#her defending the kids like ur honour . look at their chubby cheeks.
solargeist · 3 months
Imagine with me, if you will; two small children walking along a street in some town who's name has long since been forgotten. The older of the two couldn't be more than five years old, holding his younger sister as they avoid most of the heavier traffic. The smaller of the two had shoes while the larger is walking barefoot. Regardless about the lack of shoes, the child had his sister on his back piggyback style. It's getting dark and the are some safer alleys not too far ahead.
A Watcher stands in the shadows, doing as Watchers do; Watching. Both children held strong potential in them (as all children do) and they walk past where the Entity stood without so much as blinking up at Her. The Watcher observed as the elder of the siblings moved nimbly down the street; skillfully avoiding taller legs and shoes as his own feet slapped quietly along the cobblestone street.
After a moment of deliberation, the Watcher left Her place in the shadows to pursue the children. She followed behind them a few paces, unseen by the world as she fluttered through them like a ghost. The child eventually turned turned down a side road to take the pair out of sight. Of course, nothing was out of Sight for Her.
She watched as the elder carefully lowered the younger onto the ground before turning around towards the entrance of the alley. The child puffed his chest out slightly, talking a big breath and, to the surprise of the Watcher, addressed Her. "What do you want?"
Now that was intriguing. The Watcher's form shifted, shrinking down a few inches as well as moving to crouched down to be eye level with the child. "I am Watching, child. Can you see me?"
"Well duh. I could see you follow us down the last three blocks," the child made a face under all the grime on his cheeks. Hard brown eyes the color of deep earth glared at the Watcher under what must have been a mousy brown. "I don't like it. Do it somewhere else."
"However, you two are alone out here, are you not?" She gestured a long fingered hand covered in wrapped rags towards where the smaller girl was curled up, asleep on the folded cardboard her brother had put her down on.
"Yes and we are fine." The boy almost barked at Her, with a voice so young and so full with venom.
She tilted her head at the child she spoke to. "What have you planned for dinner tonight?"
The child shifted on his bare feet, eyes glancing almost guiltily towards a dumpster farther in the alley before they turned back to the Watcher. "That is none of your business, lady. I suggest you mind it."
The Watcher laughed, the sound echoing slightly out of sync in the child's ears. He flinched slightly at the unfamiliar sound. She opened her outer robe just enough to reach inside the pitch black lining. The child watched her intently as Her hand disappeared from view. His young face didn't change as she pulled out a chorus fruit. "What is that?"
"Food." The Watcher said, Her voice as soothing as possible. Her hands broke apart the outer purple part of the fruit, much like how a cauliflower florets were so packed together, to reveal the soft white inner flesh. "I am sure you don't get much fresh fruit out here."
"It looks weird." The child snapped at her as his small grubby hand went to grip the front of his shirt, right in front of his belly.
"Perhaps to you, yes." The Watcher pulled apart a smaller slice before offering it towards the child. "But it needn't stay a stranger."
The child hesitated, eyes sharp between the food, hand, and where the Watcher's face would be if She had it visible. All he could see of Her was shadow. "Y you eat a bit first."
She wordlessly pulled Her hand back and broke off another small bit of flesh and lifted it to where he couldn't See her mouth. Personally, chours fruit was almost too sweet for Her. Like a sweet and spicy candied ginger. She pulled her hand back and then offered the now slightly smaller bit of fruit to the child. If eaten in slow enough, it would not cause the random teleport that it was so famous for.
He didn't hesitate now knowing it was safe, but he still was careful to take the fruit from Her bandaged hand. The Watcher was even more pleasantly suprised that he was able to interact with the fruit. As soon as the child had his hands full of fruit, he stepped away again to take a bite of the soft inner white. He made a slight face at the flavor.
Somewhere else, She smiled. "Good, yes?"
"It is a little... spicy?" He asked it like a question but ate another strip of flesh.
"That is a good word," the Watcher nodded. "Where will you two stay tonight?"
"Here? Probably." He concluded after a moment. "I think it is going to rain tonight and there is a bit of overhang roof back here. Might be able to stay mostly dry."
The Warcher hummed, using her hands to continue to break the chours fruit apart. She Watched him as he finished with the white part of the fruit and started on the thicker purple outside. The pith of the fruit, while still edible, was not as flavorful as on the inside. She like that part a bit more.
Once the boy was done, She offered him another bit of flesh. He took it again, no hesitation this time and took it to his sister to eat. The girl had sat up groggy, but took the fruit her brother gave her. She did not look towards the Watcher at all.
"How about you come home with me? Just for the night."
Her higher ups might have words for Her, but honestly was sure that Their anger with Her would be dissuaded upon realising this human appearing child Saw Her.
The boy frowned. "Why should we?"
"The rain." The Watcher said easily. "Do you not fear the thunder, child?"
"No." He said firmly, puffing his chest out again. It made Her think of a small bird puffing up to appear larger than it was.
"Of course not." She said smoothly. "And for the little one with you."
This cause the child to shift slightly. "She will handle it tonight. We've gotten through it before."
"I am sure you have. However, I offer you an actual bed and a better meal than fruit "
He hesitated. "Just for tonight?"
"Of course."
He thought it over. She could almost see the little gears in his human mind grinding away and She was almost tempted to look, but She didn't have time to before he nodded. "Okay. Just for tonight."
The Watcher nodded Her head and stood from her crouched position and glided over to them. The boy picked up his sister as she chewed on the outer peel. "Would you like me to hold her, sunrise?"
"Sunrise?" He asked confused. The confusion carried over as she held out the rest of the fruit. The Warcher took the still sleepy three year old in exchange for the fruit.
"Nevermind the name, child. Just a pet name." The Watcher held out a hand again to the child once She got the toddler settled. The little girl, once being held by the Watcher, had seemed to perk up and looked at the Entity in young confusion. The Watcher ignored her and offered a newly freed hand to the older child.
He took it and with the sound of an enderman whoop and a few partials, the trio were gone. All that was left was the outer bit of chorus fruit that the little girl didn't finish.
im getting way too attached to a motherly Watcher wuwghudug her bébés…
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