#he ends up max rivalling her since rivalry gets so high just from refusing her the arulin'holm
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yeah you fucking tell him!!
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Camp Campus AU: Part 2
Finally! It’s here, after like a week! This took longer than I thought it would, these characters are really hard to draw but I think I’m pretty satisfied with what I have right now. Since I finished this, that also means I dedicate more time to asks, specifically those that requests drawings! That also means I can focus on drawing comics and stuff revolving around their relationships, which I’m excited. I’m really excited to continue with this project and see it grow, and I’m so glad you’re all here to see it with me! You have no idea how grateful I am for all of the love that you’ve all sent so far! Thank you so much. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!
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Maxwell/Max : Like many of his peers, Max hasn’t changed much since his time at Camp Campbell. Max is still as vulgar as ever and maintains his pessimistic outlook on life. However, many people think its all just an act now to keep up his reputation. Since Camp Campbell, Max’s life has honestly taken a turn for the better. He has a healthier home life, loyal companions, and Mr. Honeynuts. He is generally happier than he was 7 years prior. The only inner conflict Max truly struggles with now are his budding feelings for his best friend and whether or not he wants to jeopardize their friendship. Also Max is often teased for his “baby” hands, they’re really really small. 
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Cornelius/Neil : Intelligent, cocky, and overly sarcastic, Neil plays the role of the parent when it comes to handling Nikki and Max. Unlike his friends, Neil was the only one who matured both physically and mentally and feels as if its his job to make sure Nikki and Max don’t wind up killing someone else or themselves. As mentioned before, Neil and Nikki remained close even after each summer brought an end to their Camp Campbell experience. The reason being his dad and Nikki’s mom eloping and combining the families. While Nikki is eager to invite Neil into her life as the older brother she never had, Neil harbors a sort of resentment towards his dad as a result of his parents’ divorce. Although he is glad to spend time with Nikki as well, Neil is still consciously struggling with his parents’ divorce and can’t help but to think that Candy is a homewrecker, even though he had admitted before that his parents’ relationship was awful. Outside of his home life, Neil can be a bit stuck-up and act like a know-it-all at times. He still harbors a deep loathing for Harrison, now mostly because Harrison claims to be a flat-earther. He’s also still incredibly annoyed by Space Kid, although he has no reason to be. Neil also runs a tutoring business at school in order to make a profit, but unfortunately for him (Or maybe fortunately) Tabii’s his only reoccurring customer. Neil is also Erin’s vice president in the Student Council and they seem to make a great team. He also has custom-made glasses because his nose is so fucking big.
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Preston Goodplay : Preston is the stereotypical school thespian. Like at Camp Campbell, he’s outrageous and posses a larger than life attitude. He’s both over-dramatic and overemotional, but refuses to take any form of criticism. Preston is often cast as a main role in any school production and even takes it upon himself to critique his underclassmen in the drama department. Despite coming off as a total wacko, Preston is very talented and each performance that he gives is full of energy. Preston is very particular about his passion and is quick to anger if things don’t go his way. Preston acknowledges his relationship with his of his Camp Campbell peers, but doesn’t really willingly share his interest with any of them because of his fear that they might fuck it all up. However, he and Nikki do bond over some musicals that they both enjoy, although Nikki is usually more interested in the violent parts than the actual plot. 
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Rudolph “Dolph” Houston : Dolph is the youngest of the cast and the only underclassmen in their friend group. Dolph continues to remain in high spirits and prefers to think positively than reflect upon the negative when faced with difficult situations. After High school, Dolph plans on attending a local Art College in order to truly embrace his career as a professional artist. Growing older, Dolph, like any other boy, went through puberty and grew facial hair. However, he ended up accidentally shaving it in an incident at Camp Campbell one summer and it never grew up correctly after that. Although an innocent mistake, the uncanny resemblance to Hitler disgusts Neil and causes him to keep his distance. Ironically being the youngest of the group, Dolph is a good friend with sole senior Ered. Dolph, like Nikki, has a great admiration for Ered and respects for activism. Using his artistic talent, Dolph often agrees to make protest signs for Ered or even help her vandalize the town to get a message across. Overall, Dolph is the same sweet boy he was years ago. 
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Neil Armstrong Jr./Space Kid : Space Kid is just as optimistic and upbeat as he was before. However, he’s also gotten a lot smarter. Inspired by his great grandfather, Neil Armstrong, Space Kid decided to take up an internship at NASA and since then has put a lot of focus on his grades. Much to Neil’s annoyance, Space Kid’s GPA is practically the same as his, which is impressive. Although, the constant work has taken a toll on him and has made him absolutely exhausted. His exhaustion explains why he comes to school dressed comfortably in pajama pants (NASA merch of course TM) everyday. But regardless of overworking himself, Space Kid still tries his best to put on a happy face for his colleagues, even if they don’t appreciate it. 
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Harrison : Exerting the same confidence and pride as before while still upholding his magical title, Harrison is the school’s sole illusionist. Although now his tricks aren’t seen as that impressive anymore among his peers, Harrison often attends parties and other small events and shows off his miraculous talent. He hopes that one day he’ll be discovered and whisked away to a life of fame and fortune. Harrison is kind to practically everyone he meets, but his rivalries with Neil and Nerris remain very alive. As a way to annoy Neil, Harrison often lies and says that he’s a Flat-Earther with no intention of listening to Neil’s explanation as to why the Earth is round. Harrison also rivals Nerris not only in magical skills, but also in opinions. As a die hard Harry Potter fan, Nerris had solely read the books and reluctantly turned to the films but found them to be distasteful. However, Harrison had never read the books and enjoyed the effects that the movies had, claiming that they’re superior. And by saying this, the two renew their fierce opposition to each other, but no one can stay mad at each other forever. Having a mostly positive attitude, many might not believe that Harrison actually has a secret, one that lies beneath his iconic white gloves. But it’s too soon to know for sure what it is yet. 
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Gaylord “Nurf” Nurfington : Nurf ended up growing into a model citizen. After many anger management classes and corrective punishment, Nurf has finally turned his life around in the right direction. He and his mom currently live together and support each other, trying to rewrite their bad decisions from the past. Nurf often participates in volunteer work as well as lead a therapy group. He has also experiemnted more with his own identity and is comfortable admitting that he is in fact Bisexual. Nurf is also Quarterback for the school’s team and is known as one of their best players, alongside Nikki. Even though he is on his way to becoming an ideal person, Nurf still displays some aggressive tendencies and is very overprotective of his friends from Camp Campbell. 
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The Wood Scouts (Billy “Snake” Nikssilp/Edward Pikeman/Jermy Fartz/Stephen van Petrol) : The Wood Scouts don’t play a particularly large role in this AU, but they still exist in this universe. Edward’s leader status has deteriorated in the group and has become co-dependent on Jermy and his newfound popularity. Jermy had gotten a major glow-up over the last Summer and is now considered to be the hottest guy attending the school. Because of his popularity, Edward now clings to Jermy in a one-sided friendship and uses his popularity as a way to elevate his own confidence (he wants clouts lmao).Snake and Petrol have both noticed this behavior from Edward and are disgusted by his attachment to Jermy. Edward often neglects his friendship with the two and refuses to associate with them. Snake still has a small crush on Tabii, but understands that she is completely invested in Neil and wants what’s best for her. Petrol plans to enroll in the military after graduation. He also struggles to find shirts that fit him.
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David & Gwen : Here they are! In all of their glory! Unfortunately this time around, David and Gwen don’t play as large of a role in the campers’ lives, but are still actively present in this AU. Summers back, David had fully encouraged Gwen to leave Camp Campbell in search for other job opportunities in the hopes of making her a happier person. With some persuading, she eventually left and the two had little contact with each other since. Since then, David has been running the camp by himself. Now David is the proud father of one. And that one is Max. David had officially adopted Max a few summers ago to help him out of his bad family situation and now lives his life as a proud suburban dad. David then started to rely on Max to help him co-counsel the Camp during the summer, because he though it’d be a great father/son bonding experience and the rest is history. When he’s not a happy-go-lucky camp counselor during the summer, David spends the rest of his time as a Dental Assistant because he loves nothing more than to see people smile. Gwen, however, didn’t find the happiness she thought she would after leaving Camp Campbell. Searching for jobs endlessly, Gwen eventually was hired as a high school guidance counselor but was fired months after because of a incident where she made a student cry hysterically. Gwen was then stripped of her title and sentenced to a secretary position. Although thankful she still has a job, Gwen is as miserable as ever and has to deal with the kids she once knew from Camp Campbell. Most of her time is spent with Max, purely because he’s given a detention every other day, and she couldn’t hate her life more. Hopefully one day Gwen will find the fortune she deserves.  
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Rivals!Billverly anybody?
Bill and Beverly had been rivals, competing against each other in every little thing they did, since before they could remember
Ms. Denbrough and Ms. Marsh both remember though
Bill and Beverly were about four when they met for the first time at the playground in Memorial Park
Their moms were both happy at first to see the two kids playing and getting along nicely, until they started playing tag
One moment they were looking like they were becoming best friends, the next second they’re shouting over whether or not Beverly tagged Bill, or whether or not she was on base when he tagged her
The moms hoped they’d work it out, but Bill got annoyed by the fact Beverly had more stamina than him and Beverly got annoyed by the fact he was faster than her and they started pushing each other
By the time the moms got over to them, Bill was on the ground and Beverly was sitting on his back, pinning him down
It wasn’t until they were six, turning seven, that the two would see each other again
Bill had joined a little league soccer team and was actually a pretty good offensive player and managed to help get his team to the league’s championship game
Bill was beyond excited for this game, believing he’d be able to win it easily
His little brother, Georgie, was also watching the match, and he was determined to win for him. Georgie loved soccer
The match was just about to start, and Bill was elected the team captain to go up to represent the team for the coin toss
When Bill got up there, who else did he see but Beverly Marsh as the other team’s captain
The two shook hands, both feeling the unexplainable competitive urge to beat the other person
So the match starts, and surprise surprise, who’s the opposing teams star offensive player? Beverly Marsh
Both of them go harder than they’ve ever gone before in a soccer match
There may have been a few cheap shots here and there where they kicked the other person instead of the ball, but overall, they play competitively but fair
Both their teams notice how much more aggressive they’ve become and everyone’s kind of taken back
Even Bev’s coach is a bit frightened by her burning determination to kick Bill’s ass and she’s only like, six years old
The match gets down to the final few minutes, and up until then, Bill and Bev have pretty much dominated the ball the entire game but neither has been able to score
Until at last, Bill is able to slip by and get a shot in at the goalie who really stood no chance against Bill in the first place
It’s up one to zero and Beverly is enraged
She refuses to lose to Bill
Both coaches know if they continue to let the two go at each other as offensive players a fight between them will probably break out
Bill’s coach decides to switch Bill in as goalie, much to his distress
Without Bill there, the offensive crumbles and the fraile defense has become even weaker
Beverly stomps through them all like they’re ants
It’s down to the final few seconds of the match and Bev takes her shot at the goal right as time expires
The ball looks like it’s right about to go in, but being as fast as always, Bill’s able to stop it just in time
The match is over
Bill won this round, but Beverly knows that this is only the start of the war
Bill and Beverly both start school that fall, and though they’re not in the same class, they attend the same school
That doesn’t stop them from finding little ways to compete against each other
They race at recess, go all out on Field Day, try to see who’s smarter by comparing math homework sheets
Anything and everything is a competition to the two of them
The second grade spelling bee was an absolute nightmare
(Beverly won)
They raced to see who could memorize all the words to the third grade play first
(Bill had Beverly beat by three days)
They made the fourth grade science fair a hell for most people
(They both lost to Ben who made an impressive irrigation system model. Bev’s friend Richie got second, and neither of them got third. They both begrudgingly decided that was a draw)
Fifth grade the both fought to see who got to be first chair in band
(By the end of the year, they both were. But Bill mastered the saxophone way slower than Beverly did the flute.)
Sixth grade, they both tried to see who could sell the most during the fundraiser
(Beverly had Bill beat by a landslide. She had a natural charm to her that Bill lacked)
Middle school was a bit tricky
For years they had always been playing against each other in co-ed sport leagues like basketball, soccer, and volleyball, but now they were all divided up by gender so they could no longer play each other
Middle school offered less ways to compete against each other, and grades were hardly competitive either. They both had managed to become nearly straight A student’s with the occasional B thrown in there
One day though, Beverly came up with the idea that they both take up learning martial arts outside of school together
Bill, not one to back down from a challenge proposed by Beverly ever, agrees
And that’s how their rivalry continues: Literally fighting each other in martial arts tournaments
Of course, they still found the other occasional thing to challenge each other in
Eighth graders were offered co-ed track and that was quite the spectical to behold
Bev and Bill, despite being on the same school team, cared more about beating each other than the other school
Freshman year of high school, they both took the same debate class together and were so fearsome and passionate when debating half the class didn’t want to participate anymore
Sophomore year though, Georgie got really sick, and this seriously started to mess with Bill
It just seemed like he had a small bug that you could beat in a few days, but as days became weeks which became months, Georgie only got worse
Everything finally became too much for Bill one day
Beverly found Bill one day after school alone in a stairwell, crying
Beverly and Bill had never really been friends
They’d known each other forever, and they didn’t hate each other, but they were rivals not buddies
They competed against each other, trying to one up the other
Bill had always seemed like a nice guy to Beverly though
She would often see him joking around with his best friend Stan, smiling like he didn’t have a care in the world
While the side of Bill Beverly saw wasn’t exactly cold, it was much more stoic than how he usually seemed to be
So running into him alone and crying was an awkward situation for the both of them to say the least
Bill didn’t want Beverly to be there with him
He didn’t have anything against her, but she was a fearsome opponent and he didn’t want her to see him at his lowest and think of him as weak, or even worse, pity him
Bill refuses to speak to her, besides saying “go away,” but Bev refuses to leave
They were rivals, not enemies. She didn’t want him to feel terrible, so she stays, and she talks to him
At first, he doesn’t talk back, so she just rambles about whatever
But gradually, Bill calms down
He’s never seen such a polite and caring side to Beverly before
Of course he didn’t think of her as a monster
She just tended to act like one when up against him
Soon, Bill’s talking back, and it feels nice to just chat
They’ve known each other about a decade, but this was only the first time they’ve truly talked to each other like they were friends
It was good
From then on, they started being less competitive with each other, and a bit more friendly
Of course, best friends Stan and Richie notice the change in attitude their friends have towards each other
When they go to support them during their debate competition, all the two boys can do is roll their eyes at how ridiculous their friends are being
“It’s clear they care about each other,” Stan grumbles at some point, “why do they have to make things so difficult”
Richie snorts “They should just get a room and hook up already”
Stan hits him
(Of course the only people that hook up at the debate competition are Stan and Richie. They’ve been dragged to every match or competition Bill/Bev has competed in since they started being friends and despite their friend’s rivalry with each other, the two boys got along rather nicely)
Before the end of senior year, Georgie has made a complete recovery and is doing absolutely fine again
Bill is beyond relieved
Junior year rolls around, and Bev and Bill continue being rivals, but also become friends at the same time
They bet each other on who can get the better ACT and SAT scores, who can get accepted into a college first, all the usual stuff
By senior year though, that rivalry that became a friendship was now becoming something more
They both finally realized they’re pining over each other
(When Richie and Stan first heard about this they could help but facepalm because it was obvious they were pining over each other years ago but they were both so dense they couldn’t see they were absolutely obsessed with the other person)
At last, one day after practice, Bill finally gets up the courage to ask Bev to prom
“Have you gone soft on me, Denbrough?” “You wish, Marsh”
Bev, of course, accepts
When prom rolls around, the two are able to just enjoy the other’s company without trying to win something
It was a nice change
Yeah, I hit the text max so sorry this ending sucks ass but this was already kinda bad so y’all probably aren’t too let down anyways
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bluberripi · 7 years
imagine haikyuu characters in the pokemon universe for a sec
like holy shit this thought just came to me
YOUR RIVAL Game rivals would be Hinata/Kageyama, doing the whole dual rivalry like what happened with Cheren and Bianca in B/W. Sometimes, one might act like a psuedo-rival and give the main player stuff (ie. Hinata: “Hey, [f/n]! Uh, I wanted to thank you for helpin’ me out there... so... here! Have this!” [Obtained a max revive]” or alt. Kageyama: “Are you an idiot?! Going into the forest with your Pokemon in that shape will only have you heading to the Pokecenter! Here, I’ll heal them up.”)
both are super proud of each other’s progress low-key and they both high-key really wanna beat ushijima.
THE PROFESSOR Coach Ukai, because there’s always been something between the mom of the game and the professor i know it he inherited the title after his old man, the genius professor, retired.
Professor Assistants Shimizu Kiyoko and Yachi Hitoka. Shimizu’s about to go out and become a proper trainer, so she gets Yachi to fill in her spot while she’s gone.
Tanaka - the fighting type gym leader. wANTS TO SHOW YOU ALL HOW TO RESPECT A REAL GYM LEADER, DAMMIT. when you’re beat he’s just like “wow not bad i didn’t expect that from you but pssht don’t get cocky” (also knows you’re good and have potential and thinks you may become champion). PERSONALLY LEADS YOU TO THE NEXT CITY, all just so he can see noya-san, the returning gym leader.
Nishinoya - the FIRE TYPE GYM LEADER BECAUSE LOOK RYUU!! FIRE!!! HAHAHAHAH. these two definitely make the strongest start to a video game. like, ever. very loud, and energetic. 
Tsukishima - the poison-type gym leader, actually? i dunno i just can't see him trying too hard, so he’s only the third. still, he has lots of potential (that half of the elite 4, kuroo and bokuto respectively, recognize--which leads to constant pestering from their part), and despite only being the third gym leader, if unprepared, his poison affects are devastating to newcomers. 
Asahi - the game’s lovely high-strung steel type, with nerves that DO NOT MATCH. gets super nervous before a match, and although he does very well and is very strong and gets more motivated as the match goes on (and holy crap if this guy had a legendary pokemon it’d be regigigas or something because of the slow start ability RESONATING from this guy). visited often by nishinoya, who often complains about asahi’s nervous demeanor. also want one point where they have to fight the enemy team of the game and they buddy up and defeat them because hey who doesn’t want a sprinkle of asanoya in their life
Iwaizumi - the rock type gym leader. sorry, it didn’t even take me long to decide on this. His last name literally comes with the word rock in the first character pls. Combined with his steadfast personality, it works perfectly. When you beat him he just asks for you to kick shittykawa’s ass. Even tells you his pokemon type and starts telling you his pokemon and their dreadful moves until he’s cut off by some random plot device.
Akaashi - i honestly can’t help but say he’d be the ghost-type gym leader. he doesn’t put his gym in a freaking cemetery or have ghosts wander around, but he’s actually rather nice about it all and takes pity on the ghosts because seriously have you read some of their pokedex entries yeesh. his signature pokemon would be a drifblim, because of the dual flying/ghost nature. it’s his favourite, and it’s bokuto’s favourite, too. loved by many, and goes out of his way to help out even the most dramatic pokemon. maybe you’d meet him if there were a rogue ghost in the city, causing damage, and akaashi walks up and helps it calm down (almost the same way he does with bokuto)
Sugawara - i really wanted to make sugawara the nurse, but in the end i feel like he’d be a really strong grass-type gym leader. the healing thing still came to me though, so i’d see it as a strong type with annoying healing abilities. right when you���re about to defeat his pokemon, he hits you up with ingrain or synthesis and saves by a sliver, making the battle that much harder. another thought was that at the end of the game he’s actually offered to become an elite 4 but so is kageyama. he’s been a gym leader for a long time, but steps down so kageyama can have it.
Kenma - surprisingly, (or maybe unsurprisingly) the psychic-type gym leader. as the final gym leader before the elite 4, he’s really strong and definitely has a good grasp on all the types of moves there are (stats, inflicting damage, reducing, as well as extra effects) and even accounts for the type weaknesses. often hangs out with kuroo and grows to be friends with your rival hinata. although kuroo never lets him explicitly state that he’s the dark type elite 4, it’s implied. refuses to become an elite 4 personally, because it’s already too much effort being a gym leader. 
Daichi - the grounded leader is now the ground-type elite 4! has really strong and nice pokemon. hangs with suga. i don’t know why, but i’d imagine that they garden, since he’s the ground-type elite 4 and suga’s the grass-type gym leader. at the very least, his area has flowers growing somewhere in homage to their friendship. idea was that he steps down from being an elite 4 to go focus on other things and become stronger, allowing suga to become one. read suga’s section for more.
Kuroo - dark-type elite four! debated on fire vs dark for a loooong time, but couldn’t help but see dark as the strongest feature. plus they’re badass, so kuroo would def brag about that to bokuto. First seen talking to Kenma at his gym, saying that he should hurry up and become an Elite 4 member already, since he already knows he’s qualified enough.
Oikawa - water-type elite 4. probably the most well-rounded elite 4 in terms of stats, with pokemon that can heal and attack strong and defend well and everything. wants to become champion (beat ushiwaka), but realizes he has to get stronger before doing that. really playful. his identity is not kept secret at ALL the entire game, as he has his own radio channel about him with water pokemon (looking cute while using cute pokemon to gain fans) and iwaizumi namedrops him earlier on during his battle. (lowkey inspired by ao3 superpower haikyuu fanfic, “baby, i can give you wings” by Metis_Ink, which is wonderful and can be read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2185851)
Bokuto - THE FLYING-TYPE ELITE 4. I don’t know why but i can’t imagine him taking the battle completely seriously and just doing some dumbass strategy that proves to be super broken. Something like Drayden from BW2, with some stupid dialogue like “AAARGH JUST WAIT FOR THE FINAL ATTACK!!! IT’LL BE AWESOME!” while doing 2-3 stat-raising moves or charging moves and then one broken ability that does a shit ton of damage. Kinda like the papyrus we never got in undertale. Alternately, a one-hit K.O. move. Gets super depressed when defeated, and can be seen after at a cafe with Akaashi, complaining.
THE CHAMPION This would undoubtedly be the prodigy we all know and love, Ushijima Wakatoshi. Trained since a kid, and worked really hard. A good champion, and definitely worthy of the title. 
OTHER APPEARANCES Takeda-sensei - the ‘mom’ of the game. Not an actual Pokemon trainer, but wishes the best for the main character when they go off, making sure they’re well-prepared and researching enough to send them off with a smile. (also dropping by with occasional “hey, hope you’re doing okay!”s) while you’re on your journey.
Lev - while you’re with kenma’s gym (with a visiting kuroo), there’s a little unskippable side-quest where Lev begs kenma to teach him how to catch pokemon, much to kenma’s annoyance. kuroo eventually defeats all his pokemon (doing something like beating a level 6 pidgey with a level 60 hydreigon, or trolling him by pulling out a lvl 60 zoroark that’s disguised as a small grass-type), but teaches lev good lessons in the process. is also trying to be taught by Yaku, an actual experienced ace trainer who just can’t help but be annoyed at Lev. 
Yamaguchi - some guy at the beginning of the game who shows you how to use pokemon and stuff. he’s either a normal-type trainer or a fairy-type trainer, or at least has an affinity with those two.
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