#happy birthday aranai 2022
shinagawa-division · 2 years
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— Shinagawa Division—
It was approximately 8:00p.m. on a hot June day and the sun had set, letting nighttime take control until sunrise of the next day. On the outskirts of the city of Shinagawa, hidden by the foliage was a building approximately 8 stories in height and was lit up colorfully like a candle in the dark, while it may look like an old abandoned building to the few that have seen it, what lies inside the building can on,y be described as a one of a kind extraordinary. This is the headquarters of the infamous hacktivist group, Scorpion Den.
In the fifth floor of the building, the inside looked a mix between a punk anarchist and a SiFi fan’s dream, it was quite lively with many people working on a plethora of things while others were simply lounging around the area and socializing. On one of the platforms was a girl with black and purple hair tied into twintails, the girl so happened to be Sumire Shinomiya, Scorpion Den’s unofficial leader. She sat on a workbench and appeared to be working on something, giving how stone faced her features were, it looked like whatever she was working on had some importance, this wasn’t anything new for the girl but this time in particular was different, for it was a special occasion.
So immersed in her work, she didn’t hear the sound of the elevator being activated and footsteps approaching her until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Dropping her screwdriver, the two color haired girl jumped with a yelp and immediately twisted her head to look at whoever disturbed her, sighing when she realized that it was only her best friends and most trusted confidants. Annoyed, she sent a glare at the punkish looking group, “Ever heard of knocking?” She snarked, causing the blue haired girl to roll her eyes.
“Did you forget that you called us up here?” Said Janine McNamara, Scorpion Den’s lead programmer.
“Honestly Sumire, this better be good, I was in the middle of working on the next batch of Zenith, we’re running low.” Grumped a raven haired boy, the head chemist of Scorpion Den, Yosuke Miura. His features contorting into annoyance at the young scientist in front of him.
“Of course not,” Sumire crossed her arms, huffing, “but you still could have given me a warning, you can clearly see that I’m working on something and this is important, I’ve been working on this for months!”
“Damn, months? Usually it only takes you a few days to finish a project, this must really mean something to you.” A new voice popped up, unlike the others, this voice sounded synthesized, as if whoever was speaking was using a voice modulator. There was only one person that fit that description, the Trickster of Scorpion Den, the bright LED lights of his signature chemion mask lit up, his “eyes” displaying “X X”, conveying his current mood.
Sumire shrugged, fiddling with a piece of scrap metal in her hands, “Eh, kinda. It’s more….I’m repaying somebody back.”
“Ah, so this is about Aranai.” A smooth voice spoke, laced with amusement. The group immediately turned their heads to Miyabi Katsura, one of Scorpion Den’s few older members. Sumire glared at the older female while Miyabi merely gave a smile.
“W-wait a minute! As in the former biker gang leader?! And the current leader of Sakurai Clan?!” Yelped Scorpion Den’s fairly new member, Zoya Anand, who was currently looking at both Miyabi and Sumire in surprise and slight fear, she had heard many rumors of Ueno’s cherry blossom haired menace and while she isn’t sure how true they are, she wasn’t exactly eager to find out.
“Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s her birthday today, ain’t it? (! !)” Trickster ‘ohh’ed’ in realization, eyes turning into exclamation marks.
“So that’s what this is about? You called us here to help throw a party for your friend that we haven’t even met?” Yosuke scowled, now more annoyed that his work was interrupted for something he could care less for.
“C’mon Yosuke, don’t be a dick, I think that’s a awesome idea! I mean, I think it’s about time we meet the girl that’s stealing away our best friend.” Janine lightly elbowed the chemist, a smile on her pink lips. Though, while she was joking, the others didn’t exactly catch on and soon enough an argument broke out about whether Sumire was replacing them or not.
Sumire rubbed her forehead and released a sigh, her friends had a habit of taking anything she says and just ran with it without her explaining the whole thing, much like herself she realized but she could ponder about her hypocrisy later. “Can you all shut up for about five minutes?! If you would actually let me explain then you would know that Aranai’s not stealing me away, I’m not replacing all of you, and we’re not throwing a party!”
Sumire’s outburst caused her fellow Scorpions to quiet down almost immediately, causing the anarchist to let out a sigh of relief, it was silent for just about 30 seconds before Trickster spoke up. “So then, what are we doing?”
“I’m not going to do anything except finish my gift,” Sumire turned back to her workbench and picked up her tools, already getting back to finishing crafting whatever it is she was working on. “You guys however, are going on a little trip to Ueno to pick up some cargo.”
“Hell no.” Yosuke refused.
“What cargo? How come we weren’t notified?” Janine questioned.
“Is the cargo a cake? Please tell me it’s cake. (~ ~)” Trickster begged.
“Wait, I still don’t understand, why do we have to go to Ueno?” Zoya asked.
“Isn’t it obvious? Sumire wants us to go kidnap Aranai.” Miyabi explained.
Sumire snaped her fingers and pointed at Miyabi without looking. “You see, why can’t you guys be as perceptive as Miyabi?”
“Hell no.” Yosuke refused, again.
“What?!” Janine yelped.
“Okay (X X).” Trickster shrugged.
“WHAT?!” Zoya yelled.
Miyabi pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, “And what are we getting out of this?”
“An adventure, a chance to meet my friend, an opportunity to leave this fucking building.” Sumire responded, not missing a beat.
“Sumire.” Janine started, intertwining her hands together and a pleading look on her face. “Please listen to yourself and to me, I don’t know what kind of messed up relationship you and Aranai have but we are not going to kidnap her for you.”
Sumire stopped her inventing and turned her head to look at her blue haired bestie, an unreadable look on her face. Once again it was quiet (save for the loud constructing noises of other members making their own inventions) as the two friends looked at each other.
— Ueno Division —
“I can’t fucking believe she actually got us to do this.”
Nobody responded as the crew, now in their signature masks and mission gear merely waited outside the building Aranai was in, only a few blocks down. They had gotten information from Sumire that her biker friends were throwing her a party and this was where they were throwing it, judging by the loud music and empty cans and bottles of alcohol thrown everywhere outside, this was the place. They were sitting inside Hellraiser, the team’s vehicle which was actually an old train cart that they had converted into a vehicle and one that they use during missions that were long distance.
Yosuke, or Stolas sighed as he leaned back in his seat, glaring at Janine or Dove from behind his mask. “You really need to work on your willpower or else she’s going to keep do-“
“Oh, because you were doing so much to contribute.” Dove snapped, glaring back.
“I’m just saying that I’m not as easily tempted as you.” Stolas said and Dove scoffed. “Then why are you here if you have such strong willpower?”
“Guys, c’mon, we’re already here, might as well get it over with.” Zoya or Saraswati softly pleaded, trying to make herself look as small as possible.
“Shh,” Trickster hushed her, “I wanna see where this one goes, it’s not often Dove and Stolas go at it. (O O)” He whispered excitedly.
“Well sorry to disappoint you, Trick but we’re going to have to cut this short, she’s coming out.” Miyabi or Yūrei cut in as she unbuckled her seatbelt, immediately gaining the attention of the other people in the vehicle with her. Looking out of the front window of Hellraiser was indeed Aranai Norikoru who looked like to be taking a breath of fresh air (for whatever reason) from her party, taking a swig of the bottle of alcohol she brought with her but most importantly: she was alone which made it all the more easier for the crew.
“Oh shit! Showtime! (! !)” Trickster cheered (and immediately getting shushed by the others) while the team got out of Hellraiser and made their way to the Bōsōzoku.
Honestly, looking back, it probably wasn’t the best idea to just walk up to her or at least not without some plan. I mean, what do you do when five masked people walk up to you at night?
Well if you were Aranai then the answer is obvious.
“Yooo~! Ride or Die! (^ ^)” Trickster called out, waving towards the pink haired girl.
Aranai blinked once, twice before opening her mouth to speak, “Uh, who the fuck are you guys.”
“That’s classified, I’m afraid.” Yūrei crossed her arms, her oni mask making her look particularly intimidating in the moonlight. “But we need you to come with us, it’s important.”
Aranai looked at the masked people in front of her, the party was still raging on behind her and she laughed, un-fucking-believable, of course shit like this had to happen to her, on her birthday no less! Taking one last swig of her drink, she threw it behind her, not caring that it smashed and broke on the ground, she looked at Yūrei and craned her neck side to side, cracking it a little. “Oh yeah, bitch? And what if I refused?”
Dove, immediately coming to a realization that a fight will break out if something isn’t done, quickly spoke up. “Look, this doesn’t have to get ugly, just…please come with us and we’ll…try to explain.” She looked back and forth between Yūrei and Aranai, more worried for her friend’s wellbeing than anything.
“Right, because I’ll totally go with a bunch of masked strangers that I don’t know, it won’t definitely end with me dead in some ditch with my organs missing. Seriously, do I look fucking stupid to you?” Aranai snarled, now actually pissed. Dove and Yūrei stayed silent but shared a look.
“Yeah, actually.” Stolas nodded, narrowly avoiding an elbow jab from Yūrei. Saraswati, who was hanging back from the group, started to slowly back away, sensing danger.
“Look, we’re all amigos here, right? Just come with us and everything will be fine, we even got cake! (^ ^)” Trickster nonchalantly and casually walked up to the Bōsōzoku and attempted to grab her hand…only to be met with a swift punch to the face…and a kick to the stomach, it took all of five seconds for Trickster to be on the ground, groaning in pain and clutching at his certainly bruised abdomen.
“Trick!!” Dove, Yūrei, Stolas, and Saraswati yelled in shock while Aranai only clicked her tongue, unimpressed.
Saraswati immediately went over to Trickster’s side and tried to get him away from the biker girl, although being mildly terrified right now, the only thing on her mind was getting her friend to safety.
“What the hell is your problem?!” Stolas glared at Aranai who glared back despite not actually seeing his face. “Shouldn’t I be saying that? I mean, for a bunch of shithead kidnappers, you guys suck at actually kidnapping people.”
“Look, we can’t tell you why but you have to come with us, we’re on a very tight schedule.” Yūrei glanced down at her watch, they only had 15 minutes to get to the area Sumire wanted them to drop Aranai off.
“Oh boo-fucking-hoo, clearly I don’t give a shit, now if you assholes don’t want to end up like your friend here.” The Bōsōzoku pointed at Trickster still on the ground, “then fuck off and get the fuck out of my city.”
Yūrei and Stolas silently shared a look and Dove sucked in a deep breath and exhaled, reaching into her pocket, she pulled out what looked like to be a perfume bottle, it was blue and overall looked very pretty, something straight out from a high class boutique. Gripping it tightly in her hands, she looked up at Aranai, “You know, now having actually met you, I can see how you and Sumire get along, if you see her, tell her she owes us, all of us, big time.”
At the mention of her intelligent friend, Aranai paused, these shitheads know Sumire? Oh fuck, did they kidnap her?! “Sumire? The hell does she have to do with this?”
Dove grinned behind her mask, she gripped her perfume bottle tightly, in a flash, she was right in front of Aranai which seemed to take the other female aback just a little. Before the pink haired biker could do anything, she was hit with a blue cloud and the pleasant smell of…blueberries? Coughing, Aranai took a step back and rubbed her eyes, looking at her masked assailants that seemed to…multiply? No, that wasn’t it…but she felt…really tired all of a sudden.
Literally swaying back and forth, Aranai gave a death glare to Dove, “Y-you…you bitch…what….did you do to…me?”
Dove shrugged and held up her perfume bottle, giving it a little shake. “Nothing really, just gave you a little spray since you reeked of alcohol, though there’s a bit of side effects, such is the price of beauty.”
The crew watched warily as Aranai took a step forward towards Dove…only to fall back on the ground unconscious. The group stood still for a couple of seconds, Dove going over to Aranai’s body to check her breathing and pulse before giving a thumbs up making the others give a sigh of relief.
“What..the fuck..” Saraswati merely started at Aranai’s unconscious body in shock while Yūrei nodded, “What the fuck indeed.”
“Yeah, what the fuck, Dove?! (! !)” Trickster immediately got up from his position on the ground, seemingly bounced back from the quick beat down Aranai gave him. “Couldn’t you have done that before she fucking punched me?! (⋋ ⋌)”
“You kinda deserved it man, let’s be honest.” Stolas patted Trickster on the shoulder as he made his way to Dove and Aranai.
“I didn’t do shit! (> <)” Trickster whined, slumping over as Saraswati patted him on the back and Yūrei made her way over to Dove and Stolas.
“Enough, the hard part’s over now, we only got 10 minutes left so let’s get her inside Hellraiser and finally be done with this night.” Yūrei commanded as she lifted Aranai up by her shoulders, “One of you grab her legs.”
“On it.” Stolas volunteered as he grabbed the Biker’s legs and together he and Yūrei effortlessly hoisted her up. The five of them, including their hostage placed the Bōsōzoku into the back of the vehicle before getting in themselves, Yūrei at the driver’s seat and turning on the ignition.
“Uh, hey Dove?” Saraswati spoke up, nervously glancing at Aranai’s body every few moments as if she would suddenly jump up and mercilessly beat them all into oblivion. “How long does the knock out perfume lasts?”
“Don’t worry, Sara.” Dove patted the shorter girl on the head, “She should be out for a while and even if she does wake up, she’ll be too out of it to do anything immediately.”
“Oh…okay.” Saraswati nodded, feeling a bit more relaxed.
Dove sighed and leaned back into her seat, “Our first time meeting and we kidnapped her.” She could feel a migraine coming.
“Technically, she didn’t meet us, she only me-“
“Shut up, Trick.”
As they began to get on the road, the door to the building opened up to reveal one of Aranai’s friends, they noticed that when Aranai stepped out, she didn’t come back and went to go get her only to find her gone, before they could process anything, a vehicle sped past them and into the city.
— ???, Ueno City —
A dull pounding in her head caused the Bōsōzoku to open her eyes, hissing and groaning, she placed a head on her forehead in an attempt to stop whatever headache that was making itself home within her cranium. Slowly getting up, she looked around to find herself in an empty apartment room, save for the wardrobe in the corner and a small table with a tablet resting on it. Ahead of her was the door that lead to the exit, without thinking, the pink haired woman walked to the door and twisted the knob…only to find it locked. Even more alarmed, she twisted it again and again before ramming her shoulder against it and beating at it with her hands.
“GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!” Aranai yelled, eyes ablaze with pure anger. Now that everything was coming back to her, specifically those masked freaks that kidnapped her, she was more than pissed, she was fucking livid, she swore that when she finds those assholes, she’s gonna tear them limb from fucking limb.
Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down and started practicing some de-stressing exercises her surrogate mother taught her. Taking another look around the partially empty room, her sight once again landed on the black tablet just laying on the table, almost compelling her to go to it, Aranai sighed and rubbed her head, this is most definitely a trap but what else could she do? There were no windows, the door-as she quickly found out-was made out of metal, and there was barely anything here to help her. Biting her tongue, she muttered a quiet “fuck it” before walking up to the small table and taking the tablet.
Pressing the home button, the tablet immediately came to life, showing a…purple scorpion. A very familiar purple scorpion, Aranai’s eyes widen when she finally put two and two together and just when she did, the screen glitched to show the culprit.
“Hey Nai!” Sumire motherfucking Shinomiya grinned at her from behind the screen and judging from the look of the video, it was a recording, “Happy birthday bitch!” She cheered and then proceeded to blow a party blower to the camera. Aranai just stared at the screen and somewhere in the back of her mind, she can faintly feel her eye twitching.
“Okay, okay, all jokes aside, I know you must be feeling very confused and hella pissed off right now.” Sumire giggled, throwing the party blower behind her.
“You’re goddamn right I am, you bitch-“
“But don’t worry, I’m here to explain everything!” She clasped her hands together and gave Aranai a beaming smile, “Remember the amazing gift you gave me for my birthday? Well, I wanted to return their favor…tenfold.” Her angelic smile suddenly turned into a demonic smirk, “A few months ago, you told me that one of your favorite game concepts aside from racing games is a hack and slash where you get to destroy a whole bunch of shit and get a shitton of loot.” Was Aranai hallucinating or was Sumire’s smirk getting more demonic the more she talked? “So me, being the loving and considerate friend I am, decided to make that wish come true for you. I turned Ueno City into a real life video game and you,” She pointed at Aranai, “my dear Bōsōzoku are the protagonist, your mission? Destroy the chompers terrorizing the citizens of Ueno City and make your way to Kaneiji where your prize and I await you.” When she finally finished talking, she leaned back into her chair, still smirking. “Don’t believe me? Just watch.”
The screen glitched again, this time showing Ueno City in utter chaos, people screaming and running from the Chompers that were causing complete mayhem and terrorizing citizens but they weren’t hurting them, the most they were doing was literally nipping at their heels but otherwise they were just chasing and hissing at people. Aranai watched in horror, anger, and just a tad bit of awe, she honestly didn’t know what to say…actually she had a lot to say and none of them were good but her mouth refused to move. Just a while ago, she was enjoying her birthday with her friends and now she had been kidnapped and one of her closest friends had set a bunch of robots loose on her city.
The screen glitched back to show Sumire, this time filling her nails, as if she hadn’t put an entire city in danger, she glanced up at the camera, “You still with me? You don’t have much time, Nai, you need to get to Kaneiji as soon as possible, I don’t want to spoil anything but it’ll be bad for both of us if your prize were to…spoil so to say so better to move your ass, the door will open after this message but before you go charging out like an idiot, go check the wardrobe, it’s not a trap or anything, trust me, it’s going to help you immensely.”
Aranai slowly turned her head away from the tablet and towards the wardrobe, it didn’t look like much, just an ordinary wardrobe one would find in a residence. Placing the tablet down, she walked over to the wardrobe and opened it to find three things. A helmet, a leather jacket, and a baseball bat. All of them were pink, had cherry blossom designs, and were…honestly kinda nice, it wasn’t exactly her style per say but Aranai could appreciate the effort. Grabbing the items from the wardrobe, Aranai put on the leather jacket and went back to the tablet.
“Do you like it? I know how much you like cherry blossoms so I thought I’d get you something nice, you can keep them, consider it a bonus present. Now, I have to go, as much as I would love to stick around and watch my work come to fruition, I know better.” Sumire stood up and dusted herself off, “Remember, destroy the Chompers and get to Kaneiji, it doesn’t matter if you can’t get rid of all of them, I’ve set them to deactivate when you arrive at Kaneiji, don’t ask how or why, you’ve got bigger things to worry about. Good luck, Ride or Die, the fate of Ueno City rests in your hands. Diabla, signing off.”
Just like that, the screen went black and the door to the outside opened after giving a beep. Aranai looked blankly at the tablet then to the door before wordlessly walking out the room and to…outside. Where people were still panicking and running around like headless chickens, Aranai stopped short when a bunch of police cars sped past her going to somewhere she didn’t know or care. A shriek caught her attention and she looked down to see a chomper growling and hissing at her. Sumire’s words rang through her head and Aranai…laughed, and laughed and laughed as she put on the helmet (and was immediately greeted with game stats and a score counter along with her adjectives in the corner, the bitch really went all out) and gripped the bat tightly. Looking at the mechanical monstrosity, she lifted the cherry blossom bat above her head and brought it down on the Chomper, instantly killing it with a loud smash.
“Alright, you demonic motherfucker, let’s play.”
— Kaneiji Building —
Three hours had passed and Aranai had finally made it to the Kaneiji building, panting and so fucking tired, her arms and legs hurt from swinging and running. The journey getting here was not an easy one, those little Chomper fuckers were a lot more trouble than she thought, not only were there were so many of them but they were all over the fucking city! It was especially bad at the police station and she could only count her lucky stars that her helmet made it so that people couldn’t identify her, specifically Kisouna who Aranai had the pleasure of seeing her stab at the Chompers with a pen.
But now she was here after killing 387 Chompers and accumulating a score of 465,903 points, looking up at the building, she knew that her prize was somewhere inside, pulling herself up, she ran up the stairs and pushed open the doors to the building, warily looking around for any Chompers or police, she was relieved to find neither and started her long trek up to the top floor of the building.
20 minutes later, she had finally made it, coming across giant double doors marked with a sign that said “In here! <3” signifying that her prize was inside. Sighing, she was both a little sad and relived that this was going to be all over in a few moments but she had gone too far to stop now so she placed her hands on the doors and pushed, walking inside, she paused as she looked at her so called “prize”.
“.…You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
A single table set for two was in the middle of the room, it looked like something out of a cheesy romance novel, with candles lit and spaghetti that looked freshly cooked along with a bottle of champagne but that wasn’t what caught Aranai’s attention. No, it was fucking Ichiro Yamada tied and gagged to a chair on one side, dressed in a red suit and unconscious.
Numbly walking up to the table, Aranai just stared at the sight in front of her then spotting a bag and a note that was on her chair, first opening the bag, it was revealed to be money, a shitton of it, specifically $465,903, the exact same as her score. Looking at the note, she opened it as fast as she could and read through that shit like it was a fucking college letter.
‘Happy birthday cunt and congratulations!
You saved Ueno City from the evil Chompers and made it to Kaneiji! As of now, all remaining Chompers have deactivated and any evidence is currently being erased. Now, for your prize for being such a good girl, you get to spend a special one on one with the M.C. B.B.! in a little event I call 30 minutes in heaven! Now, Ichiro should be waking up any minute now so…
“Have fun.”
Aranai snapped her head towards the voice, at the door where she came in was a girl wearing a purple hoodie and a spider queen mask, she tilted her head at her and gave a small wave before quickly shutting the door just when Aranai rammed into it, only to be too late.
“FUCK!!!” She screamed and pulled at the handles only to discover them being jammed, looking at the door, she searched for anything to open it but to no avail, only finding a timer taped to the door and counting down 30 minutes.
Taking off the helmet, the Bōsōzoku threw it to the side and kicked at the door before giving one last shout of anger and sliding down the door, caught up in her own anger, she almost didn’t notice the muffled noise of some speaking and fidgeting in a chair, looking up, she felt her eye twitched once again as she made eye contact with a very confused and very alarmed Ichiro. Running a hand down her face, the pink haired woman looked up at the timer still ticking down and stood up, walking back over to the table and Ichiro, she ripped the tape from his mouth and undid his restraints, went back to her side of the table, sat on the chair and digging into her spaghetti.
Ichiro, upon being released, rubbed at his irritated wrists and stared wide eyed at Aranai, he had no clue what happened, all he remembered was being back home in Ikebukuro and now he was here…and why was he wearing a suit?
“Aranai? Wha-“
“Before you start,” Aranai cut in, still munching on her spaghetti which was, admittedly, pretty damn good, “I was not involved in this, my batshit insane friend decided to make a birthday “gift” because she couldn’t just buy me something like a fucking normal person. The door’s locked so we’re stuck here for 30 minutes so I suggest we get comfy.”
Ichiro just stared silently at her.
Aranai grabbed the bottle of champagne and popped it open, she held it out to the male, “Champagne?”
— Fukuoka Division —
In an abandoned warehouse away from the city of Fukuoka, a girl was sitting on the couch and sipping on a can of soda, in front of her was a TV that was playing the news, all the major news channels reported the same thing, the crazy robot attack on Ueno City. Despite nobody getting hurt, the incident was frightening enough to completely scare citizens and not only that, the police had put out a reward for the capture of the masked vigilante that had destroyed the robots and actually saved the city.
Sumire Shinomiya cackled madly as she took another sip of her soda and kicked her feet up on the table, her plan was a complete success and after months, she had finally gotten even.
Upon getting a message, she pulled out her phone and looked at the message Janine sent her.
‘Clean up’s done, you owe all of us big time, ya hear’
Grinning, Sumire sent a reply and placed her phone back in her pocket, taking another sip of her soda.
Revenge truly was sweet.
Happy birthday, Aranai! 😈💜🖤
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uenodivision · 2 years
Happy Birthday Aranai!
__ June 21st __
Happy Birthday to former Bōsōzoku, public menace to society and leader of Ueno City's Sakurai Clan! Let us wish her many more!
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Feel free to wish Aranai a happy birthday, or ask her anything!
Thanks to @saitama-division for her dress and picture.
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saitama-division · 2 years
The day in question of Sayaka Miyuki's birth was slowly winding down and coming to an end. Though it was just like any other day, one couldn't deny that the date of someone's birth was a reason for celebration and to be happy. This was probably the reason why a very large cake box appeared on the doorstep of the Miyuki residence. And it wasn't alone. It seemed that the sender wasn't the only one with the idea to leave the recipient a gift. Though the sender debated leaving it there, they had little to no choice and could only hope that the present, along with the others, were left there until the woman in question returned home.
Two hours later...
As Sayaka and the rest of FF returned to her estate, they all stopped as there was an abundance of gifts left upon her front porch. The three women (and Yoshiko) all looked at the display of items that were blocking the door.
"Wow," Lola whistled, bumping Sayaka's arm with her elbow. "Someone's popular today."
"Well, it is her birthday," Kureha stated.
"Surely... these can't all be for me?" Sayaka questioned, still surprised.
"Believe it, hun!" Lola answered. "That's what it means to be the birthday girl!" Walking up to them, the model picked up the ones that were blocking the door.
"Come on, let's get inside and see what's in them!"
"Alright, alright," Sayaka said, as she walked to the front door, unlocking it. Once inside, the group what items they could and brought them to the living room. Urged on by Lola and her daughter, the birthday woman picked up a random box and opened it.
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Inside the box, inside a pink cylinder, was a bouquet of pink and white flowers, all healthy and blooming. They all had a lovely and beautiful scent to them, making the room smell delightful. On the cylinder, a note was tapped on it, which read:
'A most joyous and blessed happy birthday, Sayaka-san! May God continue to bless you with many more! Sincerely, Shisuta Heisha.'
Smiling at the flowers sent by the nun, Sayaka set them off to the side and opened up another gift, which was in a smaller box than the previous one.
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Inside of it was a pair of rectangular squares, all a different color of the rainbow, excluding indigo. In the corner of each was a small circle, obviously for putting keys or such on. With it came a small black remote control with six buttons, all the same as the squares. Inside of the box was a note, obviously left by the recipient.
'A most joyous happy birthday to you, Sayaka-san. My apologies for delivering this to you so late. Work has been difficult, as of late. I hope these key finders will make up for it. Not that I doubt you will ever have need of them since I know you are an orderly woman who never loses track of her possessions. But better safe than sorry, I believe. Please enjoy what is left of your day. Sincerely, Kisouna Yuzairu.'
Again, the Saitama leader smiled at the gift, ignoring the smart comment made by Lola. Turning to another box, this one felt a bit heavier than the last, though lighter than the first. Opening, her eyes grew as she looked at what was inside.
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It was a foot massager, a bit different from the one she currently had, as this one was undoubtedly more expensive; Sayaka could tell just by looking at it. She knew that she'd have to read the instruction manual in order to figure out how to use it, though a part of her couldn't wait to try it out. On the box, she looked as there was another note like the previous two.
'Happy birthday, Shinobu Kocho! ...If you didn't get that reference, you should watch more anime. Anyway, I heard it was your birthday and I decided to get you this. If you're anything like 'Mom' and Boss-Lady, you don't know when to relax, so I thought this thing could help. Enjoy your b-day! Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru.'
Like before, Sayaka found it hard to stop smiling as she had received gifts from all three members of the Ueno Division, which was unexpected, though not at all unappreciated. She made a mental note to send thanks to each and every one of them when she got the chance. Looking as there was one present left, she noticed that it was the largest out of all those she had received. Opening the box, her eyes lit up at what was inside.
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Inside was a four-story white cake decorated with butterfly adornments. The single mother looked as her daughter was eyeing it, already thinking of devouring it, though she couldn't blame her. Like the last three, a single note was placed outside the box, which read:
'Happy birthday, Sayaka Miyuki. I apologize for delivering this late, but it took a long while to complete. Plus I wanted to make sure I delivered it myself before someone got to it. I hope you, your family and friends enjoy it. Again, happy birthday, and good luck in the D.R.B. Sincerely, Luis Kōkyū.'
“Weeeeell~ Somebody’s a popular gal!”
“You already said that.”
“Mommy! Mommy! Can we have cake, pleeeease?!”
Sayaka laughed as she set Luis’ letter down, patting Yoshiko’s head in an attempt to get her to calm down or at least from trying to jump the table and onto the cake. Between this cake and the one Kanra got for her, the single mother can already tell that her baby was going to get a sugar rush. Thankfully it’s the weekend, so she’ll be lenient.
“Seriously though, gifts from all three members of Ueno Division and a cake from Luis, you are indeed a special woman, Sayaka.” Lola winked as Kureha went to go get plates and silverware from the kitchen, mumbling, “Kōkyū-san’s cakes are really good.”
Sayaka gave a small smile, hand now stroking Yoshiko’s hair. “Hmm, maybe. I’m just glad to meet and befriend such amazing people.”
Thank you for the gift!
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edogawa-division · 2 years
While Kaoru and her family were no doubt probably still out celebrating her B-day, a small brown box appeared in their mailbox that was addressed to the birthday girl, herself. On it was a note that read,
'To Kaoru. Heard you're a big coffee drinker. Then this should definitely come in handy. Happy B-day to the Strategist of the Yozakura!'
As the family returned home, the Matriarch of the family, Yuriko Kuromiya, was the first to notice something was off. Checking the mailbox, she cautiously looked at it until spotting the note.
"Kaoru," She stated giving the girl a simple heads-up before tossing it to her eldest child, who fumbled with the box before laying it in her hands.
Looking at the note, Kaoru gave a soft smirk as she followed her family into the house, already knowing who it was from. The note had her curiosity piqued as she opened it up, revealing what was inside:
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Kaoru's eyes grew wide and started gleaming as she looked at it.
"What's that?" Kanra asked, looking at the object confused.
"A coffee warmer! I've been meaning to get one of these for the longest!" Kaoru answered, making her younger sibling roll her eyes. "Oh, this is going to help me tremendously on late nights."
"You really should stop drinking that stuff. It's not good for you." Kanra said, frowning.
"Or at the very least stop drinking so much of it." Yuriko added, agreeing with her youngest child.
"Yeah, yeah," Kaoru said, as she headed off to her room, eager to try it out. As the two other women watched her walk off, Yuriko found herself wondering something.
"By the way, what exactly is this 'Yozakura' group?"
"Don't worry about what the Yozakura is Yuriko." Kaoru shouted before closing the door to her room. Walking over to her desk Kaoru was quick to plug the coffee warmer in.
"Let's see I know I had some leftover coffee from last night around here somewhere. Ah! Found you! Now come to mama." Kaoru cooed, picking up the coffee mug and placing it on the warmer.
"Motor girl sure does know the way to my heart. Hehehe. I've always been such a sucker for coffee." Kaoru cackled before chugging the now heated drink in one go. Opening her laptop Kaoru cracked her fingers for a long night ahead of her. "Now, then let's see what secrets I can find out tonight."
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uenodivision · 2 years
ARB Birthday Special: Aranai Norikoru
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~~ June 21st ~~
"I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not."
Login Lines:
"Huh? What the heck is this? ...Yes, I know it's a present, smartass! I'm asking who is it being sent to! ...What? It's... for me? ...Well... thanks, I guess, but... why?"
"My... birthday? ...Oh shit! That is today, isn't it?! Fuck, I can't believe I forgot that! ...Well, thanks! Really, this is... this is nice."
Voice Lines:
"Sheesh, is it bad that so many people here in Ueno remembered today was my birthday, and I didn't? Cause I tell you now, I honestly completely forgot! ...Of course I'm not going to say 'no' to getting free stuff."
"My girls came by and wished me a 'Happy B-day'. They all gave me either some cash or some booze, either of which I'm okay with!"
"Kisouna's kid, Yomi, wrote me a birthday letter, which was kinda sweet. I tell you, you'd never think she and her mother were actually related considering how different they act!"
"Thanks, Shisuta. That means a lot coming from you. I still remember the day we met, as well. If not for you, I probably wouldn't be here right now. You've been a better mom to me than my actual mother. So... thanks.
"...What's this? ...A keychain? And it's... of my name? This is... nice. Thank you, Shisuta. I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised. I thought you didn't like getting store-bought gifts. But yeah, this is really a good gift. Thanks a lot!"
"Yeah, thanks a lot, Boss-Lady. ...What, you're not going to give me some speech about how 'since I'm older, I should be wiser now, and stop making so many mistakes, or being a social deviant?' Oh you mean, you're not? Wow, will wonders never cease?
"What... is this? A... biker helmet? ...Okay, I'm not going to ask you how much this thing cost you, or why you decided to give me this as a birthday present? ...What? So I don't have an excuse to disobey traffic laws?! Of freakin' course! I should have known a gift from you would have ulterior motives! Why am I not fuckin' surprised?! ...Fine, thanks for the gift, I guess."
Shisuta Lines:
"A most glorious and blessed happy birthday, Aranai-chan! It is hard to believe you are now 20 years old! Two decades of being on earth is nothing short of a blessing! I still remember when we first met. It's hard to believe years since our initial encounter. During that time, you've grown into a truly incredible young woman, and I'm very proud of you for all you've endured and persevered through.
"Oh I could take for hours on end, but we should get to the gift-giving before I go off again. I'm not normally one for store-bought gifts. But I saw this while shopping one day, and I could not buy it for you. I'm sorry if it isn't what you were expecting, but I hope you like it, regardless. ...Oh you do like it? Thank you, Aranai! That makes me truly relieved and happy!"
Kisouna Lines:
"Happy Birthday, Aranai. ...What, were you expecting me to lecture you or something? Trust me, as tempting as that'd be, I have 364 days to do that. Today is strictly for you, so I shall hold my tongue for now and allow your debauchery to go on for just this one day... unfortunately. Anyway, let us commence with the gift-giving, shall we?
"It's a biker helmet. I know how much you like cherry blossoms, so I made sure to include that. ...Why did I give you this specifically? Simple: I'm tired of you riding on that bike of yours without a helmet. Besides the danger you're putting yourself and others in, that's also breaking, at least, five laws! So now, you don't have an excuse to not wear one! ...Oh, you don't like it? Well, too bad! It's yours, whether you like it or not!"
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uenodivision · 2 years
Thank you all!
As Aranai's birthday sadly comes to an end, I’d like to thank everyone who helped to wish her a happy birthday. It really means a lot as her creator. I hope you’ll share the last member of Sakurai Clan, Shisuta, some love when her birthday rolls around in November. Until then.
The SC leader stretches her arms and cracks her neck. "Gotta say, I've had plenty of cool and plenty of not-so-cool birthdays in my life, but this... this one was pretty cool, I'll admit. Thanks a lot, peeps." The former Bōsōzoku then climbed on the new bike given to her by Kaoru of Edogawa. "Now if you don't mind, the streets of Ueno are calling my name. Later." With that, the SC leader then revved up her engine and was gone as quickly as she disappeared.
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uenodivision · 2 years
A knock is heard on the door. Opening the door reveals no one is there but three wrapped presents all addressed to Aranai Norikoru.  Bringing them inside you see an envelope attached to one of the gifts with "Open First" written on top. Opening the envelope you see not a letter but a disc the size of hand. You jump when the disc activates and reveals a hologram of the members of Wicked Requiem.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ARANAI SENPAI!" Kanra shouts. A huge smile on her face as Yuriko and Kaoru stand next to her. 
"Happy Birthday Motor Girl!" Kaoru says, throwing her hand in a peace sign.
"Indeed Happy Birthday Aranai-chan. Forgive us for not being able to deliver the gifts in person but we were able to record this for you." Yuriko finishes with a small smile on her lips.
"Open my gift first!" Kanra says, vibrating with excitement. 
Opening the gift marked with from Kanra reveals a pair of knee length leather boots with cherry blossom pink laces.
"New boots so you can ride around town! Hope you can put them to good use." Kanra cheers fist pumping the air. 
"I believe it's my turn now." Yuriko says as her smile turns much more mischievous. 
Opening the gift marked from Yuriko reveals a black combat knife with cherry blossom petals engraved on the blade.
"A Knife from my personal collection because you can never have too many ways to defend yourself. Come over and I'll properly show you how to use it but I would hide it from Shisuta and Kisouna. They probably wouldn't approve of it." Yuriko laughs. 
"I'm last and it is probably the best of the gifts." Kaoru boasts.
Opening the gift from Kaoru which was the smallest reveals a motorcycle key with the Sakurai Clan symbol as a keychain attached. 
"I got you a new Yamaha. I did some modifications to it that may not be street legal but you didn't hear that from me. I will let you know that it can go close to 225 MPH. So those stupid cops can barely catch you now. It should be parked out back." Kaoru winks a huge smile on her face. 
"Well Aranai it appears we've run out of time. I wish you a great rest of your birthday and hope to see you soon." Yuriko finishes.  
"Happy Birthday Aranai!" Kaoru and Kanra cheer one last time.
The hologram cuts off as the members of Wicked Requiem wave goodbye. The disc proceeds to play the Happy Birthday song before turning off. 
As the hologram ends, Aranai finds it hard to conceal the small smirk on her face, as she looks at the new boots on her feet given to her by her protege, Kanra.
"Not bad," she says. "Kid certainly knows my style. A little uncomfortable now, but that's easy to fix."
Heading to her garage, she walked promptly by her parents' room, rolling her eyes a bit as it was unsurprisingly empty. Heading downstairs, she entered the garage and looked at Kanra's gift, a new Yamaha, situated closely beside her old one. Truthfully, she was a bit worried about riding another bike. Her old Yamaha was her friend and partner, and one that she had personally customized for herself.
Still, it would be rude to refuse, so the former Bōsōzoku gingerly got on her new bike. Surprisingly, it fitted her almost as well as her old one did. Throwing the keys in the air, which she caught with ease, Aranai put the key in the ignition and heard the purr of the engine roar to life.
Before driving off, she felt around in her back pocket for Yuriko's gift, her brand-new knife. Looking at it, the SC leader smirked.
"Maybe I'll take her up on that offer." She said. "Yeah, I definitely will."
As the garage door opened, the wheels of her new bike squealed, as the biker drove out of her house, and down the road, eager to see what else this day had in store for her.
Thanks a lot for this. It was really nice!
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uenodivision · 1 year
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– Sumire’s Lab Basement, Kobayashi Mansion –
[It was around noonday when a package arrived on the doorstep of the Kobayashi mansion in Shinagawa. Besides the strangeness it which it suddenly appeared, it looked to be nothing more than an ordinary package that you'd receive in the mail. It even had a postage stamp and a shipping label on the box to know where it came from. And lo and behold, it was shipped to none other than the birthday girl, herself, Sumire Shinomiya.]
[Walking down to the basement where the girl in question was, the butler of the house, Goro Eguchi, knocked on the door of one of the largest rooms in the house. Opening the door, the old man looked as the door opened and a girl with purple/black ponytails poked her head out.]
Goro: *Holding out the box* Package for you, Miss.
Sumire: *Looks at and then takes it* Thanks, Goro.
[Bowing, the old butler then departed as Sumire closed the door, looking at the package. She was skeptical about it, especially considering that today was her birthday. And after her last... present from a certain pink-haired delivery woman from Ueno, the anarchist was a bit wary of any unmarked gifts that appeared for her on this day. She debated whether she should just discard the thing, but she knew Aranai would eventually ask her about it. Sighing, the anarchist prepared to open it.]
Sumire: Aranai, I swear, if this is another scavenger hunt...
[Opening the box, the purple-haired girl was surprised to find a pair of VR goggles. They looked suspiciously like the kind she and Aranai had won a few weeks back during a tag-team rap tournament. She remembered that Aranai had begged her to be her partner. She would have refused had it not been for Aranai telling her Jiro was going to be in attendance. ...Thinking of the middle Yamada brother made the young girl turn red before she quickly shook it off.]
[Looking at the VR goggles, Sumire picked them up out of the box, looking at them strangely. In the box, there was a letter, obviously written by her pink-haired friend, if the handwriting was a hint. Aranai's penmanship, unfortunately, left something to be desired. Looking at it, the anarchist was somehow able to put together what her rebellious friend had somehow written:]
Aranai: What up, birthday girl? Knowing you're probably in your lab doing some crazy-ass experiments like always. But fear not! Your good friend, Aranai, has taken it upon herself to give you something to do on this fantastic day, which is your birthday!
Sumire: *Rolls eyes* Yeah right. Some of us aren't die-hard outdoorsmen like you, you bitch.
Aranai: In this box are a pair of VR goggles, kinda like the ones we won a few weeks ago. And before you ask, these aren't those. These are a pair I bought with my own money, so you'd better use them! Anyway, I have laid out of series of challenges for you to complete in order to obtain your birthday gift. There are three in total, and each challenge is different. If you pass each one, you should obtain a passcode to a secret level. Your birthday gift will be waiting.
Sumire: ...Yeah, I'll pass, thanks.
Aranai: ...And before you get any ideas on not doing it, I thought I'd let you know, it involves a certain Yamada boy you like.
[Sumire blushed as she thought of the middle brother of the Yamada family of Ikebukuro, and she growled as placed a hand over her face. Sighing, she looked at the goggles.]
Sumire: *Sighs and shrugs* Aw, what the hell? It's not like I have anything else to do.
[Sitting down in her computer chair, the anarchist placed the goggles on her head, before looking at the letter.]
Aranai: When you're ready to get started, slip the goggles on. It should take you to the main screen. When you get there, input 'Elysium'. Have fun, girl! And happy birthday!
[Rolling her eyes again, Sumire placed the goggles over her eyes. Before entering the start button, she looked over to her left where Aiko, her AI, was watching and waiting.]
Sumire: Aiko, hold my calls for me, will ya?
Aiko: Hai, Oneesan!
[Thanking her A.I., the birthday woman looked forward as she it the 'On' button on the goggles, taking her to a blue home screen where a simple text box was seen. Typing in the password, 'Elysium', Sumire felt herself being transported to a new world.]
[At first, it was all white, but after a couple of seconds and her eyes grew adjusted, she looked as she was in some sort of cloudy valley. It looked a little like something out of a movie scene.]
Sumire: Where... am I?
[As if answering her question, the word, 'Shangri-La' appeared on the screen.]
Sumire: 'Shangri-La'? Isn't that some sort of fictional Heavenly place in the Himalayas?
[Looking all around, though she knew it was fake and was a bit skeptical, she couldn't help but be impressed with the graphics seen on the screen.]
Sumire: *Looks around* Hmm, not bad. ...But that's enough galvanizing. Let's get these silly "challenges" over with.
[Although she said, that she didn’t exactly know where to go now. Lucky for her, an arrow appeared which seemed to point her in a general direction. Figuring it would help her, she followed it, eager to get this over with.]
2 1/2 hours later...
[To say that Sumire was exhausted would be an underestimate. It's official: she was definitely going to commit murder before this day is over. And the victim would be a certain pink-haired rebel over in Ueno.]
Sumire: What the hell was she thinking?
[The first "challenge" was little more than a mini-test that involved her mind. She had arrived at a gate, and before she could process what was behind it, she was immediately bombarded with some rudimentary questions, such as: 'How many kilometers are there from the Earth to the sun?', 'What elements are humans made of?' And so on, and so on like that. She had to answer close to 100 questions before she was finished and the gate opened, revealing a large yellow key for her to take. It was labeled a ‘quest item’, which meant it was important to hold onto. So she did.]
[The second "challenge" was a bit harder, as it was physical. It involved the anarchist making it to the top of a mountain in less than 10 minutes. Naturally, physical challenges weren't her forte, but she still managed to pass after she discovered a hidden passageway that led her to the top with only a minute to spare. After reaching the top, she found another key, one which was the exact duplicate as the last. The only difference was that it was red in color. Like the last key, it was also labeled as a 'quest item', which meant that Sumire was forced to hold onto it.]
[The last "challenge" was perhaps the most annoying of the three, and took place at a temple. All it involved her doing was walking up the stairs to the temple and striking the gong at the top. Pretty simple, right? Well, it was... at least until she stepped on the temple ground and was immediately besieged by something. What was it, you ask? A clone of Jiro Yamadas, all gathered around her, looking hot and... alluring. If she could have, she would have stay there forever...]
Sumire: ...Gah!
[Hitting her head to remove herself of those... disturbing thoughts, she sighed as she had finally reached her destination: the Head Temple, where she could finally use these blasted keys she went through the trouble of collecting, get her silly birthday gift and put this whole miserable experience behind her.]
Sumire: I swear, I am so killing her when this mess is over with.
[Done with her empty threats, the anarchist entered the temple, finding it much bigger on the outside than on the inside. Walking around a bit, she found that it was empty, save some jars, some old Buddha statues, and a bunch of other junk one might find in a temple such as this. She continued until she found what she was looking for: the gate which these three keys she had collected were needed to open. Sighing as she was almost done (hopefully), she inserted all three keys and looked as the large gate opened, blinding her as light appeared from within. Shielding her eyes, she wondered if she should go in. Figuring there was no point in standing there, Sumire entered, still shielding her eyes as she ventured forth, the gate closing behind her...]
Some time later...
[Groaning as she felt a bright light hit her eyes, Sumire groaned as she awoke in her lab. She felt her whole body ache as it hurt after she had been lying motionless with that VR helmet on her head. She had to admit, the "present" Aranai gave her... it wasn't bad. What was it, you ask? Well, suffice it to say, it involved a beautiful meadow, her, and a certain Yamada boy. And that was all she was saying about that.]
[Sighing, she stepped out of her lab and walked upstairs to the second floor to the kitchen where she looked as Goro was busy dusting the countertops. He looked as she had appeared and he bowed with a smile on his face.]
Goro: Good day, Miss.
Sumire: *Waves to him as she walks to the pantry* Hey, Goro.
Goro: It is good to see you awake, Miss. Another package arrived from you whilst you were out. It was delivered by Miss Norikoru.
Sumire: *Looks at him* Another one?
Goro: *Nods* Yes, miss. Please give me a second to retrieve it.
[Walking out of the room, Goro returned a second later, holding onto a square box. Handing it to Sumire, she looked at it. Obviously, something was inside, but she couldn't exactly tell what. Like before, she was hesitant to open it, especially since she knew who the sender was. Sighing, she knew that there was no getting around it. Sumire pulled the lid off of the box and opened it, looking to see what was inside.]
[She wished she hadn't. She really wished she hadn't.]
Goro: *Looking over Sumire's shoulder* ...Oh my.
[Inside the box, much to her shame and embarrassment, was a book. But not just any book. No, this book had a particular cover, as well as a title. What was it called, you ask? Simple. It was a very special book called, "The Kama Sutra." ...Yes, that Kama Sutra.]
In Ueno Division...
[Sitting up in her room, a certain female Bōsōzoku had her headphones on listening to an 86 album. It was fortunate for her, as she didn't hear the loud, embarrassed scream that had erupted all the way from Shinagawa.]
[...But if she hadn't, then why was a smirk now plastered onto her face as she turned up the volume to her iPod more...?]
Three weeks earlier...
– Ueno Park, Ueno City –
[The park was filled with dozens of people in attendance as the tag-team rap battle was reaching its conclusion. Not surprisingly, the team of Aranai and Sumire was in the final round. The two looked as their opponents, a duo of middle-aged men who were calling themselves the "Rowdy Boyz" were up on stage rapping.]
Aranai: Alright, these guys are the last ones we have to face to win the prize.
Sumire: *Crosses her arms* Yeah, I'd still like to know exactly what this prize is.
Aranai: Don't worry about it! I promise you though, I'll make it up to you when we win.
Sumire: You mean, if we win.
Aranai: *Frowns* That's not the sort of attitude I'd expect from you.
Sumire: *Rolls her eyes* Whatever. Do you even have an idea for a song we're going to do?
Aranai: Of course! What's the song that WS is known for?
Sumire: Argh, of course, you would choose that song.
Aranai: Oh please, don't act like you don't enjoy it. You get more into that song than I do.
Sumire: Fine, whatever. Let's just get this over with. I've got things to do.
Aranai: *Smirks* You mean like spying on Jiro over in Ikebukuro?
Sumire: *Blushes* Shut up! That's not what I meant!
[Laughing at her friend, the duo looked as the boyz finished their song and was met with some applause and cheers from the crowd. The two walked up on stage, and were instantly met with cheers as the crowd knew who they were. With their HypMics in hand, the two prepared themselves.]
Aranai: *Looks at Sumire* Ready for this?
Sumire: *Rolls her eyes* As I'll ever be.
Aranai: *Smirks* That's the spirit.
Bring the Beat!
[Wicked Sin:]
Double Trouble Double Trouble
Double Trouble Double Trouble
Double Trouble Double Trouble
Double Trouble Double Trouble
Since the beginning when I first laid up eyes on the earth
I knew from the start it was rotten to the core
It wanted to corrupt me, make me like them
But I stayed strong, cause I'm a real survivor
Now with the help of people that I call friends
I'll turn this whole fucking world up on its head
And you all, you only have two options to choose:
Join us, or get the fuck out of the way!
Yeah, I might have calmed down
But don't think that I won't turn back around
And pull a 180 on you sorry-ass fucks
And go back to the old ways that I've always known
The HBIC is here today
And my realm of existence is where the fuck I'll stay
(Who does she think she is?) I'm a fuckin' kingpin!
Enough talk and words, let the fun begin!
We won't take orders from anyone in suits!
Wassup?! We're coming your way, so you'd better salute!
We started from the bottom, and now we're at the top!
And now that we're here, our reign, it won't stop!
We won't take orders from anyone in suits!
Wassup?! We're coming your way, so you'd better salute!
We started from the bottom, and now we're at the top!
And now that we're here, our reign, it won't stop!
[Wicked Sin:]
Double Trouble!
We were always fighting
In order to protect what must be protected
Double Trouble!
The two of us against the world
That thrives on lies that go unpunished
Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble
Though our paths may be different, our Soul is as one
Crossing out from the light and venturing into the dark
We're not scared of what we see; that's where we made our mark
People look at us and then immediately judge
But we're the only ones who's trying to get shit done
We seek a world that's free of injustice
But nobody will help us, so it's just us
All you rich folks that are all blinded by greed
We'll take from you to get what we need
Everything's permitted in the fight for the truth
What we're doing is all for the future's youth
If we have to lie, cheat, steal, then so be it
And I have no qualms about dirtying my hands, believe it!
So if you've got a problem, then step to us
But you won't, you'll just stand there and fuss
The boys in blue say that I'm a threat to the peace
And my response to that is: 'Fuck the police!' (Fuck the police!)
We won't take orders from anyone in suits!
Wassup?! We're coming your way, so you'd better salute!
We started from the bottom, and now we're at the top!
And now that we're here, our reign, it won't stop!
We won't take orders from anyone in suits!
Wassup?! We're coming your way, so you'd better salute!
We started from the bottom, and now we're at the top!
And now that we're here, our reign, it won't stop!
[Wicked Sin:]
Double Trouble!
We were always fighting
In order to protect what must be protected
Double Trouble!
The two of us against the world
That thrives on lies that go unpunished
Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble Double Trouble
Though our paths may be different, our Soul is as one
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uenodivision · 2 years
Rapid knocking can be heard at the door…really late at night.
“HI IM SO SORRY IM LATE PLEASE DONT BE MAD-” Kanade looked extremely exhausted- her makeup and clothing suggested that she had quite literally ran off set just to get here and the dirt and fresh scratches on her elbows and knees suggested she tripped and fell multiple times on the way.
“I have presents! They weren’t hurt when I fell down thankfully”
From Lana you received a portrait- This portrait in particular was painted to show Shisuta among a vast garden of flowers. The colors are a mixture of bright and happy ones mixed in with a few undertones of dark blue. It’s a habit for Lana- throwing in a signature dash of blue in any painting no matter what the subject was doing.
From Itsuki you received- a bracelet: this bracelet in particular is a floral one- with little Sakura charms and the letter S hanging off of the bracelet
From Kanade you received- a plush ghost! It’s a signature Mr. Spooky doll! This time he’s holding a bouquet of flowers and a small cross hangs off of the bouquet.
You also received- a big hug
“I’m sorry I was late Shisuta-san!” The girl sniffles “I had a bit of a hang up at a rehearsal and…I kinda ran here…I don’t think I’ve slept in almost three days” she admits “Kagome-sensei kept reminding me that it was your birthday cause I brought all of our gifts with me and I was too tired and stubborn to take a break and deliver them earlier”
“Regardless- happy birthday Shisuta-san!”
As the day of Shisuta's birth was almost over, no one expected there to be any more gifts being given to the Catholic nun. Thus, it was no surprise that she turned in after having some tea with Aranai, who was currently awake in the living room, playing on her cell phone with the T.V. She looked as the clock on her phone read 12:01 A.M.
"Better get to bed soon," She thought. "Got a day of classes tomorrow. Bet that'll be fun."
Rolling her eyes, she looked around for the remote, prepared to turn the television off when she heard some rampant knocking at the door.
"What the hell?" Aranai said as she stood up from the couch. "Who the hell is that at f'ing 12 at night?!"
Grabbing her baseball bat from her bookbag that was in a nearby corner, the former Bōsōzoku walked to the door, prepared to beat the crap out of whoever was disturbing her and her surrogate mother's rest. However, to her surprise, it was Kanade, Lana's younger sister from Kyoto.
"Kana?" Aranai asked, looking at her before remembering how late it was. She didn't want to be upset at the kid, but she wasn't going to let her get off scot-free, either. She was about to chastise her until she saw how exhausted she was. Probably on account of all the stuff she was carrying in her arms. Sighing, Aranai let her temper defuse before inviting the girl in.
It was at this time that Shisuta heard the noise and came from the other room, dressed in her sleeping attire.
"Aranai, what is... oh! Kanade-chan?" Shisuta said as she looked at the young girl.
"What are you doing here this late?" Shisuta asked gently, yet somewhat sternly. This was far from the time a young girl should be walking around. Nighttime, unfortunately, was not the safest of times as all forms of evil came out at this time. Listening to the young girl as she came to deliver presents, Shisuta smiled at her. She was a bit startled as she was suddenly hugged, though she quickly smiled at the Kyoto girl.
"Thank you, Kana-chan. That was very nice and sweet of you. Though next time, please try to wait until it's a little brighter outside." Shisuta said as she hugged the girl back. Looking at how dirty and injured she was, she had the young girl take a quick bath to freshen herself up. While she did that, she took a look at the gifts the Starlight Specters had brought her.
Looking at the portrait, Shisuta smiled at it, along with Aranai, who whistled at it.
"Wow, that's a very good resemblance."
"It is, isn't it?" Shisuta said as she smiled at Lana's portrait. The Catholic nun always loved flowers. It's one of the reasons she loved working at the flower shop. There was just something about flowers that made her smile. Placing it down in a corner, she reminded herself that she would hang it up tomorrow.
Looking at Itsuki's gift, which was a bracelet, Shisuta smiled as she slipped it onto her left wrist since her right one already had a wristband. She admired them both. The one on her right was a gift from her... ex. And though she didn't have good memories of him and disliked talking or thinking about him, she still hung onto the bracelet for sentimental reasons.
Looking at Kanade-chan's gift made Shisuta give a small laugh as it was their trademark ghost holding onto a bouquet of flowers.
"Flowers and ghosts..." Aranai said, looking at the plush doll. "What will they think of next?"
"Be nice," Shisuta said, still looking at the plush doll as she contemplated where she was going to put it in the house. She decided to keep it in her room until she decided somewhere else to put it. As she did that, she started making a makeshift bed in the living room for Kanade. She very well couldn't send the young girl back out onto the streets at this time of the night! Tomorrow, she would escort the young girl back to Kyoto. Until then, she could sleep with Aranai in the living room.
"Be nice to her when she comes out," Shisuta said, smiling, making Aranai roll her eyes.
"Why wouldn't I?"
Giggling, the Catholic nun then returned to her room, prepared to retire once more. As she looked at the plush doll that was on her bed, she smiled to herself.
"Today was truly a blessing."
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uenodivision · 2 years
As the day was winding down, so was the birthday of a very special woman in the city of Ueno. Shisuta was sitting comfortably on her couch, reading a novel and just generally the peaceful atmosphere of her home. Just as she was about to turn the page, the doorbell to her home sound throughout her house. Setting her book down, she lifted herself off the couch and walked towards the door, opening it, she was greeted by a friendly face.
Sayaka Miyuki of Saitama stood on the outside much to the Nun’s surprise, in her arms were three gifts of varying sizes. “Happy birthday!” She cheered, after being invited in. “Kisouna told me it was your birthday today so I wanted to give you something! Kureha and Lola also pitched in, we really hope you like it!” She helped set the presents on the table and gave the other woman a beaming smile, “I wish I can stay but it is quite late and I actually just got off my shift at the detective agency, I’ll be going now, once again, happy birthday!” And with that, the Saitama Division Leader left.
Bidding the brunette woman farewell, she gently closed the door and turned back to the gifts sitting on the table. Picking up one, she noticed that it was from Sayaka. She also found that it was quite soft in texture and carefully peeled off the wrapping paper to find a newly made throw pillow.
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Pleasantly surprised at such a wonderful gift, Shisuta smiled and placed it neatly on the couch. It fit perfectly. Moving on to the next present, this one, she noticed, was from Kureha.
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It was a simple tea and mug set, along with some herbs and spices but judging from the craftsmanship of the box it was in, it seemed to be homemade. Shisuta smiled and placed the box gently back on the table, she was actually thinking of making some tea before the doorbell rang so this was nicely timed gift.
Moving on to the last and smallest present, this one was from Lola. Shisuta was shocked to find a beautifully crafted ring with a cross and a rose onto it, Shisuta wasn’t one for jewelry or material items as such but even she can’t help but to marvel at it. Gingerly setting it down, she looked to find that there was only a card left, picking it up and opening it, she felt her heart warm at the message.
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‘Happy Birthday, Shisuta!’
— From, Femme Fatale
The Catholic nun felt tears well up in her eyes as she looked at all of the gifts the Saitama team had presented her. It was truly very nice and kind of each of them. Quickly wiping her eyes, she looked as Aranai, her team leader and daughter, came from the other room.
"Who was that at this time of the night?" Aranai asked, cocking an eyebrow. Looking at all of the gifts that were on the living room table, the SC leader raised her eyebrows and walked closer to them.
"Wow, who's all this from?"
"Sayaka-san, as well as Lola-san and Kureha-chan." Shisuta answered as she picked up the pillow from Sayaka and was already placing it in the center of her living room sofa. Aranai looked at the ring Lola had gifted her surrogate mother and whistled as it certainly looked nice. Handing it off to the Catholic nun, she looked as she slipped it onto one of her fingers and noticed that it was a perfect fit. The daughter couldn't help but give a small smile as her mother liked it.
"This was so nice of them. I'll have to be sure to write them all a thank-you note."
Looking at the tea set Kureha gifted her, she smiled as she read what was on the mug and picked up the entire display.
"I think I'll have myself a nice cup of tea before bed." She looked back at Aranai with a smile. "Care to join me, Aranai-chan?"
The former Bōsōzoku grimaced as her mother offered her a cup. Truthfully, she didn't mind tea, but it often tasted too bland for her tastes. But since it was her mother, she felt it would be rude to refuse. Sighing, she nodded as she walked towards the kitchen.
"Got any cream or sugar to add with it?"
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uenodivision · 2 years
ARB Birthday Special: Shisuta Heisha
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~~ November 1st ~~
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything You gave me'."
Login Lines:
"Hello there! Welcome to 'Bloom and Grace'. How may I assist you? ...Oh, a present? I think the owner is currently busy, but... Oh. It's not for him, but for me?"
"For my... birthday?! Oh! Well... thank you! Thank you ever so much! May God continue to bless and keep you!"
Voice Lines:
"Is it truly a blessing to see so many people wishing me a happy birthday! Their congrats and thanks are worth more than any gift!"
"My mother called and wished me a 'happy birthday', which was nice of her. She also lectured me that I didn't visit her last month. I truly apologize! There was no excuse! I'll be sure to make up for it this month, I promise!"
"Yomi-chan wrote me a birthday card! It was very cute and nice of her! I truly do love her! Thank you very much!"
"Thank you, Aranai-chan! That means a lot to me. I still remember the day we met, as well. It may have started out well, but the end result was worth it. It was truly fate that we met one another and a blessing that we both are still here."
"What is this? A... necklace? And it reads... Oh! *Sniff* I'm sorry, Aranai-chan! I'm not crying because I hate it! It's just... this means a lot. I don't normally care for store-bought gifts, but... I'll make an exception in this case. Thank you so very much, my child."
"Thank you, Kisouna-san! I'm truly blessed to know you, as well! Although our first meeting could have been under better conditions, I'm glad to have been there that night to aid you. Our meeting was a very... peculiar one, but I'm thankful very much for it."
"Oh, what is this? Oh, incense? Thank you very much, Kisouna-san! I've been meaning to get more of these after I ran out, but it completely slipped my mind! And these are ones I've never seen before. I'm looking forward to trying them out very much. Thank you very much!"
Aranai Lines:
"Happy birthday, Shisuta! Man, hard to believe it's been so long since we met each other, and now it's already your birthday again. I still remember how we met. It... isn't my best memory, but... I'm glad out of everyone here in this city, it was you who found me first. So... thanks."
"Anyway, here's a gift I found for you. I know you don't care much for expensive gifts, especially if they are store-bought, but I saw this, and I... Shisuta?! What's wrong? You hate it?! I can take it back... Oh. Yeah, I... I just wanted to show how much I appreciate you, despite how much a pain I can be, so... you're welcome... mom."
Kisouna Lines:
"Happy birthday, Shisuta-san! I'm truly happy and glad to see you have made and prospered for another year. Like Aranai mentioned, I know that I am not an easy person to befriend or get to know, but you've managed to persevere and get me to be myself around you, which is hard for me to do around most people. Needless to say, I'm glad to have met you that night. It was truly a... blessing."
"I heard that you mentioned once that you ran out of incense that you use during your meditation time. I searched online and found some ones from Tibet. I hope that they serve you well. You are welcome, my friend. And again, a very happy birthday to you."
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uenodivision · 2 years
[It was a brand new day, with the same bs as always. However, that wasn't the case this time, for today was the brilliant Kisouna's birthday and lawyers from all around Ueno had an excuse to take a little break from their jobs just to celebrate the special moment.
Her office was silent, the only noise coming from the outside cars that passed by every now and then. But something stood out of everything else, a smaller, rectangular gift with a note on top of it. The box contained a videogame, 'The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles'
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--while as for the note, it read:]
'Happy Birthday, Kisouna. I'm sorry I wasn't able to hand this to you in person, but I currently have to deliver another present for someone else (which considering who they are, it'll most likely take me a little while longer.)
Anyways, I haven't played this yet, but a few of my friends said it is one of, if not the best, games in the series, so despite any possible inaccuracies, you might enjoy the absurdness of it as a whole. Once again, happy birthday and my best wishes to both you and your daughter.'
[The piece of paper was not signed, but the footage of the security cameras (along with a certain bodybuilder in Aoyama) can give you an answer on who the messenger was.]
Though she really didn't see the point, Kisouna was instructed by her friends and co-workers to take the day off just once for her birthday.
'You're only '30' once!'
'Go enjoy yourself, for once!'
'Spend time with your daughter!'
She heard these and many other similar remarks today from her fellow associates. Knowing it'd do no good to argue, she decided to cut her workday in half, figuring she'd leave around noonish. She truthfully didn't know why her co-workers were so insistent she take a day off. She wasn't exactly amicable with many of them. In fact, more than a few harbored ill feelings toward the prosecuting attorney.
So imagine her surprise when she came back to her office one last time to find a small rectangular-shaped box on her desk. Curiosity getting the better of her, she opened it and her eyes grew wide as she discovered what was inside.
"What the...?"
Two hours later...
-- Yuzairu Residence --
"I'd still like to know who in their right mind would send you, of all people, a video game?"
That was the question the Sakurai Clan leader, Aranai Norikoru, asked as she was busy setting up a Nintendo Switch in the Yuzairu living room, connecting it to their T.V. After informing her teammates of her gift, Aranai was the only one who came over, as Shisuta had little to no knowledge at all about technology or any of its functions. Luckily, Aranai had a console she rarely used and was happy to give up.
"That's exactly what I'd like to know," Kisouna answered, frowning with her arms crossed as she watched the SC leader work. After receiving her "present", the prosecuting attorney contemplated either giving it away or selling it. It was only after one of her co-workers (who was an avid fan of the game and series) had spotted it in her hand and asked about it did the attorney finally decide to keep it. However, not knowing anything about video games, she was forced to swallow her pride and ask for help from Aranai, who knew more about this sort of thing than she did.
"They could have at least given you a better game to play," Aranai stated, as she continued hooking the console together.
"You've played it?"
"Meh, like one or two chapters. Couldn't really hold my interest, but it may be good for you. It's essentially just your day job."
Aranai finally stood from behind the T.V. as she was finished with her work. Turning the console on, she handed the controller to her "aunt", who looked at it, confused.
"What is that?"
"The controller for the game? You need it to play." Aranai answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"How?" Kisouna asked, still looking at the controller. Sighing, the SC leader took the older woman's hand and placed the controller in it.
"Look, it's like a holding remote control. You just do this..."
An hour later...
"And that moves the pointer around so you can click things. Got it?"
"I... think so..." Kisouna stated, as she tried following the younger woman's instructions.
"Good," Aranai stated, before turning around. "I've got to get going. But keep at it for a couple of hours, and it should be clear."
With that, the former Bōsōzoku left the attorney alone as the woman stood there, still contemplating what she was doing...
A day later...
-- The Art of Law, Ueno Division --
In her office, Kisouna was busy typing away on her computer, which was obscured from everyone's view, except hers. A determined look was upon her face as her fingers hit each and every key on the keyboard with precision, never slowing down or missing a beat. Outside of her office, two of her co-workers silently absorbed her.
"Kisouna's back hard at work, isn't she?"
"Yup. It was rare to not see her here late yesterday?"
"You figure she works when she goes home at night?"
Unknown to the workers, however, Kisouna, who had made it halfway through GAAC yesterday (with Aranai's help), was currently in the process of writing a strongly-worded letter to SEGA on the flaws of the game, and how it did not imitate the exact life of an attorney at all.
Let it never be said that Kisouna Yuzairu is not dedicated to her job...
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uenodivision · 2 years
ARB Birthday Special: Kisouna Yuzairu
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~~ May 1st ~~
"Know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles."
Login Lines:
"Hmm, what is this? A... gift? Well... thank you, but what exactly is this for?"
"My... birthday? ...Oh yes, that is today, isn't it? My apologies, I completely forgot about it. Thank you truly."
Voice Lines:
"I thank you all, but truly you don't have to do this. The fact that you remembered my birthdate when I didn't is more than enough."
"Some of my coworkers keep dropping in to wish me a happy birthday. And I've received numerous emails and phone calls from old clients of mine doing the same. As I stated, this is nice, but you don't have to do this."
"My daughter wrote me a beautiful birthday letter when she got home from school today. It was short and sweet, but it spoke more than any gift could ever receive. She is truly a treasure. *Smiles happily, holding back her tears* I truly do not deserve her..."
"Yes Aranai, I know I'm no longer 'young' anymore. I haven't been 'young' since I became a mother and a wife, thank you. Did you come all the way to my home just to say that? A... gift? Oh dear. I shudder to think what you of all people could have possibly gifted me. Be warned: if this is something debauched or risque, I will not hesitate to...
"...A board game? ...Lawsuit? *She is silent as Aranai explains* ...Well... color me surprised. I didn't think you could have possibly gifted me something that I might actually like. Thank you, Aranai. Truly. I'll be sure to play this with Yomi-chan sometime. ...And I'll be sure to invite you when I do. Heaven knows you need this as much as she does!"
"Thank you very much, Shisuta. It was truly a blessing for me too when you appeared in my life. I wish our initial meeting could have been under better circumstances, but I am truly happy that we were able to meet one another. You've been a good friend and a good caretaker for Yomi-chan. Needless to say, I truly value and respect you.
"What is this... a plaque? And... it has a prayer on it? *She reads it out loud* ...Oh. Thank you very much, Shisuta. I'll be sure to place this somewhere close by in my office so that I can remember to say it every day. Truly, this was a wonderful gift. I thank you dearly, my friend."
Aranai Lines:
"Happy birthday, Boss-Lady! How does it feel to finally no longer be considered 'young' and 'free' anymore? You should enjoy it while it lasts. From what I heard, at the age of 30, life only gets harder!" *Laughs out loud* "But anyway, here! I spent over a week looking for something that you'd like for your birthday, and this is what I found. It wasn't cheap either, so you'd best be grateful!
"It's called 'Lawsuit'. It's apparently a board game meant to teach kids the ins and outs of the law, I guess. I figured since you want Yomi to grow up as a nice and dependable young lady then this could help. Plus, you two could use more time together. ...Yeah, yeah. I know this isn't a typical gift from me, but... you've been an okay 'aunt' and a good mother, so... you're welcome."
Shisuta Lines:
"A most joyous and blessed happy birthday, Kisouna-san! It is hard to believe that it has only been three years since we've met each other. It was truly nothing but a blessing when God allowed the two of us to meet. You are a treasured friend of mine, and I am really happy and fortunate that I know you.
"I found this whilst I was browsing through the Christian Church Shop the other day. You know me, I'm not normally one for store-bought gifts; I like them when they are made by hand and crafted from the heart. But I saw this, and immediately thought of you. I hope you will recite it every day before and after you leave your office."
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