#he’s 10000% the type that has quiet as hell footsteps he just ✨appears✨ behind politicians he doesn’t like to scare the crap out of them
blluespirit · 3 months
one very potent zuko misconception i see in fic all the time is that zuko is very… conspicuous and also is totally oblivious to it. but that’s canonically not true at all. when he wants to be hidden, that’s exactly what he’ll do.
i am using this opportunity to remind you all that zuko:
broke into the pohai stronghold (twice) and stayed hidden until either a) he confronted someone or b) his and aang’s escape attempt which forced them to be in a vulnerable position
broke into the northern water tribe and remained unseen until he confronted katara in the oasis
before he broke into the north pole he stayed hidden on one of the fire nation ships until he could escape. yes, iroh was there, but to maintain his cover, zuko would have largely had to fend for himself
post-crossroads of destiny, he sneaks around the palace, into the dragon catacombs and to the prison without anyone he doesn’t purposely confront knowing
during the eclipse - he snuck away from the capital and out of the country on an air balloon (a highly suspicious act that he would have most definitely had to be discrete about - you know, since he was literally committing treason)
when directly confronted, he’s not the type to be able to just lie their way out (like when azula tricks him into telling him he visited iroh) but chances are he’s not going to let it get to that.
you’ll never know he was there in the first place
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