#havent actually watched wednesday but the sheer vitriol with which everyone responds to ppl shipping her and enid is wild
macroglossus · 1 year
i am so tired of queerbating... stale take obviously but man. MAN! yes platonic relationships exist i agree but i would like to be able to look at two characters that are written extremely tenderly and not be like 'wow it'd be nice :/' why cant it just BE
but instead there's these moments of unparalleled devotion that are never addressed again, most of the time even platonically bc the writers want to keep you on the hook. often times they're one of the driving points behind the narrative/a particular character's motivation! and u say something and a family member or something looks at you like youre crazy. but why am i crazy for seeing myself in media! or wanting to see myself!! why do people always say that i'm trying too hard to make things gay!!
also i think it's funny how the whole 'theyre just FRIENDS come on dont make it out to be romantic when it's not' never applies to het pairings lmfao. no one's ever like 'well i just don't see it like that...'
idk man. more mainstream queer media that isn't just romcoms or minuscule sidepairings (i am holding out my clasped hands on my knees begging)
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