askappos · 1 year
Gaea charges an Energy Ball, but it’s just a distraction to allow the other two more powerful attacks to land, a Flamethrower and a Steel-type Multi-Attack!
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Appos used Multi-Attack!
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The Flamethrower dealt neutral damage, but Multi-Attack was super effective!
Angered, the Lickitales roars and stamps its front paws.
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Lickitales used Bulldoze, dealing Ground-type damage to all grounded combatants!
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ask-the-evergreen · 3 years
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As this was all happening, it would seem Luca was gonna get a gigantic suprise.
Phil and Ninjara, having just arrived to the battlefield both look to Luca. the Lucario smiling, whilist the Draconic Greninja frowned under his scarf. both seemed ready to strike at a moments notice
"Looks like this party is just getting started huh Ninji?
"Let's just get this over with....I have a bad feeling about this one!"
"fine fine. I'll go low, you go high! sound good?"
"so be it!"
Zaitsev entered combat. sneaking through the dense foliage to get the right angle, the best spot for him to use his bow's effective range. with silence, he Took an arrow from the quiver and armed his bow. He steadies his aim, pulls the bowstring back as the arrow tip, began to emit a faint glow appearing with a mixture black and Violet. Strains of light appearing like Chains forming as the string is pulled tight! he Steadies his aim to line up a shot,
"Time to keep that person in place. Spirit shackle." He said to himself quietly, letting go of the bowstring to let the arrow fly towards the target and flew.
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"NOW!" and with that Ninjara takes off into the air, whilist Phil dashes out from the thick brush. both with eyes set on the Witch!
Smoke seething from the Dragons mouth! his throat glew bright as he unleashed a vicious torrent of Flame at Luca. Meanwhile Phil began to focus energy to his hands, taking a deep breath in the process. once enough of the Pure Dragon energy was formed, he put his hands together, and let's loose a huge Beam towards the pinned down Lucario. Arcs of energy appearing as Dragon horns Shielding Phil
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@askthepathfinder - @pmd-waveringfate/@blazing-destiny
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blazing-destiny · 4 years
John (incineroar): hey there! Can I ask you what's your favourite food?
"Ninji": hmmmm....that is a lot to think about especially when you have tried a lot of foods
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Solblitz: Favorite?! I-I haven't thought about that yet.... there's so many choices plus ones I haven't even tried yet!
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blazing-destiny · 3 years
Michele@Ninjara: if I may ask, what do you think about your friends?
If your talking about Solblitz and the the guildmasters then their trust allies I'm happy to have the chance to know, however if your talking about the dragonair and the glaceon I don't fully trust them enough to consider them friends. We'll have to be careful and see if their truly friends or foes
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blazing-destiny · 3 years
Character Dossier
Upon clicking the file you see a set of profiles
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blazing-destiny · 3 years
(greedentstripes) (Nick @ Ninjara) What kinds of things do you like to do in your spare time?
Well for the most part I train, one can never neglect their training especially if their in a guild. Other times I help my mom with sewing business that also doubles as a type of training for me due to the need for a steady hand
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blazing-destiny · 4 years
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Solblitz: It's awesome! Traveling places, going on quests! And most importantly fighting bad guys! It's everything my pa said it was. i want to become a world famous guild member someday just like him!
Ninjara: It has it's ups and downs. My aunt and uncle met in a guild, after hearing about their adventures I figured I'd give it a try. As for your other question yes our guild set us up as a 2 man team
Solblitz: speaking of which we should probably get going bef-
???: Ninjara! Solblitz! There you are!
Solblitz:.......The guildmasters show up......
A reverse shiny houndour came running to the hybrid pair with a raboot on his back. The raboot, who was the source of the shout, seemed to have shiny Cinderace colors instead of Raboot colors. Once the pair got in a good distance the Raboot got off the houndour's back
Ninjara: H-Hgc! G-Guildmasters!
Houndour: You two were supposed to be at our office 2 hours ago! What happened?
Raboot: we were worried sick!
Solblitz: S-Sorry I was waiting for Ninjara then we got sidetracked by our new friends.....
Raboot: Friends?
The raboot looked around noticing all the other pokemon including the two floating dragons
Raboot: O-Oh
(Ask from @asktheghostlydragons )
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blazing-destiny · 3 years
(shaymincafe) Shiso @ Ninjara: So why didn't you go to the winter event?
@shaymincafe (already answered but I'll do it again -w-)
I decided to stay with Buttermilk since Darren went with Solblitz, I couldn't leave him here, besides I don't like being in large crowds
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blazing-destiny · 4 years
Kass@Ninjara: "Ahhh, now YOU look like a tough guy, don'tcha? Like someone who's seen their fair share of scrapes. I love a good challenge, and I wouldn't mind sparring with ya one day, pal. Hahahah! So, what's the toughest mission you and your Sylveon pal have ever been on?"
Ninjara chuckles at the comment looking a Kass with a grin
Anytime. Anywhere. Name's Ninjara by the way. As for your question the toughest mission me and Sol has been on was actually before me and Sol went through our final evolution. We had to escort someone to their hometown and we came across two gengar, one of which had hypnotized a lanturn to attack us. With me being both fire and water I'm sure you can see the problem. And with Solblitz being a small eevemander at the time didn't help either
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blazing-destiny · 4 years
(greedentstripes) Michelle@Ninji: "Why don't you like being called Ninji, my fiery Greninja friend? Is there a better name you'd rather we address you as?"
Ninji crosses his arm looking away with a blush
I-It's a stupid nickname my mom and Solblitz calls me. If you must know my actual name is Ninjara
Ninjara's reference has been unlocked
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blazing-destiny · 3 years
Hey, Ninjara, what were you doing at the time while everyone was away at the event?
If you must know I was helping Buttermilk look after the guild while Darren and Sol were gone. I'm not really comfortable going to events like that plus Buttermilk needed the help so I stayed behind
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blazing-destiny · 4 years
How did you two meet? Are you maybe related since you're both part Charizard?
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Solblitz: Trust me we're not related, as much as I love him I don't think Mr. Grumpy here is the best person to be related to hehe
Ninjara: Hey! Your not exactly the perfect sister either!
Solblitz: As for how we met, we first came across each other at the guild looking for teammates. After an unsuccessful search the guildmaster put us together as a two mon team
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blazing-destiny · 4 years
[phantomguild, Mint@Solblitz & Ninji] "From one hybrid to another, what's it like? Do other Pokemon treat you fair? Do you get awesome hybrid abilities??"
Ninji: Well for me I didn't really get out much due to where I lived but that all changed when my dad got a job at the guild and we moved. Being the only hybrid in town, well aside from Solblitz, didn't really help too much especially when I reached this form you see now. Some of the other mons in town either ran or attacked me because they thought I was a monster luckily though there was some who actually didn't mind my looks and then soon after I met Solblitz. As for hybrid abilities, the only one that comes to mind is flight
Ninji holds up his arms to reveal his webbed wings
I'm pretty sure my mother spoke of something called "Mega Evolution"? But she said I needed a special item in order to do so
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Solblitz: As for me being a hybrid didn't really change anything for me, I mean I used to get teased for a lil bit as an eevemander but it stopped eventually. And for the special abilities part I also can fly and mega evolve but ma says I'm not ready for mega evolution yet. But I plan to get super strong and prove her wrong! Also due to the fact that I'm part sylveon my ribbons can catch fire too just like my tail.
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