#grumbot my beloved has returned
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Everyone say thank you rift for bestowing us our beloved boy AND lore about alternate timelines
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bluiex 2 years
Hello yes I'm back from the void and I come baring the gift of Grumbo and the robot children.
Grumbot(GB) and Grumbot prime(GP)
Ok so hear me out one day a few months after GP threatens Grian the rift starts to act up again and GP assumes that the rift is going to take him back to his original time line but instead of grabbing GP and leaving, it drops off GB who is just completely disoriented but once they get themselves together they are immediately ecstatic and happy that their dad's finally picked him up GP on the other hand is just completely confused, when GP was first informed of what happened to GB, GP thought that GB had just been abandoned and was utterly confused on how and why GB was in such good condition if he had been abandoned in a box (Grian and Mumbo paid for some one to babysit and keep Grumbot company whilst they worked on getting a non-player, Grumbot, into a new world) so understandably GP is a little skeptical but immediately gets very silently jealous once they see Grian and a newly returned from vacation Mumbo running up to the new arival which only seems to confuse GP more considering he has not met this timeline's Mumbo yet and is wondering why he would return to meet this other grumbots when he hadn't even met him yet, however during the moments that Grian and Mumbo are reintroducing Grumbot to the new season world Mumbo turns around and introduces himself to GP, GP is immediately a little bit surprised because he was not expecting for Mumbo to immediately turn around and try to interact with them, he thought since now that their original grumbot from their timeline had finally appeared that he would be thrown away or put into rift again to finally be sent back to his homeworld however this was not the case because the moment that GB had finally realized that GP was there Grian and Mumbo had introduced GP as GBs new big brother and it had been in that moment that GP had finally realized that he had not been put through the rift just to be used as a generator the way Grian had originally presented them to be and he was not just some little toy to be used for answers the way his original Grian had. GP actually had been summoned to be a new part of their family and had been completely accepted as the new other child the moment he had rebooted in this new world after coming out of the rift.
(I have a head cannon that the rift was really just made so that Grian and Mumbo could pick up Grumbot from season 7. Grumbot already knew that his dad's were going to come back for him so he wasn't at all any panicked when they left so suddenly, the rift had also been built and designed in a way that made looking through different universes easier so that Grian and Mumbo could see if they could find another robot child to adopt that hadn't had a very good life. So Grian and Mumbo had gone in already knowing full well that Grumbot prime would not have a very good opinion on them especially Grian but they did not care they were just happy knowing that they could try and build a better future for someone that deserved it even if they were not originally built and meant to have emotions)
I ADORE THIS Grumbot and Grumbot Prime.. my beloved grumbo children.. Seriously enjoy this and your headcanon for them, with the rift and everything. This is sick af (but that headcanon, if they gettng gp, just to make sure he gets to a better timeline and have a better future and aslkhsdfkhj *sob*)
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crafting--table 2 years
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