#grahhhh shakes them all in a terrarium /aff
average-transdalorian · 2 months
Okily dokily the hyperfixation has me in the trenches so!
Dungeon Meshi Main Character HCs!
From an anime-only who has stumbled upon so many manga spoilers that she has given up on avoiding most of the Big Important Ones
Laios: autism. We all know this. It’s subtext more than an hc. His biggest special interest is monsters, which we also already knew. Aromantic, but open to relationships anyways. Definitely has some sort of gender fuckery going on but there are monsters to be eaten so he doesn’t have time to worry about that (probably agender but he/him works as well as anything so no need to discuss it)
Marcille: autistic transbian. Decided to take a hard turn into dungeons/illegal magic as a way to maybe avoid gifted kid burnout. Doesn’t realize she’s been dating Falin for [however long they adventured together] yet but she’ll get there eventually. Strictly she/her, due to personal experiences with transphobia. Will explore other pronouns more eventually
Chilchuck: either neurotypical, or was raised by parents who knew exactly the type of thing to do when The Symptoms got to be overly detrimental a la the one mom who would have one(? Or more?) of her kids chop wood as a grounding exercise. Cis, but bi in the “parent says ‘everybody feels this way, it’s normal’ way.” Wayyyyy more invested in keeping Laios and Falin safe than he admits to himself. He/him
Senshi: surprise! Autism. “What’s gender, a type of seasoning?” Aroace, but would absolutely be down for a Mandalorian-type marriage (for reference, the only vows in a Mando’ad marriage are “we are one when together, we are one when apart, we share all, we will raise warriors”). He/him by dint of not realizing anything else was an option
Falin: even more autism! She/they, lesbian, has had a crush on Marcille since. Idk, sometime in their schooling together? Knows that they’re dating, knows that Marcille *doesn’t* know that they’re dating, is too afraid of rejection to clarify at this point. The dragon thing definitely fucked with her gender some
Kabru: There Is Something Wrong With Him and I’m kinda into it. Maybe has autism? Has never experienced a crush before Laios and really doesn’t know what to do about that. Hyper-competent warrior. Less competent monster fighter
Isutzumi: Isutzumi
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