#having the vapours
homoeroticgrappling · 4 months
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@BoomboxPhoto took some excellent pictures of Danhausen's surprise Glory Pro appearance yesterday
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sleepyseals · 7 months
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[Image Description: Two unfinished digital paintings / sketches of the hatchling and Hal from outer wilds. they are standing with their arms around each other and the hatchling has their head leaning on hal's shoulder as hal watches the supernova in the distance through the doorway of the museum. the first image is the scene viewed from behind with everything lit in bright blue with dark shadows. the second image shows hal's face looking in fear towards the light and is only partially colored, the rest sketched over a gray background. End Image Description.]
something you'll run back in for when the house burns down
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Taemin's resting face when he's not actually engaging any facial muscles or thinking about what expression he's making is actually scary lmaooo one of the reasons why he is friendless because nobody is gonna approach someone who looks like they've got murder on their mind lol. He makes faces like that And he is mega popular... Ofc people are intimidated by him and the younguns start shaking and shivering when they stand next to him
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dirtyoldmanhole · 5 months
@lululeighsworld opened my mind to the idea of a version on villain!gunter if he/anankos had won after all and had started to move on to the ~world destroying~ bit
and uh
send halp
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keldabekush · 2 years
Fox: okay truth or dare
Stone: Dare
Thire: I dare you to drink the water in the reception desk vase
Stone: thats not fucking water its gel. The flowers are plastic
Thorn: drink it. Or do a Truth.
Stone: I choose truth
Fox: coward. Whats your most embarassing secret
Stone: okay. Almost every night I have dreams that the city is on fire and everyone is dead and when i wake up i cry about it silently in the dark with my eyes closed because i'm scared to open them and see the bunks beside me are empty.
Thorn: haha typical crybaby Stone
Fox: lmao cringe
Thire: so embarassing for you
Stone: my mouth tastes like ash almost constantly now
Thire: LOL
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
the devil sitting on my shoulder: dont get too complicated with it. its just a fanfiction, its not like anyone is going to examine it for deeper meaning or anything. stay simple or else youre going to alienate people who just want to have some mindless fun.
the angel sitting on my shoulder: make it weirder. use denser prose. remember that fucked up metaphor you came up with yesterday? use that. if people dont like it then who give a shit. they can write their own fanfiction. your readers are smart, theyll understand the Themes. And if they dont, then you can have fun playing with your Themes yourself
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littlefellows · 1 year
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Applied Matte Varnish to both but for some reason the Necrons have come out glossy. Not sure why.
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But they come
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gaythreadrunner · 1 year
really really funny i think how people think that me n data's heights/sizes are like . opposite of what they actually are. people have told me i give off the energy of someone small and silly, who you could pick up and swing around. likewise, i thought at first that data was much taller than he actually is, and other people have said the same,
later on i find out that i am quite literally twice his size
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dustedmagazine · 22 days
The Black Watch — The Morning Papers Have Given Us the Vapours (Dell'Orso)
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John Andrew Fredrick, founder and lone permanent member of the Black Watch, generally sounds irrepressible. His creative output follows that energy, following a drunken boat of Romanticism through a slew of albums over the past 30 years (and if he's bored of us talking about his prolificness, at least we aren't bored of following it). New album The Morning Papers Have Given Us the Vapours explicitly comes out of the joy of making music, but what Fredrick mostly captures is a tension in life between what could be and what is. The band's jangly post-punk has goth leanings, but it's hard to hear the act ever going that dark, even if what we often hear is the sound of Fredrick pulling himself back into the light.
The jaded hopefulness comes through on tracks like “Almost Words.” Fredrick begins by singing, “Mind you, try with all your might / To look upon the side called bright / though colored shadows cross and stop your way.” Fredrick quickly undercuts optimism here, but he can hide his earnestness in seeking it to begin with. The syntax might be Browning's influence (despite the prevalence of the term “literary” in describing pop music, few artists wear this descriptor as happily as novelist and former professor Fredrick), but it might be a wry take on poesy. Just a few tracks earlier in “Sorry So Far,” he sang, “In a lyric how much can one say? / And lyrics aren't poetry – no way,” a twisted phrase that laughs at Fredrick's own pretensions even as he discovers exactly what he has to say throughout the writing process.
What that comes to continues the tension. “What's All This Then” opens with, “Never felt like this before / Except for 13 times or maybe more.” Fredrick goes on to doubt the value of promises, jaded by the repetitive experiences of failed fairy tales. But he still “half-believes,” and that half-belief remains essential to The Morning Papers. Were Fredrick to give in to his despair, the claims of hurt or loss would become irrelevant, just part of a faded background pattern. When anger or bitterness come through, as on “Oh Do Shut Up” or “The Morning Papers,” it feels genuine, and well understood from a place that still has enough hope to produce anger.
Most of the music comes with a slightly dreamy quality, a perfect match for Fredrick's lyrics. Some touches of the Cure peak through, but the Black Watch sounds more drawn toward New Zealand or Australia (The Go-Betweens make a reliable reference point) this time, with some shoegaze textures laid over it all. It gives the album a surprising brightness among its harsher edges, so when Fredrick sings, “Just you wait till one day till my faith is restored,” it can sound like both a threat and a wish. Fredrick feels most at home in that space in between. He's comfortable in that space where he can't quite give in to one side or the other, Maybe that's where all the energy comes from.
Justin Cober-Lake
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jynersq · 3 months
my GOD the sorrow and tension when oleg and nina meet in the office and he gives her the money… jesus christ
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Quick And Easy Tutorial To Not Get Invested In Double Life! [NOT CLICKBAIT]
1. View first episodes casually
2. Be determined to remain a casual viewer
3. See 10 (ten) minutes of Impulse and Bdubs together
4. Give up completely
5. Open Spotify
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Malaysia, 1998 - Sir said "fuck it" and signed a soccer ball for a Manchester United fan. This is not something he does, having declared "I'm not a celebrity" on a different occasion, so it's surprising that this even happened, tbh.
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unhingedmess · 1 year
it's the one-month anniversary of my relationship with my blocked ears. pretty toxic relationship though. isolates me from family and friends. bad at communication. oversteps my boundaries. overstayed their welcome. would appreciate tips on how to escape.
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sodrippy · 10 months
fucked up my mealkit order this week and have just been eating frozen wheat/rice meals so far, its only tuesday and i feel so fucking ghastly i cant believe i used to live like this full-time
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softcarebears · 2 years
y'all i burned my hand with hot soup💀😭
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al-the-remix · 2 years
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... 🍌
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