#her casting seems to be good
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
Guess the bad casting for Nani and David in the live action should have been a hint that Disney didn’t understand a-lot of Lilo and Stitch, but the fact that they replacing US Agent Cobra Bubbles with a social services worker who appears to be from Hawaii too....yeah, they just erasing a-lot of Lilo And Stitch in this remake. 
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mistninja · 7 months
Big fan of characters who are somewhat aware that they are side characters and they struggle with that
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girlmetalsonic · 6 months
thinking abt how one of the defining traits of metal sonic who's supposed to be this cold unfeeling machine is that they completely block out logical thinking to blindly attack sonic whenever they cross paths.. attacks him like an animal, not like a killing machine. attacks him in the way that only someone who feels an obsessive hatred could attack someone.. idk.. something something their most defining trait disproves what is allegedly their other most defining trait.. if that is the case then who are they at all?
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broken-clover · 5 months
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If I said 'this is an image taken from a letsplay video done by actual officially hired voice actors for street fighter 6, one of whom actually voices one of the characters pictured and was posted unironically onto youtube by the, again, actual actors hired by capcom,' I can understand if you'd think I was pulling your leg because I still feel like I'm lying despite knowing full well I'm not. Also the squirrels dance.
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allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months
tell me about drawtectives. what is this little show.
oooooh my god oh my god. they are my guys. so.
drawtectives itself is a youtube series created by julia lepetit on Drawfee. it's an rpg mystery show– s1 is a murder mystery, s2 is just a mystery– that doubles as an art challenges show. she draws all of the backgrounds and npcs and most of the assets (the 'cutscenes', you could call them) and then the team gets together, knowing absolutely nothing besides what julia's asked them to prepare, and does some funky improv to create a very funky storyline.
there are 3 players and one dm; the pcs are rosé, york, and grendan/grenda/grandma/gma, and the Big NPCs are Jancy True (s1/s2) and Eugene Finch (s2) and they're, in their own words, a found family, so. beloved. their backup plan if all their jobs fail is to move out east and open a bookstore. jancy and eugene have fully accepted their titles as mom/ancestral ghost and son despite meeting each other likely once before the drawtectives dragged them together. overall though if i had to summarize, it's a bunch of friends getting together, making a bunch of puns, appreciating julia's art, and laughing together. the vibes are 10/10 so loving. in writing the transcripts i've written (Karina laughs) (Nathan laughs) (All laugh) So Many Times it's just fun.
so there's three pcs. first one we meet is gyorik 'york' rogdul, who's a half-orc come to the city to learn about his mother's culture. he is the character we have by far the most lore for– if I compiled all the lore I had about the Northern Tribes and Wild Trains, I think the document would be multiple pages. he's also illiterate, which was an interesting decision for the english major of the group to make (in other words, York Will Not Be Illiterate For Season Three bc Y'all Cannot Read) and morally gray if you think about it too hard (he killed his own brother) but yknow he's hot so it's okay. they're all hot any crimes committed are okay. he's also aroace (confirmed by the player, which is!! vibes!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME @axolotllee!)
rosé is the Human Rogue and the youngest of the party; her main trait in s1 was Millennial and she Dealt with that. she, in contrast with York, has so little lore we are scraping the barrel. she was a thief, then left everything about that life behind and changed her name to rosé when she went to work for jancy. she lied on her resumé. she knows how to sew; she's sewn Pockets of Holding on most of her clothing. she bonded with a stray cat that lived outside her last apartment. she's three credits short of graduating college. she's, in addition to being a drawtective, jancy's intern, and cried when jancy got her a cupcake. she won't tell her best friends when her birthday is or where she goes to school or what her last name is. that's all we know about her and i love her and she could probably kill someone as she has multiple knives on her person and does not use them. she's bright and funny and can be pretty dark but really does find the humor in it which is. wonderful.
so grendan highforge starts out as The Snobby Rich Boy which. already love the trope something Always Happens To Them if they're a pc. then through s1 they make an offhand comment about a character (faucon, whose name is pronounced 'falco') and how if her name was pronounced that way it'd be grenda. faucon asks how they feel about it. they are caught very off-guard by that and then ask to be called it for the next hour or so. then the next witness calls him gma, and then grandma, and then. yeah she realizes she's genderfluid. and he uses any pronouns and has a full beard and also wears a romper and loves dogs and the player is the Most Experienced TTRPG-er so through maybe using resources a bittt grandma is the most observant character of all of them. he's also a dog walker and a lightweight and does canonically have druidic magic though that was Not Touched On Much and showed up to their first day on the job slightly stoned (they did stop doing that though.) she carries around a box to make the height difference (york is 7'. grendan is 4'. rosé is 6'. you can see the formatting issue) slightly less difficult. she doesn't know how rhinos reproduce but has had a fascination with them since a police chief said one might've committed a crime. i think they could kill someone by talking too much but they don't actually have the strength or dex to do Jack Shit.
and jancy true is the head pi (a great many of the characters are puns and i love it so much) and is there to make sure things get done and clues don't get missed. she has a cochlear implant and uses a cane and solved s1 just by Reading The Paper and hearsay. she solved about half of s2 before Someone Stopped Her. she says hello children to the drawtectives and it is such a fond thing. eugene is. a guy who i love. julia started the show thinking he would be some mysterious character to join them and then made the wonderful improv decision– avoiding having to do npc-npc conversation– of saying 'yeah eugene is spinning a camera on its stand' and rosé just says so gleefully. 'guys. i think he's stupid.' and he became their son. his character is a lot of The Plot of s2 so i don't want to get into it too much but. jancy and eugene my beloved.
they're just. such a family. to quote nathan (grenda's Player) from the s2 talkback: "That's one of my favorite things about this show, is we came in with these vague ideas for characters, and just playing them with each other, they became friends and became better people as a result of knowing each other and solving mysteries. ... Like, we all kind of independently made our characters people that either were distant from their families or, you know, just had tenuous connections to other stuff, and so these are, like, the realest connections they have in their lives."
and then karina (rosé) about 10 seconds later: "Yeah, we love a found family where they bond over just being the worst."
god. them. they're chaotic and loud and feel very real to me. they have excitement and are pretty bad at social cues but they love each other and want to die together because they would hate too much to be separated. i could articulate this better but it's one in the morning and they mean a great deal to me.
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Just realized that only 14 of the 101 fics I have published since 2018 pass the Bechdel Test, keep me in your prayers.
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sage-lights · 3 months
thinking about amangela angst during the filming of the "love is blind" video...
angela is high off the energy of the cast and the fantasy of marrying amanda, but she watches as amanda slips the plastic ring onto her right hand and not her left (because her left ring finger is already occupied by her real wedding band). then boom, it's the most brutal crash down to reality ever, and angela has to carry on the video with the same energy level as before the realization. only now she's also hyper aware of how none of this is reality. they're all just playing pretend 🤕🤕🤕
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inferno-silentdragon · 11 months
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Open the Door
Happy 2nd Anniversary OMORI! 
Originally posted December 25, 2022
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mzannthropy · 5 days
I liked Lord Debling, but it made no sense to me why he'd be looking for a wife if he plans to be away from home so much. He should either find one who would want to travel with him, of an adventurous spirit, or one who would be okay just being married on paper (a lesbian perhaps?). Maybe he would settle down eventually, but then he should wait until he's done with his travels. But I like what I saw of him: he seems to value authenticity and likes women who have life of their own. He also made himself clear to Penelope instead of letting her wait for him and doesn't visit prostitutes. I hope he finds a good woman.
What I like about Bridgerton is that it doesn't villainise the rival love interests. Like the prince in S1. Nobody is really comically one-dimensional, which you can't say for many modern romcoms. Even, like, Penelope's two sisters could easily be like Cinderella's step sisters, but they're funny to watch. And I like that we see more of Cressida in S3.
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My hyper-specific type when it comes to otome guys:
- Absolutely pathetic - Cannot speak to a girl normally to save his life - Tries to be calm/aloof, but turns tsundere when flustered enough - A good and pure man at heart, yet does some questionable things - ...Little Red Riding Hood???
#heart fragment#taisho x alice#otome#doofenshmirtz voice: if i had a nickel for every time i fell in love with a video game guy heavily associated to little red riding hood...#..i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice!#i made this post basically as a way to announce i played heart fragment recently. and uh. it's REALLY GOOD#i probably do love clive the most (and i was immediately interested/biased considering his similarities to Red) but...#the rest of the cast is great too! I ADORE shannon and i am beyond ready to figure out what jasper's deal is#and honestly i'm into the mystery and the strained family relationship aspects too. just great writing all around even beyond the romances#this is one of Those Games that messes with you and the more you play it the more it sneaks new creepy stuff in#whatever the hell is going on with inigo in the dreams is unsettling. and i love it.#but seriously i'd recommend this to any otome fan and ESPECIALLY taiali fans considering the similarities go far beyond just this#you like fairy tales? you like exploring psychological issues and trauma? this is the game for you#also you can date guys AND girls which is a rare treat! again - i LOVE shannon. i just... love clive even more#but to be fair i think the hangup is that no matter what you're very close and friendly with shannon#so even if you don't romance her you still have a great relationship with her regardless#meanwhile with clive he's starting as a stranger and you basically have to be a jerk to him or blow him off which hurts my heart#and also clive seems to fall kind of fast and hard for you so the relationship developing in a romantic direction just feels. right IMO#i can accept being just besties with shannon (even though I definitely still love her romance outcomes)#but it pains me to spurn clive's affections#on an unrelated note i do intend to post my thoughts (basically a review) of winter's wish: spirits of edo#but i want to finish getting the sorrow endings for CGs and lore which means a second run through several routes
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quibbs126 · 1 year
I think it would be neat if we had a story in where like, the ninja all get separated into different places (my best excuse currently is the Merge), and Lloyd ends up somewhere now powerless and all alone, and the only thing that he could rely on to survive and fight is his Oni form, and so he has this journey where he has to rely on his Oni form, and throughout this journey he grows to accept it
I don’t think I worded it the best, but basically what I’m getting at is Lloyd being forced to acknowledge his Oni form, and thus his heritage, instead of rejecting it in favor of his dragon side (edit: okay they don’t really mention him being part dragon ever, but I mean that he only deals with the good side, always rejecting his Oni side), and through this learning to accept it, and likely control it
(Also I think it would be cool to see him use his Oni form after this journey, and while it’s not his main form of attack, he’d use it somewhat regularly and has far more control over it than just be a raging beast. I mean, maybe he doesn’t talk in that form and it is still generally destructive, but he can go in and out of it whenever he wants and won’t attack his friends)
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luxsea · 8 months
i heard karlachs monologue was rlly good but holy shit i genuinely dont think i'll be the same after that
#olive.txt#bg3 spoilers#spoilers in tags !!#samantha seriously deserves an award that was soul wrenching#i think back in interviews where they talked abt karlachs trauma and how she reverts into a scared child#the whole encounter w gortash was very much that#and he speaks down to her and calls her a brat#imagine saying ''what do you know about the greater good'' TO THE LIVING EMBODIMENT OF GOOD#he doesnt care what he did to her at all but she does care!! he betrayed her and stole her future and there is no closure!#well i felt pretty satisfied i casted a dancing scroll on him and let karlach go to town *youre gonna go far kid plays in the distance*#her pain and anger is so understandable no one deserves this especially not her#the delivery of ''my heart. it was mine. and they took it'' is so incredibly natural and heartbreaking. this scene gave me actual heartburn#shes seemed pretty confident abt dying but i guess in her own words courage isnt fearlessness :(#ugh the part where she just wants you to tell her everything will be alright and that you can save her!!! so cruel larian!#for a character that lost their heart she sure as hell didnt lose her soul </3#''THANKS FOR LISTENING. FOR EXISTING. LOVE YOU.''#yeah was not prepared for what im guessing is the romantic version of her scene back at camp#idk why i thought they wouldnt address it but wow when she asks if youll stay w her when its her time to go. im in shambles#might take back some of my opinions abt her endings. its still cruel she doesnt get a Happy ending but its being handled rlly well so far
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countess-of-edessa · 6 months
nepo babies =/= person from a rich family i always thought?
#i thought a nepo baby was specifically someone whose parents/relatives are in the entertainment/arts industries#like taylor swift isnt a nepo baby she just had rich parents?? they bought her way into a music career but with their money not any#connections they had in the music industry previously.#whereas like…Ben Platt would be a nepo baby because he is a stage and film actor and his father is a film producer and produced films#that star him.#that’s not really to say that one is better or worse than the other and i don’t really care about the discourse either way#(people being upset their fave don’t have an organic by-merits-alone rise to fame story kind of confuse me because it seems like a very#modern and out of reality way of thinking)#like i get that people are getting undeserved opportunities through (1) money (2) connections and then putting out subpar art which sucks#but i do kind of think that ultimately you can’t trick people THAT MUCH. kim kardashian threw a bunch of money at a music career and it#never went anywhere because she simply was not good and no one liked it.#billie elish has rich parents but no matter your personal taste you can’t deny she's found success because she has an audience for whom her#music resonates. idk if she would be as successful if her parents didn’t have money and she didn’t have the opportunities that gave her#and certainly there are millions of people as good or better than her at music (if you can even quantify it in that simplistic of a way) wh#will never get the opportunities she has had that gave her success but i also don’t think she would be as successful as she is if she was#less talented.#also this is literally the worst time in history to be worried about nepo babies lol not saying that no one should complain about nepotism#casting but like we are in the golden age of people achieving artistic success through grassroots means thanks to the internet#getting an audience for work that resonates with people without the machine of the entertainment industry backing you is more possible than#ever before#also and i only have to say this in this exactly corner of the internet#if you are a monarchist you can’t use the term nepo baby#sorry you just can’t
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ourhouseishaunted · 1 year
70% of my trigun thoughts are abt how plants (independent and dependant) work and what they symbolize and their relationships with other characters and the world and stuff and the implications of independent plants coming with the earth forces and what it says about how earth has progressed since SEEDS left the planet, 20% of my thoughts are "hope those guys (meryl milly vash livio ww knives) are having fun" and 10% is rotating trimax Rem Saverem around in my head at all times
#i think abt rem a lot for a character that is like important but also isnt materially present in the story much#like idk her relationship with grief and regret and the idea of her looking at the shambles of her life and having to say#'well at least i can start over since theres nothing left for me' multiple times (after alex dies and she joins seeds#and after failing to keep tesla alive and getting a 'second chance' with vash and knives) idk its just so fascinating to me#and her idea of a blank ticket to the future and what it means in terms of how vash shapes his worldview in trimax#where it seems to be about how. death stops all future potential of a person. if they die they can never get better they dont learn#they cant change and experience consequence#like smth i find fascinating in trimax is that vash doesnt kill people but he will let somebody that person has hurt punch them in the face#and he thanks ww for killing to save the colony that one time. hes not opposed to killing/consequence entirely#i think it comes down a lot to how rem behaved in the aftermath of him finding out about tesla. how the potential for things to get better#would have died with him or rem and it would have just stayed horrible#idk idk im Rambling im turing things around in my brain#also man my main complaint with the manga is i wish it focused on the dependant plants more. they clearly experienced a big emotional#struggle esp in the final volumes and i wish we got to see more of it#but also i just like the wacky small town hijinks esp in the 98 anime i love when the main cast is just goofin around. i think they should#get to goof more#trigun#.txt#Dont Look At This Post Man its EMBARRASSING nobody should let me talk abt anything#the secret special bonus tjoughts are about chronica bc she fascinates me but i cant draw her good the way i can draw meryl and rem :(
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duvewing · 9 months
little pet peeve of mine is when a person’s only idea to make kyrie a ‘stronger character’ is to just give her a sword
#saint.txt#and before anyone misinterprets this i think that kyrie being given more agency by at least knowing how to physically defend herself#and her loved ones is good. there is no reason why she cannot be able to defend herself in some way#there is nothing wrong with making kyrie a fighter too#but also i am a bit ? when people seem to think that giving her a sword and making her be good at wielding said sword#is an inherent improvement over her current character#like yea it could at least give her more potential for agency but i just don’t think kyrie being a badass on the same level as the others#is my cup of tea. and i mean ‘badass’ in like the physical combat oriented way#bc i think part of the appeal of kyrie for me is the fact that she is ultimately the most ‘normal’ of the cast#i like her from a more grounded human perspective and how that interacts with the world and other characters around her#i am generally more interested in seeing kyrie’s pov abt this world and the everyday things she does to deal with it#and help others deal with it and playing her own role outside of the battlefield#and fighting only when necessary to defend herself#than i am in kyrie being made out to be the same combat focused badass that all the others are#like again before i get misinterpreted i think that ideas where kyrie is indeed a good fighter are nice#there is nothing wrong with them and i indulge in them from time to time too#it’s just this particular attitude about ‘kyrie must be a fighter to be a better character’#that i take issue with#and also i’m just generally not a fan of ‘generic girlboss kyrie’ when it’s taken seriously lol#that being said i think giving kyrie a sword would be funny#once again i just think there’s other approaches to take when it comes to building on kyrie’s character#but of course i’d much rather have that than the people who think kyrie is completely useless and boring#and therefore she should get killed off. instead of like idk. actually wanting the series to develop her character more#or the people who claim she has no personality and try to twist the canon#to make that personality ‘abusive to nero’
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drewsaturday · 17 days
finally checked out the new wicked trailer im sooooo hyped
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