ecntrc-aaaaa · 5 years
@haloandhorn​ said: ur mom loves u, bakugou
random ask
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        how freaking embarrassing , how was she just going to say that out loud ?! people could see this ! he grits his teeth , hands shoved and balled in his pocket. “ ........................................ i love you too. “
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crepitvs-a · 5 years
@haloandhorn​     |      x
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ah.  that  fist  to  the  jaw  hurt  you,  you  had  to  admit  (   but  not  out  loud   ).  it  knocked  you  back  a  bit,  but  not  enough  to  make  you  fall  over  or  stop  fighting.  you  rub  your  bloodied  mouth,  a  grin  on  your  face  as  you  clench  your  first  before  unclenching  it  (    a  dramatic  affect     )  &  going  to  punch  the  other,  a  small  surprise  explosion  pops,  aiming  for  her  face  as  you  grinned  a  bit  too  much  for  a  hero.
you  highly  doubted  that  you  were  gonna  loose.
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decayking-blog · 5 years
Tomura Shigaraki was bored, fingers drumming in perfect timing so no more than two touched the smooth wooden surface of the table. He’d been in meetings all day meeting members the Paranormal Liberation Front, individually learning how each strengthened the organization. He knew he needed to know the strengths and weaknesses of his army, whether they were party members or not. It was tedious though, and he’d started to nod off between people. 
He blinks slowly several times at hearing a soft knock at the door, trying to clear his mind of the fog that’d started to settle in. He’d prefer to be anywhere but here right now, playing a game or seeing what his generals were up to. He just hoped he could make it through this one before he called it a day. 
“Come in.” He grumbled irritably, barely loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door. @haloandhorn
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brothersgrim · 5 years
rena quietly reaches over to grab taker's hand, squeezing it firmly in an effort to comfort herself. the fiend must have really frightened her tonight. “ taker.. he's not going to hurt us, is he..? that.. fiend really scares me. ”
He looks down to her when she speaks. Frowns. 
She’s scared. That’s not good. He crouches down a bit to be more on her level, puts both hands on her shoulders.
“Listen.” He keeps his voice low and steady. Needs to reassure her. “Ain’t nobody gonna hurt you. Ever.” He says it and means it. She’s family. He protects family. Especially when she needs it so badly. 
“Now, Wyatt can say whatever he wants. Can talk himself up ‘til he’s blue in the face. He’s good at that.” He takes a moment to sneer at the comment. Straightens and pulls her against his chest. 
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“All you need to know is, I beat him before, and if I need to, I’ll do it again. You got nothing to be afraid of.”
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ecntrc-aaaa · 5 years
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@haloandhorn   //   random
        “ you’ve gone soooooo --- oft ! you’ve gone soooooo --- oft ! “ misumi sing songed , a mischievous look on her face as she did it. she was finally able to have something over raelein !
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        “ raelein and rin sitting in a tree ! k --- i --- s --- s --- i --- n --- g ! “ she continued on.
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girlsgoneflossy · 5 years
hi there, everyone! i want to apologize for my lack of activity on this blog! i still love roleplaying with everyone here, but life has been getting pretty busy for me as of late. i’ve been working like crazy and my twenty-third birthday is tomorrow! i have also moved blogs yet again, it’s @haloandhorn! 
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iamnicosmom · 7 years
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#knowyourworth #embraceyouruniqueness #lovethelifeyouhavebeengiven #haloandhorns #beautycomeswithin #teachmesomething #actionsspeakvolumes #everyoneisfightingabattleyouknownothingabout #noteverythingisforeveryone #apprciatelightthroughdarkness #lovethisone #lookwithin #lifelessons
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ecntrc-aaaaa · 5 years
@haloandhorn​ said: mom is very proud of you, my son
random ask
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        sure , it was nice to hear but , he wasn’t going to show it ! “ yeah , yeah , whatever. “ there’s a ‘ thanks ‘ hidden in there somewhere.
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ecntrc-aaaaa · 5 years
@haloandhorn​ said: "alright, misumi. you can open your eyes, i just put my dress on. what do you think?"
random ask
        misumi excitingly bounces in her seat , excited to see her cousin’s dress ! quickly she removes her hands from over her eyes seeing ... exactly what she expected from raelein ; the unexpected.
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        “ it looks great ! “ she says , getting up and wasting no time in just moving around raelein to get a better look. “ dayum girl , look at all those curves ! he’s going to faint when he sees you ! “
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brothersgrim · 5 years
"Zio! Happy birthday!" Rena shows him a neatly wrapped present box. Inside are an array of books she bought at the bookstore. "I hope you like it! I have a little something waiting for you in the kitchen, too!" She points to the direction of the kitchen area. In there is a birthday cake and some ice cream.
Happy Birthday, Kane! || Accepting
She comes bouncing up with all the energy in the world. That’s good. Means she’s happy. He’s torn between how to open the box, and after a moment decides it’s better to be careful. She clearly put a lot of effort into it, after all. Don’t want to ruin it. Pulls out the books to examine them. There are a few of them; he’ll have his hands full, that’s for sure. 
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“How long have you been planning this?”
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ecntrc-aaaa · 5 years
starter call   //   @haloandhorn
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        “ ... what the hell is that ? “ he leans over , digging his smoke into the side of the building as he bring his mask down to cover his mouth. “ seriously , the the fuck is that ? “
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brothersgrim · 4 years
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@haloandhorn​ asked:
❝ taker.. that woman came back. she showed up in my dreams again. i'm so scared, what should i do?! why is she after me..? ❞ ( raelein being a Prick towards rena again smdh )
Huh. That’s not good. His frown deepens, and his head tilts to the side.
“She did?” His arms remain crossed, but he rolls his shoulders. Mulls it over for a second. Then he nods to himself and glances off to the side before nodding again, once, in the direction of the table.
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“Why don’t you sit down, write out everything you can remember about her? When you’re done, hand it to me. I’ll take care of everything.”
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brothersgrim · 4 years
Incoming hug from Rena for Dad and Zio!
Ah! What a surprise! She’s been gone for an awfully long time, after all. She’d told them it was personal business; they didn’t press. 
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Oh well. 
She’s here now. 
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And they’re going to scoop her off her designer-clad feet. They missed her. 
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brothersgrim · 4 years
" does this tune sound okay? " rena wants papa's opinion on a song ooooo:
He looks up from the newspaper he’s found. It’s nothing too interesting. A few obituaries had caught his eye. Note in the weather that a storm was likely to approach. All easy to look away from, and he tosses it onto the table, leaning back into the couch and crossing his arms. 
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“Play it for me one more time, darlin’, and I’ll see what I think.” 
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ecntrc-aaaa · 5 years
haloandhorn replied to your photo “CON LOOKS BABYYY”
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ily too !!!!!
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ecntrc-aaaaa · 4 years
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this won’t be some sort of follow forever or anything like that , i just wanted to say thank you to my mutuals old and new ! i came here around , eh , i believe it was feb --- ish ? so i nearly spent an entire year here in the anime rpc and , i have to say , i’ve had a lot of fun ! i’m still a new baby , still finding my footing in the bnha rpc , starting to in the fe3h & pkmn rpc ... but i’ve ran into a bunch of people that i sincerely enjoy speaking to and writing with !
for the sake of it , i want to do just a little special shout out for some people that i’ll just put under a read more as not to take away from the fact that this is a thank you to everyone that i’m mutuals with and have ever written with no matter how brief !!
i want to wish all of you a happy new year and i hope it gives you both , what you desire and , also , what you need ( which aren’t always the same things ). xoxo !
so !! just a little special shoutout , small and such. just ... of people who have really been very welcoming of me and those i speak to / write with often enough where i see them and i go , hey , now that’s a friend ! those like: @chasiinglegnds , @purraser , @doltage , @highskore , @somniatcr , @oneshockyboi , @briilliance , @feralquirks , @quirkladen & @narrationis !! all friends i have made this year and i truly do-ly value with all my dumbass heart ( and some i don’t have a url to link back to but i’ve met via disco and such !! ).
but ALSO a special shoutout to these two who have known me since Phew 2015 ???? my dear dear sweet @myentropy !! my wife my life !!!! and @haloandhorn my dear sweet cesar salad ! lets make this 5th year a good one ladies !!!
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