#having kids/building a family is the last unexpected stretch of her long marathon to heal. and she reaches the end exhausted beyond measure
pentacass · 2 years
What is Vestra’s opinion on children?
What would she be like as a mother?
"I am baby" thanks for the ask!!
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Neutral, you could say. She never really thought about kids, much less having them herself - until Khem started nagging her about continuing her bloodline. (drabble) She'll have multiple discussions with Lana, warm up to the idea, then go through with it.
Some context - by the time they decide to have kids, Ves would've renounced her Sith identity and had therapy for some time. She is less volatile, has much better control over her emotions. She is softer and more open - more importantly, she actively works to be a good mother.
She remembers the love and security her parents gave her, and she is determined to give that to her own children. She believes in being firm, but also giving them the freedom to decide who they want to be (a choice she never had). Ves loves her children fiercely, and they love and protect her in turn -  that alone is worth all the pain she’d ever endured.
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