#her skirt definitely lights up thanks to arthur helping out lol
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So there was someone missed for the msa gift exchange, and when I found out about a week or two ago, I had to do something. Merry late Christmas @pi-cat000! I saw your wishlist mentioned ot3 fluff, winged!arthur, and something holiday-esque, so I thought i’d mix all three! They went for a walk in the woods, and around sunset it started to snow. So of course Arthur is going to keep them nice and dry and warm, and they decided to return the favor by keeping his hands safe from the cold too~
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cyoza · 4 years
I was not going to post on here and I tried like 5 times but for some reason the ao3 link isn’t showing up in the tags sand I’m feeling very frustrated so I’m just going to upload the first chapter on here and then the rest of the chapters will be on ao3 because it took me forever last time to get all the chapters together here 
I’m going to post the link to my ao3 at the end and see if it works this time but its literally giving me a headache lol 
In his 3 years as a protective agent of the CIA, Dick Grayson had never once slept past his alarm. However, he’d never felt the urge stronger than he did that morning. Even with the blaring siren of his alarm sounding, he’d lay staring at the ceiling for the few minutes he could spare wishing he could hit the snooze button. 
For the next 6 months. 
Dick had been very lucky in his 5 year career, shadowing various important but interesting diplomats and thus learning a lot more than the average person about the world and often top secret information. But it seemed like his luck had run out. For he was to spend the next 6 months babysitting some spoiled, pampered princess. 
Kory Anders had definitely built up a reputation for herself - and not necessarily a good one. From his research, he had found multiple articles that described her short temper, recklessness and honestly almost careless attitude towards dating; a new man or woman on her arm every month. It didn’t help that she was an actual princess which meant that guarding her was going to be a bigger pain in the ass than usual. When it came to Royals, they would feel more comfortable with their own services as well as CIA protection which made it all the more difficult to get the job done. Safe to say there was no real part of him looking forward to the task. 
But Dick got up anyway, clicking off both his phone alarm and battery back up along the way. He got ready in a daze, cruising on autopilot until he stood in front of the mirror adjacent to his front door. White shirt crisp and immaculate as usual, dark navy tie placed perfectly at the centre, all pulled together with a sharp angled black blazer. 
A picture of a model agent. 
Bruce Wayne would be proud. 
Dick watched as his eyes narrowed automatically at the thought but he forced himself to relax; he didn’t need anymore tension in his body today and thinking about his adoptive father wasn’t going to help.  
So he grabbed his keys and made his way to work, again not really present for the journey but the dread that settled in him as he pulled into the parking lot forcibly ejected him out of his reverie and back to reality. 
He tried to ignore it, doing the best he could to seem like his charismatic but professional self as he made it through security. Saying hello to Joe as he x-rayed his bag and commenting on Max’s new hair do as she scanned through his fingerprints and ID before making his way through the halls to the DS’s office. 
He paused facing the heavy mahogany door, bracing himself before knocking. 
‘Come in,’ was the gruff reply. 
Dick let out a sigh before entering, shutting the door softly behind him and making his way to stand by the double burgundy leather arm chairs opposite the mahogany desk. 
Directorate of Support Officer Charles ‘Chip’ Wenthem looked every bit the stereotypical middle-aged officer was to be expected to look. Thick grey caterpillar moustache with a matching buzzcut and permanently stress induced protruding coronary in the neck. 
‘Ah Grayson, good you’re here. The Royal Family will be here any minute. I know this isn’t the best assignment but I want you to put your best foot forward, alright? We really need this to go well.’ 
‘Of course, sir. Looking forward to doing the best I can for my country as always.’ He lied, giving him a tense but polite smile that neither reassured nor reinforced his statement. Yet neither of them mentioned anything, knowing the job would get done either way to an exemplary standard anyway. 
‘Glad to hear it, son. Now, as explained in the dossier, you’ll be guarding the Princess Kory Anders of Tamaran along with her personal protection services named Faddei Adeliyi. You’ve done this enough times that I don’t need to hold your hand, Grayson, but proceed with caution. The Tamaranians keep to themselves so we don’t know much about them for a background on customs. Follow their lead and watch yourself. You’re one of my best agents and I don’t want you to get kicked off this case for something stupid, alright?’ 
Dick suddenly felt the tension he’d tried very hard to suppress return to his body at full force. Chip was a good DS but it was times like this that he felt his patience with him was paper thin. 10 years of experience in law enforcement with 5 of them in covert operations just to have him speak to him like he was a teenager fresh out the force on his first mission. Dick bit back his frustration and gave him another tight smile but before he could speak again, there was a knock at the door prior to Chip’s mousy assistant poking his head through. 
‘Um, sir, we have the Tamaranean Royal family through security and here to see you.’ Arthur spoke quietly, shifting his eyes rapidly between Chip and the floor. Even after 2 years working here, Arthur was still terrified of every single thing; it was a wonder how he even got the job. 
‘Send them in.’ Chip waved his hand in confirmation sending Arthur’s head back around the door before he came back to swing it wide open again. 
Dick had seen beautiful people in his life as he seemed to always fall into their orbit unintentionally. But they all paled in comparison to the people who walked in the room in those next 5 minutes. The man who walked in after Arthur could only be described as ethereal. Towering taller than any other person Dick had come into contact with, it wasn’t his height that commanded the attention in the room nor was it his transfixing good looks. His shoulder length dark locs framed his face and corresponded with his gruff beard, which were both laced through with grey and emphasised the high slant of his cheekbones. It was his eyes, however, that drew the attention to the face, a gleaming brilliant gold that seemed luminescent even in the poorly lit office. But it was neither of these things that person would be enthralled by. Rather the aura around him was so authoritative and regal that it demanded an attention that you never wanted to withdraw. He seemed to glide as he walked into the room, his mulberry chiffon-like robe swishing around him as if there was a breeze that existed only for him. Dick could only assume he was the King, especially with the thin intricately woven golden crown he wore, pinning back some of his locs. 
Even the guards that trailed behind him were some of the most stunning guards he’d ever seen, despite them dimming in comparison to the King. A man and a woman, again taller than the average person and again dressed in a similar shade of mauve to the King but more combat appropriate. Dick felt his knowledge of gender binary being challenged as he observed them both, the woman’s head shaved with a complex design tattooed across the expanse and the man with equally elaborate braids running across his scalp and trailing down his back. He had never felt more inferior in his life, even with Bruce Wayne as a father. 
Dick’s attention was brought back to Chip as he made his way around the desk to greet them. 
‘Your Majesty King Myand’r, welcome to the US. It is our utmost pleasure to be able to host you on your stay here.’ Chip had never sounded or looked more nervous in his life, this interaction clearly having the same effect on him as it was having on Dick. 
‘Thank you..Charles, is it?’ He questioned, moving forward to extend a hand which ‘Charles’ anxiously but gratefully accepted. ‘And you must be Dick.’ He turned to Dick and stretched out a hand toward him too. 
‘Yes, Your Majesty.’ Dick hoped his voice sounded strong and stable but he made sure that his handshake was, uncharacteristically wanting to exert himself, as futile as he felt it was. 
‘So you’re the one protecting my daughter. Then let me introduce, my eldest daughter - Princess Koriand’r.’
King Myand’r stepped aside and it felt like all the breath had been punched out of Dick’s lungs. He had seen pictures, of course, but as beautiful as she was in them, they all felt like insults compared to the real thing. Dick didn’t know where to look first, completely overwhelmed by her presence. She seemed to be a head shorter than her father so she still dwarfed everyone in the room and it didn’t help that the vivid scarlet curls that sat atop her head gave her added inches that she really didn’t need. The crimson coils seemed to halo her face in a heart shape, her cheekbones high and sharp like her father’s and just like her father, her eyes were transfixing. Bright and shimmering, they mimicked his luminosity but hers were an emerald green that paralleled the jewels themselves. They were only emphasised by the glittery gold eyeshadow she wore, her pouty full lips also painted with a dark maroon. 
Dick knew he was being rude but he couldn’t help but look at her. It was difficult to look away, especially when she also wasn’t wearing very much. As relatively warm as it was in Virginia in September, it definitely didn’t warrant the outfit she wore, or lack thereof. Again she wore a varying shade of purple to her counterparts, but this time it covered way less. Clothed in a light cotton skirt he could barely call a skirt, it reached the floor but the two high slits travelling up her legs all the way to her hips left very little to the imagination so her legs seemed to go on forever which were only highlighted by the 5 inch gold gladiator sandals she was wearing. Her midriff was also bare, the top she was wearing covering her breasts and not very much else, wrapping around them with two tiny trivial spaghetti straps holding the fabric up. 
Dick felt like he had been staring at her for a lifetime but it was probably only 10 seconds, so he cleared his throat and stepped forward to greet her. 
‘Princess Koriand’r, hello. My name is Dick Grayson, I’ll be forming part of your protective team while you are here in the US. It is very nice to meet you and it’s an honour to be guarding you.’ Dick stepped forward to extend a hand to her but was taken aback when she merely rolled her eyes to the side and ignored his outreached hand to fold her arms. 
Dick looked frantically between the King and Chip dropping his hand and worried that he’d made a faux pas and offended her within a minute of meeting her. But he had merely taken the cue from her father with a handshake. Maybe it was different for different genders? Perhaps he was supposed to curtsey or bow? 
‘You must excuse my daughter, Mr Grayson, she is proving difficult to convince that she does in fact need your services. She is quite headstrong which is a trait we admire in our country as it shows strength. But in times like this, we could possibly do without it.’ He explained before gesturing to his daughter.
‘You don’t need to talk about me like I’m not here, Father.’
Dick reeled hearing her voice; it was rich and melodic and suited her perfectly. 
‘Well, Koriand’r, start acting like you are here and maybe I won’t have to,’ the King retorted. 
‘I don’t see why we have to be here at all. I am a trained warrior, there is no way that I could benefit from having these feeble h-’ 
‘Koriand’r, that’s enough!’ He cut her off sharply, eyes suddenly blazing. ‘It is time to stop acting like a child and act like you are next in line for the throne, for X’hal’s sake. The CIA were kind enough to extend their services to us while we are here and we were grateful to accept. You shall greet Mr Grayson here appropriately and behave yourself whilst you are under his care.’ 
Dick could see the fury building under her guise as her father admonished her, obviously wanting to argue when her body abruptly relaxed. She swung her head to face Dick, a wide, sultry smile on her face before making her way to stop a few inches in front of him, hips swaying enticingly as she strolled over. He only hoped his swirling mind wasn’t evident and his professional facade was still in place as he inhaled her sweet rosy scent. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he tried to keep control of himself and not let himself be party to whatever game she was trying to play.
‘Hello, Mr Grayson, it’s a pleasure. I can only thank you for your service and I look forward to being under your care.’ She purred, lifting her hand towards him. 
Oh, these 6 months were going to be longer than expected. 
Further chapters: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21785914
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blindersbeach · 6 years
the cabaret
wc: 1,661 requested: yes by those amazing anons! blurb: the readers works at a cabaret and bumps into a michael a/n: thank you for the requests for this and thank you sara for inspiring it!!
Friday nights bring the new customers that become regulars. The few that you are close to have kind souls. Franklin, comes in every night because his wife is the main dancer along with being the choreographer. Franklin is always proud of her and constantly supportive. Teddy is in love with the bartender, Joey. Sadly, they have to keep the relationship quiet without getting criticism. You accidentally walked in on them while you were cleaning up back stage. Teddy will be at the cabaret from opening till after all the chairs are stacked on the tables. There is also Rose. At first, she was against her sister, Maisie, working here, but as she went to more performances she realized how much her sister loves to dance. To you, they weirdly felt like the family you never had.
“Curtains open in 5!” Gus, the owner, called out backstage.
You sit in front of the luminous mirror applying kohl to your lash line. Already running out of time, you smudged the line fixing the mistakes your shaky hands made. Even after dancing for almost a year you are still nervous going on stage. Someone knocks on the door.
“It’s Maisie, you ready?” She puts her ear to the door, pushing her long chocolate hair out of the way.
You grabbed your hat and opened the door with a smile. Maisie links her arm in yours as you walk to the stage. Maisie and you had auditioned together and have supported each other ever since. She pulled you closer to whisper in your ear.
“I heard that are some Peaky Blinders here tonight! Gee, I hope a fight breaks out.” Maisie says almost jumping up and down like a bunny. She loves a good brawl.
“Remember the last time a fight broke out? Rose hid behind the bar and almost fainted and who are these Blinders you are always talking about?” You say confused.
“Do the Shelby’s ring a bell? They practically run Birmingham.”
“Oh yeah, don’t you always talk about the older one? Arthur?” You say putting your hat on and you both walk on stage.
“You mean the love of my life!” Maisie sits on the chair besides you.
“I thought you hadn’t met him?”
“He doesn’t know what is about to hit him!” Maisie strikes a pose and you laugh.
The rest of the girls sat in the first position. Your long legs with fishnet stockings were stretched out as a the small black dress slowly rises higher up your thighs. Most of the costumes varied but have similar color and the mandatory black fishnet stockings and a small heels. Some wore shorts, others a long skirt and a bustier.
The curtains shift to their ends and the bands begins a soft jazz tune. On the second eight count the drummer hits the cymbal and everyone in unison kicks their right leg up. This routine is engrained in everyone minds. All the movements flow out of the dancers. You no longer feel nervous. Empowerment rushes over you and the crowd roars. Before you know it, the dance ends. You pick your hat up and exit the stage. The crowd continues to roar as Gus shouts over them.
Maisie and you rush back into the dressing room. A heavy weight pushes you to the floor. Your knee aches and your stocking rips.
“A simple apology would’ve been nice…” You say struggling to stand up.
Sighing, you look at Maisie wondering why she does not have a reaction. She stares at the man that stares at you. He stands in awe. The unknown man wears a dark gray suit and his hair parted on the side. He looks out of place from the regulars you are used to. Too cleaned up.
“Come on, Maisie, we have to get ready for the next number.” Blood starts to slide down your leg. You reach your dressing room and shut the door behind you. “I don’t think Gus is going to let me on, he freaks even over a sneeze.”
“I’m pretty sure he is a Blinder. I saw him sitting with Arthur.”
Maisie usually changes in your dressing room since her’s is all the way in the back and does not have enough time between the first two numbers. She changes into a sequenced dress that hits her mid-thigh and wraps a white feathery boa around her shoulders. You pulled down your stockings and clean up the small cut. You changed into a pale pink dress and white stockings. The blood seeps through.
“Damn it, thats my only clean pair!” You yell throwing the stocking on the floor. You touch up your red lipstick and head out with Maisie.
Before you even step out of the door, Gus is waiting.
“Maiz, you got someone waiting for you in your room, but deal with it after this number.” Gus says and Maisie runs off wondering if it could be Arthur. “As for you, lets see this knee.”
“Gus it’s fine, I can go on.” You try to hide it behind your other.
“Take the night off, I don’t want to have another blood stain on these floors.” Gus pants you on the shoulder and the goes to make sure the girls are ready.
Going back into your room, you grab your robe and go to the bar. The music for the next number begins and the memory of the routine flashes through your head.
“What’s wrong with you?” Teddy says as you tie the ribbons around your waist. You fill him in on what happened as Joey pours you some whiskey.
“Sounds like Gus. Here this will cheer you right up!”
The whiskey does help, although you don’t feel the buzz you used to. Not that you need it anyways. Teddy stares deeply at Joey as he continues to work. You could tell that he wished to take long walks at sunset or sit as close to him in a booth like most couples.
“Well I better go. Enjoy your evening.” You say with a smile and walk backstage.
After changing into the more casual dress you came in, you stuffed the blood stained stockings into your coat and head to Maisie’s dressing room. You knock on the door and try to twist the handle, but the door seems locked. Moaning comes from the other side of the room. Your eyes go wide and then you head out through the back door. Guess she didn’t go on, you thought and laughed quietly to yourself.
A few days later
Your knee healed quickly, but Gus still didn’t let you perform as many routines you are used to. It is the end of the night as you sit in Maisie’s dressing room admiring the large bouquet of roses. They are from Arthur and you still can’t believe it.
“So tell me what happened again.” You say leaning back in the chair wishing a man brought you flowers.
“You know how Gus said there was someone waiting for me in my dressing room. Well I thought it was my sister, but it wasn’t. It was Arthur Shelby!” Maisie says with her eyes sparkling, “He wanted to talk to me, can you believe it?! He is taking me out again tonight.”
“He is one lucky guy.”
You realize how happy you are for your friend, she finally has the guy of her dreams. Then you realize now she really won’t shut up about it. As much as it makes you happy, there will always be a small feeling inside of you wondering when the man of your dreams with sweep you off your feet and give you bouquets of roses for no reason other than the fact that he is deeply in love with you.
“How is my beautiful dancer!” Arthur says as he waltzes in hugging Maisie from behind.
Maisie lightly pecks him on the cheek before pushing his hands away. Arthur instantly straightens up and puts his ‘tough-guy’ persona on after realizing there was someone else in the room.
“No worries, I was just about to leave. See you tomorrow Maiz!” You get up off your seat and pass Arthur.
“Oi, aren’t you that one girl Michael knocked over. He’s here tonight.” Arthur says before moving towards Maisie.
As you walk away, you can hear Maisie’s soft giggles from her room. You walk back to your room with your head down. When you arrive, the same eye-catching man from a few days ago stands in your room. You are glad that he isn't looking through your stockings like some other men have, but still have no clue what he would want to do with you.
“Pardon me, I just wanted to apologize for a few days ago and introduce myself.” He fiddles with a flower. Then stops as soon as he realizes he is doing it. “This is for you.”
“I am pretty clumsy myself, I’m Y/F/N by the way.” You say with a light chuckle. 
You gladly took the rose into your hand. If your cheeks are not already crimsoned from dancing, they definitely are now.
“I am Michael Gray, you might be more familiar with my cousins, the Shelby’s.”
“Yep, Arthur seems to taken a fancy to a friend.”
“Well, he isn’t the only one who has taken a liking to a cabaret dancer.” He says stepping closer. You realize his flirting and completely go for it.
“Oh really? Well tell me Michael Gray who else has… hopefully not one of your cousins.”
“You are standing right in front of him.”
“I can’t say I know much about him, but he is rather attractive. If only he would take me to dinner…” You say teasing him. His cheeks burn up red.
“Are you free tonight?” He holds your hand.
You look around the room almost as if you are looking for something.
“Looks like it.” He softly smiles before guiding you outside.
a/n: i hope you all liked it!! if there are any kpop fans (monbebe for life right here) hi! i won’t really post any kpop stuff but if you see something that isn’t peaky thats why lol
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