#haha william you are experiencing the cycle of life and death
mothsforeyes · 1 year
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restorerjourney · 3 years
Week 10: The Great Commission & experiencing God’s healing!
June 15, 2021
I realized that someone is actually reading this blog post haha! Couple people have reached out to me this week and were asking me questions or mentioning my blog post and all I thought was, “Oh...someone out there is actually reading this!” I felt encouraged because sometimes I wondered if anyone would take the time to read it. That being said, I want to say I am sorry if it seems unorganized or grammatically incorrect, but honestly I don’t have much time to work on this blog. There has been just so much to do! And only having about two weeks left before going to outreach, it’s been busier than ever. A single day would be so packed with divine appointment, prophetic words, people being touched by God, and just trying to process all that has happened. If I don’t write it all down, I know I will forget and to me that would be such a waste! Yet I am determined to do my best to update you every Tuesday so please bear with me:)
This week we went back into the rhythm of things of having a speaker come and do things lecture style. Our speaker, Jacob Hong, who actually happens to be from Virginia was one of my pastor’s mentor (Pastor Bobby)! What a small world right? It couldn’t be coincidence that we had 3 Virginians here in this DTS at this time. He is currently a pastor and teacher at Honolulu, Hawaii after doing ministry in Virginia and has a heart for North Korea. His testimony was pretty neat because I knew some of the people that he spoke about! It was also redemptive to have some time to talk to him personally since he happened to know this one pastor who spoke things apparently from God that brought a huge scar and fear from hearing God’s voice over my life. Although I knew God redeemed that past and I am no longer fearful in hearing God’s voice, it sealed the deal to hear from him that he also agreed that this pastor drifted from the gospel and spiritually abused her power. 
He then talked a lot about the history of what occurred after the church in Acts. He spoke about numerous revival movements, reformation, how protestant christianity was born, and the pentecostal movement.  Here are some highlights from his lecture that I took away from:
-“Witness” in greek = “The witness onto death”. Being a witness means you no longer care about how you will live on this earth but now your whole vision’s purpose is on how you will live your life for God’s kingdom.
-Pentecost = the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, the church was born, and the power of the Holy Spirit came down on full force on the church so that we would share the gospel of Christ.
-Reformation occurred because we focused back on God’s word.
-Truth does not change by what you believe.
-When the church changes, the world changes.
-Theology: is the study of the bible from some of the scholars in the past. So when they talk about calvinism, it is the interpretation from calvin’s interpretation of the bible. Theology is important because we need accountability from other scholars. At the same time it is important for us to study bible for ourselves. 
-We as a christians need to read the word, and as a church obey God which will overflow and change our nation. Whatever the church decides will change our history.
-William seymour, a black, half-blind, preacher who seemed like a nobody to society... God used him to create the pentecoastal movement that still occurs today. Without his obedience, the church would have been lost.
Overall I thought it was important for him to share about all these big giants of faith because it reminded me that I am not alone in my faith. They suffered and fought for the gospel and really lived a life loving Jesus with their all. Even if they lived in a different era, we are all the same in our walk as Christ followers.
Another highlight that I would like to share about this week is an event that has changed my life forever. I experienced supernatural healing. I’ve heard about it, saw it, but in my heart I still had a little unbelief. Now I am a believer. I cannot deny what I’ve experienced because it was so real. It was so life giving. It was so beautiful and on June 11, 2011 a new day began for me.
There were three physical ailments that have always been on thorn on my side for almost 13 years. I have neck arthritis, shoulder instability, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos). God healed my pcos that day but more importantly I experienced spiritual breakthrough which manifested physically. 
For those who know me, I have always stressed about my pcos. For many who may not know, when I was about 7, if you read my journals, I’ve always had a deep desire to be married and to be a mom. This desire have stemmed from deep loneliness that I’ve experienced during my childhood, but in combination of having a fearful view of God. I wrote in my diary numerous times for God to  bless me with those two things. As an adolescent, I started my period late and was concern but my family told me not to worry about it. During college I would get my period irregularly and when I moved to NYC for optometry school I slowly stopped having my cycle. It would go as long as 6 months and could have been longer but I was afraid and saw a obgyn by then. She put me on the pill and told me not to worry about it. Since I was so determined to do well in school and residency, I didn’t think much of it except that when I was on this pill, I did not have a period at all. Even though the doctors said it was normal, to me that psychologically affected me. I didn’t feel like a woman. It just felt off and my mom recommended that when I was done with residency, to come home and get treated. We poured so much money on eastern and western medication, and the only success I had was by eliminating sugar, gluten, dairy, caffeine, raw veggies, and meat. All I ate was sweet potatoes, seaweed, and rice. It was social suicide for someone in their mid-twenties. After 3 months, I finally got my period but I was so traumatized by that experience, living in fear about what I ate. and how I viewed food. I just never want to go through that again. I still remember going through the scary process of ruling out endometriosis and feeling so alone. That’s when they confirmed I had pcos (which was confirmed by multiple doctors) and that there was a good chance that I could struggle with infertility. That diagnosis crushed me and I began to identify with my condition. I suffered from depression, anxiety, and hopeless. I felt I had to have the conversation with serious boyfriends during that time that I may not be able to have children. I wrestled this with God so much because I felt that it was unfair, that he would have to make me suffer like this. I started to have unbelief in my prayers because I felt whatever I asked, He would have the final say and there is nothing else I could do about it. I tried so many different combination of medications and different birth control pills, discontinuing them and restarting them because I would not get my cycle after months. Last year I finally just accepted my fate that I had to take medication and was taking Junel Fe which is a birth control pill and spirinolactone for my hormonal acne. 
When I came here to DTS, for some reason I felt this persistent spirit of not giving up asking for healing. Like the persistent widow in Luke 18 and also  seeing and hearing about so much supernatural events here, it began to stir up my faith. Every chance there was for me to receive healing, I would raise my hand. My whole team, family, and friends know that I deeply desire healing and I am kind of shameless asking about it. But since I shared a week ago when I was not healed when my team prayed for me I started to lose faith. During this time I heard about this guy name Jared who had the gift of healing and is a staff at one of the DTS. He also happens to be my staff’s neighbor which is how we got connected. I’ve reached out to him multiple times but he was so busy and would sometimes forget to reply. Still I was like that persistent shameless widow and kept reminding him. Finally we agreed on a date to pray, I just had to remind him again.
Before this happened. when people prayed for me, they would always get a word for me from the Lord to not be discouraged and to continue to wait on the Lord. I also felt convicted to trust in God’s timing and that breakthrough was close. Remember on June 9th, was the last day I was supposed to get my period? June 9th, nothing happened and I asked the Lord whether to go back on the pill and He told me to wait. I thought perhaps it wouldn’t be in a few months, but little did I know what would happen this week.
When I ran into Jared on June 11, 2011, I reminded him. That day was his 1-year-old daughter’s birthday and his family was in town. I told him that if he wanted to reschedule I completely understood. He said, “ No that’s ok! Let’s meet out here outside and it will take probably 5 minutes so let’s do it today!”. In my head I was thinking, “uhm...excuse me? 5 minutes? in public? wow you are confident..” and as I turned away he said “ Hey! You are going to be healed!” Again I was just amazed by how confident he said those words. 
When it was time to pray, I came with Esther and he came with his friend Phillip who also has the gift of healing. I had a hat on and it was a bright sunny day so we decided to go in a corner underneath the shade of a tree. I shared with them my 3 ailments and again they were just confidently saying “Hey you are gonna be healed!” Jared started to pray and he humbled himself before the Lord proclaiming that God is the healer. Jared prayed over me: “ You are a woman faith, God sees all that you went through”...then Jared prayed against striving, anxiety, that Jesus’s yoke is easy and his burden is light. He sees me as a little girl being picked up by the Father and spinning around together in joy. They prayed in tongue and Jared prayed over my ailment with a snap of his finger that it would be healed in Jesus name. That my neck and shoulders would be healed in Jesus’s name that my ovaries would be healed in Jesus’s name. Jared encouraged me to focus on my relationship with God. Jared said “Thank you that you live inside of Alicia and I pray Isaiah 40 over you that you would run and not grow weary, that you will walk and not be faint..He then asked me to put my hands on my belly and prophesied John 7 over me,  “ that out of the belly will flow rivers of living water”. As Jared prayed, Phillip said “More...More...More”. Since my eyes were closed, and I was wearing a hat underneath the shade of a tree, my vision was pretty dark ( I’m talking about physically seeing, not with my mind). This is the crazy part, that every time he said "more” I felt someone was turning on the switch in my vision and it was getting brighter and brighter, so bright I thought I was in front of the sun. I teared because this was my first time physically seeing God and I was convicted that I was being touched by God and that He was light. I was amazed and overwhelmed in God’s presence feeling so light that I almost fell over. During that exact time , Esther had a vision of a light moving really fast that went straight into my back and move inside my organs and body until it reached my womb. She saw the light moving inside my womb and my womb started to move (almost like a heart beating) and turned purple-red as if it was coming alive. Then Phillip prophesied over me and broke over word curses and self-hatred over me and prayed that I would never speak complaints or negative words over my life...that God saw me beautiful, that I am God’s sweet sweet daughter, and that I am worthy...that God heals because he loves. Phillip asked me to stretch out my hand for anything I didn’t believe in God for: I laid out my finance, future, my parents, my marriage, my entire life and every control. Phillip said everything that was being prayed over to believe it and I said yes and amen to it. He prayed that in the future to not speak any negative words over myself. Jared confirmed that it was finished and it was done and that this weekend I would get my cycle. Phillip then told Esther to be in front of me as I held out my hands and to prophesy over me. Esther prayed that I am a holy beloved bride of Christ washed and sanctified by his blood. No remnant of sin was in my life. She prayed that my heavenly body would be aligned with my spiritual body. That I am a warrior for Christ and healer. Through this process, I will help heal others, and that I am a life bearer. Esther saw old dying things in my body become filled with new life. Esther said I am lovable and not alone. God is with me in every season, walking with me in the valley, on the mountaintops, in the desert, in the green meadows, he will never leave me or forsake me. Then Philip said I am a multiplier, and that I was life giving...that today is a random Friday but today is a new day for me. Everything in my life everything that I have done is forgiven. It is finished it is done, and that I am covered by the blood of Christ. Phillip said something happened in me spiritually and it is going to manifest physically. It wasn’t my fault and I did not cause it. 
After that prayer I tested my neck and shoulders and it felt the same but I felt so much lighter in my heart. They encouraged that we should pray again next week and to take things one day at a time. I felt so encouraged and amazed by the touch of God that I’ve encountered. I had to go to the farm after to do my work duty but I kept mostly to myself just processing and praising God for all that just happened. I was amazed how easy praying for healing was for them and how they did it in publicly and not for very long. I understand now what it means when someone says that it is their gift. After work duty, Heejae wanted to share her testimony and I decided to share what has happened. After she left, I felt the need to go to the bathroom. As I walked to my dorm, I thought it was strange that I felt I was leaking. When I got to the bathroom, I had a moment where I thought maybe it a period, but I’ve had many moments like this and it wasn’t. When I checked, I saw that I had my period. TMI but it was small and brown but I knew for fact it was a period and I fell on my knees crying and praising God. I ran and told some of the girls in my team and they all rejoiced because they knew I have been struggling with this for so long. 
The next morning I had to wake up at 3am to go to Mauna Kea and when I went to the bathroom, I checked and saw that I didn’t bleed. I started to worry thinking maybe that was it, so I asked Dayoung to pray for me. I was getting worried as we hiked up the volcano that perhaps my body was too tired, maybe it was because I wasn’t sleeping enough, etc but I remembered that I needed to believe and that my faith played an important role in seeing God’s promises so I had to declare in my mind that I was healed. When I went to the bathroom after, I saw that I started to bleed again and it was normal this time. I was so joyful. Again TMI but normally when I had my period, it would be light, max 3 days and I would get some symptoms before like cystic acne, mood swings, fatigue, etc but I had no symptoms! I haven’t had one single acne break out since I stopped taking my medications coming to DTS. I joke something is in this water here but I am convinced it is the power of the Holy Spirit. I also know in my heart that Jared and Phillip didn’t happen to coincidently pray right before I had my period. I believe with my life that they prayed and God healed me. This cycle I have right now, is not light, longer than 3 days,and totally different. God restored me. Praise God right?! I still am not fully healed because of my neck and shoulders pain and we have another prayer session next Friday so please pray for complete restoration and healing! I will be bringing two other sisters who suffer neck pain too so that they could be healed!
I am so thankful and I want to give Him all the glory. I want to encourage others to ask for healing because He truly does even now. I feel like the lame who was healed by Jesus. The moment that he was healed, he couldn’t help but share this with everyone. Also Esther prophesied that I was a healer. I’ve heard this before from someone else and Heejae experienced healing when I prayed for her knee! I’ve been trying to pray for everyone as much as I could and although it is not 100% success, I believe God is cultivating this gift in me now that I have been healed. 
So yea, that was probably one of the best weeks of my life and I am so grateful. Thank you for all of those who prayed and walked through this difficult journey with me. For those who are seeking prayers and healing answered, I want to encourage you to not give up. Declare and trust in His character and believe that He wants to heal because He loves... you just have to trust in His timing. Also I am convinced that many physical ailments, not all, but many are related to things spiritually. I pray that you would ask God for discernment if there are any spiritual stronghold the enemy has your life and to continue to persistently asking for healing because the Holy Spirit lives in you. The same spirit that resurrected Jesus abides in you! So don’t give up. Be courageous. Breakthrough is almost there. God is with you in every hill and valley and surround yourself with witnesses so that God would reveal His glory and healing power over you. 
Prayer requests:
1) Again physical healing over my neck and shoulder. Please pray for Naeun and Sebin who also suffers from neck pain
2) God’s grace and more faith to cultivate my gift of healing and prophecy.
3) Direction after DTS. The options are to go to Texas and meet pastor Derek before going home, go to secondary school for business which the Lord has been pressing on my heart lately, and medical missions with YWAM ships. 
4) Preparation for our outreach to Mazatlan. That God would stretch my love for the people in Mexico and I would understand God’s heart for His people there.
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