#her beaten up version lowkey looks better than her initial healthy one tho lmao
ladythot · 1 year
Tell us more about the spy oc!!!!!!
This is all I have abt her after being brutally beaten up (deserving) now waaaaaeeee I am now shy to even explain
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We'll call her 'thao' <3 a foolish spy originating from vietnam. She's practiced martial arts but she'll be short with it—she'd rather play dirty than fair and square. Thao is a very complicated woman, her only efficient way of taking advantage of anyone is by leading them on and betraying them. Many people have well observed her ulterior motive, and the only way they could distinguish her from afar is by the two moles on her left eye. But despite that she's persistent and decides to wear makeup to look different
I have no idea why I made her a spy but let's just say she risks herself for a living
I could say more but *yeets*
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