#have a crisis but sexily tbh
intperpetually · 10 months
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queerdiaz · 3 years
So what did you think of the lone star episode , tarlos 🥵 I melted when tk was comforting Carlos their so soft
yay thank you so much for the ask!
Okay so like this episode was like the ultimate rollercoaster that just WOULD NOT STOP. Like 2b absolutely did not come out to play huh??? So, I watched both episodes tonight with my mom and afterwards we both just COULD NOT stop talking about them, especially Lone Star just how absolutely intense it was. Like, I knew the Tarlos fire was gonna come, I KNEW IT and yet I was still at the edge of my seat bc like I absolutely was not expecting it to happen while Tarlos was freaking gonna have epic makeup sex. But like that entire scene with the song (I will always associate "Fever" with Tarlos now) was quite literally on fire (pun fully intended). Like from Carlos whispering in TK's ear to them MAKING OUT LIKE THAT. Carlos straddling TK while sexily taking his shirt off and TK rubbing his thighs. My goodness I swear it was like straight from a fanfic. AKSJSHSHDAHAHS WE WERE FED.
Although I am sad we got the sexiest Tarlos scene since s1 (tbh to me it's the sexiest of them all) but I couldn't fully enjoy it at the time bc my mom and I were both yelling at the TV like "DO SEXY TIMES LATER NOW IS LITERALLY NOT THE TIME YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE". But also at the same time I love how it kept cutting from Owen and Billy (sidenote: anyone else getting Owen x Billy vibes or is it just me??) being all worried that Tarlos' house is LITERALLY ON FIRE to Tarlos being so into each other that they don't notice the house is one fire until the smoke reached their room. Like my goodness I love these two iconic gays so much.
TK taking charge and telling Carlos what to do to get them out really should not be as hot as it was since they were literally about to die but damn. But like Carlos being all worried and couldn't even finish his sentence and TK taking his hands on Carlos' face and telling him "I love you too"??? MY EMOTIONS I CANNOT And then, as you said, TK comforting Carlos afterwards was absolutely EVERYTHING.
What I love about both moments was that, this is TK's field of expertise and we get to see him be the calm one in this crisis and help comfort Carlos. Which parallels to when Carlos, using his field of expertise, saved TK and competed him in 2x08. I just love that they both get to be the heroes to each other AND 'damsels in distress' sort to speak. And they also make a really great team and can be heroes together. Like they can be all three and I just LOVE THAT.
They really are so incredibly soft, you're so right.
Another thing I'm so absolutely in love with is both moments when TK comforts Carlos, bby boy Carlos is trying to be strong but obviously is completely shaken. Especially, at the end. Like that moment I can talk about forever. Them two standing and staring at the literal ashes of their home (which they JUST moved together in like WHYYY??) and when TK asks if Carlos is okay, Carlos tries to be strong and says "Yes" even while his voice chokes up. Because given what we know about Carlos and Gabriel (don't even get me started on Gabriel and Owen not telling Tarlos about the setup) Carlos always tries to be strong. But he's also an emotional soft boi. Which, as Owen points out in 2x08, is actually an asset and more people need to be like Carlos. And we see Carlos just absolutely letting go and letting his boyfriend comfort him. And that right there takes so much strength and I'm just so incredibly proud of Carlos for not keeping it in. That scene was just incredibly important me, especially for Carlos' story And freaking standing ovation to Rafael and Ronen for that scene and just the entire episode. GIVE THEM DAMN EMMYS.
Anyways, this episode was EVERYTHING and there's so many other things I wanna talk about but this is already super long so we'll just leave it here. Thank you so much for the question!!!!! (Come talk to me about 911 and 911 Lone Star)
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