#haru and him are actually pretty nice friends. they are garden buddies
sunset-bridge · 7 months
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heheh. for my real fans . the cuervoheads. here. sergio relationship chart with persona 5 people. only people i actually had a social link with in my save. sorry.
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inkpens-coffee · 3 years
So everyone has their own portrayals/headcanons for Akiren’s personality and relationships when they create content with him, I decided to write out how I portray him! ☕️❤️⭐️✨
I love the name Ren Amamiya for him. It’s translation is pretty much Lotus flower in a Rain Palace (so cute!!).
I headcanon him as a trans boy! Pronouns are he/him! 🏳️‍⚧️ He’s gotten top surgery and trains his voice to be deep.
Ren is very shy, quiet and sweet when you first meet him, but once he’s comfortable around someone he becomes a bit more talkative, cheeky and a lil’ bratty.
Country Boy alert! This boy is SO in tune with nature. He loves plants so much, he started a tiny garden in his attic. He uses the herbs and flowers he grows to make spices and sugars for pastries! 🥖🥐🍰
He’s also fascinated with the stars. He likes to sit on the roof of Leblanc at night to stargaze. ⭐️✨
We all know Ren is a cat in a human’s body! He likes chilling in small spaces, cuddling soft things like pillows and plush toys, and taking naps! Number one way to buy his love? Head scritches!
His favorite things to eat (besides Leblanc curry lol) are donuts, bread, cotton candy, sushi, and ramen. He also loves strawberry milk but can’t drink too much or his tummy will hurt.
Ren has an oral fixation. Whenever he’s feeling nervous, stressed or on the verge of an anxiety attack he NEEDS something to chew or suck on. His go to is lollipops because his mother liked them too. If he doesn’t have a lollipop on hand, he’ll just suck his thumb.
Old fashioned boy, can’t figure out how to use today’s devices to save his life.
Only one he uses is a Nintendo Switch to play Animal Crossing and Cooking Mama! still needs help from Futaba sometimes lol
Bless his heart.
Ren is such a sweetie…
He never notices when someone is flirting with him. He can’t take a hint. Send him flowers? Oh nice, he’ll talk your ear off about flowers! Buy him sweets? Good, he was getting hungry! Compliment him? He’ll give you one too! Fr is anyone wants to date this boy they gotta grab him by the face and tell him to him straight.
At the same time, Ren is so sweet he never sees the bad in people. Which in turn makes it far too easy for him to be taken advantage of. He’s quick to blame himself for everything even if nothing was his fault.
Ren’s relationships with others! ❤️
Ryuji is his absolute best friend! Those two are inseparable. They hangout together the most!
Ren likes falling asleep in Ryuji’s lap and getting headpats from him.
Ryuji always knows when something is bothering his friend. The second he sees Ren pulling his hair and tapping his heel, he’s the first to pull him aside and ask him what’s wrong along with a feel better hug.
It’s not uncommon for Ryuji to always have an arm around Ren’s shoulder or waist just to keep him safe.
Ann thinks Ren is absolutely ADORABLE! Girl straight up pampers him like a baby brother. ❤️
She’s always taking Ren shopping for clothes. Once she discovered he likes pastels she went all out on finding the cutest outfits for him to wear.
Ann is always carrying sweets in her school bag, so whenever Ren is tugging on her sleeve and quietly asking for candies with his cute lil face she doesn’t hesitate to give him some. When she found out sucking on a lollipop calms Ren down, she made sure to always have a couple in her bag.
Ren sees Morgana as the ultimate plush toy most of the time.
At first Mona didn’t enjoy constantly being picked up and cuddled half to death, but he accepted his fate after a while.
It’s actually nice to know he can provide Ren with comfort.
Morgana takes his job of being Ren’s cuddle buddy very seriously!
Something about the artist’s aura is incredibly soothing to Ren. He likes to be in Yusuke’s presence whenever he’s drawing or painting.
Whiiich often leads to Ren falling asleep and Yusuke having a stroke because GOD if Ren isn’t the most flawless prettiest thing he’s ever laid eyes on. Fr half his sketchbooks are full of drawings of Ren asleep.
They love going to the park and stargazing together!
So you know how cats react to people they don’t like?
These two are not a good match
That brief time when Makoto was stalking him was extremely stressful for Ren and he didn’t like it. It doesn’t help that Makoto is still so strict and wants to be a police officer after everything Ren’s been through.
SOS Ren has no idea what she’s saying most of the time
Futaba teases him for not knowing about basically anything modern and drags him to watch anime with her and talk his ear off. Sweet Ren still doesn’t get it but it’s nice to see Futaba so happy about something she loves!
Oh, she’s basically his mom.
Ren was having a panic attack once, so Haru pulled him to lay on her chest so she could stroke his hair and calm him down. He started sucking his thumb and that was the exact second she was like “this is my baby now, I’ve adopted him”.
Haru was excited when she saw Ren little garden and they trade gardening tips often! Sometimes they bring all the crops and herbs they grew separately and make delicious treats for their friends with them!
/deep breath/
Goro is Ren’s number one protector. Ren is the only person that can cuddle up to him and give him physical affection. Ren could spend an entire Phantom Thieves meeting sitting in Goro’s lap and playing with his hair and Goro wouldn’t bat an eye.
Similar to Ryuji, Goro always notices when something is up with Ren. Occasionally he’ll give Ren a little present like a plush toy, candy, or just shiny trinkets he knows Ren will love just to see him happy.
Whenever Ren is really stressed or upset about something, Goro is the one he’ll call.
Ren spends time at Goro’s apartment a lot where they have lots of movie nights with cuddles :3
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ask-the-phan-site · 3 years
A Neo Yokio New Year
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>Neo Yokio just after New Year (which explains why some of the Christmas decorations are still up for the time being). The city was slightly nerved by the announcement from the True Cross Order. Some are regarding it as a prank, others are taking it as a threat. Either way, Neo Yokio was not at peace... And not just by the threat from demons.
>We came to this city to investigate and see what can be done.
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So this is Neo Yokio? Doesn’t look that much different from New York.
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Other than the fact that 14th Street is underwater and people live in it. Not to mention that this city is under constant threat from demons...
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Actually, you’re right, it’s not all that different.
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I know I like shopping, but even this department store is too much. I wonder what’s up with it.
>Curious, Panther decides to take a look inside. The department store was a gaudy inside as it was out. In fact, not too long after she went inside, a salesclerk in a green suit jumps in front of her.
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Welcome home, shopper. I will be your salesclerk and personal shopper. The Holidays may be over and we are in danger of being shut down, but rest assured, Bergdorf Goodman Department Store will always be here for those with a shopping need for all things beautiful and luxurious. So, how can I help you today, young madam?
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I’m... not looking for anything today. I’m just looking. Sorry.
Salesclerk: Well that’s a shame. Maybe next time.
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Don’t worry. I’m sure if we need anything, we’ll let you know... (Like a last minute gift for Akane.)
Salesclerk: Excellent! If you need anything from here, just ask for me. My name is Herbert Sims. Or just Herbert. Happy Late New Years!
>With that, Herbert leaves to tend to other customers.
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Well, it’s good to see him so devoted to his work. It makes him happy.
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Too bad that happiness will be taken away if we don’t do something.
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And we will. Haru, are sure our contact is suppose to meet us here?
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Yes, she said she would be meeting us at the church not far from this store. It’s actually a True Cross Order safe house.
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I can hardly imagine a church being in a city like this, even if it is like New York. Sophia, are there any churches near here?
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I’ll do a search. (searches the net) Odd. The Internet in this city is different.
Wolf: Well, Neo Yokio exists on a different version of Earth, much like San Fransokyo and Sternbild City. So it might be a little difficult to look up things.
Sophie: But I did found the church. It’s just a couple blocks away.
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Then we better move on.
>With that, we leave the department store.
>A little later, we finally arrive at the church.
Sophie: This should be it. It doesn’t look like it’s not used much. No doubt because people usually rely on Magistocrats* to deal with many things.
*It turns out it was misspelled. There are only two As and an O.
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How could that? I may not know much about the importance of religion other than what I’ve learned from when me and Ren went to the church back home to help me out of my slump, but I can tell this was once a beautiful building. Such symmetry and craftmanship. I can’t believe they let this place fall from glory.
??????: You might be right. But I guess that’s to be expected.
>We were surprised to see a girl come out of the church.
Noir: (happy) Shiemi chan! It’s good to see you again.
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It’s good to see you again, too, Haru chan.
Oracle: I guess this is our contact.
Noir: That’s right. I met Shiemi chan during an exhibition by the Gardening Club at Todai last year.
Shiemi: It’s nice to meet you all. My name is Shiemi Moriyama, I’m an Exwire Exorcist from the True Cross.
Queen: A pleasure to meet you, Shiemi chan.
Shiemi: Thank you.
Sophie: Are you really an Exorcist?
Shiemi: I am. Are you really an AI?
>Suddenly, something in Shiemi’s pocket started shaking.
Shiemi: I think we should head inside.
>With that, we follow Shiemi inside the church. The first thing we noticed was many men in clack coat uniforms. At the end of the aisle were the alter is, there was a huge banner hanging.
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(This was forgotten on the announcement.)
>Then, the Exorcists notice us. They were a little confused an alarmed to see strangers here.
Shiemi: It’s alright, they’re with me. They’re my friends. They’re from out world.
Exorcist 1: That seems a little vague.
Exorcist 2: Yeah, how do we know we can trust them?
Exorcist 3: Hold on, aren’t you Goro Akechi, the Detective Prince?
Crow: I take it you watch the news.
Exorcist 1: We do. But then again, a lot of people do. How do we now it’s really you?
Crow: I was abandoned by my father to preserve his image.
Exorcist 2: Everyone knows that. Actually, the blonde over there does look familiar.
????: He is familiar. Believe me, you can trust these guys.
????????: He’s right. Better let them pass.
>We were surprised to see who was also here.
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Gecko Neck san!? You’re here, too?
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Hey, guys, it’s been awhile.
Joker: Iwai, why are you here?
Exorcist 1: And I thought I heard Sir Pheles. But I don’t see him.
Exorcist 2: He probably called from the office. Well, if they say their alright, fine. Just make sure they behave themselves. We already have to deal with those morons that run this godless city.
Shiemi: Don’t worry, I’ll take responsibility.
Iwai: And so will I.
Exorcist 3: Okay. Anyway, back to work.
>With that they go back to whatever they were doing.
Joker: Still, why are you here?
Iwai: You’re going to find this hard to believe, but just after that announcement about this city was released, this dog showed up in my place.
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Wolf: (confused) Okay?
Shiemi: (giggling) You’d be surprised.
Iwai: Anyway, it had this note saying that the True Cross Order needed my help to check their guns. I’m not sure why. I deal with model guns. And these aren’t even ordinary guns. But they do look similar. Besides, they said they would compensate me and my son if I agreed to it. Though I gotta say, I don’t feel right about seeing guns or any kind of weapons in a church.
Shiemi: I can assure you that the Grigori themselves approved of it. But if you wish to do your inspecting and other business elsewhere, they’ll allow it. But you’ll have to find a place yourself.
Iwai: I’m a stranger in this city, I have no idea where to go.
White dog: (snickering)
Iwai: What’s up, pooch? You know somewhere?
>The dog nodded its head as if to agree. Then, it walks away.
Iwai: I’m not sure why I should follow it, but I’ll bit. So, I’ll see you guys later?
Joker: Okay.
>With that, Iwai follows the dog out of the church.
Panther: You think he’ll be alright?
?????: Ever since we made that announcement, no demonic threats have occurred. Guess we kind of scared them.
>A young woman with purple hair that was tied in twintails comes up to us.
Shiemi: Izumo, are you ready to go?
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Yeah, I had to prepare myself for the meeting. I’ve heard this Exorcist is really difficult to talk to.
Noir: Hello, Izumo chan.
Izumo: Haru? You’re here? I know Shiemi said you might be coming, I didn’t think you would be bring your friends.
Shiemi: Everyone, this another friend of ours.
Izumo: Hello. I’m Izumo Kamiki.
Joker: Hello.
Queen: You said you were going somewhere. I guess you’re referring to whom the Order considers that most corrupted Exorcist in Neo Yokio.
Izumo: Pretty much. I just hope that aunt of his isn’t there. I hear she’s a real terror.
Joker: His aunt? Wait, you don’t mean...
Izumo: Yes. They deemed him the most corrupted... because he’s Neo Yokio’s Second Most Eligible Bachelor... Kaz Kaan.
>We were shocked.
Izumo: You know him?
Skull: He performed at Dream FES two years ago.
Izumo: Yeah, I think I’ve heard about that.
Joker: Actually, we’d like to ask you something.
Izumo: What that?
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We would like to come with you to see him.
Izumo: I don’t know. I might get in trouble if I bring you with me.
Wolf: I’m a police officer, I’m sure they won’t mine and I would take responsibility.
Skull: And he might recognize us from Dream FES. It would make it easy if he was with familiar faces.
Izumo: Well, alright. But just you, the Idol, the officer, the detective, the hacker, and the model.
Panther: (a bit surprised) Me, too?
Izumo: We sense Fairy Magic on you and the Order and Fairies aren’t exactly buddy buddy.
Panther: I see.
Oracle: And me?
Izumo: I don’t know. Something off, I guess...
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Like something out of The Dunwich Horror?
Izumo: ... Let’s just go.
Shieme: I’d come, too, but...
>Shieme’s pocket starts moving again. She reaches inside and something pops out.
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Oh, what a cutie!
Izumo: (a bit surprised) Wait, you guys can... Actually, never mind. We’re wasting time.
Crow: Well, see you all later.
>With that, we leave the church.
>A little later, we were now going inside a penthouse. It was light-colored and very gaudy. I think my eyes are hurting. We saw Kaz Kaan with his mecha butler Charles and Kaz’s friends, Lexy and Gottlieb. It looked like Lexy and Gottlieb were frantic.
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Lexy: Yo, Kaz, we can’t let this happen!
Gottlieb: Yeah, man, the Caprese Bar means a lot to us. It maybe small, but we invested a lot in it.
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I know, I know. What do you want me to do? There’s just one of me and they’re like a whole army. Plus, they had years of learning to use their Exorcist powers and I’m described to only know the flashy stuff.
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Your Exorcist powers have always been fabulously flashy, sir.
Kaz: (a bit sarcastic) Thanks, Charles.
>Izumo clears her throat to make the other aware of her presence.
Charles: It appears we have guests, sir.
Izumo: Kaz Kaan I presume.
Kaz: Yes, that’s me.
Izumo: Izumo Kamiki, I’m from the True Cross Order. And these are my associates. They’re not from the Order, but I’ve invited them to come with me today.
Kaz: (a bit surprised) Wait, I know you guys. You were in Dream FES.
Joker: Hello. I’m Ren Amamiya.
Skull: Yo, I’m Ryuji Sakamoto.
Panther: Ann Takamaki.
Oracle: Futaba Sakura. Nice to meetcha.
Crow: Detective Goro Akechi. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Wolf: I wasn’t in that Dream Festival, but I’m still a friend. Officer Zenkichi Hasegawa.
Lexy: Nice to meet ya all.
Izumo: Now, I trust you know why I’m here.
Kaz: Because you think I’m the most corrupted because I’m second on the Bachelor Board.
Izumo: Pretty much. From this moment on until the 31, I’ll be monitoring everything about you. Every action you take, every move you make, every gathering you attend, and every exorcism you perform, I’m to report it all back to the Order. They also told me that if do anything that may not seem fitting by their standards, I have permission to intervene or alert the other Exorcists. Do you understand?
Kaz: (sounding a bit depressed) What’s the point? My life already tends to be very bleak.
Izumo: Yeah, I hear you tend to be melancholy. After getting being dumped twice already. Don’t tell me you’re still up on that? Your last girlfriend was like almost four years ago. Get over it already.
Kaz: Pains like that run deep. They take longer than four years to heal. Surly you’ve felt the familiar sting.
Wolf: Actually, I can. After what happened, I don’t think I’ll ever find another like Aoi. She was like my everything. But she lives on in my heart. And I see her everyday in our daughter.
Kaz: A kid, huh? Neither me, Cathy, or Helena never had anything like that.
Gottlieb: (a bit shocked) Seriously, Kaz!?
Kaz: No, it’s not like that. It’s just, none of us actually did anything that was us. Maybe if we did, at least one of them would have stayed. Now the only thing I have left of Helena is a giant Toblerone... which has pretty much melted by now.
Lexy: You not eating a Toblerone when it’s given to you? Now we know you’ve really hit low, dude.
Skull: (shocked) For real? A giant Toblerone?
Panther: It’s real alright. Mika got one from one of her admirers. She even took a picture and posted it on her Kingstagram. Look.
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Izumo: Your friend here sure curses a lot.
Panther: He’s just surprised to see that much chocolate in his life.
Izumo: I see. But, back to the point. You know that if Neo Yokio doesn’t repent for its ways, you will have to conform to the new laws that will be put into effect by the inquisition.
Kaz: Will they really take all of our stuff if we’re forced to join?
Izumo: Pretty much. They may not be approved by the Order and may be considered a distraction.
Kaz: Does... Does that include Charles.
>Izumo was silent for a moment, looking at Charles who stared back at her.
Izumo: Actually, I think they’ll let you keep Charles. How often do you come across a Tamer with a mecha familiar?
Crow: I take it, none.
Charles: I think it would an honor that Kaz will have someone familiar as a familiar.
Kaz: I don’t know if that’s a joke or not, but thanks, Charles. (whispers) And I’ll be sure to thank Sadie later.
Izumo: Still, I think you would understand.
Kaz: I do understand. I know I was the one who said, “Consumerism forever”, but after what happened at that race here four years ago, I’m starting to think that Neo Yokio’s not the the greatest city in our world.
Oracle: That’s a utopia for you. There’s always a catch.
Kaz: Don’t I know it. Makes me wish I could go back to simpler times when it was all about the just helping people and seeing the smiles on their faces when the work is done.
??????: But smiles does not pay the rent. Money does.
>Suddenly, a woman with light pink hair, shades, and a dress under a trench coat comes in.
Izumo: (sighing in disappointment) And here I thought this was going to be a quiet visit.
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Well, let me remind you, girlie, that this is my house, too.
Kaz: You don’t need to be rude, Aunt Agatha. They’re guests. Oh, everyone this is my aunt.
Agatha: Agatha Kaan.
Charles: Shall I prepare some coffee?
Agatha: (sounding ungrateful) Very well.
Izumo: I was just explaining to your nephew about the situation you, him, and every other Magistocrat are in.
Agatha: I know. And I think you’re just being a bunch of idiots. I don’t know how things in your world works, but in this one, we have to work to support our wretched lifestyles.
Izumo: (unimpressed) Wretched lifestyles?
Wolf: (with a smirk) As Makoto’s sister would say, “I rest my case.”
Agatha: If you really think that we’re going to stand and let a bunch of self-righteous boys and old men in ugly black coats change things, you have another thing coming.
Oracle: Stubborn, are we?
Agatha: You bet.
Kaz: (trying to calm the situation) Now let’s not get too upped up. Charles will be here with the coffee soon.
Agatha: (getting impatient) Not now, Kaz. We’re talking.
Kaz: Sorry.
Wolf: Ms. Kaan, you don’t need to talk to him that way. He’s only a kid.
Agatha: He’s 22. Soon to be 23 this year.
Wolf: Umm... Congratulations?
Kaz: (thinking) Don’t encourage her.
Agatha: I heard that, Kaz. What did I just say?
Kaz: Sorry, Aunt Agatha.
Skull: (whisper) Yeesh, what a hag.
Agatha: (not happy) So, I’m a hag, am I?
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How the hell do you keep hearing us?
Agatha: When you get as old as I am, you learn a few things. Now, as I was saying, doing things for the greater good isn’t going to keep belly’s full. Even you Exorcist in your world need to eat.
Izumo: True. But we eat whatever we can. Trying to eat anything too fancy is just so unnecessary.
Agatha: I don’t see what wrong with fancy. It proves that Exorcists have individuality.
Izumo: We know they do. But you Magistocrats are taking it the wrong way. All you do is is endlessly indulging yourselves in wealth and charge people for something that can be hard not just for the victim, but for their loved ones as well.
Agatha: Don’t you think we know that? But we see no reason not to be rewarded for it. But not with something as ridiculous as a smile.
>I suddenly notice Kaz looking down.
Kaz: (whisper) Helena...
Joker: Helena? That’s your last girlfriend, right?
Kaz: (out loud) Helena St. Tessero, yes. She used to be a fashion blogger, but then she got possessed though a Chanel suit. (Coco Chanel, my her memory be blessed.) I exorcised it and her whole view on the world changed. Then, the old Bachelor Board got destroyed and everyone thought she did it to prove that Neo Yokio is not as great as it seemed. She ran away and now no one knows where she is.
Agatha: And her parents are worried and they blame you. They said your exorcism messed her up. I’m surprised you’re still at number two on the new board.
Kaz: I’m wondering that myself.
Agatha: The point is, we are not joining this Order unless we’re getting something out of it.
Izumo: We’re offering you sanctuary. That’s reward enough. We’re a non-profit organization. If we need to collect, it’s for a good cause and not us. What we do isn’t a job. It’s a duty.
Agatha: Well sorry, but that’s just how it is in this city. And just what are you going to do about it? About all of us?
Izumo: (starting to get a little impatient) Understand, Ms. Kaan, unlike you Magistocrats who have been at this job since those old days, but the True Cross Order has been doing this since the Middle Ages. That makes us more experienced and more powerful than all of you combined. You could do way better than what you are doing now if you just listen.
Agatha: Listen to what? The ramblings of a bunch of fools? I don’t think so. I don’t listen to the words of anyone. Especially children like you.
Crow: Now that’s just offensive. Some of us are already in college. Please, Ms. Kaan, I know this is upsetting you, but I think you’re going a little too far. We must ask you to watch what you say.
Agatha: (now losing her own patience) Then I invite you to make me, pretty boy. Must be a distant relative of the Corellis. Especially-
Kaz: Aunt Agatha, please!
>Kaz tries to calm her down, but she just knock his hand away with her hand which was pulsing with energy just as Charles comes in with the coffee.
Charles: The coffee is ready.
>Kaz suddenly starts glowing with energy which made blasts the trey Charles was carrying away.
Lexy: This could be bad.
>I quickly stand up and get between Kaz and Agatha.
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Kaz... Please, man...
>Seeing me unafraid (thanks to my current level of Guts), Kaz calms down.
Charles: (unfazed) I suppose I should start on another brew.
>Just then, the sound of a phone ringing comes. Agatha takes out a phone.
Agatha: Kaan Residence... Yes... Very well, I’ll see to it he still does his job... Thank you. (hangs up) Well, looks like we’re still back in business. Kaz, they want you to investigate a restaurant near Time Square for possible demonic activity. They are offering a lot, so you must go.
Izumo: That won’t be necessary. In case demonic activity were to happen before the appointed date, the Order is allowed to take care of it.
Agatha: True. But until that appointed date actually does come, Kaz is still obligated to work. Isn’t that right?
>Izumo was silent, but knew Agatha was right.
Agatha: Good. Now, Kaz, off you go.
Kaz: ...
Agatha: Or would you rather try again?
Kaz: ... I will go and investigate the demonic activity, Aunt Agatha. Let’s go, Charles.
Charles: I will help you on the way, sir.
Kaz: Thanks, Charles.
>With that, Kaz and Charles leave. Not wanting to upset Agatha any more than she already was, Lexy and Gottlieb also leave. I suddenly sense that out of all of us... Panther was just about run out of patients.
Wolf: Ms. Kaan, I know you’re stressed, but-
Agatha: Can you not, please. I swear, that boy. He just never learns. I’m just glad his parents-
>We were startled by the noise. Panther had slammed her fist on the table that some of the things on it fell off.
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What the hell is your problem, lady!? So Kaz has some trouble dealing with stuff. What he needs is support. But all you do is criticize him!
Agatha: I’m only doing what’s best for him. Making sure that doesn’t get too soft because in this world, Rat Catchers like us need to survive. They would never accept us.
Panther: And you think that’s all that matters? What others think of you isn’t important. It’s what you think of yourself. And how do you even know what his parents would think of their son? In my opinion, they would be proud to see just how hard their son is working just to make others happy and not just you.
Agatha: (scoffing) Please, I know his parents. Especially my stupid, obnoxiously happy brother, Kaz’s father. He’s becoming too much like him and that could be bad for us and business.
Panther: Yeah, right. It’s just the business you care about. I know you don’t really care about Kaz or your family.
Agatha: Why should I? I learned a long time ago that the only person you can truly count on is yourself. But I still need to make sure Kaz doesn’t wuss out when duty calls.
Panther: (in utter disbelief) “Doesn’t wuss out?” He’s your nephew, not a bird! And you’re suppose to be his aunt. His family. And this is how you treat him? He’s does everything for everyone and it’s clear to us that you’re ungrateful. It’s like he’s not even your family, just your slave. Or that you’re not his family. Because frankly speaking...
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I can’t believe for a second that Kaz would be related to some wrinkled-face, money-grubbing, bitch-ass, HARPY!
>We (except for Panther) suddenly feel dread as Agatha gets up and takes off her sunglasses. Looking at her eyes, she definitely had the dangerous look of a harpy.
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You know in all my years, only one person has ever had the balls to say “harpy” to my face. The only reason I can’t put her six feet under where she belongs is because our powers are equally matched. But what you you, girl? I sense magic in you, but what are you exactly? A fairy? A witch? You have neither in your blood, yet you have powers. So what does that make you? Some say you are special. But to me... You’re just a freak of nature. So I am asking you now... Are you challenging me, girl? Are you threatening me?
>Agatha was now giving an aura of energy.
Panther: (forming fire in her hands) And what if I am?
Izumo: Okay, that’s enough.
>We saw that Izumo had summoned her familiars.
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>Panther and Agatha both back off from each other.
Agatha: I need to drink this off. You better leave.
Izumo: You know I’ll be back tomorrow, right?
Agatha: ... Better make it a big one.
>Later on, we were outside back on the streets headed back to the church. We could tell that Panther was still angry.
Panther: That awful bitch! How could she treat her own nephew like this? I’m surprised he’s putting up with him. Does he even have any other family?
Izumo: According to Kaz’s file, he does. His uncle and cousin in the Hamptons and his aunt who is constantly traveling. Actually Ann, the aunt who is traveling, an Angelique Kaan, Agatha’s fraternal twin sister, that’s who called her a harpy.
Panther: Really? She did?
Izumo: Yes. Unlike Agatha, Angelique is what Kaz would call “The nice aunt”.
Oracle: I’m starting to see why.
Wolf: I agree with Ann, Agatha’s no good. She definitely needs... (quickly stops after remembering Izumo is with us) to be taught a lesson.
Izumo: The whole city does... Like a change of heart.
Wolf: (a bit scared) Like the kind the Phantom Thieves do? What makes you think that?
Izumo: Well... I’m a closet fan of the Phantom Thieves.
Wolf: (a bit relieved) I see. Actually, my daughter’s a fan of them, too. But why be in the closet? Does the Order not like the Phantom Thieves?
Izumo: Actually, we’re still trying to figure out where we stand with them. Though, the Grigori praise what they did with that God of Control. How dare he besmirch the reputation of the Lord. The Order actually almost lost most of its members because of what happened. Thank goodness they changed their minds. Though, the Phantom Thieves had to use a Demon Lord to save us. And Satanael at that. So we’re kind of at a crossroads with them. Are the Phantom Thieves our allies or our enemies? We’re still trying to decide... I’m hoping they are our allies.
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I’m sure they are.
>Later on, we made it back to church where an Exorcist was keeping guard. Guess he heard about the possible demonic activity.
Crow: Excuse us, did our friends come back?
Exorcist: Not yet. They’ve been gone awhile. I hope they didn’t get lost. This city maybe like New York, but there are a lot of differences. It would be fearful if they ended up in the Walled City. I know we’re trying to help them, but there are some scary characters there.
>Suddenly, I noticed something across the street.
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Or, they could be closer than we think. Look.
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Exorcist: (surprised) Where did that come from? It wasn’t here this morning.
Joker: It’s where ever it needs to be. Don’t think about it. Just go with it.
Izumo: If you’re thinking of going in, count me out. I have to report in and tell the Order what I’ve learned at the Kaans’. I’ll see you guys later.
Panther: Right, see you.
>With that, Izumo and the Exorcist go back inside the church and we go into the Stray Sheep.
>Inside the bar, we find Mona, Skull, Fox, Queen, Noir, and Violet talking with Roderick Lockhart.
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Seriously, man, I’m proud that you and your Unit finally made your first album debut. Just wish my song was included.
Skull: I know. I heard your song it was awesome. Maybe next time. Don’t worry.
Roderick: I hope.
Joker: Hey, we’re here.
Fox: Ren, we were just talking about how we might change the city’s cognition.
Joker: How so?
Mona: Well, it would be a waste of time just going after one individual at a time, so we’re going to do to Neo Yokio... the same thing we did to all of Tokyo that fateful Christmas Eve.
Joker: You mean...
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Mementos... Neo Yokio’s Mementos.
Crow: Can we really do that? We had to do some minor requests before entering a lower level of Mementos to get to the depths.
Queen: I don’t think we have to worry about that. Since no one in this city has hardly heard of the Phantom Thieves, there’s a good chance that there are no Shadow versions of people guarding the entrance of a level.
Violet: That’ll making getting to the depths a breeze.
Wolf: That should be good. We’re already on a tight deadline.
Joker: That’s right, the deadline is the end of this month, January 31. So we need to get to the depths and send the calling card no later than two days prior, the 29. This city needs to end its selfish ways before it becomes what our city almost became... For Kaz.
Mona: So we’re in agreement? That is a unanimous decision.
>We were all in agreement.
Joker: By the way, where’s Iwai?
>I was directed to where Aunt Rin usually has her piano, but it was replaced.
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>This booth was now occupying the space with model weapons. Some of them are familiar and some of them seem to be new. In the booth, Iwai was finishing up some stuff. I was also a bit surprised to see Lavenza with him.
Iwai: That should be it, right?
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Almost. We still need to do one final check. Also, the one who brought you here has something to add to your arms... With my assistance, of course.
Iwai: You mean the dog? He has something to add to my guns? Well, it has been weird for me for the past few days. So why not? The dog went into the bathroom. Not sure why, though. Wouldn’t a fire hydrant be suited?
???????: After seeing this poorly maintained bathroom, would have preferred that.
>We turned to the bathroom to find that someone had come out.
Iwai: (confused) Who the heck are you?
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Now that’s a shame. And you used to call me pooch.
Iwai: Pooch? Wait...
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No freaking way! You’re that dog!?
Flamboyant Demon: Yes. You are not the first to be overwhelmed by my true appearance. But where are my manners? Allow me to formally introduce myself. Sir Mephisto Pheles, Honorary Exorcist for the Order of the True Cross and Principal of True Cross Academy (known there as Johann Faust V), at your service. And I do mean “at your service” for you see, for the time being, I will also be working along side you... As your familiar.
Iwai: Umm... Hi?
Lavenza: Mephisto and I are inspecting your contractor’s equipment for any demonic energies or entities as per Neo Yoiko’s customs law.
Mephisto: Unfortunately, I fear that Mr. Iwai’s merchandise may not be approved by the city’s customs check because of what they are. So, we have to check them ourselves, just like we did with the Order’s equipment. Plus, me and Lady Lavenza have something special for you all.
Queen: Like what?
Lavenza: As you know, some of your weapons have certain effects on Shadows.
Panther: Oh yeah, like how my whip can sometime Burn them.
Mona: Or how my slingshot can put them to Sleep.
Lavenza: Well, these weapons that me, Mephisto, and the dealer are working on will have a certain effect on your Personas.
Joker: Really? How so?
Lavenza: Like the Skill Cards, this equipment will allow your Personas to use Skills they are normally unable to do.
Skull: So our Personas get an upgrade? That rocks!
Mephisto: But for now, the only Skills your Personas will get from them are Bless and Curse. The rest will take sometime and a lot of materials to do so.
Lavenza: Perhaps the Tricks and his comrades can help gather the materials. Especially when traversing the other world.
Joker: I think we can do that.
Mephisto: Wonderful. We will hope for such.
Violet: How does the weapons give our Personas those Skills? I don’t think it would be as simple as using a Skill Card.
Mephisto: You have the Order to thank for that. Take a look at them. They are modeled after the weapons used by our Exorcists. Mainly our Knights (Melee) and Dragoons (Ranged).
Fox: I guess that makes sense. They look pretty holy or powerful to me.
Sophie: I will also remember it.
The new weapons developed by Lavenza, Mephisto, and Iwai will grant your Personas and your friends’ Personas abilities and Skills.
For now, the only Skills provided for are Bless and Curse Skills. However, other weapons that can provide other Skills can be made from materials you find in the Metaverse after defeating Shadows.
Joker: I’m surprised Boss, the other Boss, agreed to this.
Roderick: It wasn’t easy trying to convince him. Good thing Mephisto and this fine young lady in blue backed me up. Of course, when he heard about where we were going, he said...
??????:  I can try their Caprese Martini. That’s how it went.
Roderick: Boss, you’re awake.
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Well, I was enjoying a pleasant nap when I was awoken by your chattering... And the smell of wet dog.
Mephisto: (a bit shocked) Now I’m just offended, Lord Dumu-
Mutton: Ah tut tut! What is my name in this form?
Mephisto: (with a small bow) Oh, do forgive me, Thomas Mutton.
Mutton: Good.
Queen: So you’re the Boss of the Stray Sheep.
Mutton: I am. How is the Boss of Leblanch doing?
Oracle: He’s fine. I think.
Mutton: How so?
Joker: Well, I got this book for my birthday awhile back. Sojiro’s actually taken a liking to it and barrows it frequently... A little too frequently, if you ask me.
Oracle: Yeah, he even sleeps with it.
Mutton: Really?
Joker: I’m glad that he’s reading more. Especially the classics. But, I don’t know...
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I just have this funny feeling.
Mutton: Have you told anyone about this?
Joker: I thought about talking about it to Chihaya, but due to the possibility of another surge, I can’t go to Shinjuku. And I’m not sure how to explain it over the phone or even in text. I can’t even video chat her because her computer is broken and it’ll take a while before it’s fixed. Why do you ask?
Roderick: I think we had a similar situation. Not that anyone was acting funny or anything... But there was that one guy...
Joker: What guy?
Mephisto: Boss and Roderick are not the only ones who arrived here with the bar. A certain reporter that you know came with them.
Joker: Ohya? She’s here, too?
Mutton: Yes... Along with her new intern.
Joker: She has an intern now?
Mutton: Well, something like that. He came from Luna, that’s a city on our moon just next door to Attilan. He worked as a reporter for a small newspaper in Paris some years back, but he moved to Luna for personal reasons. But now he’s transferring to the newspaper Miss Ohya works for as her intern. Mainly, he’ll just be taking pictures.
Mephisto: The Order has asked them to come and cover our stay here in Neo Yokio. They thought it would be the perfect chance to help him get reacquainted with the job. It has been many years.
Lavenza: They were just here in the bar before your friends arrived. We were doing a customs check. The reason why they did not arrive with the rest of the Order is because they needed Mephisto and Mr. Iwai to check their weapons and equipment and do not have the time to check the reporters’ things.
Joker: I see. Where are they now?
Mutton: I believe they’ve gone to the one they call “Neo Yokio’s Number One Most Eligible Bachelor”.
Queen: I believe it was Arcangelo Corelli. We also know him from the Dream Festival.
Oracle: Why would they be there. From what I’ve heard, he’s not a Magistocrat. He’s just from an old money family.
Mephisto: My dear Phantom Thieves, you forget, it’s not just the Magistocracy who is corrupt in this city.
Wolf: (surprised) You know we’re the Phantom Thieves?
Noir: Zenkichi, Mephisto Pheles is also the Demon King of Time. He knows many things. Or so Shiemi tells me.
Mephisto: Ah, you wound me, Madame. Anyway, just as we have Ms. Kamiki observing Kaz Kaan, we have a non-exorcist observing whom we have deemed the most corrupted person in the city.
Noir: A non-exorcist? Who?
Mephisto: Let’s just say... Woodcrest will have a break from his constant conspiracy theories, ineffective protests, and lousy lectures.
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Y- You don’t mean...
Mephisto: (smiling) Looks like Mr. Corelli is going to have his hands full.
>Meanwhile in Arcangelo Corelli’s penthouse...
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I trust the guest room’s to your liking. The sheets are real Italian silk. And the pillows are stuffed with the finest goose feathers.
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... The Wunclers’ guest rooms are more fancy than this.
Arcangelo: Oh please, those guys have no class.
Huey Freeman: Look, I’m not here for a social visit. I’m here because the True Cross Order asked me to watch the most corrupted person in Neo Yokio other than Kaz Kaan. I don’t like being here, but someone has to do this job... And Grandad was paid in advanced to make me do this. Anything you do that doesn’t seem right, I have to report back to the Order. So don’t start any of your shit with me right now.
Arcangelo: (unfazed) Oh, so scary.
>Huey Freeman’s stare gets more scarier than it already is.
Arcangelo: ... If anyone needs me, I’ll be hosting my podcast.
>Arcangelo is surprised by the flashing of a camera.
Arcangelo: Did you just take my picture now? ... Did you get my good side?
Huey Freeman: ... I’m not even going to. I need to report back, anyway.
>Huey Freeman goes to the guest room.
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He’s a ball of sunshine, isn’t he?
Arcangelo: I can tell he’s going to be a handful. Guess I’ll have to put up with it and hope for the best.
Ohya: Looks like it. Well, good luck with your podcast.
>Arcangelo gave a short nod and left.
Ohya: And as for you, intern, I think you took a really good shot. I think you’ll fit right in with us.
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Well technically speaking, I am a veteran in this sort of thing.
>To be continued...
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tricksheart · 4 years
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Four headcanons about character’s relationships ( Akira and Ryuji ).
1. Akira and Ryuji go to a driving range and just hit things with golf clubs to help Ryuji work on his swing to help in battles in the palace. Needless to say, Ryuji laughs at Akira’s attempt to actually hit the ball, let alone seeing it fly off into the course’s pond.
2. Like wise, they both go to a shooting range so Akira can get a handle on using a hand gun. There are complaints on how Ryuji almost hit a bear that somehow moved its way onto the range. Needless to say, the blonde is a terrible shot.
3. They go to the burger restaurant to see who can eat the most while there or try the giant burger challenge. Akira and Ryuji usually end in a draw because no one can eat that many or have the stomach to finish a huge burger that doesn’t seem to end.
4. Akira can tell when Ryuji’s leg is giving him problems and quietly asks if the other is okay. This gets Ryuji a bit miffed but then he realizes this is the transfer student’s odd way of caring. Because let’s face it, Akira really doesn’t get involved unless he’s really concerned about someone.
♡:  how does my muse act, consciously and/or subconsciously, around people they are romantically interested in?  
Although Akira doesn’t quite understand why, but he’s more inclined to hang around anyone who interests him. That holds true when he’s involved romantically with them but the visits are more bold and a little invasive. Annoying even. He tends to go into joke mode when around someone he’s interested in, which includes cringe-worthy pick up lines. Also, puns. Lots and lots of puns.
On the side of being conscious of what Akira’s doing while being with certain people that catch his eye, he tends to give them gifts from the money he’s gotten from working at the cafe. They aren’t too expensive but Akira goes out of his way to get them something that they like or would suit them. He’s more about practical presents though.
On the way he acts, Akira can usually be seen as his usual self. Not even being with someone he likes can cure his absentmindedness. It’s embedded in his psyche now. No amount of friendship or love can take away his ability to have his head in the clouds. The mask he wears to fool everyone is stuck with him forever.      
                                                     AKIRA & HARU
Akira rushes towards plant duty in the garden when Haru asks. It’s more time to spend with her, plus the lessons with Haru help him with the pop quizzes that his class has about certain types plants. Don’t ask him why there’s such things to be asked about flowers and trees though. It just gives him more time to be with Haru he figures.  
How to win Akira’s heart.
1. Bake him goodies because even though Akira works at a cafe, he doesn’t get to eat the sweets there. Those are for the customer. Bonus if you are an excellent baker.
2. Don’t ever betray him. There will severe trust issues later on in a relationship. This has happened before and Akira can’t go through that type of situation ever again.
3. Humor him while he pretends he can’t see without his glasses. He does this to see if you can spot when he’s teasing you and can act accordingly. Because he likes a person who can take on his more mischievous side and not get annoyed. 
32. Do they have any “props” that are a significant part of their life, identity, activities, or self-presentation somehow? What are they, how are they used, and why are they so significant? How would these props’ absence impact them, how would they compensate, and why?
The mask, the thief outfit, they are replaceable and not worth too much to Akira to be used as props. The one thing Akira uses the most would be his bag. He’s never rarely seen without the thing. Carrying out through the city streets, whether it’s day or night, he hauls the strapped bag prop with him. This is usually to transport Morgana the cat, since they are his buddy and means to help with heists. Akira probably couldn’t do anything important if he lost the bag since his means of transportation through the shadow palaces would be lost and he couldn’t access anything. Keeping a bag as a prop supports his activities as a thief and his facade as a normal high school student. 
                                                     AKIRA & GORO  
Akira likes teasing Goro about his sentai rangers obsession to the point of mockery but it’s in good taste. He especially likes to play a Vocaloid song called; “Urotander Underhanded Rangers”, which is about a group of justice fanatics that basically uses tricky ways to defeat their opponents. 
🎸- Do they have any instruments in their room?
Being a fan of video games, especially ones like the Legend of Zelda, Akira owns an Ocarina. Mostly for the aesthetic, the musical instrument does indeed play a tune. He usually plays ‘song of the storms’ when he’s bored and it’s storming outside of his room in the attic. Akira did own a drum set back home but there was no room in the tiny area where he sleeps to fit one in. He mainly bought them just so he could annoy the shit out of his parents and neighbors, under the guise that he was just practicing to be in one of his friends bands. 
👕- Are they organized with their clothes, or can they be found on the floor?
Akira’s good at hiding things so his room is nice and tidy. There’s no clothes on the floor because doing so will cause people to become suspicious. He really doesn’t want someone barging into his room and find his casual outfit stuffed full of calling cards sprawled out on the floor carelessly. That wouldn’t be ideal for him or to a greater extent, his friends either. So his habit of grabbing every pile of clothing he has and shoving them into every nook and cranny he can find is pretty common. Akira sometimes can’t find the clothes he needs though because some are too well hidden.  
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 years
Replies hours late with Headcanons and an Essay
I’m too tired of having to type out my responses on my phone and this one might get (haha will get) rly long so.
Haru mentions in the cruise dungeon that she’s not actually very good at speaking with upperclass people since she’s usually just silent or exchanging pleasantries. => She probably spends most business shit observing people and their mannerisms. I think she def reads too much into people? If the phantom thieves weren’t combat buddies who are saving the world through supernatural means and like it was some normal HS au, I feel like Haru would be a lot more. Distrustful of all of them? Maybe even to a point where she’d doubt their shitty lying as also being an act perhaps? The newspaper chick mentions how it’s actually pretty hidden that Haru’s a daughter of such a big CEO. I felt like. It was a pretty bad first impression for Makoto to make that “Yeah you’re haru. Daughter of that CEO”. Sure she was going to follow up w/ her dad’s palace but kind of gives a “ah so that’s what she cares about” feeling. It doesn’t matter in the end but that’s an example of how I feel Haru might read too much into it. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it. Hey Atlus it’d be nice if Haru wasn’t so shafted so I didn’t have to spend 20 minutes looking into single interactions. (One of the space port lines has ann asking if Haru’s okay and haru’s I’m not… but then follows up with a I’m not going to forgive him! But I really wonder…)
I do vaguely hc that in the beginning Haru has a bias towards Protag thanks to Morgana and the fact the protag is a cat (haru’s a cat person but she’ll leave room in her heart for one dog dw Makochan) and that’s partially why I’ll accept her confiding in just the protag at first but also. Even just adding say Futaba in the rank 1, any of the other thieves gardening with her and Akira so her link doesn’t feel so. Isolated? Her link’s good and stuffed as is But i would’ve loved to see at least some form of Haru learning to rely on the thieves more.
I can compare anyone to everyone if I try hard enough but yeah Yusuke’s my fav for Haru. I actually like. Akechi. (persona shitty fathers, unawakened power, awakenings against said father, distrust) and Futaba (guilt over death). Persishables by signalbeam is still good and I wish I could’ve seen more of the “we changed our family’s hearts” club. Granted, I’m impressed Atlus even remembered Yusuke enough to have him comment on Haru’s situation. If Haru gets married in a western style though i’d absolutely. Let Yusuke do all the “father” shit. I like them as friends who kind of just understand each other in a really soothing way. Talk to each other about dating (relatively) impulsive people while doing floral arrangements. Yusuke was probably the first one to realize Makoto and Haru have a Thing and in a story where it’s 10k slowburn, he’s probably the one who went “I will gladly aid you in creating Valentine’s chocolates for everyone else but do you not want to make something special for Makoto?”  Yusuke’s really sweet. He’s my favorite boy. Like obviously I’m biased towards Niijima sibs but I feel like if anyone were to help Haru with any of the. post death related traditions Yusuke is also good choice.
On a side note, we  never really. Find out when Haru holds that funeral do we? (They don’t even have anything to cremate…) There’s some pretty strict east Asian standards involved and they never model Haru in anything that’s remotely dark enough to count as mourning outfits… I can’t remember off the top of my head if we know remotely anything about her mother either besides dead but I’m going to presume it was an arranged marriage for the sake of Kunikazu to propel himself. 
This is getting really long and I just did a word count and it’s like 700 words so. I’m going to leave this here. I have a lot of haru opinions that i still have not been able to wrangle into a tangible form so my apologies if this gets a bit hard to understand/jumps around a bit. (Doesn’t help I tend to jump around writing) If you need any clarification you can ask.
I LOVE THESE HARU OPINIONS THEYRE GOOD AND I AGREE. Haru being the most brutal/homocidal of the p thieves is usually played for laughs but it's basically the only time she's able to let loose, like, at all. As the newest member she's probably often background thinking of Her Place In The Group and What's Acceptable or When She's Being Too Presumptuous, but wailing on a shadow? It's simple. Doesn't need thought.
Even though Haru's Soft she's definitely prone to looking pessimistically at people's motivations, I think. She tries to be kind, she knows people can be kind, but she also knows life can be catalogued into a series of transactions that either increase or decrease available assets. I think you're right, it'd definitely be way harder to befriend Haru in any normal circumstance - she's not exactly a social butterfly at school, & it's absolutely a conscious choice.
When you put it that way, it really does make sense. I think it's frustrating because we already get scripted group scenes! We already know that Yusuke and Haru can work together for arranging the garden! And one of her ranks involves visiting Sojiro, so it'd just be nice! If more people could just... be there too.... it's a shame there's not as much establishing Haru with Ann or Ryuji.... BUT I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR ASSESSMENT ON HER RELATIONSHIP WITH YUSUKE, they just understand each other and can talk stuff out. You have good taste in fave boys. Signal's fic is good, the Yusuke + Makoto dynamic was so solidly. Amicable green card divorce, I love it. Yusuke gets along with both of them so well, and Makoto's like in the middle of him & Ryuji in terms of impulse control. Yusuke would definitely find Haru's perspective on romance really helpful.
we def didn't learn anything about. Her mom. The specifics of what she handled. Presumably the funeral didn't happen too long after death. Oh but we know the grandpa coffee shop thing.
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