#hair while Andred and Dagonet die of laughter
fluffypotatey · 10 months
if mk, mei, and red son were squires for the knights of the round table, who's squires would they be?
OK OK I THINK I GOT IT (anon forgive me for my late reply, I wanted time to plan this out)
with Mei, I can see her being a squire to Percival bc she would love training that’s focused on strength and wearing sleeveless uniform, OR Gwaine bc chaotic man meets chaotic girl and goes “ah she was just like me” (Also they do share being children of the wealthy but desiring to be separated from that or have the freedom to be themselves without the restrictions that come with nobility/wealth soooooooo!
Red Son I feel is super picky and would not be a big fan of Gwaine (who would join Mei in teasing him), so imma go with Leon and:or Elyan because Leon is a by the book knight and Red Som seems like a type A kind of person. however, I also say Elyan because while Elyan is someone who would take squire training seriously, he wouldn’t say no to having some fun and might approach it better than Gwaine or Lancelot (man’s too noble for his taste and also the duality of him freaks Red Son out)
MK would be Lancelot’s squire (Wukong can never know, the jealous little shit). both guys have a goal to protect and be good and both have a very black & white outlook on morality (meaning, swk saved the townspeople from dbk and is therefore a hero, or Merlin used magic to help aid me in defeating the griffin therefore he proves magic can be a force for good)
ngl MK would internalize all of Lancelot’s teaching about honor and the code but also he would be a great encourager and be patient enough to help walk MK through areas he isn’t that good at. also, Lancelot is great at giving advice (something MK always craves and yet receives the bare minimum— tho good advice he DOES get is ignored by him), so he can also help there
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