#helpp i forgot to edit the notes to say gn reader sorry abt that😭
wolfiesmoon · 6 months
The sweetest memories
Toji x gn!reader
You have infected me with fixed!toji brainrot i hope you're proud of what you've done. You know who you are.
Anyways writing this made me remember so many sweet memories from my childhood omg🤭💞
Also our bb megumi is a toddler😚😚
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"Why do I have to do this..." Toji grumbled under his breath, dragging the sled behind him without much effort needed.
"Because, you promised to be a good dad." You lightly poked his chest. He groaned slightly in annoyance, but you just know he'll mention days like this to you once his hair is gray and his back is killing him.
Megumi had asked you to take him sledding yesterday and you were immediately ecstatic about it. Toji a little less, apparently.
"You're staring at me real hard. Do you really find so much joy in my suffering?" He asked, exhaling with a visible cloud of cold air. "Are you trying to tell me you never went sledding as a kid? Some child you were." You playfully huffed, briefly stopping Megumi and fixing his scarf.
The three of you arrived at a local hill where many kids and their parents gather to go sledding in the winter. Megumi excitedly grabbed Toji's hand and tried pulling him towards the hill to no avail. "Come." He mumbled.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm goin' with you, brat." He dutifully ignored the glare you shot him at the name he called his son, going up the hill with him in tow.
You smiled as you watched him place Megumi in front of him on the sled and then sitting down himself. He mumbled something to Megumi before sliding down the hill with him.
This is truly one of the most adorable sights you've ever laid eyes upon. Megumi is comically small compared to your husband and it becomes super visible in moments like these. You got the sudden urge to take a photo, though you know Toji might sneak off at night and delete it.
"Again." Megumi begged, clinging onto Toji's sleeve. Toji sighed. "Why can't you go?" He looked to you.
"No. You." Megumi's eyebrows furrowed slightly and you couldn't help but giggle. Toji simply took him back up again, muttering something to himself as he went along.
You decided to keep yourself busy by making a snowman while watching the two of them go up the hill and slide down over and over. Over time, the slight smile on Toji's face was unmistakable.
You knew he would eventually stop grumbling and enjoy the moment. He always does. It makes your heart swell every time.
Suddenly, the two of them are approaching you. "Nice snowman, babe." He complimented, looking it up and down. You even carved a little face into it with sticks and your fingers. "It's weird-looking." Megumi commented, making you gasp.
"Hey, what did I tell you about saying mean things?" You scolded him lightly. "Dad told me to be honest."
You sighed. "Of course he did."
"See? I'm raisin' him right." He said, placing a peck on your lips. You squirmed a little at the coldness of his lips, but your face got flushed with warmth a second after anyways.
Oh man, his kisses are always so great. The scar on his lips makes for an interesting addition, too.
Your sweet little thoughts were interrupted by a snowball to the back of your head. "Ow, what was that for?!"
"You weren't paying attention." Toji smirked.
"Fine. No kisses for a week." You crossed your arms.
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."
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