#happy vday to all my freaking otps
fangirlingdweeb · 2 years
@ all my otps:
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amour393 · 3 years
Oh what's that me doing something for my other otp because it's valentines and I'm a single pringle
Amourshipping stuff. Happy Vday
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1. Serena. Her love language is totally gift giving and I think anytime she she's something she thinks Ash would like she buys it
2. Ash. I bet he just falls asleep when they cuddle or watch movies
3. Ash. He just forgets, okay?
4. Honestly, it varies. Ash is super protective so he'll definitely want Serena to get sleep, but then again Ash would also stay up training until sunrise, and Serena would absolutely not want him getting sick from not sleeping.
5. Ash burns everything but Serena's got it under control
6. Serena is the "oh that's us!!" and Ash is the "eh, not really"
7. Serena obviously steals his clothes all the time.
8. Both run errands a lot, but Ash would absolutely forget the one thing Serena told him to make sure he got. Oops
9. Ash drives, Serena gives directions
10. Quote Ash Ketchum: "Serena draw me like one of your Kalos girls" immediately followed by Serena saying "Ash, get off the counter."
11. Ash would totally backflip over the lasers. Serena would stroll behind.
12. Neither of them drink, at least not enough for it to be a problem
13. Serena gets Ash stuff because, again, her love language is gift giving
15. Ash takes the spider outside because he thinks they're cool. Serena freaks out.
16. Ash gives Serena his jacket, obviously.
17. Well neither of them have an older sibling, but I get the vibe that once Brock everyone meets Serena they're all like "Ash you better treat her right"
18. Serena. Duh.
19. They are the bEST PARENTS like Serena is the protective mom but Ash totally helps her relax and let the kids be adventurous and stuff! They can be a bit overprotective but a simple "but Dad remember when you were my age!" and they can get away with a lot.
20. Serena texts with perfect grammar and Ash uses numbers
21. Neither of them strike me as the type to get bullied, but both of them would definitely stick up for anyone who does.
22. Ash Ketchum I'm sorry did you mean KING OF DAD JOKES
23. Ash would absolutely bring in any pokemon from the rain and Serena would just sigh and be like "another?"
24. Tbh, I think both do this.
25. Again, both do this. Though Serena is probably the less vocal supporter of the two, that doesn't mean she supports him any less. Ash on the other hand screams like a 40yo soccer mom
26. Serena takes the best selfies and you can't change my mind
27. Serena gives the makeovers, definitely
28. Neither of them are scared of the other's pokemon. Though I bet some of Serena's new pokemon get jealous of Ash from time to time
29. Ash totally holds the umbrella because Serena is shorter than him
30. Dream vacation would probably be to Alola, hanging out on the beach and chilling.
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