#healing is never linear but my tomorrow will always be better than my yesterday
tiredgf · 2 years
i wanna self destruct so badly i cant lmao
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sneakers-and-shakes · 4 years
5 Quotes To Live By
So, for this post I thought I’d outline some of quotes that I actually live by and explain my thought process behind them.
1. “We’re all stories in the end, just make it a good one, eh”
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This quote is my all time favorite and something I really truly believe in. I strongly believe the idea that the world is built up on stories and the lives of people will end up being stories that keep the world and humanity going. And as the doctor says, make yours a good one.
I try to do things in my life that add to my experiences, to my story, so that when I look back, I can see the different twists and turns and chapters that make my story meaningful and exciting.
And stories are not linear, they are not always happy, they are up and down and happy and sad and everything in between. So is life. Your story is unique, there will never be another like it, and all you can do is make the best of it.
 2. “Never save anything for a special occasion, being alive is a special occasion.”
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This quote is my constant reminder to live in the moment. So many times, I have pushed things to the side, stopped myself from enjoying something because I feel like I need to deserve it, or save it for some special occasion. But in doing so, I have lost out on so many things because I waited too long, unable to decide what occasion is special enough.
This quote reminds me to not hold back and to live in the moment, to enjoy things as they come. You deserve it now because you are alive, that ‘s your occasion, that’s your reason.
And of course, some things we do hold back, and save, but for the most part this is my daily reminder to not deprive myself of the little things that add happiness to my life.
 3. “Every day is a second chance”
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As cliché as it is, I strongly believe and follow this quote, treating everyday as its own entity and not dragging the shit from yesterday into tomorrow. Every morning is a new day to fill with new things, not the negativity or hurt or whatever from the day before.
Often times when I have a bad day, I go to bed thinking, okay today was not good, things went wrong or I got upset, but tomorrow I’ll work towards better. Tomorrow is a fresh start.
Now, I want to add that I know sometimes it’s hard, and sometimes the shit does drag into the next day, but the idea is that you try. That’s the most important thing, is that you try to work towards better. Sometimes things hurt and continue to hurt for a while after but as long as you wake up and say I’m going to try to work towards being okay, that’s what matters. Even if it doesn’t work, or even if the next day is also bad, you tried, and you have tomorrow to try again.
 4. “Everything passes, everything changes, just do what you think you should do.”
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If there is one thing that can be said about life, it moves on. And change is constant. I like this quote because it’s just true. Everything does pass, hurt, pain, people and time heals. And everything does change, sometimes slowly, but people grow and times progress and good things end so better things can start.
And in between the motions of life, passing and changing and evolving, all you can do is simply, your best. Whatever you believe is right, whatever you want your path to be, you just do you.
If I’m ever in a bad mental space or things have gone wrong, I think of this quote as a way to step back and look at it as a whole. Someday, I’ll overcome this issue, or this hurt, and it too will pass. And things will change, they can get better. And so, life will always move on and in this moment all I’ll do is whatever I can, however big or small that might be.
 5. “If you stopped yourself every time you were about to say “I have to” and changed it to “I get to” it might change your entire experience” – Kristen Armstrong
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I like this one because it makes you turn the things that would have felt like a chore feel like a blessing, that you are fortunate enough to get to do this. It’s been getting colder and I had to fill up gas in my car, so I was complaining about having to venture out into the wind to fill up the gas. But I took a moment to reflect and instead of the whining, I have to fill up gas, I changed it to I get to fill up gas and suddenly I was just reminded of how fortunate I am to even have a car.
It helps you look at the bigger picture of how fortunate you are to even do the things you’re doing. So many people might not have a car, or a job, or be able to pursue an education. This change in wording is just to, as the quote says, change your mindset and experience on doing something.
Now, I know this can’t always soften or change everything, there are always things that won’t quite work, but on the whole, thinking this way might make you feel more grateful than annoyed at the things in your life.
And there you have it. Five quotes that I live by (or try to anyway). I hope this was informational and made you think about things a little differently!
And with that, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this post. I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I hope that you were able to learn new from this!
I’ll see you in the next one :)
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