#hashtag i love tervo
Aftermath oneshot for the end of season 3, episode 11. (spoilers!???!) (terry x korvo. not nsfw but they make out a lot)
i wrote this at like 3 am off a whim so its probably not the best but i just wanted to write some fluff so i dont really care about any low detail descriptions or grammar mistakesm. i hope u enjoy :3
Hot air wafted into the room and a bright light shone into the corner of Terry's eyes. He squinted as he stared up at the ceiling, the right side of the room being illuminated by the warm glow of the bathroom light. Shuffling was heard as the pudgy blue alien soaked the last bit of water off himself onto his towel, and changed into his night-time button-up gown. The light soon shut off, and Terry felt the mattress sink from the new guest who had taken space under the covers.
He was so tired, but he couldn't stop staring up at the ceiling of their bedroom. He wanted to close his eyes and sleep forever, but he was wide "awake." This fraction of time he spent in bed at night was his only ticket out of his regular new life now. he spent the moment while it lasted, even if it was full of dread.
Korvo joined him. he had no words to say, just an uncomfortable silence as he shared the sight of the ceiling. If you stared long enough, you could see the pattern in the walls even through the darkness.
Terry sighed a heavy breath; he must've been holding it without realizing. Korvo tilted his head away from Terry and shifted onto his side, pulling more of the blanket to fit on top of him.
"Goodnight, Terrence."
The weight in his name felt heavy.
"Night, Korv."
Despite the exchange of nightly endings, Terry kept his eyes wide open and up at the ceiling.
A silence crept in once again, but a soft, tired voice cracked it open in reply.
",,,I miss being called that name."
Terry sighed internally.
"Heh heh, yeah. I miss a lot of things."
"im,,, im so fucking over this, Terry."
Just hearing him be called by his main name lifted a weight off his shoudlers.
"God, me too. I can barely take this anymore! but uh, anything for the pupa i guess."
"Ugh! the pupa SUCKS. i want to go back to being sci-fi! I hate this job! i hate this life, Terry!" Korvo shifted back upright. not entirely facing Terry, but not facing completely away from him. Terry looked at him and listened. "This job is fucking stupid! I-I dont even remember what the fuck we work for! All we do is write documents of already made documents and print out paper of the documents to send to other people to make documents and then collect more documents to write documents about!! its fucking insane, Terry!"
Korvo was, visibly, on the verge of gooblering. Terry reached a hand out for comfort. Not touching him but, keeping him close as a reminder for company.
"oh my god, right??? and i cant even drown out my sorrows in any personal goods because of our damn tight budget."
"I had to cancel our hulu subscription to pay for the pupa's karate classes! I had to cancel hulu!!! We cant get anything for ourselves because we're using all the money on the Pupa! But if we don't he'll go back to being some annoying tween again with his weird gen boomer language or whatever they call it."
Korvo instinctively put his hand on top of Terry's offered one, and shifted to face Terry even more. He never gave direct eye contact.
"I hate having to risk losing my terrible job if i dont cook meals and shine shoes for our boss. I-I want to get rid of this job but the job market is so rough."
"Dont worry, man," Terry squeezed Korvo's hand reasurringly, "once we make enough money, we'll put it aside to try and get some other job! Maybe we'll do youtube video reactions of us reacting to youtubers reacting to youtube web series!"
Korvo squeezed back, but with a tight, aggressive grip. "Oh you know thats never going to happen, Terry. we barely make enough to cover our food. I've been buying SO much crap in cans just so i can keep that karate class subscription. I can't risk the pupa telling me I have "fatherless behavior.""
"Well,,," Terry leaned forward slightly, craving intamacy. "We can dream, and dreams always come true! PBSkids told me!"
"We dream when we sleep. which is 5 hours exactly, usually less when we wake up randomly in the middle of the night multiple times. MAYBE 5 hours and 10 minutes, if we're lucky."
An uncomfortable silence shone over them again. Then Terry felt something land on his arm and dance around.
Korvo pulled Terry close and shoved his face into his chest, bawling his eyes out and gooblering all over.
"I-I want to go back to our old life, Terry!! I hate this! I fucking hate all of this!"
Terry formed a sad expression and stroked the back of Korvo's head, trying to ease out the gooblers.
"Shh, hey, its okay, baby. It'll all end well in the end, right?"
"no it WONT Terry!!!" Korvo brought his fist up in frusteration and slammed it down on Terry, who yelped from the sudden blow.
"O-oh gosh, im sorry Terry! I-I didn't mean it!"
Terry hissed at the soreness, but rubbed it off. "It's fine, man. I wanna punch things too."
Korvo sunk back into Terry again, holding onto his now regular pajamas. "You're the only highlight to all of this, Terry. And even then most of the moments i have with you suck tits. Even if its all for the pupa, i just--" He started to goobler again, so Terry continued rubbing at his head trying to get his skin to calm down. "None of it feels worth it, Terry. i just want to have fun and be with YOU, and be with our family. I want to do fun solar opposites stuff again. that's all i want."
Terry yawned, forgetting how tired he was.
"Well,, i doubt thats ganna happen any time soon. but we can try and do regular minimal fun stuff in the meantime?"
"Oh and when would we HAVE this "meantime"? Our asses are stuck at work almost all day! We can hardly do anything! And on our off days all we do are take short naps the whole day because of how sleep deprived we are!"
"Uhmm,,, well,,,," Terry tried so hard to think. He just wanted to make Korvo feel better, in this instance, at least.
Terry slid his hands to Korvo's back, moving one up to his face and cupping his cheek.
"We have now?"
Korvo sighed in exhaustion. "Yes, i guess, technically we do. but im so tired and we need the sleep for work tomorrow. What can we possibly even do right now?"
"Make out?"
"hmm,, it HAS been a while-"
Before Korvo could start a new thought, Terry brought his face close and locked his lips with his, suckling rythmatically with Korvo as his hands caressed his body. Korvo's grip on Terry's boring pajamas tightened, only to release and wrap his arms around Terry and squeeze hard.
Terry flicked his tongue through the opening of Korvo's lips and licked at the other, Korvo widening the kiss and reciprocating the gesture. Korvo pushed his weight onto Terry's and rolled Terry over onto his back, laying on his lap and continuing to go at it with their mouths. Terry reached his one hand down to rub his thigh while the other remained on his back.
They squeezed and kissed at each other continously, each of them moaning into each other. All they wanted was here, right now. Just some nice time alone, doing something relaxing and comforting.
"Oh god," Korvo spoke between breaths, "I love you Terry. i love you so much. This is all i want right now. I just want to be a happy family again."
"We'll get that soon, Korvotron. For now, just kiss me."
And they went right back at it. This time, Korvo let his weight sink into Terry's instead of pushing on it, and Terry took the opportunity to push Korvo over and straddle him instead, laying over him and pinning him down by the wrists.
A trail of saliva trickled down both their chin's, slobber connecting them both by their mouths. They just wanted each other, to melt all their stress away into quality time spent together. They wanted to have fun again, do sci-fi shit again, be partners and be a family. They wanted to do dumb fun things together again, like binge watch new seasons of their favorite shows on hulu, or more intimate things like make love. All they wanted was to be together and to not have to worry about this shithole planet with their shithole rules and societal functions. some of it was great but, the rest of it was absolute garbage.
After more minutes of kissing passionately at each other, they both parted for a quick breather. Korvo wiped his chin, ridding it of the sticky saliva he shared with his partner.
"Ohhh, we haven't kissed like that in a while."
"Heck yeah, now im all excited! We should totally fuck, too."
"Hm- maybe on our free night. We have to work tomorrow."
Terry was suddenly in shock. "Oh hell, i totally forgot about that." He put a hand to his forehead and leaned over weakly. "Wooah, and i forgot how fucking burnt out i was."
"Yes, lets get some rest. We'll overthrow our shitty jobs and become space nerds again some other day."
Terry scooted back over to his respective side on the bed and patted down at his clothes, and Korvo the same. They repositoned the blanket to be more evenly spread, and after struggling with trying to make sure they both got even amounts of the blanket, Korvo just pulled Terry over to his side to cuddle.
"Oh Great thinkin Korv, now its easier to share!"
"Mhm,," Korvo sunk his face into Terry's shoulder, smiling at the warmth of his partner and at the closeness.
Terry patted Korvo's back and yawned. "Well, now im really tired. eugh. Goodnight Korvy, i love ya."
"I love you too, dummy."
They both held onto each other in a tight embrace and closed their eyes, finally letting themselves wait for sleep to come to their minds.
An hour passed.
"psst, hey korv, i cant sleep. wanna make out again?"
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