#henchman listening to sheriff talk about you for the 97th time today: oh god not this shit again
saltymongoose · 2 years
Ayee, can I request some general yandere! Sheriff headcanons, please? (Also, your writing is cool! :0)
Ayy first request for Sheriff let’s go (Thanks for the compliment Anon! ❤)
General Yan!Sheriff Headcanons
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Stalking, Violence)
Most yanderes tend to keep their feelings for you kind of lowkey. Sheriff is the direct opposite. How could you know the full depth of his love if he hid it from you?
You’ll just be minding your own business and he’ll ride up on his horse with a guitar and proceed to just serenade you. In front of everyone. It’s very heartfelt, he clearly wrote the song himself and he has a pretty good voice to be honest. It’s just kind of embarrassing to have him interrupt your shift with it.
You become friends with some of his underlings because he makes them check on (stalk) you when he can’t. They were kind of uncomfortable with just sitting in the bushes and recording everything you do, so they’ll be upfront with you about it.
(They’ll still record you even if you’re against it though. They don’t want a bullet in the head for coming up empty-handed.)
Honestly, they’re on the verge of begging Phobos or whoever the Sheriff is working for to just let him have time off to see you. This is because whenever he’s away from you for longer than two minutes, he just has the urge to gush about you to whoever is in close proximity. He loves you so much, and he wants everyone else to know how wonderful you are. It wouldn't be good if his boys didn't know about his future spouse, would it?
(It’s at the point where his men know more about you than your actual friends do, it’s weird.)
His underlings can’t say anything about you directly though, especially if they're acquainted with you. All information should be given through standard field reports, and there should be no mention of how they've interacted with you.
They know how bad his jealousy can get. Having to bury a body for a small comment about your eyes was enough to make it clear.
It's also a big rule not to mention the Sheriff's own exploits when it comes to "gathering" information on you. He can be charming, sure, but he tended to abandon this part of his persona when the people he interrogated about you put up the slightest resistance.
(He has abused his authority to stop your boss from telling you where he got that black eye and broken collar bone, but it didn't really matter what they thought of him anyway. As long as you knew how good of a partner he'd be, it didn't matter how he appeared to your coworkers. Besides, it's not like you'll every talk to them once you're finally together.)
He’s the type of person to listen to really lovey-dovey music and think of you the whole time (i.e. “Let’s ride into the sunset together”). All the while, he’ll have this lovesick smile on his face, just fantasizing about being with you and all the domestic stuff you're going to do together. Of course, he gets kind of angry/embarrassed when someone finds him like this (he has a reputation to uphold, after all), but he’ll immediately break and start yapping about you, much to their displeasure.
If you give this man an inch, he’ll take a mile (even if you didn't mean to give him anything to begin with). You smiled at him once (all soft-like, the way that made his heart race) and now he’s planning how he’ll propose. He isn’t subtle about it either, why else would he ask you what your ring size is?
Every now and then he’ll send you love letters, accompanied by flowers and chocolate, of course. They’re extremely sappy, and long - one was like five pages (including the backs). It might’ve been sweet, had they not included details that he shouldn’t have known. Like how he loved the way your eyes brightened when you took that first sip of morning coffee, or how he couldn't wait to pick out some knick-knacks together to add to that shelf over your bed.
He’s always trying to impress you with something. He will spend an extra long time shining all his guns (and his spurs, can't forget those) to really catch your attention. He’ll put on fancier clothing, tie his hair back neatly, and scour Nevada for some nice-smelling aftershave to wear around you. He just wants you to look at him.
He already considers himself “your beau”, and will refer to you almost exclusively with pet names. Besides the usual staples like Honey or Darlin’, he’s particularly fond of “Pumpkin” for some reason. (Probably because it’s what he imagines calling you once he gets home from work. After you're married, of course.)
Despite his cowardly nature, he’ll take every opportunity to “defend your honor”, typically in the cases where someone did something unforgivable to you. This includes things like insulting you, making you uncomfortable, flirting with you, looking at you for a second too long, walking in the same direction as you when you walk home, etc. You know, normal things for him to be worried about.
His men are tired of covering up murders. They didn’t get paid enough to scrub guts off the sidewalk.
If you don’t know how to defend yourself, he’ll teach you to shoot! (It could be a fun bonding activity, right?) He does the standard thing, bringing you to an empty lot with bottles and handing you one of his revolvers. But he’ll put his hands on your shoulders, gripping them tightly and leaning in uncomfortably close as he gives you instructions. The feeling of his breath against your cheek makes you shiver (in slight disgust, but given his purrs, you doubt he realizes that).
He's ashamed to admit it, but he has considered kidnapping you on several occasions. You're far too fragile to be out on your own, and while Sheriff does bring danger with him, he and his men would do an excellent job at protecting you. (Plus it could be like a "trial" for living together before you get engaged. People do that a lot, it's perfectly normal.)
As evidenced by the many songs he's sung to you, he's very extra with his affection. He spends a lot of time making very elaborate plans for "dates" the two of you will go on (and yes, he conveniently forgets to tell you what they are before you agree to come along). It's all candle-lit dinners, slow-dancing, and stargazing with him. He's just hopelessly in love with you and wants to do everything possible to show it.
Never mind the fact that you have to be tied up on some of these. As much as he would willingly chase after you, he didn't want you to have to eat cold food or miss out on the main event (that's just cruel). Plus he finds the way that you trip into him when bound kind of adorable (even if your glare makes him shrink in on himself).
But don't worry! Despite your small resistances, he knows that deep down, you love him too. He understands that he would have to spend a little longer showing his dedication to your relationship for you to finally accept him openly. You're a real catch, it makes perfect sense that he would have to work for you!
Until then, he'll continue upping his efforts to prove his love to you. Just don't wait too long, lest he decides to do something drastic.
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