#he can't be sexy btw his pictures are just him being a ray of sunshine
beanghostprincess · 4 months
headcanon that sanji can be photographed well, but only if he both knows it's happening and wants to be photographed
that navy photographer wanting to get their picture for a new bounty poster? someone from the crew trying to get a candid picture without informing him first? they're taking a group picture but she's having a bad dysphoria day? nope, nope, nope
baratie's opening for the newspaper when he was a kid? got informed there will be picture taking for the crew scrapbook purposes at some point that day, not when exactly, but that there will be and she consented to it? actually posing for a photo? those do come out really good
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!!!!! Just like me fr, honestly. I look awful when it comes to pictures I'm not ready for 😭 Sanji actually looks great in the pictures he does plan. I think Nami would be the type of person to want to take pictures of the crew (Luffy getting overexcited because he finds a camera and won't stop taking pictures of EVERYTHING) and make a scrapbook with the help of Robin. It's just nice to keep pictures of the ones you love. And then they'd go crazy with them and they'd be gladly surprised Sanji looks beautiful in them.
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