#he asks Makkari if she sees any flowers would she pick some for him
softquietsteadylove · 29 days
Only FIVE prompts left??? We can’t have that! (Unless you want a break then we absolutely can have that) BUT here’s another words prompt just in case you want more! I may be back with an AU specific prompt as well 👀 words are: luck, train, discovery
"You two, take the back cars, bring back anything useful."
Thena said nothing, all but rolling her eyes at the order. But she moved in the direction of the back of the train, pulling Gil with her by the hand.
He was less eager to argue with Ikaris, but he chuckled as Thena kept a close pace with him. "Bit bossy, huh?"
"He thrives off of ordering people around, I believe," she muttered, although she didn't let go of his hand, even as they walked. "At least with you here, he's not barking as much."
To say that he was not a fan of Ikaris would be an understatement, but Gil was quietly happy that the group leader seemed to give him a little more wariness than the others. He didn't think of himself as a fighter, by any means, but if that prick thought he could get away with being a bully, then Gil was happy to get in his face again.
The sun hit the top of Thena's head, reflecting off of it in a blinding way. But the sun was a good thing--it meant they had good visibility and that most of those things would be stumbling around idly rather than riled up.
"Feels kinda nostalgic, right?" he chuckled as they arrived at the back two cars. "Remember that time we spent on the Amtrack line?"
"Of course," she smiled, watching as he pried the sliding door open for them. That was the main reason he had been asked along on this scavenging trip--and that it was probably going to be lucrative, and the more they could carry at once, the better.
"Nice and quiet place to sleep, at least for a few nights," he reminisced. He groaned as he got the door open, but as soon as he did, Thena slid in front of him, knives up and at the ready.
He remembered their time on the train most fondly because it was the first time Thena had quietly and shyly settled herself beside him to sleep. It was his most treasured memory, even if she didn't know he had it.
She kept her knives up, tapping the metal tips against the walls and overhead rails, just to test if anything was lying in wait. "Rear?"
Gil looked behind them, but it seemed pretty clear. He looked around again, his eyes dashing down to another - completely different - rear before he blushed and cleared his throat. "Looks good."
"Okay," she murmured, reaching the front of the car. She looked through the window of it, catching Kingo in the next car forward. He waved; Gil waved back, while Thena gave him a very stiff not. "Let's start checking."
If there was anything worth taking, it was probably already gone. But things got lost and forgotten in the panic of fleeing. Anything that was left had the potential to have at least a few good things left. A toiletries bag inside a suitcase, some snacks that had been stashed away. Even just the clothes were an asset.
"What do you think it's like for them?" Gil asked, mostly for the sake of talking. He glanced at the end of the car, "scavenging like this even though they've never been out in it?"
Thena eyed the direction of his gaze but returned to methodically digging through bags. "Every time we do this, I see them hesitate. I think there's still a sense that the people who owned these wouldn't want them dug through, or something."
Gil nodded. He understood it, sure--the sympathy he could have for all these people who hadn't been lucky enough to survive what he had. But he agreed with Thena that they didn't have the luxury of thinking like that every time they needed supplies. The things shuffling around in their bodies now had no need for the shreds of their human lives anymore.
He blinked as something was tossed at him. Thena didn't even look up, still digging through things and separating them into piles. But he shook out the little bundle, pleased by the light material of the green plaid shirt. "Yeah?"
"It'll be lighter than the one you have now," she muttered.
He was indeed still wearing a flannel over his t-shirt. It was just something he could wear around the hospital, on kitchen duty or whatever. But he had to admit, out here and under the sun, he was starting to sweat a little.
Thena tilted her head at him as he pulled his darker green one off and pulled on the lighter one. "Hm."
He let her move over to him, rolling the sleeves up to his elbow for herself. He probably would have anyway, but he didn't mind if she wanted to do it. "What do you think?"
She looked up at him, smiling more than she had since they left this morning. "It's a nice colour for you."
"Don't I have to turn it over and, like, request it or something?" he asked as he adjusted the collar of it. He didn't know all the ins and outs of it, but Thena had told him about the system they had for inventory.
From what he understood, everything came back to the hospital, and if someone found something they wanted to keep, they were at the top of the list for it once it had been accounted for. Supposedly it caused less petty theft and argument over resources.
Thena shrugged, though, tying his old shirt around her waist. "Ikaris kept a hat last time and Kingo found a jacket he liked that he was never going to turn over. It's not stated, but if you find it and you're willing to fight for it, no one will argue."
He wasn't sure if that really applied to him - a temporary grunt worker - but he didn't argue. The shirt was already nice and cool on his skin. "Anything I should keep an eye on? Is there anything we aren't keeping?"
"Everything is good to have, but we also can't carry every single thing we find. Divide everything into sections and the priorities will be half from lighter things, half from heavier and outerwear. Shoes and undergarments are a must, but dresses and skirts and suits we can leave."
Things that were less useful weren't a priority. Choice was great, but fashion wasn't a burden for them to bear for those back at the hospital.
Although, Gil watched Thena retrieve another suitcase, if he happened to see something he thought she would like, he wasn't above squirrelling it away for her.
"What?" he leaned over from his sorting to look at her new find. It was a hard shell suitcase, but there weren't any clothes in it at all. It seemed to contain souvenirs or home decorations. Photo frames were in there, although the glass had broken from being tossed and abandoned in the scuffle of things.
"You don't see this often," she sighed. It was never pleasant to have to truly toss away someone's life in your findings. She sifted through things delicately, mindful of the little shards of glass.
"Careful," he couldn't resist muttering over her shoulder. He got a look for it, but he shrugged. He reached in for himself, pulling out a little dragon figurine. "Jade--supposed to be good vibes."
Thena pulled out a broken handheld fan, as well some beautiful painted - and broken - porcelain. "I can see why it was left behind, but it's amazing they even bothered to pack it in the first place."
It was probably evidence of an early phase of evacuation. One where people were still being promised safe havens and places to reestablish themselves.
"Hey," he grinned, fishing out another artifact. He held it delicately, noting the crack already running down the face of it. "This looks just like the one that used to be on the counter in my old restaurant."
The lucky cat's smile was in tact, despite everything. Its paws were held aloft and the gold detailing of it still shone under the dirt and dust.
"Here," Thena handed him the little red pillow that went with the decoration.
Gil held the thing in his palms. It was nostalgic in a completely different way, reminiscent of a totally different time in his life. But something about looking down at the little face was like seeing an old friend. "I used to say hi to him before every shift."
Thena smiled. "I'm sure you were great friends."
He turned sheepish; it was a little silly, and most didn't enjoy remembering the before times, as it were. No use mourning something so irreparably lost. "Wish we could take you with us, little guy."
Thena watched as he set the little cat, on its pillow, back into the suitcase.
"No room for non-essentials," he excused before standing and dusting off his knees. "I'll clear this back one."
"Careful," Thena responded reflexively. He gave her the same look she had given him but she just shrugged.
He snorted and grinned at her; she was cute, for a huge hypocrite. He slid the door between the cars open, holding onto his skillet. It even felt like old times to be holding it again, ready to swing it at any potential threats.
Ikaris and Kingo kept trying to give him guns and he kept saying no; he didn't know how to handle one anyway, and he was better with short range force than long range accuracy. Thena had her knives and the speed and grace of a gymnast, and he had a cast iron skillet and upper body strength. It had gotten them this far.
He looked back as Thena joined him, her backpack already zipped up with a bulging top. She nodded, "your shirt's in here, too."
They went back to work, sorting through bags. Thena was mostly silent, but she didn't mind when he brought up light conversation either. It really felt like when they were on the road, just the two of them, half a lifetime ago.
"Oi, you two," Ikaris poked his head in, "finished?"
"Yes," Thena responded concisely. "Load up the car, we'll be there."
Ikaris merely nodded. They were a similar brand of efficient but unfriendly, in a funny kind of way. Kingo at least gave them a thumbs up as he followed. How those two found themselves being friends was beyond Gil.
"Ready?" she asked him much more gently, holding out her hand.
He accepted it, standing with a groan again. "Maybe I'm going soft--not used to being out here like this."
She gifted him with one of her adorable little laughs. "I didn't think you missed prying open doors for me."
He shrugged though, rolling his shoulders as he followed her out. "Kitchen duty isn't nearly as much of a workout. Maybe I should start squatting the potatoes, just to stay in shape."
Her eyes flicked over him just for a second, "you're plenty in shape."
He blushed again, trying not to congratulate himself in his head over a silly little nothing compliment.
"Bags in back," Ikaris directed, mostly for Gil's sake.
He tossed his bag in freely, although he and the other two looked as Thena set hers down and took out a bundle before zipping it again.
She looked Ikaris dead in the eye, practically demanding he start a fight over it. "Gil's shirt he came with today."
He and Kingo looked over, noticing for the first time that indeed the shirt he was wearing was not what he had arrived in. But the stubborn Scot nodded, "fine."
Thena clutched the balled up shirt to her and tossed the backpack in with the other bags now full of supplies.
"Man, that was a good haul," Kingo declared loudly, stretching before he hopped in front. "I even found some shampoo!"
That was indeed a good find, and probably would be high on the request list. Gil had his hand on the door when he felt a hand on his arm. "What's up?"
Thena gave him a sheepish smile and tugged at the shirt bundle. Wrapped up inside was a little peek of a white, porcelain ear. She covered it again, clear that this was not the time to celebrate their find.
Gil grinned though, as if his face would split apart. Of course she had kept it for him. Because Thena was much more sweet and sentimental than anyone here knew. He pulled the door open, holding his hand out, "after you."
Ikaris and Kingo both rolled their eyes in front.
Gil held Thena's hand as she climbed into the backseat. He leaned forward, brushing his lips against her cheek as she passed, "you're the best."
They settled in the seats, leaving the middle one unoccupied despite no one bothering with seat belts anymore. Gil leaned his elbow against the door, tilting his head so he wouldn't get caught making eyes at Thena. The jackasses in the front would just make fun of him anyway.
"You okay, T?" Kingo asked, looking in the rear view mirror. "You look a little sunburned."
Gil looked over, indeed catching a pinkness in her cheeks that wasn't usually there. His heart skipped.
She cleared her throat, obviously not a fan of getting called out. "I don't usually get this much sun."
Ikaris started the SUV, "sign out a hat next time."
And that was that. They were on their way back to the hospital. Ikaris was maybe not as much of an asshole as he could have been. Kingo seemed nice the more Gil got to see of him. He peeked over at Thena again, still holding his balled up shirt on her lap, concealing her very sweet gift to him.
Now he had to come on another scavenging trip to find something she would like.
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lavender-scent · 3 years
Put Your Lips Close To Mine, As Long As They Don't Touch
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He already knew she was there. He could tell by the movement of the trees and the group of birds flying away. But seeing her in front of him, in the flesh, still stunned him.
Maybe because it was the first time he had seen her in years.
Before their departure in 1521, Druig never felt time pass, not when he was with Makkari. Now every second felt like a hundred years.
“To what do I owe this visit?” he asked, signing as well for her to understand, although he didn’t think he needed to. Her eyes never left his lips.
No one came back, she signed.
“I guess they’re busy.” He didn’t talk to any of them. After the extinction of the deviants there wasn’t much to say.
I waited, she signed.
“I’m sorry they disappointed you.”
For you! Her hands were moving fast as she signed and the glare she was giving him didn’t look good.
Makkari was rarely mad and when she was you know you fucked up. But he didn’t know he was supposed to visit, did he?
He looked around him and picked the first flower he saw. “Forgive me?”
You just killed her, she told him.
For you, he signed, mimicking her reaction earlier. He knew she wouldn’t stay mad at him for long. He could see her trying to hide her smile as she pushed him gently.
I looked everywhere for you. Her serious expression came back. It wasn’t his favorite if he wanted to be honest.
“And how long did that take you?” he asked. “Half an hour?”
She pushed him again. That’s not the point!
“Then what is?”
I was lonely.
“Me too.” He couldn’t lie, not to Makkari. She always saw the truth through him.
An awkward silence fell, both of them avoiding each other’s gaze.
“What’ve you been up to?” he asked, worried that if they stayed quiet for too long she’ll leave. He’d missed her a lot.
Nothing, she signed. Just collecting some stuff.
“You mean stealing?” he smirked. He knew her little habit of taking beautiful belongings wherever she found them.
She couldn’t contain her laugh. You said you won’t speak on it!
He chuckled. “Well we are alone aren’t we?”
And that moment, they realized, was the first time they were alone together without any interruptions from their team.
We are, she signed, looking down.
He thought about not asking her the question, but he wanted to know. “Did you visit Kingo?”
Kingo was the closest to her from all the others. Druig appreciated him for looking out for her. Although sometimes all he wanted was for him to step aside and leave him alone with her. The team really had major privacy issues, he realized.
Call it jealousy if you must, he wanted to know if she came to him first. He wanted to have that.
No. She looked up to him. I only came to see you.
Because we’re not like the others.
She didn’t need to say more, she was right. Makkari kept herself locked in the ship but even if he was surrounded by a hundred of people, he was still alone.
Even though they both loved humans dearly, they kept their distance from them. Only addressed them when they needed to, or controlled their mind in Druig’s case. And without their team, they had no one.
It was funny how she knew exactly how he would be miles away. She could read him like one of her little books. He almost felt naked under her gaze.
She didn’t stay long after but promised that she would come again. It wasn’t until a month later that she did.
He showed her around the village he built. She wasn’t impressed.
Ajak won’t like this.
“And who’s gonna tell her?”
It’s still wrong.
“I am keeping these people safe from this corrupted world.”
It’s not always bad.
“How do you know?”
When I pass by them, she signed, it’s not always wars and fights. When they’re not doing that they actually like to help each other.
“You’re starting to sound like Sersi.”
I know you don’t hate them. She held his arm so he would look at her. You need to trust them to know what’s right and what’s wrong.
“I’ll think about that.”
Her visits were anything but consistent. Sometimes she would come and stay with him for hours, sometimes she just waved at him from afar and left. She either came once a month or once a year. There was no in between.
Seeing her again was addicting. All he could think about every time she left him was when she was coming again. She never gave him an answer.
Maybe she liked torturing him that way, although that wasn’t Makkari’s nature. She was the kindest person he knew.
She would always bring him stuff with her. She would gift him things that reminded her of him. He wondered how an old map had anything to do with him but he accepted it either way.
She would bring him books, a lot of them actually. He read every single one.
He loved every time she left notes in them.
Druig would love this.
This character reminds me of Druig.
P.S I have to give this to Druig.
Druig needs to read this.
He loved those notes more than the book itself. He liked knowing she was thinking of him.
He felt bad for not having anything that would interest her in return. But there was one thing he knew she liked most.
I can’t see where I’m walking, she signed as she walked, eyes closed by Druig’s hands.
He couldn’t sign for her so he transferred his thoughts to her. I’ll take care of you, don’t worry.
He guided her through the forest making sure she didn’t fall. Once they arrived he dropped his hands.
In front of them was an ancient temple he had come across while the people of the village were hunting for their food. Makkari always loved finding new historic sites, remnants of humans, and exploring them. He thought maybe finding one for her would be a nice gift.
But she didn’t give the reaction he was waiting for. She didn’t give any reaction at all, she just stared.
“What is it?” he stepped forward to look at her properly, “You don’t like it?”
No it’s beautiful, she assured him. It’s just… I’ve already been here before.
“This was dumb. I knew it.” He was about to leave before she held his hand to stop him.
Wait, she lifted his head with her free hand so he could see her. I don’t care that I’ve already seen it. I’m just happy I’ll get to see it with you.
She gave him a warm smile, the kind that he couldn’t stop staring at.
Druig once again slide into her mind and she let him. She was telling the truth. He felt stupid. He kept looking for the biggest thing he could gift her while all she wanted was to be with him.
“Okay, show me what you found.”
Instead of Druig showing her around the temple like he planned, it was Makkari that gave him a tour, her hand never leaving his.
Through the years her visits became more frequent. She brought him more and more of Phastos’ inventions.
“Have I heard of what?”
Have you heard of a M O V I E. Makkari spelled the word for him since he didn’t know it at first.
“A movie?” he said and she nodded.
“No. Something new Phastos made?”
Sort of, she paused for a second and looked up before continuing, something she did when she had to think of way to explain her thoughts best, Remember when he created the camera? He made something similar that can capture longer moments, even hours. Now people are using it to make movies. It’s like a play but captured for people to see any time. Kingo is making them too.
“Kingo is doing these movies now?”
She nodded in excitement. I brought you one of them to see! Just wait here.
Druig watched Makkari flit back and forth bringing some stuff he never seen before. Some weird looking mirrors that she hung up his roof along with long cables coming out of it and a bunch of boxes attached to it. The last items she brought were a weird looking box that looked a lot like a bigger camera and a white sheet.
“You know we have those.” He pointed at the rolled sheets in her hands.
Just to make sure everything is here, she signed back.
He just stood and watched as she set everything on his room. He would’ve helped if he had any idea what she was doing.
It’s set! She said as she grabbed his hand and took them both to sit on his bed.
“Care to explain?”
No. Just watch the movie, she signed not looking back at him. He followed her gaze to the white sheet that she hung on his wall. A white light came out of the camera landing on the sheet in front of him. At first it looked like a normal picture but then it started moving.
Makkari clapped when Kingo first appeared although his character had a different name. As time passed Makkari’s excitement diminished. The movie was awful.
It wasn’t bad, Makkari tried to be nice as always. It is his first movie after all.
Druig laughed. “Come on Makkari even you can’t lie. It was the worst two hours of my life.” He was the one lying. Spending time with Makkari was the best part of his day, even if it meant watching Kingo fighting what looked like a man under a blanket, but he couldn’t tell her that.
She couldn’t help the laugh coming out of her lips. You’re so mean!
And you’re so pretty, he thought, but didn’t say.
“I doubt his next movie will be any better, if there is one.”
Kingo did make another movie and it was just as awful as the first one.
You’re right, she signed trying to contain her laugh, Even I can’t defend this.
Druig was lost staring at her that he forgot what they were laughing about for a moment, “Did he really think that scene of him jumping off a building was believable?”
I don’t know, Makkari signed giving up on holding her laugh.
Once they calmed down Druig realized it was getting late which meant Makkari was about to leave.
He held her hand worried that if he let go she would run right there and then. “Stay the night.”
She was surprised by his offer, he could see that. Out of all the days she visited him she never spent the night, but he really wanted her to.
Maybe another time.
Druig waited, every time she brought a new movie for them to watch or just wanted to spend an evening, thinking that maybe this time she would stay. She didn’t.
Until she accidentally slept on his shoulder one night. Druig knew that one movement and it would be over, Makkari could sense vibrations from miles away. Even his heart wasn’t trusted.
So he stayed like that watching her asleep.
Next morning he found himself alone in bed. He must’ve fell asleep somewhere during the night, waking up Makkari in the process.
He cursed himself for needing sleep just as much as humans did. Her sight should have been enough for him.
When Makkari came again she didn’t mention it, like it was some sort of a mistake that happened and everyone chose to ignore.
He didn’t give up trying to get her to stay with him though. She already visited every day so what was the harm in staying a little longer than usual?
Why are you so persistent to get me to spend the night? She signed with a smirk, Is there some sort of a ritual sacrifice your cult is performing tonight?
“I wouldn’t sacrifice a beautiful woman for that so you don’t have to worry.” Druig didn’t miss the blush on her cheeks.
You’re such a tease! She pushed his shoulder lightly as she tried to hide her face from him. Too bad he’d already seen it.
We can have a night picnic, how about that?
“Fine, but you still own me a sleepover.” He said making sure she knew he wouldn’t drop it that easily.
Whatever, she signed rolling her eyes.
Druig decided to spend the picnic in one of the mountains near the village that had a beautiful view of the forest from above. It was perfect.
Makkari was surprised at all the food he brought with him. Did you make all of this?
“Yeah, who else?” She gave him a glare before he admitted, “Fine, the villagers made it.”
She smirked. Thought so.
The night was the same as any other, them teasing and flirting until one of them blushed away, mostly her.
After finishing their dinner they agreed on a walk under the stars. Makkari noticed Druig shivering and invited him to join her under her blanket. It wasn’t big enough for both of them but they didn’t realize that until they were rolled facing each other with no space to move if they wanted to stay warm.
She lifted one hand out of the blanket to sign, I think the walk stops here.
He did the same with his hand and moved the other one to hold her shaking hand, “I should’ve brought another one.”
It’s okay, she reassured him with a smile.
Being close to Makkari wasn’t new to him. She was a very touchy person and he craved her touch. Any closeness was welcomed. But it didn’t stop the unholy thoughts from corrupting his mind.
Her red cheeks suddenly were the only thing his mind could focus on. “Can I kiss you?”
His question startled her. Where?
He moved his finger and gently pointed at her right cheek. She laughed softly as if she expected it would land somewhere else.
She nodded.
He moved closer to her as he kissed her where his finger pointed before. Then he pointed at her left cheek.
She nodded again. He kissed her again.
She thought he was done but felt his finger touching her forehead.
Another nod. Another kiss.
Druig prayed she wouldn’t murder him for what he was gonna do next. His finger touched her lips and her eyes widened. She looked up at him looking for any hesitation. There was none.
A moment of silence passed. Druig waited for her answer. He never wanted to push her into anything but he still wanted this so badly.
Finally her head moved in slow nod, something he didn’t think Makkari was capable of, and if he had blinked he would’ve missed it. Thankfully, he hadn’t.
He didn’t wait before he captured her lips with his and everything became a blur. At first it was slow but soon got heated once her hands touched his hair and he held her by her waist, pulling her closer to him.
They pulled away in need of breath but the soft whimper she let out convinced him he probably didn’t need oxygen as much as he thought.
He rested his forehead on hers breathing in her sweet scent, waiting for their hearts to calm before he felt her pulling away.
He knew from the look she gave him that he wouldn’t like what she was going to say next.
I need to go. Her eyes were shining under the moonlight like she was about to cry. I’m sorry.
The next six months were the worst he’d ever experienced on earth. Druig counted the days. 185 days went by without seeing her sweet smile. He believed he had lost her forever until one day she was standing in front of him in his room.
He forgot how to speak. All this time he was thinking of what he could say to her to bring her back, for her to not hate him, but now he couldn’t find any words.
I think I owe you an explanation.
“No Makkari,” he stopped her before she had to break his heart herself, “I shouldn’t have pushed you when you obviously didn’t return my feelings.”
She seemed confused for a second. What feelings? You like me?
He had to laugh. All these years and she still hadn’t figured it out. “Why do you think I kissed you? Makkari all I ever think about is you. It’s driving insane actually.”
I think about you too.
“Then why did you leave?”
He can see it was getting hard for her to hold his gaze but she did. I didn’t run because of the kiss. I liked the kiss.
“What didn’t you like?”
This, she held his hand and put it on her heart, the beating, it was too much. I couldn’t feel anything around me except my lungs fighting for air. It scared me. It felt like losing another sense.
In all the scenarios he had about their first interaction after the kiss, this was in none of them. He had convinced himself that it had been something to do with him, that maybe during that brief moment he had done or said something wrong that sent her running away from him. But it turned out she liked it.
I want this, she signed, pointing at the space between them, whatever it is, too. And I want to kiss you, again. But I don’t know how.
His hand was still resting on her heart. But he knew if he repeated what happened the last time it wouldn’t be long before it went wild again.
He thought for a moment before he spoke, “You know not everything has to be rushed and fast. Kissing can be slow and sweet.”
She gave him a confused look before he tilted her chin up, “May I?”
She nodded and he closed the distance between them like he’d been craving from the moment he saw her again.
He kissed her slowly feeling her heart steady under his hand. He pulled away shortly after to make sure she was okay with this. He took one look at her before she pulled him in again.
And that’s how they spent the night, sweet kisses and cuddles on his bed taking back all the time they lost when their lips didn’t know the taste of each other.
He didn’t care if it was gonna take them centuries to move past slow kissing. It took 7 thousands years to get here and he will spend 7 thousand more of just this if he could.
ㅤ ㅤ⚝ ࣭ ֗ │╵ ֢ ࣪ │╵│ ᩠ ࣪ ࣭ ❀
She was happy to see her friends, really. She would’ve liked to spend more time with them after separating for many years… if he stopped invading her thoughts and space for more than two seconds.
It was funny, really, how she was the touchy person before they started their relationship and now he became the needy one. Constantly on her side begging for her hand never to leave his.
She didn’t want to tell her friends about their relationship. It didn’t feel right when they were all grieving the death of their leader and learning the truth about their whole existence but he exposed her in front of Kingo and even called her beautiful twice ignoring all her warning glares.
Did you miss me?
She cursed herself for falling for him. He was unbelievable, cocky and full of himself. But she knew it wouldn’t be long before he’ll get her smiling again.
She was walking in the hallway before she felt movement in the room beside her. Suddenly a hand came out pulling her inside. She looked up to find the same person that occupied her thoughts not long ago looking at her with a smirk.
She hit him without thinking. I know you were reading my mind. I told you we will keep it a secret for now!
“I didn’t say anything.” He held his hand up like he was swearing at a court. She didn’t buy it.
You were so obvious even Phastos picked it up! Asking did you miss me when we were together just the other night. She tried her best to keep a straight face but the memories of them on his bed made her cheeks heat up.
“Well, did you?” the smirk on his face was starting to piss her off.
It’s been a day, she reminded him.
“I missed you,” he said as he pulled her closer and she had no power to push him away.
The soft smile he was giving her broke every wall she was building against his charm and she finally admitted, I missed you too.
“I heard the world was ending. Can’t I get a kiss before that?”
Didn’t we have enough of that?
“Just one last kiss.”
Once their lips touched she forgot all about the world around them. She didn’t care if it ended as long as it ended with him.
I love you, he signed when they pulled away worried that his lips would lose her taste if he moved them.
I love you too.
And soon after her lips were back on his. She knew he never settled for just one.
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