#he is actually jealous of Aki's relationship with her and ahh I just want both of them to fight for her i love chaos
miusato · 28 days
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Comparison is killing me slowly
Anyway my commission is Open :]
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somevirtualnolife · 6 years
Three Isn’t a Crowd Pt. 1
Part 2 Here
1237 Words
Rating: G Pairing: ‘Bambi’ X Arashi Fujiyama X Junpei Niina  Summary:  A year after graduating from Habataki High, Akiko Hoshino (Bambi) has a difficult time trying to explain what she feels is a simple relationship with Arashi and Junpei. Author’s Note:  So, I replayed Tokimemo 3rd Story and forgot how much I loved it. Sadly, I noticed that there wasn't much fanfiction, so I figured I write some with my favorite 3P pairing with Arashi and Niina. So here’s a 3-parter mostly exploring Bambi’s thoughts about her polyamory, without really having the vocabulary just yet. So sorry for lack of proper fluff or romance just yet.  Some divergences to the original story such as making it a little more modern as well as changing Bambi's personality a bit. 
“Aki!” two girls ran up behind Akiko Hoshino, catching up with her as she waited in front of the train station near her university. Her classmates. “A bunch of us are going to be going out for drinks on tomorrow. You’re joining us right?”
“Ahh, I’m sorry you guys, I have plans that day,” Aki replied, giving a bit of an apologetic smile with a bit of a bow. “One of my kohai from my old judo club is graduating, I’ll be going to the ceremony and then hoping to catch with him and a few others afterwards,”
“Oh, you mean the cute high schooler that I see you with sometimes?” one of the girls said, snapping her fingers and then grinning. “Are you sure he’s just your kohai?”
Akiko felt her cheeks burn. Here it comes. How would she put it? “Well-um, you see…”
“Oh come on,” the other girl said, rolling her eyes. “We all know that Akiko is seeing that boy from Seifu University,” the other girl said. “I saw you two in the park the other night getting really cozy,”
The red from her cheeks made its way to her ears. Were they really being that obvious? They needed to find another place to meet up when he came into town. But if she could just get out of this conversation painlessly, that would be ideal.
“Wait, but I saw that high school boy kiss her on the cheek when they were shopping!”
“You were probably seeing things. She’s very clearly with Fujiyama-kun,”
The two girls continued to argue a bit and Aki felt herself growing a little anxious. She could just let them continue to argue and let them draw their own conclusions. Then again, when she let that happen, there was usually some misunderstanding. But then again, even when she was being honest about the situation with Arashi and Junpei, it didn’t necessarily make things easier either in her experience.
But still… they’d figure it out eventually.
“I’m… seeing both of them,” she finally said with a long sigh. “And yes, they both know about each other,”
Her classmates looked at each other and then back at her in silence. Just as she predicted, they gave her the look. The look that everyone gave her when she tried to explain herself. Expected, but it didn’t make it any less annoying. Before the conversation could continue however, an announcement went off.
The train bound for Habataki Station will be arriving shortly.
A wave of relief came Aki. That was lucky. She honestly didn’t have the energy to explain herself right now to them. They could draw their own conclusions if they really wanted to at this point and she’d just correct them on Monday.
“I should go,” she said with a quick wave as she hopped onto the train. “I really want to make sure that I get home on time to prepare some things for the ceremony,”
As the doors of the train closed, Aki let out another deep breath and found a free seat. Well, that wasn’t too painful.
She enjoyed her university life well enough. She loved her program and was diligent in her studies. Not to mention that there was just so much freedom compared to high school.  No uniforms, or being worried about being called upon in class. Honestly, it was great. She had very few complaints.
However, one thing that she really did miss from Habataki High were her friends. First, there were Karen and Miyo, the best girlfriends anyone could ask for. Although they had questions about her love life, they never really questioned her love life, if that made sense. Instead, they always gave her advice and cheered her on and she would do the same for them. Not to mention, they were used to seeing their Bambi with the two judo boys, goofing around, arm-in-arm. They never found it weird, or wrong. Speaking of those two…
Junpei and Arashi… ‘Team 3J’, as Junpei liked to call them. In his opinion, it made them sound like a cool idol group. The J was for judo of course, the thing that brought and kept them together at school. Honestly, she and Arashi always thought the name was a little bit ridiculous (An idol group? Really?), but it ended up sticking with them.
So what were they? Like Karen and Miyo, she always considered the two close friends. People that she loved. They’ve been through thick and thin together, pushing Arashi in judo, teaching Junpei to be dedicated, giving Aki confidence. For those two years, they’ve shared their secrets, tears, frustrations and dreams together. It was a shame that they weren’t able to be together like they used to, but with Arashi and Aki going to different universities and Junpei still in high school, their schedules rarely matched up.
But the more she divulged to people that didn’t know the two, it became apparent that they were more than just friends. And then she’d get ‘that look’. And then ‘that look’ would be followed by slightly invasive questions and comments. Wouldn’t someone get jealous? Do they like each other? Isn’t this basically a reverse harem? How does it even work?
And the most frustrating of them all;
Who do you like more?
She hated that question so much, more than any other. No one would dare ask her that about Miyo or Karen. Nor would they ask parents who was their favorite child, so why were people so inclined to ask about it when it came to Arashi and Junpei? She felt her relationship with them was pretty simple, but it seemed that everyone else around her enjoyed complicating it for her.
But this was all for another day. For now she wanted to focus on Junpei’s graduation. Finally, after all this time, they could reunite.
Aki then felt a vibration coming from her purse. Her phone. She pulled it out and turned on the screen. It was an IM from Arashi.
Just finished up practice. I’ll probably grab the bus in about an hour. I’ll be in late, but can’t wait to see you two. <3
 Aki smiled to herself and felt her frustrations starting to melt away.  Even a little message from Arashi was enough to put her in a good mood. She knew how busy he was with judo lately, but even he couldn’t miss Junpei’s graduation. She quickly started to type back.  
Same~! (o´▽`o)
I’m on the train back rn. I’m so excited for tomorrow! Should we do a repeat of last year? Hop on stage? www
Heh. I think Himuro-sensei is going to keep a close eye on us so that won’t happen again.
Well, at least we got to do it once! ( ̄▽ ̄)
… … …
I wish you didn’t live so far. I was hoping to see tonight.
… … …
But I’ll send you a picture when I see Jun tonight, okay?
Actually, could you maybe wait until tomorrow to meet with him?
… … …
I think the three of us need to talk together. It’s important.  
 Aki suddenly felt her throat tighten. A talk… the three of them had a talk once, just a little while before they graduated. She felt herself hesitate and just look at her phone before finally typing again.
Talk about what?
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