#he was so baby in this ep (for a stinky monkey :))))
melodious-tear · 29 days
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Wu Zhiqi | Love and Redemption ep. 57
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popculturebuffet · 8 months
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Moai Better Blues (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy freelance police and welcome back to my look at the sam and max telltale games! We're onto season 2 episode 2. After a little christmas in august we're having a science fiction double feature for halloween as this review ended up behind due to a new member of the family.
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This is Maddie. She's 5, she's precious, she's very loud , and she's very attached to me.
But even new fluffy good girls with spangly collars can't stop the march of sam and max.
Following up from our heroes adventures in the north pole, this ep finds our heroes dealing with an adventure that's weird even by sam and max standards. And I want to let that sink in because we spent last season stopping a child star hynosis crime ring, starring in a one episode sitcom with a british chicken don knotts, inflitrating a mafia chuck e cheese, running for president against a horny lincoln memorial, murdering the internet and finally facing down with a sentient plankton colony via psychic powers and magic tricks on the moon. And that's not even getting into that guy who would never put his hands down. What was his deal?
So what lies in the greatest mountain of sam and max madness? Stoned Moai, triangular portals, sea monkeys, ghost godlfish, baby jimmy hoffa and horny statue love triangles. So join me under the cut for the madness.
We open with our heroes returning from the North Pole a month after the previous game, with it now snowing, providing a nice atmosphere to things. Before they can get back to the usual banter some fresh nonsense comes in: A triangle chasing their beloved friend Sybil.
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It has a neat design too, red, pulsating with lines... it's an excellent triangle all things considered. B+
At any rate we need to stop it, so we go to the wisest sage for weird shit there is: Bosco. It's a nice way to keep him still useful while not having him be one of your item guys. Bosco is getting ready to bunker down from T.H.E.M.
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But tells our hero their new foe is a bermuda triangle, an eldtirch shape that sucks people up to another place, and can only be stopped with most of the shapes. Most.. never come into play and are just for a good joke, like blue polyheadrons making them really want to roll them dice and maybe start a live play with a dungeon master with long hair and the voice of god.
The important one is red hexagons stop them.. and the game was REALLY unhelpful with this one. I did have my hints flavor blasted up to the maximum max could do without bursting a kidney.. but he just kept saying the shape and outright told me to go back to the office.. where it entirely wasn't. WE do have a new trophy though, boxing betty. So.. that's nice?
The solution lies in Stinky's diner, where i'd gone earlier since the Cops can't do buisness over the sound of screaming. Amateurs. Stinky can though even with the racket outisde and gives us a granite sandwitch that i'm pretty sure just.. sat in my inventory all chapter. Seriously you don't relaly use it for anything even when you think it'd be obvious like replacing a stone max's ear, and it's more just to set up getting a basalt sandwich from her later. It's on the kid's menu only though.
She is useful in that she has a stop sign for you and with some spray paint from your headquaters, you can make it deep red. Before we go though another beloved supporting character makes a cameo: Flint Paper. I just love how despite being grizzly and willing to beat up random strangers for money, as are we, Flint just.. cheerfully greets our heroes with a hey fellas every time. He's just so happy to see our heroes and they have a deep genuine admiration for him. Like with Sybil in the first episodes, it's nice to see someone our heroes actually like and unlike Sybil, it's nice to see there's at least one person they haven't traumtized. Yet. He's watching Bosco for Bosco's Mom who'se understandably worried about her son because you know, his whole deal.
For now though we go to stop the triangle in the name of love... only for hilariously this all to be mostly pointless as once Sybil stops, Abe shows up , gets sucked in and she goes after him. It's off to Easter Island!
Turns out Sybil and Lincoln are fine and are just enjoying the nice weather. Once again.. this is a dead end puzzle wise as the two are just there to move their subplot along. Unlike the sandwich though, it's at least entertaning.. and mildly creepy as Abe perves on one of the moai present.
Why the bermuda triangle lead to easter island.. is not something we'll be getting into here. What matters is the moai see sam and max as their savior. Well the middle one, a kindly lady moai abe's creeping ion, is. The left one has half his face buried and is contstantly upset, projecting storm clouds when pissed off that are naturally useful, and the right one is
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And is largely useless, mostly just sniping at you.
Each has a power of the elements: Rain for the buried one, wind for the nice one and earth for the pedantic douchebag. The fire one was sadly was scattered to the winds long ago, but he did leave behind a son at least to carry on his legacy
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At any rate before we can use the powers of nature itself for fun and profit, we have some problems: As it turns out the nearbye volcano is about to erupt and murder them all due to some understandable but tragic errors
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Problem is someone's guarding his lair... and if you haven't played the game yourself, I warn you: You are not remotely ready. I sure wasn't. So whose in our heroes way? Why it's Jimmy HOffa in the body of a baby!
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Yeah... look I love Sam and Max for being so gloriously weird. Weird as hell is one of my faviorite kinds of humor as long as their's direction behind the chaos. But It's still easily the biggest what the fuck moment the franchise has thrown me so far and that's with this happening last chapter
Granted I got spoiled there is some sort of payoff to the Mariachis via a thumbnail, and there is some actual logic behind this.. but even for this franchise "Jimmy Hoffa whose in the body of an infant because he drank too much from the fountain of youth pointing a gun at yoU" is a bit much. And more to the point they NEVER explain why he's working for the episodes big bad.
I.. can't help but love it though BECAUSE it's such a uniquely stupid swing: they had this idea, found a way to have it logically make sense and then put it in the game in full, all while giving us a ton of great jokes as Sam cannot ressit teasing him on the fact he's a baby.
We'll deal with this teamster later, for now we meet the other rugrats on this island: Amelia Earheart, DB Cooper, and The LIndburgh Baby... .
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Their mostly here to set up a surfboarding mini game which frustrated me. It's not the game itself, it's a fun enough little distraction if fairly hard to get the analogue controls down on my switch version. It felt like the kind of browser game i'd play as a kid.
My annoyance.. is that the game dosne't tell you that you get nothing for it until you've triggered the right story event. So I went through the whole thing for nothing. Thankfully I also enabled mini game skipping.... I still will TRY not to use it often as these are part of the game and thus need to be evaluated as much as the point and click parts, but in this case i'd already done the actual task so when it asked me to again. As for why again, the trick to getting rid of our little friend involves serving him a drink, using a tiki glass you can pick up at the bar those dumb babies are at. But he'll only take union waitstaff, so you have to play the game to get cerfitied by him. IT makes about as much sense as it sounds. Ah back to normal for this franchise.
To actually do anything though we need some fountain of youth water unfortunately there's something in it
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So to take care of them we have to complete a few other tasks
First is the COPS. As i'm guessing is standard for every chapter,we have another driving VR Game from them, this time a fun rythum based one with the beats going as you drive on them. THey thought it'd change the world.. those poor dumb bastards. It's clearly a jab at guitar hero, but it's a decent challenge while still being a lot of fun.
With that we get a car horn and that's the key to our next puzzle: We need to help Glenn Miller, a wwII era band leader whose also now a baby, stage his comback by giving him that new sound he's been looking for. Since the horn plays i've been workin on the railroad, it's just the ticket. He just needs a whistle sound, which you easily get by dumping some gasoline disguised as a drink into a nearbye fire, setting off a tea kettle. He gives you a conch with the single recorded on it. Apparently The Bermuda Triangles also visited skypeia.
Using the dial, we can finally solve our pirahana puzzle.. in theory. In practice it's utterly frustrating if you can't figure out the trick, not helped by Max CONSITENTLY telling me to use the thunder storm moai.
Breaking it down: using the glen miller dial conch, you play it for the nice moai, which gets her whistling. Now when you tick off her half buried friend next to you, which naturally max does with ease and maybe too much glee.. in fact i'm starting a " Going to Hell For This" counter, for each time we ruin someone's life, torture them or what have you to progress, or just for funzies, as we did it a LOT last season and so far have done it a lot. Now I"ll make acceptions for say outright villians or people who deserve it. And even then it'/s about proportions. For example, pelting the soda poppers with urine and bleach? Acceptable, their the soda poppers. Need I say more. But even if Jimmy Two Teeth sucks a LOTTT, nearly driving him to unalive himself is a bit much, not helped by Max's reaction essentially being
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He certainly thought it hard enough. So we'll count that one, still keeping leonard hostage after almost a year, sending santa to hell (even if he was possesed), and not bothering to actually help save christmas. So going into this episode we have
Things We're Going To To Hell For: 4 And we can add from this episode taunting that poor moai.
Things We're Going to Hell Fort: 5
So I assumed both from the hint ONLY mentoing the moai , who creates a little storm cloud when uspet and the wind we were supposed to blow it at jimmy hoffa. Instead... it does nothing. It just dissipates if blown too far and never gets near him. Instead we use the portals, which are frustrating as the game makes it clear the two near the entrance are connected.. but dosen't make it clear EVERY portal is connected this way.
The solution is to open one by the fountain of youth, then open another next to the underground moai, have the good moai blow the cloud and boom, a LOT of dead pirhanas and a free fountain of youth. Also
Things We're Going To Hell For: 6
And with that we can use the glass to scoop some up, give it to hoffa... and blink him out of existance. THings We're Going To Hell For: Still 6 (He Deserved It Yo) It's REALLY sad when killing someone by making them age themselves out of existance isn't the worst thing we've done today. Or even this month.
This event also moves along Sybil's subplot for the season and who boy. Strap yourselves in because I haven't seen a character nosedive this fast in many moons. So the whole episode, Abe and Sybil have been picnicking, only doing that on Abe's suggestion.. and only so he can oggle the middle good moai. Yeah after several episodes of at worst being out of touch and mildly annoying.. abe's somehow lept straight to the bottom and is perving on someone right in front of his girlfriend and THEN asks her to have plastic surgery to look more like the moai.
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Sybil runs off in tears.. and SOMEHOW, SOMEHOW, this gets worse... as Abe THEN tries to hit on the moai. To her credit she shoots him down fast and we get a great response out of him, a casual "that's fair". So he's still funny he's just WAY more of an asshat. I mean granted we just committed two murders in a row, so i'd SAY we can't judge.. but those murders were to save a LOT of lives from death and were of a bunch of fish and a murderous infant man.
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Anyways with this we enter our final puzzle set, continuing from the formula laid out last time. Sadly.. they also fall into a fairly trite, terrible stereotype. It's forgivable enough for the time.. but it's still pretty tone deaf. I can't blame them for fixing it as unlike the various lines corrected for save the world, this is a large part of the plot and thus really coudn't be futzed with.. but it's still not great.
Okay so for our final stretch our heroes run into your standard tone deaf "the natives are stupid and belivie anything is their god" plot only this time it's sea monkeys.
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Yeah.. they.. really coudl've thought this one out a bit more. We have to convince them max is their god/chosen one/whatever instead, in order to replace an old advesary: Mr. Spatula, sam and max's goldfish whose mad he's died and thus is willing to take an island with him. Now you may recall, even if I didn't name him last time, he died. And he did. THIS IS HIS GHOST.
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So to prove ourselves we have to do three tasks. The first is easy and I stumbled into accidently: We have to make the water into BANANG!, an energy drink powder bosco happens to have a lot of.
To get it away from him, we have to torment him.. again. This time we simply radio in, claim to be THEM
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And Bosco goes deeper underground, there's too much panic in this town. So we got the powder.. but we also traumtized a friend for life so
Things We're Going To Hell For: 7
Next is adding an ear to a rock formation that looks like max. Once again the sandwitch is useless.. except as a clue. We finally need that basalt sandwitch for kidz, so it's time to use the fountain of youth water on ourselves.. and ONCE AGAIN the game gets frustrating as you transform back very fast from drinking it. The trick is to use a gong I honestly forgot about in Stinky's diner max reminded me of. I can't tell if I just suck at adventure games or this is poor level design.
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Anyways we get the Basalt and get a really funnys equence with douchecanoe moai as it turns out dude just needed to blaze it and basalt gets moai REALLY good and fucked up. With that he casually laughs and dislodges a stalctite we use to finish the max.
We then finish this section. The stone feet of the buried moai are needed to anoit us. Also yes they have hands and arms stuck in there. We simply use the shell again, this time on a portal next to the best moai , she whistles, he taps his toes and we win. Kinda.
Problem is the island's still errupting with Mr Spatula planning to take us with it. The only way to stop it? Some clever puzzlery. We get a high preist medallion from the Sea Monkeys, dip it in some red slime, then shoot the triangle, using the portals to send the red triangle through it , eating the lava.. and presumibly murdering someone but we won't worry about that. Our ride home is gone though but Abe offers a lift while the moai celebrate.. before being sad they can't move. Then their abducted by what seems to be aliens!
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Moai Better Blues... is a very mixed bag. The writing as usual is hilarious, and while it's a very
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Sort of chapter, it's a FUNNY sort of what the fuck is this, from the various babies, to the black comedy shenanigans as usual, to our heroes riding out on Lincoln's head. It continues episode 1's mean streak, but the weirder setting and more over the top weird black comedy bits like unexistinsing hoffa help it feel far less opressive than last time. The deaths and what we do to bosco are way more over the top. Even abe and sybil's breakup, acompained by the mysterious maraichi's, is more funny than genuinely sad. I DO feel bad for Sybil, but abe is such a dick and he gets karmically punished for it as the moai lady SHARPLY rejects him, multiple times if you want, and he looses Sybil.
Gameplay wise.. it's a lot more obtuse. A lot more relying either on memory (Which isn't good for me but is at least fair) or hoping you figure it out and with most of the max clues being way less helpful. It's a pretty meh chapter all things considered and hopefully as we get spooky next time, we also get back to our quality. Speaking of which
Next Time: VAMPIRES! Just in time for the season. And since it's the 2000's their angsty emo eurotrash vampires! Oh BoY! Thanks for reading!
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Love and Redemption, eps 21-30 (more thoughts... and tears)
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Don’t talk to me *wipes tear away* Please... I just need a moment to gather my thoughts to be a fully functional human again.
...Okay, it’s not going to work, I can’t do it. Let’s just proceed with this. Beware, this may be more of an incoherent mess than anything else.
Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. That’s exactly how I would describe these episodes, despite the fluff I got for like an episode and a half (if we do the math, it was minimmal, and basically all the time we got with real beautiful moments and no one hurting except for Linglong who was and still is in a coma). Omfg if I’m already like this how can I possibly do the second half of this drama? Think about it, my fave genre is romcom! I have no business here! NONE.
I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that episode 21 started on shaky grounds but it wasn’t a shitshow and then eveything got serious and ultimately real bad and by ep 23 I was screaming like a crazy woman,out of my senses,  watching my Sifeng getting tortured! And then came that freaking whip! Like, what the fuck, man? How did this turn so bad so fast? And btw these leaders from the so called “good and righteous” sects can go and take their precious rules and values and shove them up right where the sun don’t shine! *The Untamed flashbacks intensify* I cannot deal with your kind and your hypocrisy a second time. And stay the fork away from Sifeng!
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I was so happy that his master from the Lize sect appeared (and of course by that point I already knew the Deputy Chief wasn't going to lift a finger to save Sifeng, not bc he's bad big shocker but bc I think he genuinely dislikes him) spoke with reason, got everything solved in 2 minutes and saved his favorite disciple.
CAN PEOPLE/DEMONS/DEITIES AND ANYONE AND ANYTHING ELSE PLESASE STOP HURTING, TORTURING OR TRYING TO KILL SIFENG? Because, thanks, that’d be very much appreciated. For like a week, jeez, maybe even a month! And Xuanji, baby, I adore you, but you were also part of the problem and because this drama is out to get me, and if the clues from the past (her heavenly past not her past tribulations) are anything to go by, you will keep being part of the equation. 
You know things are bad when the demon fox I disliked a dozen of eps ago and didn’t see for just as long, is now like in my top 5 favorite characters right beside Sifeng’s annoying pet (and only because she has always Sifeng’s back), the merman doctor, the comatose Linglong and my OTP. The stinky monkey whom I don’t know very well, blond guy from the heavenly realm and fanfiction writer who always says perfectly sane things, are high on the list, not gonna lie. All the others can go to hell, and hey, a couple of them, including Minyan, are already there, so, am I winning or what? I’m so proud to say I didn’t like him much from the beginning and if he ever gets forgiven I hope he works his ass off for it. Objectively he didn’t do anything so bad, he was worried about the others and trying to save Linglong but still, he gets on my nerves. Let’s not talk about Sifeng’s Lize friend. okay? Okay.
Okay, deep breaths, deep breaths, I can do this.
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I clapped and cheered watching this!
So, the love story keeps moving. I mean, I do have to look at the bright side and take as win the fact that Xuanji gained her whole 6 senses back and recognizes her love for Sifeng. I didn’t like, however, that Sifeng was the only one who got to see their past lives, not bc I wanted Xuanji to suffer but because I didn’t want my dude to watch that awfulness alone. Or maybe I’m just being picky because I cried on ep 27. Their love may not be a tender and very healthy love story, but it's freaking epic, even more so if we take into account that I think they really weren't "meant" to be together, because it's obvious destiny is not on their side. And yet!!! Yet Sifeng keeps falling for her, sacrificing himself and doing anything for this woman.
*Sigh* Still, how is it possible to feel like I got to know a bit more about Xuanji’s romantic past on the Heavenly realm but I still don’t know where is Sifeng in there. That magical marriage stone shone over Xuanji and Dijun (eww but she shut down all rumors immediately hehe) and fanfiction writer keeps saying they were a match made in heaven or whatever. But Dijun being the pathethic dumbass he is, is unable to recognize love (or feelings) even if they dance in front of him with a huge sign written in neon letters. The dude gets so jealous he makes huge ass storms and nobody in heaven besides fanfic writer notices shit. wtf? What kind of God is he, anyway? God of Pettiness? He really does get more on my nerves than the demon bad guys.
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This is how they call it when the God of War found out the truth? Interesting way to say she was angry. 
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Is it? LOL
The story fanfic writer told blond guy is that God of War thought that since she was matched or whatever with Dijun they were going to marry but douchebag married someone else and God of War killed the father of this woman(don’t know why). Again, where is Sifeng in that story? Could it be that this has been a one sided love for a thousand years but in this tenth life Xuanji has finally loved him back? Because damnnnnnn that's perseverance. No means no, of course, but the guy never really forced anything on her or asked for much, we saw it in their past lives, he was there to risk it all, do it all for her. Only asking for her to remember him. A tiny thing by comparison.
Sifeng is a demon. Sifeng is a demon! Sifeng is a demon??? But...how? why? was he one in the other lives? What is going on, drama? Give me answers!!!! That effing whip they used on him was supposed to reveal a demon after one slash,right? but that didn't happen. The heck?!
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PS. I continue to be amazed by the acting. By the whole cast, really, but especially Cheng Yi’s and Crystal’s. The way that I believed they were different people in the other lives...!!! Xuanji’s eyes devoid on any warm and tenderness, like the way we’re used to... and when Sifeng took the sword for Xuanji and she cried... it was delicious to watch.
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 3
Okay! Recap post for DMBJ season 2 (Explore with the Note), Ep 3!
Current counts:
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 2 
 Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- Hopefully this ep has less snorkelling scenes 
- But to be honest 
- It would be hard to have MORE snorkelling scenes than ep 2 and still have plot
- Oh yeah, they've just had the first switcheroo of the side chambers and Wu Xie is Very Confused
- And Xiaoge just realised he's been here before, and is admitting he has memory problems 
- You are still such a bad liar at this point, Wu Xie. 
- Oh my god, Pangzi, you can't just ask people if they inject Botox or have a radiation-caused genetic mutation
- Also, yes, I am already on my bullshit with the soft looks Xiaoge gives Wu Xie 
- Well. The looks. Because this Xiaoge looks at people who are not Wu Xie about the same amount as Yang Yang's Xiaoge did
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- It is very convenient how the flashbacks in this one are colour coded with that soft yellow lighting 
- It's taken these guys from 20 years ago a lot longer to get out here than it's taken Wu Xie and co. in the present time
- Like. I'm kinda wondering if this past Xiaoge was just straight up watching the idiot Xie accidentally kill himself. 
- I mean, I wouldn't blame him, tbh
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- Going out diving by yourself without telling anyone is borderline suicidal without adding sneaking into an underwater tomb without adequate preparation to it 
- It's nice to have better lighting in the flashbacks, though 
- There's a snek-browed fishy, and past!Xiaoge is shook
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- Also, that Xie guy looks like he was boiled or roasted down there 
- Oh, is past!Xiaoge remembering something about snek-fishies?
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- Wu Xie coming in with some epic side-eye as Xiaoge tells the story
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- Why does the flashback get a much more clear and visible snorkelling scene?! 
- You can actually see things! - Are they trying to make a low-key accidental statement about water pollution?
- Okay, this episode's snorkelling scene starts 6 minutes in 
- Let's see how long it goes for 
- Hopefully it will end before the 17 minute mark 
- That's the bar it has to beat here 
- Surely it can't be that hard 
- Oh, I spoke too soon on the water clarity
- Hey, if Sanshu and Wenjin could properly communicate underwater without arm notepads and without pulling out their fucking snorkles to try to literally talk underwater, WU XIE AND PANGZI, then why couldn't people in the present timeline do the same?
- Not looking at anyone in particular 
- At all 
- Especially not ones named Wu Xie and Pangzi
- The sea monkey that Sanshu chased off looks like baby compared to the one on the ghost ship
- Wow. Snorkelling took less than a minute and a half, with almost twice the number of people 
- Obviously A-Ning needed more people on her expedition 
- Then they wouldn't have had to swim around aimlessly for eleven fucking minutes before getting into the tomb
- Hahah, a perfume tomb 
- Sure it is 
- Don't you think that should make you suspicious, Sanshu? 
- There's always gotta be a big, interesting mural. Let's see what exposition this one will trigger.
- Ofc Pangzi goes sniffing for perfume after hearing about it being there 20 years ago 
- In a different room in the tomb 
- After people had traipsed through it with their stinky diving equipment
- And ofc he doesn't smell it and then complains that it can't have been there in the first place 
- Xiaoge's expression just says everything
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- See, Wu Xie is the smart boy with the logical suggestions of why that might be, Pangzi 
- This guy who wants to leave is like the only genre-savvy one of the lot of them 
- Smart suggestions from past!Sanshu that yes, everyone should listen to 
- They're not gonna listen to him
- Yep, taking a nap is never a good idea in these situations 
- Which is why he's gonna do it 
- After DMBJ 1 Pangzi, it's so nice to have a Pangzi who's smart and competent straight off the bat, instead of having to take like 4/5 of the season to get to that point
- And ofc you were a hooligan as a kid, Pangzi. I am totally unsurprised by this news 
- I'd wondered why he jumped straight to aroma hypnosis, but him having come across it before when he was younger explains it
- This Wu Xie has some fantastic facial expressions 
- For instance, this one is wondering if Pangzi is bullshitting him 
- He doesn't even need to say it. It's right there on his face
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- Oh yeah, Xiaoge recognises that
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- And I was wondering how they'd intro that in without Wu Xie's disreputable antique store contacts telling him about it 
- Pangzi is ofc the logical choice for it 
- Hahah, yes, Wu Xie, you're right and you should say it
- Wu Xie: There's no such thing as ghosts 
- Xiaoge's expression: You might want to reconsider that 
- Oooh, Wu Xie has heard about it, too.
- Like almost 20 years ago, judging by how young he is in these flashbacks. And that this one looks like it takes place not long after Sanshu got into trouble from Grandpa Wu 
- But like, Sanshu, why are you telling a five year old about this? Or maybe he's six. BUT STILL
- Sanshu, do not recommend evil, possibly-ghosty, nightmare-inducing perfumed bone to your baby nephew as a sleep aid 
- Who tf let you near children?
- Ah, now time for the Sanshu-POV flashback. Which is happening within Wu Xie's flashback 
- Flashback-ception! 
- See, Sanshu, told you sleeping was a bad idea 
- None of them listened to you 
- Because you fell asleep and couldn't tell them no
- He can see surprisingly well for a man left in a sideroom of an underwater tomb with no light sources 
- It looks like they took all his diving gear as well as their own 
- How rude of them 
- OH GOOD, it's not just me who was thinking that this room looked really empty
- I thought I was imagining things, or mixing up the room they were in earlier with the room that Wu Xie and the rest were in last ep 
- Are those...claw marks where the mural used to be?
- If this is following the book as closely as it seems for this bit, anyway 
- I am less confused now
- Weird flash of light and sudden coffin appears 
- Which Sanshu can still see without a light source 
- Remember, kids, eat all your carrots like Sanshu obviously does!
- Do they just paint the same mural in every side chamber that has a mural? Because that looks just like the one from the other room. 
- Oh no, I can see some differences in it now 
- Yeah, that's not a good sign
- WTF Sanshu don't touch the creepy coffin that's suddenly pouring dark liquid out of it 
- Is that another sea monkey?
- Apparently diving equipment is only necessary to get down to the tomb, not to get back up. You won't even swallow much water, you'll get back perfectly safely, just a bit out of breath 
- And tired enough to pass out on the beach, but that might be from fighting a sea monkey first
- JFC, Sanshu, why are you telling all this to a five year old? 
- You really think this is gonna dissuade him from this when he grows up? No. You are planting the early seeds of encouragement. 
- Also the early seeds of lifelong nightmares
- You know, I still haven't worked out how Sanshu didn't recognise Xiaoge in DMBJ 1 - both drama and book. I mean, drama can be explained by them only adapting the first book that time, but book? Unless it gets explained later on
- Or I somehow skipped the explanation, which is also possible - I'll go back and reread them another time 
- lol, Pangzi 
- And look, more spiderwebs 
- The undersea spider colony here really works hard 
- Aaaah, Wu Xie's figuring it out already
- Pangzi seems to be serving the purpose of giving all the hints and little plot points that book Wu Xie already had before he stepped foot in the tomb 
- Hahahah, 'can you please speak human'
- Pangzi with the major concerns. Who cares about running out of oxygen if the food is gone?! Not Pangzi! 
- lol, looking at each other when they think Pangzi's being silly or unreasonable is already their go-to response
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- lol, and Xiaoge doesn't agree until Wu Xie nods 
- Ah, first thing they come across is the coffin from one of the other rooms, and Pangzi is showing off that this time around he actually knows things! Yay!
- Okay, this little smile and nod from Xiaoge to Wu Xie is just too adorable for words
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- And in they go to investigate the coffin 
- I do have to say that it's a very pretty coffin, though 
- Yes, Xiaoge, that look is the appropriate look to give to Pangzi for saying that XD
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- WTF is that 
- lol, I like this troll Wu Xie 
- Well. That was dramatic. 
- IDK how the coffin lid when flying off like that though, there doesn't seem to be a sea monkey hiding in there this time 
- Ew, that's a little gruesome 
- Wu Xie is appropriately horrified by this
- It does still amuse me how Pangzi isn't even pretending not to be a tomb robber this time. He's so refreshingly honest about it. 
- Hahaha. "Are you a Virgo? You're so picky" because Wu Xie is more interested in looking at the vases than in just grabbing a few to bail water with
- But hey, Wu Xie is a Pisces, nice to know 
- You're just gonna walk over the top of that coffin lid like that, huh, Pangzi? Weren't you the one talking about how valuable the coffin was? And how you needed to do the proper rituals to show respect before opening it?
- And Wu Xie is back in the other room happily playing with vases and looking at the stories painted on them 
- Alone 
- Nothing bad could possibly come of this 
- It's not like Wu Xie has a tendency to get into danger without even realising it 
- Not at all
- But he's so happy! Like a cute little puppy 
- lol, you really were so wrapped up in the vases that you didn't notice him leaving, huh, Wu Xie? 
- Oops, looks like you stayed there a bit too long, Wu Xie. The entrance to the other room isn't there anymore
- Hahah, Xiaoge is so delicately scooping out water with the bowl compared to Pangzi just fucking going for it with that huge vase 
- Aww, Xiaoge is worried about Wu Xie. 
- But, y'know, guys, maybe you should turn around and realise that there's no entrance anymore
- Although that body is pretty creepy and attention-grabbing 
- Yeah, I don't think that's gonna help, Wu Xie 
- You're so adorable, though 
- WTF how is there a live cat there 
- Yeah, I don't blame you for pulling a gun, Pangzi
- Now back to poor, worried Wu Xie 
- WTF does the theory of relativity have to do with the current situation? 
- Awww, he's talking himself down from panic again. And it seems to be working. 
- ...or not
- Ooh, the cat corpse is gone 
- Xiaoge doesn't seem that concerned. More interested in the human corpse 
- And they STILL haven't noticed that the entrance is gone I thought you had better situational awareness than this, Xiaoge 
- Oh, that's not a good sign
- Ah, finally, NOW you notice 
- As always, Xiaoge takes this the most calmly out of all of them 
- I think it's a little late for not getting anxious, Wu Xie, when you were practically panicking earlier 
- Uh-oh
- Here's the sea monkey, and Xiaoge is trapped in another room with no way of knowing 
- Even though he does seem to have a sixth sense solely dedicated to Wu Xie being in trouble
- Run, Wu Xie, run! 
- Lose your balance on those arrows! Throw those priceless vases as ineffective weapons! 
- Ah, a side chamber which conveniently as a door that closes and locks
- GDI, Wu Xie, don't taunt the monster that's chasing you 
- lol, his, 'wait, did that actually work' face
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- Oh, so it's just gonna...dig through those stones. Fantastic. 
- Why is there no blood on his knife? There really should be blood on his knife after stabbing that deeply. 
- Hahah, Pangzi says that Wu Xie's guess was wrong, and Xiaoge just gives this lovely 'bitch please' look
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- That's a hairy hairy hand right there 
- I don't think Xiaoge so much as flinched 
- Even when Pangzi's dart almost hit him 
- Oh, okay, he seems vaguely concerned about the mark on his wrist now
- Oh, and now he's worried 
- Yeah, when Xiaoge is worried and yells at you to run, it's time to fucking book it 
- Guess he's a bit too distracted for his Wu Xie Is In Danger sense to be tingling right now
- That's a weird looking coffin 
- And on Wu Xie considering anachronistic elements of this tomb that he's now noticing, Ep 3 comes to an end. 
- And with no updates to the Rescue Count, the Swoon Count, or the Evil Hair Count. 
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