#hence the species being human and nickname being blank
dravidious · 2 years
You are really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY great!
Here's a character sheet I made back in February
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sluttyskullowner · 1 year
Stranger Things OC
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OC INFO: ________
Name: Veronica Miles
Nickname(s): 'Onica, Vee, V.M.
Gender / Sex: Cis female (She/Her) Birthday: August Seventeenth (08/17)  
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Species: Human
Age: (Unless aged up) 16
Height: 5''4
Weight: 113 LBS
Occupation: Student
(Known) Relationships:
Max- Cousin
Faceclaim: (Attached)
Personality: Veronica is quite the average person, sort of kept-to-self in a way but she tries her best to go to social events, Veronica though is a very passionate person, being able to talk about things she enjoys is something that she loves doing, Veronica is very smart-- Mainly book smart.
Grades (A-F's): A's to B-'s
Likes: Sports, Magic, Literature, Music (R&B, Musicals, Alternative, Rock N' Roll, etc..), Fashion, DND, Exploring abandoned places, Ghosts, Reading, Writing, Art/ Drawing, Doing her makeup  Dislikes: Bullies, Bugs, Sharks, Violence, Snails, Anything slimy
Hobbies: Making music, Drawing/ Sketching, Playing DND, Bothering her cousin (Max), Writing stories in her notebooks
Favorite things: Food- Spicy Chicken wings Drink- Coca-cola Movie- The Outsiders Show- Seinfeld Artist- Queen Color- Peach Animal- Red Panda School Subject- ELA/ English Others- Veronica’s favorite compliment was when she was 8 years old and someone said to her; “Your eyes are beautiful, For they bless the things that have the luck of being seen by you”.
Habits: Drawing on jeans, making little stars on the blank spaces of her school work or just blank paper in general, playing with her hair a lot, fidgeting from anxiety, using gel pens to write anything.
Speed: ★ ★ ★ ✩ ✩ Technique: ★ ★ ★ ★ ✩ Strength: ★ ★ ✩ ✩ ✩  Intelligence: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Power: ★ ★ ✩ ✩ ✩ Total: 16 Stars
Backstory: Veronica had a pretty wonky life, Her mother Angelica was very protective of her, clinging to her like a koala to a tree. Veronica wasn’t the type to argue so she didn’t complain, Her father left when she was young, around 3 years old which gave her mother very harsh trust issues, hence why she is so clingy. Veronica doesn’t have many friends, maybe 2 at most, Not including her cousin Max who has almost been a best friend, Her mother allows the two to have sleepovers whenever they want, Or to hang out in general sense Veronica lived in Georgia before moving to Hawkins. 
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tracle0 · 4 years
hey hello hi SO here's the deal I legit adore all your bird facts and your tag rambles n whenever I see them I'm like "!!!!!!" so I wanted to ask you a Bird Question so I get to hear more rambles but I don't know enough about birds to ask anything that sounds smart SO if this is not a weird request maybe could I please have some words about... 1) a Weird Bird, 2) a Cool Bird and 3) a bird you would most like to be bros with. sorry if this is a super weird ask ahaha ok cya later have a good day
HI HELLO you actually read those??? omg that very much makes me v happy to hear I just like to throw up knowledge into the tags and then assume no-one is gonna ever observe it. 
Wowza. Secret fan right here :D
Okay okay birds. Biiiirds. I gotchya man. Lots of my college project has been looking into birds. I know birds. 
However, I do live in England where there aren’t many weird birds. Our birds are kinda tame. I guess the tiny birds are kinda weird. I’ll give you some tiny bird facts. 
European robins are very shy little birds, very wary and cautious around people in most of Europe. Here is one of them;
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Little fat lad. In most of Europe, v shy. However! In England, they are super bold. Very daring. Very commonly seen in gardens and allotments, waiting for gardeners to finish digging at a patch to go rummaging for bugs and other things they can eat. This is because in England, it’s considered bad luck to kill robins (don’t ask why I couldn’t find out) so they’re v safe here. 
They were called Robin Red Breast for a while, due to... red. Postmen in Victorian England also wore red around winter time, as part of their uniform, so a popular nickname for postmen in winter was Robin Red Breast. It became a sign of Christmas coming, hence why robins are so strongly associated with Christmas despite being year-round visitors. The last bit of their name was dropped but the sentiment remains. 
Other small bird facts; Goldfinches! V pretty birds. Here’s a picture
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Wow look at that bird, so pretty! So, the deal with goldfinches was that they have super sweet song. I can hear one outside right now, actually, v tuneful, v recognisable songbirds. As a result, for a lot of history, goldfinches have been caught to keep as cage birds, to sing away and make rich lords and ladies houses sound nice. Rude practise. 
People think their population has been declining and blame the magpie. You’re Australian so maybe you’re like ‘reeee magpie’ (although my brain is telling me you don’t hate them and think they’re bros correct me if I’m wrong) but here magpies are mostly disliked because of their habit of taking from nests - a behaviour common to many corvids (more on that later). However! There have been lots of studies into this, and it was found that areas with higher magpie populations had no correlation to the number of songbird deaths in the area. Almost like... industrialisation and farming are driving them out of their area. 
These are long rambles. There are two info-splurges on tiny birds. Let’s move on to a cool bird, the swift! The common swift. Just to be clear.
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I fucking adore swifts. Every year I wait eagerly for May to roll around so they return to England again. They are delightful birds, even if their screams are a bit unnerving. In Medieval times, people used to think their screams were the screams of damned souls in hell, and that when swifts vanished during the winter, they were buried in the mud to sleep, a belief held due to their nest-building habits of dried mud being the main item used to build nests.
Swifts barely ever land!! The only exception to this is to feed their chicks. When they’re little chicks, they do press-ups with their wings to build up wing muscles, Once they leave the nest, they keep flying for most of their life, only stopping when THEY have chicks!!! They eat, sleep and mate on the wing!!! Wild man!! 
As said before in the tags that I think you read, they rarely fly in the rain when in England/Europe - they fly to eat the bugs, and the bugs hide when it rains, so they just.... fly around the storm. They’re the only bird to actually do this. Unrelated but also neat, they’re one of the oldest species of birds, and whilst they look like swallows and house martins, they’re most closesly related to the hummingbird!!!
Swifts have the fastest level flying speed of 69mph. This means that it has the fastest speed it achieves by itself - the fastest bird of all is the peregrine falcon with its dive breaking speeds of 240mph!! That’s wild. They also keep flying for the longest, as said, and fly the furthest, from Africa to Europe and back again every year. One swift was recorded flying 4 million miles in its life - the same as travelling to the moon and back 8 times!!! Crazy. Insane. I love swifts. 
Bird I would most like to be bros with is the crow 100% because. Hello. Have we met. I love crows. Carrion crows, because they’re the crow we have here the most. 
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There they are!!! V pretty. I love them. So much. 
So! Carrion crows often get a bad wrap for a variety of reasons, mostly history based, which is what I was actually exploring in the funky crow comic I’ve been doing for college work. I will say I blame Christianity and Alfred Fucking Hitchcock for their demonisation the most. They’re actually bros, being able to recognise human faces, reward those who are nice to it and punish those who are cruel. They can also tell other crows which humans are good and bad.
As said previously, a lot of corvids attack nests and eat eggs or young of other birds. I can’t defend this much - it’s what corvids do. Hell, the local crow in our area recently attacked the jackdaw nest across the road. It happens. C’est la vie. They do this because they’re scavengers, opportunistic, eating anything and everything they can, which is most likely how they’ve adapted so well to the huge industrial boom and in so many different places around the world!
In Japan, the Kanji for ‘crow’ is the same as the Kanji for ‘bird’, except the bit that symbolises the eye is removed. This is because crows, being all black with beady black eyes, look like they don’t have eyes from a distance. I learnt that from Persona 5. 
Their brains are huge!! Smart boyos!!! Hell, in terms of brain to body mass, their brains are bigger than apes!!! They’re insanely good at problem solving, with wild crows who were kept in captivity for short periods for testing being able to solve multi-step problems (some problems being 8 steps long!) for food!!! They’ve also been seen playing around with each other and the environment, something that had only been seen in apes and other high-intelligence and social creatures. They recognise their reflection. They have been observed making tools in the wild. They are very smart. 
Crows have really interesting routines and behaviours they follow regarding death - when finding a dead crow, they sound the alarm, and all swarm around the body, working together to try and figure out how it died and if it’s a threat to all of them. Sometimes they lay things on the dead crow, which some believe is similar to burying. If you’re interested in this, Kaeli Swift is a good name to look into - she specialises in corvid behaviour. 
My head is now going blank with crow facts but I think there are more. Support your local corvid nerd. Support your local bird nerd! Didn’t know I had so many facts rattling in my head. 
This uhhhh got long. If you got to the end, thumbs up 10/10 appreciate. Hope you have a top tier day :D
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prettyamanita · 5 years
Miss Alimjan has entered the building !!! Don’t be fooled by this amnesiac, fungus manipulator’s obsession adoration of Sailor Moon into thinking she’s harmless! Dottie knows that to build a new world, you have to destroy the old one -- so, catch her scheming for the Syndicate! 
Below the cut are some fun Dorothy (but, she gives you all permission to call her Dottie!) FAX™️ & hopefully they’ll lead to some wild plots! <3 
tw: drama, infertility mention, pregnancy mention
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🍄 Dottie believes that the League of Hero’s work is never-ending -- there will always be more purse snatchers to put behind bars, more corrupt politicians to expose, and new villains to throw behind bars. She feels that heroes don’t approve of the dirty, illegal things & the sacrificing of people it takes to accomplish a revolution. The Syndicate promises to create a new world, even if they must burn down the current world & rise from its ashes. She believes it’s the only way to stop this world’s cycle of suffering & if that makes her a villain, so be it.  
🍄 Dottie is capable of fungal manipulation, also known as mycokinesis !!! How does her power work? An average, healthy human being’s skin and digestive system carries anywhere between nine to twenty-three microscopic strains of fungus. Dottie’s body carries them well into the thousands, including those which are poisonous or have hallucinogenic properties. With training, she can generate, manipulate, and mutate any strain that lives on her. Fortunately, these microscopic fungus particles are unseen to the naked human eye! Should she come into contact with a species not already found on/in her body, she may still manipulate it or permanently add it to her repertoire through skin contact or ingestion.
🍄 Her “signature move” is mutating a fungal strain to exaggerate its natural properties. For example: she can boost the power & concentration of a chemical in certain mushrooms that effect serotonin levels, release its spores into the air, and cause a room full of guards to knockout like sleeping beauties.
🍄 She can also manipulate the size & consistency of fungus to accomplish physical tasks. Expect her to make an escape across some giant mushrooms -- Alice in Wonderland style! -- from time to time!  
🍄 Passive infection and tracking is the most difficult application of her powers. She may contaminate one person with a microscopic, semi-dormant fungus and allow that person to spread the spores without her direct involvement. By allowing her first victim to do the spreading, she is free to concentrate on other tasks until she triggers the strain’s growth or boosts its properties. She can also track someone’s movement by triggering the strain and following a trail of mushrooms growing from whatever her target has made physical contact with, so long as the environment and humidity is enough for the fungus to survive. 
🍄 Speaking of humidity, cold temperatures & lack of moisture make it very difficult for her to use her powers! Dottie even gets drowsy & irritable in the winter because the weather bothers her, too!hat’s
🍄 Dottie also needs to have knowledge about the fungus she generates for the best results, hence why you’ll always find a mycology book wedged inside her purse. One minute, she might claim the mushrooms spontaneously growing on your pillowcase are harmless puffballs. Before you know it, she’s shoving you into the emergency safety shower station and frantically pointing to a similar looking -- but very, very deadly! -- fungus illustrated in her field guide.
🍄 Dottie must also introduce new types of fungs to her body’s mycobiome through physical contact or ingestion. And being introduced to a new kind of poisonous mushroom can leave her feeling ill from anywhere between several days to a week!. 
*It should be noted that because Dottie’s body exists harmoniously with the fungal strains inhabiting it, she isn’t affected by the poison or hallucinogens of fungus she generates. If it’s her first time coming into contact with a strain or she’s in a weakened state, she will only have a minor reaction. This gives some mutants the very incorrect impression that she’s impervious to poison. While a death cap’s poison won’t hurt her, a flower derived poison or snake’s venom will!
tldr; Possibly gets mutant abilities through some sketchy tea her mom drank while pregnant with her. Sixteen years later, this naive girl gets conned out of her soul by a mutant with soul manipulation. Gets saved by Gilbert, but loses her memories & has to search for the pieces of her soul to get them back. Shenanigans ensue. Eight years pass. They become villains. More shenanigans. Endless Shenanigans!
| Before Losing Her Memories & Becoming “Dottie”: Life as Aylin Alimjan |
🍄 ORIGIN STORY: Before she was born, her mother struggled with infertility & the possibility that she could never conceive children. One day, a mysterious mutant offers a solution: tea soaked in the bark of a maidenhair tree and camellia petals. The mutant claimed that a pair of star-crossed lovers were buried under the tree she’d extracted the bark from. As for the flower petals, she claimed they were always found scattered at the site during the full moon no matter the season. (AKA: You can’t brew this DANK TEA at home!) Aylin’s mom wanted to know if there was a catch, but the mutant only asked to raise the child well.
🍄 ORIGIN STORY CONT: So her mom drank it ‘cause it seemed legit.
🍄 ORIGIN STORY END: There’s no concrete proof that the mutant really did anything !!! But, it was a very romantic story to tell Aylin as a toddler & being conceived through a shady mutant’s questionable reincarnation tea is DOPE.
🍄 BABY AYLIN DAYS: Aylin’s born after her mother experiences hallucinations, strange desires to eat mushrooms and rotting fruit, and a very stubborn case of athlete’s foot. Her father was a mutant himself & reassured his wife that maybe the baby would be a mutant as well. Either way, carrying Aylin for nine months was stressful as heck.  BUT WHEN SHE’S BORN SHE’S SUPER CUTE & GIGGLY & SOMETIMES SNEEZES MUSHROOM SPORES!!!
🍄 TODDLER / KID AYLIN DAYS: Her family moves from their neighborhood in Ürümqi, China to Crystalline when she’s still in diapers. She’d oftentimes eats weird mushrooms & people want to call poison control, but her parents just nervously insist that she’ll be fine after a glass of water. Since she’s a 90s baby, she grows up with all the magical girl shows airing on like….4Kids LMAO. Her youth is pretty wholesome! She’s the kid not being able to decide on a best friend & just making matching friendship bracelets for her whole class!!! HMU WITH SOME EMERALD LEARNING CENTER FRIENDS!
🍄 TEEN AYLIN DAYS: She’s ALWAYS “falling in love” with someone, okay. But her powers have a knack for spoiling ALL of her lip glosses and embarrassing her in front of her crushes. Her MOST EMBARRASSING power related mishap was on a field trip to a local natural history museum where she compulsively ate some bioluminescent mushrooms RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER CRUSH. She didn’t want to go back to school for the longest time & tried to pretend that poison control actually helped her. 😂😂😂
| Losing Her Memories: Life as Dorothy “Dottie” Alimjan | 
Around the age of sixteen, her powers REALLY begin to flare up & cause her some real heartache. There’s rumors floating that a mutant with the ability of wish manifestation had arrive in Crystalline & could give you whatever your heart desired for a fair price. Some students claim it’s all rumors, while others claim that wish manifestation isn’t real & people were getting scammed. Others who sought that mutant weren’t heard from again. SO WHAT DOES DOTTIE DO? SHE GOES LOOKING FOR HIM LMAO
🍄 The “wish manifestation mutant” turns out to be the revenge-seeking, estranged partner in crime of Gilbert Gladstone. The mutant’s real ability is soul manipulation & he’d been promising “wishes” in order to test his abilities without worrying about people fighting back.
🍄 ANYWAY DOTTIE finds this guy, who knows she’s incredibly gullible & believes his promise to grant her wishes. She asks that if it’s possible for two wishes, she wanted a prettier mutant ability AND that if her mom’s story about drinking shady reincarnation tea to conceive her is true, that the star-crossed lovers in the story behind where the tea came from will have their happy ending. LIKE, GIRL PROBABLY BABBLED FOR TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE THE GUY COULDN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE.
🍄 Like all the other gullible mutants wanting wishes, she gets her soul extracted & watches it turn into an oddly colored diamond. And like all the other gullible mutants, becomes this emotionless, blank slate of a person.
🍄 Gilbert arrives & “defeats” the soul manipulator mutant, which causes all those cool soul diamonds to EXPLODE! Their shards end up EVERYWHERE in Crystalline & probably beyond. Now there’s like, a warehouse full of young mutants ft. gilbert’s mom who are still mindless robots? But, a shard had gotten caught in Dottie’s hand which was enough for her to communicate & have a faint recollection of being called Miss Alimjan. Gilbert nicknames her Dorothy because she’s been wearing red shoes when they met & the nickname stuck!
🍄 Since Gilbert is looking for his mom’s little soul diamond shards & Dottie is looking for her own, they decide to stick together! Dottie’s collected enough to have been given back her full range of emotions & a few scattered memories, but there’s still plenty more for her to discover!
🍄 Dottie’s like a little sister figure to Gilbert, so she trusts his decisions (for the most part). She’s helped him with his grifting, thievery, and elaborate heists for the past eight years! It’s really because of him that she’s learned how to be a ~ villain! ~ LOOK SHE’S JUST A BABY CRIMINAL, BUT SHE’S PROUD TO BE HIS PARTNER IN CRIME!!!
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Made: 11/5/17 Posted: 11/25/17 Here’s the reference sheet of my fursona in fursona form. It’s pretty simple, since I couldn’t fit much in and this isn’t going to be a serious character used in stories. She has a backstory (which is similar to mine, but with fantasy elements to match my headworld) but I’m trying to keep her as true to the real me as possible. -Information- Name: -classified- Nicknames: BDS (official nickname), Fluff God (joking title), Angst Queen (unofficial title), Spiced Fluff (Fall joke nickname), Fat Fluff (not an insult) Human Name: Meg (not my real name) Age: 22 (until September 18th, 2018) -in human years- Gender: Female Species: -unknown- (referred to as Dream dragon by some, Fluff dragon by others, space dragon? Undecided.) Family: -classified- Zodiac Signs: Virgo (astral), Boar (Chinese) Birth Stone: Sapphire Sexual Orientation: -unknown- Relationship Status: Single Social Type: Introvert (Which means I don’t dislike talking to people and socializing, but gets back energy-or ‘recharges’-after a while of this by being alone and doing solo activities.) Religious Beliefs: Christain (Nazarene) Interests: Sitting at home drawing while watching YouTube videos or reading a book if there’s one interesting enough available. Also enjoys roleplaying online with friends (Undertale’s a good ice breaker with strangers), chatting on DeviantArt with friends, and posting her art on DA for feedback or just to show it off to people that will enjoy it. Also likes taking long flights, sleeping, and food. Flavored coffee is her favorite beverage, and she only drinks Mochas when holiday Lattes aren’t available. Disinterests: Not a fan of sports-except for wizarding Quidditch-or hiking. Will settle for a fast walk, especially while listening to some kind of music or audiobook or talking with her companion. In general she’s a very stay-at-home dragon more than a sporty, active one, but will leave her home for certain reasons. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent Good Qualities: -A loyal friend -Kind -Willing to listen to her friend’s problems and frustrations -Good artist -Loves to laugh -Doesn’t judge until recieving both sides of a story usually -Selectively good memory -Doesn’t get angry easily Bad Qualities: -Shy to the point of going quiet too quickly if a conversation reaches a point she can’t think a response -A bit lazy -Takes forever to reply to a roleplay, whether because her response is going to be really long (hence the laziness) or because she forgets or thinks she can reply later and THEN forgets… -Forgets some things easily, especially when thinking about something else -Takes a while on art owed, again because of the memory issue. Working on this. -Beats herself up about her past when she happens to remember something bad from it. Danisnotonfire on YouTube calls these “Cringe Attacks”. Which are apparently normal I think. Good. —— Abilities and Important Design Features (this is mostly the fursona herself, not what I can do in real life) -Paint Brush Tail: Like Shardie did and does in roleplays, BDS has a tail that can paint on anything and everything. But it acts like an actual brush. No Okami brush techniques, just drawing on reality. All her drawings can come to life or be used in some way (like if she drew a rope, she could use it like a rope, or if she drew a mustache you could play with and twirl it like an actual one) but they’re still made of ink or paint. So they don’t become an actual person, just a drawing walking around. Easily erased with water or a special eraser. -Glowing Markings: I’m not sure yet how I want these to go. I was thinking the glowing blue part is her skin under the fur, but then I wondered if that was too weird looking. The markings on the face are not skin, they’re actual markings. All of them have an unnatural glow to them. Meaning it’s not clear where the light source comes from, but it makes a good nightlight or becon. She uses her huge wings to cover these markings when being stealthy, and sometimes people mistaken her for a benevolent spirit or even a Japanese deity or demon because of her facial markings. -Mood Change Markings: She can do this at will, but BDS’s markings change color with her mood as well. When reaching absolute fury, they turn red. Though she can turn them this color at any time, if they’re glowing red and her sockets are either dark or the blue expands and the white slit becomes a slit-shaped gap in the middle, you know she’s beyond pissed. -Eyes: This probably isn’t needed, but for now the eyes are two glowing blue lights with gold centers and white slits for 'pupils’. They’re like Sans’s in Undertale and the black surrounding them are sockets. -Fluffy Body: I’m not called Fluff God for nothing. lol *shot* One thing I wanted to keep consistent with my fursona is FUR. Big, fluffy fur because it’s fun to draw and is so soft and, well, fluffy. For now this is BDS’s winter coat. As it gets warmer again, most of the fur sheds around the neck area, leaving a fluff collar like Shardian!Sans’s in a sense. Though the neck remains covered in fur. -Medium Legs: The legs are a mix of a dog and a cat I hope, and are good for walking but not so much running. Though she will run if it calls for it, BDS prefers not to. She has retractable claws, but usually keeps them in since in real life, I don’t have fingernails. -Chubby Build: BDS is chubby. Not fat, but chubby. She has a visible, hanging belly that can stretch quite wide. Especially when eating someone (yes, vore). -Huge wings: Her wings are very large and have the most muscle strength on her body. The reason for this is so that she can stay in the air for long periods of time without tiring or being dragged down by her weight. Both fur and fat together. Her wings also have star-patterns on the underside because I like that wing design. -Size: By default this is BDS’s size, however she can shrink to a little smaller than Shardie (big enough to walk about a house my house’s size) and a house cat (for cat naps in small spaces). -Shapeshifting: BDS doesn’t have an anthropomorphic form officially, but does have a human form which looks similar to Shardie’s but with some changes to not look exactly like her. The facial markings are also on this human form. -Breath Weapons: Bet you all think it’s a Gaster Blaster light beam, huh? XD *shot* No, actually BDS breathes blue fire that is actually Ice Fire. It looks like fire but when it hits its mark it leaves ice behind. She also weilds lightning. -Vore: This is only important to those that don’t mind being drawn in art like this, but for the story behind it, BDS doesn’t enjoy fatal vore when it comes to sentient creatures. Especially fellow sonas. When eaten by her, the next day they wake up unharmed either in their bed or somewhere else. No harm or pain comes to anyone swallowed by the Fluff Dragon, BDS. Anything else on this particular subject and those related to it will be in a different reference sheet if necessary. -Dream Walking: BDS isn’t referred to as a Dream dragon for nothing. She has the ability to visit other’s dreams, but unless really determined to do so, she cannot interact with them during their dream. She simply observes like one watching a play or movie but while able to walk around in said play or movie without being noticed by the actors or characters. If someone she knows well (a friend or close family) is having the dream and especially if it’s a nightmare, she can bend this rule and actually interact with said nightmare to protect or aid them in whatever way she can. When it comes to Dream Walking with friends, if given consent by them, they can meet up in the dream to talk or hang out. This is especially helpful when it’s a friend that’s across the world or in another state and unable to visit or BDS is unable to visit them. In order to do this, she must inform them first of her ability, and tell them how to let her in. -Universe Travel: Can travel through the multiverse to anywhere possible. Unless a universe is closed off to travelers she can get there. (Except with worlds owned by friends…since it isn’t serious or story-driven, I break those rules anyway. lol) -Outer Space Travel: Built for space. Has thick fur, no nostrils so probably no lungs needed for oxygen, and a huge body. So space is the default habitat of BDS. —– Q n A (Some of these may not be pressing questions…but I want to get as much information on the design and its uses as possible.) Q: Can I roleplay as or use your fursona in any way? A: No. Do not roleplay with or use my fursona or any of my characters. If you are a friend, you may do so if you INFORM me first. This doesn’t mean you can’t draw them, it means you cannot use their designs or the characters themselves in your roleplays, forums, or blogs. These are not adoptables, they are not blank slate characters, and they are especially not characters in a franchise where I have made money and a name for myself with them. They are OCs, still copywritten to me and not available to be roleplayed as unlike characters like Sans from “Undertale” or Spyro from the “Spyro” games, or TV show characters. Q: Are the wings detachable? A: No. The wings are always visible, but there will be times I’ll be too lazy to draw them. Officially though, the wings are meant to be permanently attached and unable to be removed or hidden except when BDS is in human form. Q: Is there a reference sheet for the human form? A: Yes, there is. Q: Will your fursona be used in fandoms? A: Yes and no. BDS will be drawn in art related to friends, real life events, and when I just feel like it. I want to put Shardie, my main OC, and my other actual OCs in crossovers and fandoms. That doesn’t mean I won’t put BDS in a few. Like Undertale, which has a special place in my heart, or other fandoms I’ll never move on from if BDS is an appropriate or fitting addition. “My Little Pony” probably won’t be one of them…but we’ll see. You will definitely see BDS in “Villainous” though. Q: Will she be in any ships? A: Yes, I’m going to probably draw her with my fictional character crushes.. Q: Can I ship her with my OC or sona? A: That…depends. When it comes to friends, I’m ok with it as long as you know it’s not the official pairing BDS is in. Crack ships or just-for-fun ships are fine. But I’m officially single and I’m not looking for a relationship. I will probably draw my fursona paired with other characters (mine unless discussed with a friend if they’re ok with me using theirs) but none of them are official or 'canon’. Most are just drawings with no story attached. When it comes to strangers though…I’d like to be informed before you draw your OC or sona in a shipping picture with mine. Even if you’re a friend, I’d like to know. Just so it doesn’t come as a shock. IMPORTANT: ASK ME BEFORE DRAWING OR WRITING ANYTHING SEXUAL INVOLVING MY FURSONA OR ANY OF MY OCs, PLEASE. Q: Can I draw your fursona? A: Absolutely! I would love fanart of any of my characters and my fursona. Just as long as you tag me properly so I can see it. ——- So this is me. At least the true form of my character self/fursona. Human form reference sheet is next. ——- BDS and art © BlackDragon Studios (me)
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noelsilvas · 5 years
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“ i’m way too sleep deprived to deal with your negativity right now ” - jake peralta or noel silve u tell me
NAME: noel adrian silva NICKNAMES: nada AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: december 23 SPECIES: he’s like 90% acrylic paint at this point GENDER: cismale PRONOUNS: he/him
MOTHER: biological , unknown FATHER: biological , unknown PARENTS:  celeste & malachi “mal” silva who love him more than they love themselves FAMILY:  v much chosen SIBLINGS: younger sister, 20-21 unnamed JUST IN CASE but super into music and v much a pain in his ass, actually came up in foster care together ; nicholas “nicky” silva , 5 , celeste and mal’s only biological son , kind of a miracle and the love of noel’s LIFE
FACE CLAIM: tommy martinez RACE/ETHNICITY: venezuelan NATIONALITY: american HEIGHT: 6′2 WEIGHT: idk whatever a healthy bmi is BUILD: was once an athlete, hasn’t lifted a weight in 2 years HAIR: curly and in desperate need of a cut FACIAL HAIR: stubble, at the moment, will likely grow it out as winter comes  HAIR COLOR: dark dark dark brown EYE COLOR: light brown SKIN COLOR: also light brown DOMINANT HAND: right ANOMALIES: freckles mostly on his shoulders and chest SCENT: patchouli and vanilla ACCENT: nada PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: nada LEARNING DISABILITIES: nada, just really bad at math ALLERGIES: peanut butter :( DISORDERS: nada FASHION: stripes! mismatched socks, cuffed jeans, knit sweaters, band merch, black denim, owns one (1) pair of overalls, beanies in the fall NERVOUS TICS: rubs his bottom lip in thought a lot QUIRKS: wears a broken watch, socks never match, almost always has paint on his fingertips, owns 38274 notebooks full of handwritten lyrics and has 3298427 untitled unsorted voicenotes of melodies he’s made up in his lil brain
HOME ADDRESS: east side RESIDES: east side apartment BORN: west side of victoria RAISED: west side of victoria VEHICLE: 2015 toyota SOCCER MOM SUV PHONE: iphone x LAPTOP/COMPUTER: macbook air, massive desktop in his room PETS: orange tabby w 3 white paws and 1.5 ears named JIM 
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: graduated COLLEGE EDUCATION: graduated but ... not quickly and not happily lol ... will be Going Back once he figures himself out MAJOR: business  MINOR: music theory CAREER: currently works at a tattoo place on the west side EXPERIENCE: had odd jobs growing up, sold some artwork every now and then OTHER: dabbling w the thought of going back to school to be a hs music teacher
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: independent RELIGION: read a lot about wicca bc he thinks it’s ‘dope’ but doesn’t practice anything BELIEFS: WHOLLY believes in art for arts sake , ‘time is a manmade concept, an illusion’ DRUGS: eh, maybe once or twice SMOKES: gets high every sunday but cigarettes are GROSS  ALCOHOL: occasionally DIET: literal black hole will consume anything
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: heteroromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual MARTIAL STATUS: *sweats* CHILDREN: absolutely not AVAILABILITY: loves love LOOKING FOR: a muse
LANGUAGES: english, spanish
PHOBIAS: heights HOBBIES: plays like 10 instruments including french horn, writing, painting, sketching, smoking, taking jim for walks TRAITS: + charismatic, kind, ardent, nurturing ; - kinda dumb sometimes, flaky, no sense of self SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram, tinder, snapchat, twitter, myspace still active
LOCATION: in front of a blank canvas SPORTS TEAM: ....... nah GAME: a bitch probably loves cards against humanity and actively plays any video game that isn’t grand theft auto MUSIC: indie pop, independent rappers, would DIE for j. cole SHOWS: community, bob’s burgers, great british bake off MOVIES: dazed and confused, remember the titans, everybody wants some FOOD: will literally eat anything but particularly likes his mom’s oatmeal cookies :\ BEVERAGE: chocolate milk :\ COLOR: forest green
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral ENNEAGRAM: four, the individualist ZODIAC: capricorn HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff TV TROPES: jake peralta, nick miller, SCOTT! MCCALL!!!! SONG: fuck, i’m lonely — lauv 
IDEOLOGIES: it costs $0 to be a decent fucking human being, brad
grew up in foster care which really prevented him from having any sense of permanence. he bounced around a lot but never outside of victoria. his childhood was spent constantly sharing a room and not really knowing who he was or where he came from or if he’d ever ... know lol. was literally left on a doorstep on christmas eve, hence the name noel
was always a messy kid, always getting into something. never really any REAL trouble but he was a handful and no one seemed to want to adopt the bouncing kid who drew on walls and wouldn’t stop singing the fucking arthur theme song. he was fine with it, didn’t mind the company, didn’t really know anything else though
otherwise was fairly,... normal as a kid. was v average in school but excelled in creative arts, spent a lot of time in an after school program that allowed him to learn music and further his art skills
this is where he met celeste and mal, as they sort of ran this little non-profit after school program and boy oh boy did they love noel
they married young, very much in love, and they’d been trying for a while for a child but... unfortunately had too many problems conceiving. the only issue with adoption was they really just ... loved this noel but weren’t sure if they were ready to take a full on pre-teen into their home, being in their early 20s themselves
it took about three years ,... agonizing but ... worth it .. to be fully ready to adopt noel (and unnamed sister) and when he was 14 he moved to the east side and officially became a silva. they weren’t super wealthy, but they had more than enough and gave him everything he could’ve asked for. they’ve always been... nurturing and encouraging and despite the fact that noel doesn’t really know who he is at his core, he knows that he got patience and kindness from his parents
and they are ... his parents ... and he has nO desire to find his biological parents. like literally zero. he can figure himself on his own and as far as he’s concerned celeste and mal are mom and dad
anyway ... dude’s an artsy soul through and through. his first love was music but he’s... not the spotlight type, not a front man, literally retches at the thought of being on stage bc it lowkey frightens him so mostly he just writes music, plays it for the sake of relaxation
his second love is art. sketching, painting, most specifically: street art. he’s careful with it, though, considering he’d never want to put his parents through the STRESS of having a delinquent son
feels a lot of pressure to be something great because he’s ... just.... idk he has this fucking weird complex where he KNOWS he knows his parents love him but he kinda feels a need to prove that choosing him was The Right Choice
anyway he’s currently working at a tattoo shop, living his best life, considering going back to school and dreading it
it’s just really important that you know
that his socks?
they never match
thank you
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