cokehead-zeroed · 11 months
3, 5, 7, 9 for the fic asks? as a treat??
Always a treat! I am so pro-treat!
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from 5 times Tyler and Taylor had wicked bad sex (and 1 time they got it together)? 
Ooooh, I'd probably say the entire final chapter? If that's not cheating? It was great to write them essentially unpacking their emotional vulnerability and I really tried hard to layer it in their words, their actions, and the morning after. It's not just about them having good sex for the first time, it's about them opening up to one another, and I wanted it reflected in how they make eye contact, have sex face to face, and kiss/cuddle a lot more tenderly. And, of course, the intro of my beloved Mr. Snugglebug.
5. Do you listen to music when writing? 
Sometimes! It depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I'm big into lyrics I feel fit with the theme (like the new FOB album for some of my current WIPs, The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel for my Marcheron WIP, and Honey by Lovers Electric for my Winner's Room verse), but a lot of the time I listen to Christmas instrumental piano music or Christmas ambiance? I find it really helps me get in the writing zone for some reason.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
A tricky one! Obviously I was super proud of publishing my first ever fic in 2021 after decades of being too scared to post anything fandom-related, so that's a kind of pride. But I'd change a lot about that fic now, to be honest. I love all of our headcanons and I hope to make them fic someday, but I feel really different about headcanons than fic (probably because I feel like it's so much easier and more fun to write headcanons than it is to write fic – no pesky editing). I think maybe overall proudest is either we can't accept (what we do not get to choose) or the tide is high (but i'm holding on) because they're two fics where I think I really kind of found my voice as a writer outside of strictly porn without plot – they're definitely porn with plot/feelings.
9. If you had to assign a theme song to 5 times Tyler and Taylor had wicked bad sex (and 1 time they got it together), which would you assign? 
From a pure hilarity point of view, Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench. From something a little bit softer, Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis.
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
Ooooh for Cali OT3 (for those not lurking in our chats, that's Trevor/Turcs/Jamie): 🌈 🍭 🐀 👉
For McEichel: ⭐️ 🌙 ✈️ 🔥 👉
For OT3 (Jack/Quinn/Chuckie Mac): 🐇 🕸 🥀
For Heguin (im in mourning): 🐬 🌹😒🍁
(People wish they could get a peek at the insanity that's our chats, lbr 😂😂😂)
under a cut because this got super long, lmao
Cali ot3:
🌈 - What were their first impressions of each other? 
I think Trevor and Alex's first impression of Jamie was along the lines of 'wow, he's cute but boring' because lbr we all know Jamie was the quietest guy on that Canadian WJC team. Jamie's impression of Trevor was definitely 'arrogant asshole' because - well, we've all seen/heard the quote, right? I think his first one of Alex was a little softer, probably more 'he's cute, but with Zegras, ugh' type of thing. Trevor and Alex's first impressions of each other so long ago, but it was probably 'W O W HE'S HOT'
🍭  -What are their nicknames for each other? 
Alex is usually 'sweetheart' or 'baby' because I think they're softer with him than they are with each other (it's the dimples, shhhh). Trevor's usually 'babe', unless Jamie's in a mean mood and trying to get him wound up (horny), then it's 'princess'(derogatory). Jamie's 'Jamison', 'babe', 'stud' or, when he's being mean, 'sir'.
If we're talking a bottom Jamie verse 😈😈 then it's flipped a little, Jamie gets called 'slut' (derogatory and sexy), 'baby girl' (affectionate when he's being good). Jamie calls them mostly by their names in bed, and then 'babe' (Trevor) and 'sweetheart' (Alex) outside of it
🐀 - Who steals the covers? 
Trevor, 100% - Alex sleeps in the middle so he always gets some, too, but Jamie gets left without any - which is why he has an extra blanket stashed by the bed in case it's cold out
👉 - Who is better at giving directions?
Oh, all three of them suck at it - they're so, so bad that no one bothers asking them anymore and just use gps
⭐️ - Who is a morning person? 
Oh, Jack for sure - he gets up early to run/workout, depending on the day. Connor's usually up by 8 in the off-season, but Jack's up at 5:30am no matter what time of year it is
🌙 - Who is a night person? 
Connor, probably - they'll both stay up if there's friends over, they're out, etc etc, but Jack's usually out by 11pm if there's no extenuating circumstances (hockey games)
✈️ - How do they celebrate anniversaries? 
Their anniversary is at the very tail end of the season (June 26) so I think they have a small thing at home, just them and their families, then go somewhere in July for a week, maybe to Cancun, Greece - anywhere that's warm and sunny and there's a beach nearby.
🔥 - Who realized they were interested in who first? 
Connor for sure - he fell in love with Jack the first time they played each other at U16s and Jack knocked him on his ass (by the time they finally got together, Dylan and Mitch were both ready to throw a party, they were so tired of hearing about it) - and he also made the first move on Jack draft night.
He had to play the long game because it took Jack a little bit to admit that he loved Connor, too (feelings make him grumpy!!!)
👉 - Who is better at giving directions?
It depends where they're at!!! In the States, Jack is, and in Canada Connor is
🐇 - Who wants to cuddle the other longer in the morning? 
Jack and Quinn definitely get more chances to cuddle together, especially in the off-season, but they double-team Charlie and make him stay and cuddle them when he's there
🕸 - What does one do that scares the other?
Watching horror movies, for sure - Jack gets scared SO easily that sometimes Quinn will tell him he thinks he heard something just Jack will crawl in his lap
Charlie tried to scare them one (1) time, and he just thought it'd be funny to sneak into the lakehouse and tap Jack on the shoulder when he didn't know Charlie was there yet, and Jack screamed loud enough to bring Quinn running downstairs buck ass naked and soaking wet from the shower with a baseball bat, and Jack punched him in the nose before he realized who it was
So, you know, they all agreed to never do that again 😂😂😂
🥀 - Do they both get jealous?
Hmm, I don't think, like, it's jealous jealous - not in the sense that one of them's going to cheat, or that one of them love the other more, but I do think Quinn gets sad sometimes that Jack and Charlie get to see each other so much during the season
🐬 - Who made the first move? 
They both got tipsy and kissed each other the night before the draft and then refused to talk about for a decade until they got drunk and kissed again at Worlds, then Tyler was like 'want to fuck' and they just sort of fell together after that
🌹 - Who initiated the first kiss? 
Oppps, see the last answer lol
😒 - Do they get jealous easily?
Hmmm, I think by the time they get together - mid 20s - they're both more secure in themselves and each other, so not really
🍁 - How was their first kiss?
Sloppy mostly! They were tipsy and seventeen and just not really sure what they were doing
Thanks for the ask, babe!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (otp asks)
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