trumpet, the first charge took place, seeing Piers from the Ivy House pushing down his opponent's round shield. On two occasions.
Best of three, then, Luther analyzed by following with his eyes the defeated coming back head down.
Knights Luthor Harkon and Julot from Bordeleaux, suddenly called the speaker and made the two vampires blench.
Julot ? Manesh'k repeated.
Poor dude, Luther commented as he climbed over Scourge. Twice in two nights....
As he was walking forward, Manesh'k spotted Thierry's nephew. His face was distorted by a rancour mask. He too had obviously recognized his opponent and put on a sparkling helmet. Probably new.
From the first charge, Manesh'k felt bad for the boy. Luther was merciless despite his capricious horse. Julot was the first participant to empty the stirrups and to be eliminated from the competition. However, unharmed, he threw his helmet with a scream of rage. Luther on his side allowed himself a passage in front of the stands, greeting cheerfully the bordelins who acclaimed this winning foreigner.
As soon as he returned to the space reserved for the participants, Luther came to his elder to whom he give his hand. The latter slammed it happily as he watched the called ones of the next duel.
Gontran Drinking-without Thirst ? Repeated an incredulous Luther as he presented himself. Talk about a title... Opposed to the Whelk Hunter... I would have heard everything tonight...
Quite a few anecdotes must be hidden behind these names, Manesh'k guessed.
With his arms crossed, he was waiting for the call of a particular participant, curious to see him at work. He himself had easily touched the shield of an opponent three times, whose name he had already forgotten. He had simply revealed himself incapable of touching him.
When he finally saw Darran coming forward, he placed himself at the forefront of the competitors. This one was opposed to a certain Carloman Goat Killer.
No kidding... he murmured, acknowledging the brute to whom he had twisted the wrist earlier.
You said that two companions of your order were participating, noted the ship's captain. Are they those two people in orange gambisons, with a purple wyrm on their back ?
That's right, Gilnash replied as Manesh'k walked past them, greeting the audience with his hand.
I'm going to have to apologize in that case, he said. I thought you were someone worthy of little interest. But when I see the prowess of your brothers in arms... it forces respect.
Uh... thank you ? Was all that came to his mind as this statement caught him off guard.
In front of them, two young Bretonnians were in charge for the third time. With a touch everywhere on the shield, the vampire valued them on an equal footing. Just like the various judges in the front row of their stands, attentive to this last pass. And finally both of them reached their goal. Except that the blue shield flew from the owner's arm. Raising his visor, the winner with the red colors shouted a scream of joy audible from their position.
We've been talking for a while now, but we haven't introduced ourselves, he insisted. I am Frederik, Captain of the Immaculate.
Gi... Gaetan from Averland, he hesitated. Member of the Order of the Dragon...
Damn, Luther spat when he came back from his second fight.
As soon as he had joined the participants' space with Scourge, he raised his armored fist. However, Manesh'k held his wrist back, preventing him from beating his horse in front of the bordelins. The gesture had not escaped the attention of a few, to whom the vampire replied with an embarrassed smile. Then, taking his nephew by the shoulder, he pulled him aside.
What are you doing here ? He reproached him. You just won it and...
The damn horse tried to bite me again in the middle of the charge, Luther replied with a black look at the guilty horse. 'why I missed my first charge.
Manesh'k was going to reply, but the words didn't come to him. So he simply shrugged his shoulders. And saw that Darran was watching them intensely a little further away, looking astonished. The vampire held his gaze for a moment, regaining all his seriousness. Until the human turned to the line and heard a scream of pain.
Well annoyed, the winner of the current duel guided his horse towards his opponent. Spread out all over, he was screaming like a devil, holding his shoulder and legs shaken with spasms. In the stands, the ruler left his seat and approached the wooden balustrade while his augur rushed out of the stands. Several squires surrounded the wounded, knowing only too well what to do : although blunted, the spear had penetrated deeply into the plastron like the flesh below before it broke.
Hugo's mother hid her son's eyes when she noticed the regular scarlet sprays from the wound. Surprisingly, the injured person continued to scream but did not seem to spit blood. Or at least, it wasn't visible from the heights.
His lung doesn't seem to be affected, Gilnash estimated, attracting Enguerran to him to also prevent him from seeing this traumatic scene. If they rush to stop the bleeding, he should live.
Are you a doctor ? The captain of the Immaculate wondered.
Not really. However, I do have... experience with bleeding.
'wants to see ! Protested the child against him.
However, the vampire's grip would not allow him to contemplate Martin busy removing the damaged armor to examine the wound. The winner, knight of the Ivy House, went to join the other participants without passing in front of the stands, with his shoulders arched.
Who's the future stiff ? Asked Luther discreetly to his brother in arms.
One of the idiots from earlier. The one with the trident and the arrows.
Not a great loss in this case, he laughed.
As he did so, he attracted the black eyes of their neighbors. So for once he showed tact by simulating a coughing attack.
The squires, under the direction of a skinny man in pale blue, wide brays, took the wounded man on a stretcher. All that remained were splinters of wood and metal. Not to mention the dark blood that stained the grass where he had fallen.
A few more duels took place, seeing Darran triumph over the Whelk Hunter. Then finally, Manesh'k came back smiling and slamming his nephew's hand : he had just eliminated the third scoundrel who had pushed the brionnois earlier in the evening with two hits. The vampire had even allowed himself the luxury of a gap on the third charge. This attitude was clearly seen as an insult to the defeated man who ducked out from the stands under the quibbles of several teenagers. Again by reflex, Manesh'k looked for Darran by coming back to attach Lightning to a pole. He watched him with a disapproving look as he followed a lively discussion between the Whelk Hunter and Piers from the Ivy House.
It is getting late, suddenly declared the voice of the lord himself from the platform. And tell me, boy, so far do you like it ?
Standing next to him, young Hugo looked up, before realizing that he was expected to express himself.
Oh yes ! Yes ! He replied, shaking his head vigorously.
The assembly, which had become silent when he came to the stands, could only be charmed by this innocent little boy.
However, this tournament is still far from over, he continued. Until now, the meetings have been randomly determined. And it appears that six participants have not yet been defeated. I decided that three more matches would take place between these champions chosen by Mannan, for our greatest pleasure!
Immediately, an enthusiastic clamour came from the stands, mixed with loud applause. Among the fighters, however, it was in a different atmosphere that the declaration was received. While the majority of fighters sought to trace the duels that took place to identify the nominated fighters, this was not the case for vampires. Both exchanged a glance : they knew exactly they both where in the six.
They spent long seconds observing each other without saying a word. If Luther had joked earlier about a possible clash, they were now confronted with the reality of this competition. And, despite their peregrinations through the Empire, Estalia and the lands of the Bretonnis... they had never fought a duel until now.
Let's wait for the call, Manesh'k finally declared to break the ice between them. It is unlikely that our Thierry will pit us against each other knowing that we share the same order.
Luther remained impassive, waiting a few more moments before agreeing and turning away from his elder. So he in turn began to look for among them who remained undefeated.
I call Luthor Harkon of the Order of the Dragon from Averland in orange colors...
The two vampires froze on the spot when they heard the name, pivoting again towards the platform.
... as well as Piers from the Ivy House of Bordeleaux with its green colors !
While a real ovation immediately rose to the call of the local knight, already a member of their lord's court, the two rivals relaxed significantly.
It will be for another time, Manesh'k said, slamming his shoulder.
He had a much more relaxed smile as Luther took over the reins of Scourge.
You don't know what you're esca... By the Dragon's Fire ! I'm going to take it to you....
However, he stopped in full swing, his gauntlet fist raised above the muzzle of his mount. The indomitable animal had tried to bite him again. It was under a burst of laughter from Manesh'k that he passed under the stands to take his place.
I call Jacen from the Lily Fields from Aquitania in white and Ferragus Vine Leaf from Bordeleaux in blue !
Once again, the bordelins demonstrated their chauvinism by loudly cheering for their competitor. Both came forward, having already put their horses on.
The last game, Manesh'k whispered, looking through the participants.
However, he seemed to be the only one preparing for another duel. Until he noticed it. A smile slowly stretched over his features as he realized that he too had not lost any of his duels.
Piece of cake ! Luther shouted as he came to him with his hand raised, after throwing the lent helmet into the grass.
Cake, yes, replied a vampire distractedly, giving him back his gesture of victory, without energy.
So, did you find out who you were fighting ? He asked him in a much colder tone in response to his lack of enthusiasm.
I couldn't have dreamed better....
A few meters away, Darran was staring at them with intensity. He had his griffin shield with a black stripe on his arm and held his mount close to him. He clenched his teeths with a slight grin, obviously eager to fight it out. Manesh'k licked his lips.
Now here is the last game of the night ! The herald cried out. I call the knights Darran in red. And Mandrak, also of the Order of the Dragon from Averland, in orange!
Darran, Griffin's killer, thought Manesh'k as he passed in front of the stage. At the end of the ground, he went around it and contemplated his opponent already in position. Show me what kind of wood you're made of, he dreamed as he lowered his visor.
At the signal, both rammed their respective mounts. Their spears dropped... but none hit their target. By deflecting his horse away from the field, the knight in orange colours avoided the enemy spear. Without trying to target the opponent's shield.
Amazed by this strategic choice, a whisper came from the crowd as both turned back. They repositioned themselves, spears to the sky, waiting for the trumpet. Then they started again.
What... stammered the vice-captain when he saw Mandrak not lowering his weapon.
To everyone's surprise, again he did not try to touch his opponent, keeping his spear upright. Instead, he spread his shield arm and managed to push the blunted spear head back with a backhand before continuing his run. And quietly, he went to position himself for the third and final charge of the competition.
This is surprising, commented a stunned Frederik. What...
STOP MESSING ! Darran suddenly cried out as he pulled out his helmet, throwing his spear to the ground.
All the spectators turned from Mandrak to the brionnois, surprised by his sudden burst of voice.
I identify this reckless horseman, began the captain, referring to Mandrak. But who is this one ?
In doing so, he pointed to Darran. Hugo's grandfather shrugged his shoulders.
A young man from Brionne, if my memory serves me correctly, replied his bodyguard in dark clothes.
At the other end of the ground, Manesh'k raised his visor in turn.
As he did so, he put on his helmet and took back his spear to a squire frightened by this statement.
Who does he think he is, creaked Luther from the foot of the stands.
Around him, the opinions of the other participants seemed mixed. More than one nodded his approval head while others criticized the behaviour of this young rooster.
What a language, sniffed Martin with disdain, returning from the bedside of his wounded.
His clothes were stained with blood. However, his presence must have meant that the days of the unfortunate were not threatened.
Answer me honestly Gaëtan, said Thierry while turning to Manesh'k below. Is this young man telling the truth ? Is your friend Mandrak having fun hiding from us the extent of his talents ?
Doubt and curiosity pierced his voice, as Mandrak opened his shield arm as a sign of acceptance.
I cannot say for sure, was all Gilnash could answer as he was so caught off guard by the turn of events.
COMES AT ME ! WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT ! Darran stubbornly lowered his visor.
... You will have claimed it, Manesh'k whispered on the other side while slowly sliding his own.
In the stands, Gilnash noticed that Martin in front of him had suddenly turned towards the orange-jacketed fighter. Like the vampire, the augur must have perceived the slight fluctuation in the winds at that moment. He clenched his teeth, silently begging his brother in arms not to do too much...
The two riders thus remained for a few moments to scrutinize each other, separated from the entire length of the charging lanes. And the trumpet sounded. Immediately they planted their heels in the sides of their frames. Lightning and the steed of the brionnois rushed at full speed towards each other as the cavalry spears lowered. Several people gave their voices, encouraging the fighters of this last charge. Several horns resounded loudly...
At the last moment, Manesh'k threw away his round shield. With his thighs firmly closed on the sides of Lightning, the vampire pivoted on his saddle. He gave his extension as much amplitude as he could. With a dreadful crash, the scarlet shield, stripped of black, shattered.
Lightning pushed a neigh of pain under pressure against his sides, his course becoming uncertain. Throwing the spear in turn, Manesh'k took the bridle with one hand and clung to the mane with the other. Playing with his considerable strength and insolent luck, he managed to bring Lightning back to a trot without any further difficulty. Only then did he allow himself to look back.
Miraculously, Darran had not emptied the stirrups. A squire from Bordeleaux was trying to grab the reins while the rider leaned dangerously backwards with his arms loose. The loser from the previous game even came to help him get back on his feet as he threatened to fall. Still conscious, the brionnois nevertheless seemed pretty stunned.
He is unharmed, My Lord ! cried the squire after exchanging a few words with him.
At these words, the spectators stood up. A round of applause and acclaim came to congratulate them.
Impressive, Gilnash said in the rush while watching Darran as Manesh'k led Lightning to the defeated to check his condition.
Considering the performance, he would not have been surprised to find a green look in his companion if he had not worn a helmet. His brother in no-life had not done in half measure by lifting at arm's length the heavy cavalry spear...
He will be lucky if he doesn't have his elbow and shoulder in pieces, commented the big bordelin in black jacket, himself with his arm in a scarf.
Certainly. But about your companion Mandrak : what audacity ! Daring such a risky manoeuvre....
He is... bold by nature, could only answer Gilnash to Frederik's vice-captain, impressed by the performance.
In front of them, Enguerran never stopped applauding, euphoric and overexcited despite the late hour.
Soon, a circle formed around the loser. Circle that moved away, however, as the knight Mandrak approached, bareheaded and holding his mount by the bridle. He looked at Darran for a moment, sitting on a bench while silence was building around them. And, to everyone's surprise, the boy had a jolt that quickly turned to a burst of tired laughter.
I knew it, he articulated painfully as he looked up. You could have thrown me out in the first two passes...
Impassible, Manesh'k saw a slight smile illuminating the expression of the brionnois.
...but you see, I didn't bite the dust.
Repelling the help of a squire who didn't know what to do, he got up. Alone. And stood up straight in front of the vampire who had not said a word. And, still smiling, he offered his hand. Hand that Manesh'k considered for a moment, before grabbing with vigour.
Thank you, Darran thanked him at last. Thank you for not holding back.
His opponent of one evening sketched a divided look before answering, placing his free palm on the shoulder pad.
Remember to make your arm looked.
Darran immediately drew a grimace of pain.
Serious business start tomorrow, he added with a smile.
And at his words, he turned his back, leaving the other competitors there who watched him leave. Darran's smile faded slightly, then he looked at the other competitors and squires. But not one of them seemed to have noticed Mandrak's fangs.
The Whelk Hunter, Piers of the Ivy House and a few others exchanged uncertain glances. Crossing swords the next day with this man in orange... wasn't that a monumental mistake ?
The huge room was silent. Not a single breath would disturb the armor and trophies on their displays. The room was one of the most remote in the castle of Bordeleaux. The Lord's ancestors had been here for several generations. Their family had built this building overlooking the city when it was only a village. The sword of the first ruler was enthroned on a support, under a light layer of dust. Several oxide stains were beginning to appear here and there. She had defeated many greenskins, but would probably not defeat one more.
Disturbing the calm of these places, a crackling in the air agitated the breastplates on their mannequins. A gust swept through the heart of the room with its century-old windows, yet sealing every single exit to the outside. And suddenly, a flash of light illuminated the shelves. Several bumpy helmets bounced off the pavement. The next moment, a crack had appeared in the center of the room, pulsating with sizzling lightning. And slowly, reality unravelled as the breach in space stretched. It illuminated the displays with a dazzling purple light.
However, a shadow darkened the gate. Generating a muffled whistle that dominated the energy detonations for a moment, a piece of metal made its way to this plane of existence. Black, long and tapered, a blade chiselled with shiny symbols emerged. His yarn and the quality of his material ridiculed the relics stored there. And with a new detonation the weapon was suddenly regurgitated, crushing the weapon rack several hundred years old. Just like the rusty sword it was exposing.
With new energy arcs, the rift closed quickly, bringing with it the strange purple gleams from other worlds. In a few moments, the place regained its calm. If it wasn't for the smoking and whistling wood of the pieces of furniture, sliced clean by the black blade. And the stone underneath. Notched off a finger deep.
Slowly, the symbols lost their shine, melting into the blade a few minutes later. The silence returned... until a shadow appeared, attracted by the noise.
Without saying a word, the innkeeper watched them leave the place, the kid on their heels. They operated exactly the same ride as the day before, leaving all four of them from his inn at nightfall. And leaving the fifth member of their group alone upstairs.
Thrilling, he went to take a look through a tile blackened by humidity. He had time to see the boy disappear on the corner of the street before they left his field of vision. The owner then sketched an irrepressible smile from one ear to the other. A smile shared by his companions who had been sitting at the table until then and who had remained impassive. They woke up exchanging fat laughter, savoring in advance the coming night. More than ten of them hurried towards the stairs.
However, it was with unsuspected discipline that they approached the room. Not one dared to disturb the silence. Coming with her face hidden by a hood, this woman's curves had not escaped the owner's attention. These strangers had paid upon arrival for all his rooms, which had been booked for the entire week. Rich was a bit of a statement about their condition. Mannan alone knew what riches they would reap inside. Then on these wacky people when they would relieve them of their possessions, upon their return. But it would be for later. He had another kind of reward to collect. And this one had been hiding behind that door for two days now.
Still smiling, he turned the handle.
Enguerran pushed the vampire when he suddenly stopped as the bridge ledge. Looking up, he saw Gilnash's expression literally decompose.
Gaylria... he whispered in a trembling voice.
And without a word more he rushed in the opposite direction, throwing aside a poor lady who had the misfortune to find herself in his way.
Which fly bites him ? Luther wondered as he followed him with his eyes.
The elf, guessed his elder with a dark face. Something just happened.
It's not serious ! The fighting starts in less than an hour!
But Manesh'k wasn't listening to him anymore. He snuck in the wake of his comrade, several people getting up after being pushed back by the previous runner. Being alone with Enguerran, Luther looked up to heaven. Then lowered them on the child. He shivered while guessing the anger the exasperated vampire was feeling. He didn't say a word and just walked back to retrace his steps.
Manesh'k stopped at the entrance to the building where Gilnash had already disappeared. But he already saw that it would not be necessary to go any further. A stool was sitting in the middle of the street, having crossed one of the few windows on the ground floor. The door hung on a hinge, pushed in from the inside. The individual who served as a ram lay in the cable, his throat torn out, his torso and face mutilated. Dismaying, the vampire nevertheless entered. The place was unrecognizable. The terrible smell. Even for him. The stench of the gutted entrails, spilled alcohol and blood took him by the throat.
The furniture had been reduced to rubble, including the bar. Here and there, the unfortunate people who were used to shatter it slowly bled to death, relieved of a limb or two for the most part. The vampire felt his boots sticking to the slimy ground as he walked through this impressive charnel. The walls were not to be outdone, scarlet fingerprints punctuating the vermilion sprays that had repainted the area. With a grin, he refused to go any further : the trail of intestines running down the stairs gave him a glimpse of what was waiting for him on the floor. And to think that the perpetrator of this massacre had acted with his bare hands...
By the... began Luther by coming at his turn.
He moved backwards, holding his hand to his nose as he discovered the extent of the damage.
Don't let the kid get clo...
A very unnecessary request. Already beside the vampire, Enguerran was passing his head through the gap. His face lost all color as Luther stood out ignoring him, protesting against Gilnash and "his elven animal".
Manesh'k snatched the boy from this morbid contemplation, dragging him down the street by the shoulder. After a brief glance around, he threw the body inside and closed the door. Then returned to Enguerran.
The poor child had exorbitant eyes, shaking like a leaf. He didn't say a word, his mouth open, blissful.
Enguerran, look at me, he ordered. Now. Look at me and listen to my voice. You...
However, he stopped quickly. Obviously, he didn't even hear it. The child was in shock. Even he couldn't get anything out of him right now.
Manesh'k turned as he heard the door squeak behind him.
She is no longer there, Gilnash flatly declared as he rubbed his forehead.
That was obvious. However, Manesh'k had the tact not to point this out to him. They had a much bigger problem to solve. Gaylria was there, somewhere in the shallows of the city. And she probably took a new life every moment they lost catching her.
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