#gotta finish em before i disappear in 2 weeks haha
humming-fly · 7 months
congrats on 14k! can i request a doodle of something batman related please? thank you!
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there he goes!
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meshugana1 · 6 years
Meshugana, but with breast below your navel - Part 2!
Man, that was fun! I went jogging this morning and oh boy! You guys should’ve seen my MILF neighbors face! I think she broke her jaw when it hit the floor, HAHA! I think I really like these things, they’re just so damn funny, and fun to play with. But I made a promise and I aim to keep it. And with a thought they start retracting, like seeing a slinky recompress. I’m gonna miss these puppies a lot. But I’ll get some new toys to play with soon.
   Now for this one, I think it would still be more fun if I got one of my friends to do it. I can’t call on Kijo again, not twice in a week. She has her own problems to deal with. Stacy? Well her magic is a little spastic lately. I don’t want to become a pair of tits instead, not yet anyway. Circine is still a bit mad at me, Ghale is god knows where. So I guess that leaves the one most likely to take it too far.
   I tap my foot on the floor, my hands are clasped and my shoulders are slumped. I want to reach out and grab the book on the nightstand, but I don’t want her to think I’m impatient. She’s probably already here, taking her time, waiting for me to do some that miffs her so she has an excuse. I’m willing to bet my patients outlasts hers though. She can barely sit for a millisecond without fidgeting or firing a spell off. Sure enough I spot a glint by my spice rack. She might be a spunky little fairy but she’s no ninja.    “Alright Paprika, come on out. You can’t hide from me,” I say. Now that the game is over she has no reason to hide. Faster than a professionally thrown baseball, a glint of light flits out and zigzags toward me.    “You’re no fun! Is it too much to ask that you’d insult me and play along?” Paprika said. Even miffed she’s adorable. Her fists rest on her hips and her chest hangs as she bends forward to chastise me. If only that ass were a little bigger.    “You’re already going to get to do something to me, what more do you want?”    “Yeah, but that’s stuff other people want me to do ya know? I really just want to go to town on you!”    “Well that’s not very nice. I did create you after all.”    “So? What’s better than pulling one over on the boss? But I guess if I gotta do it then I gotta do it. What do you need me to do again?” Fairies. Good magic, short memories.    “The boobs? Remember? There was a vote?”    “Oh yeah! I guess that one is pretty fun too.”    “Well, whenever you’re ready ma’am.”    “Boy am I! First things first, strip!” It never ceased to impress me how authoritative someone could be when they were six inches tall. I guess it is mostly attitude. I do just what she says. Not that it wouldn’t be fun, but I’d rather stick to the script rather than have a big transformation fight with her. My shirt is first, just simple white cotton. I’m not wearing a bra, none would fit after my last change. I’m still wearing the matching ruffled pink panties though, too cute to remove! My skinny jeans evidently weren’t coming off fast enough for Paprika’s liking. She pointed and zapped and they fell to the floor like they were made of lead.    “Move it along slowpoke!” Paprika said.    “I’m trying to build up the change, Paprika. Relax.”    “Hmm…no,” Paprika said. She rubbed her hands and her usual, excited smile was ear to ear. She tucked her knees into a runners stance in front of me. That could only mean one thing. Her wings hummed and her legs tensed. Then, faster than even I could see, she bolted straight for me. I forget how fast fairies are. Before I could even think of blinking she was gone and jumped straight into my navel. It felt like someone though a beanbag to me. I could sort of feel her wriggling around in there. I wonder if this is kinda what pregnancy feels like? A tiny creature inside you that changes your body. I laid back, trying to get a good look at the area. It glowed slightly. Then I saw the first signs. Two little red spots began forming, no larger than an inch and a half. I swear I could actually hear the nipples “pop” out already fully erect, and not from magic. Then the swelling started and it was coming fast. That was her style, fast and surprising changes. I felt a good deal of pressure, kinda like a long overdue burp. I tensed my stomach, and in a single great burst both my new tits and Paprika shot up. Paprika almost looked unsettled, as if she weren’t finished in there.    She better have been though cause these things are fricken huge! Easily G-cups! It was lucky I was sitting down. I don’t think I could’ve remained standing with the way they just popped out. They rested between my thighs and jiggled with my every twitch. They were soft, rounded to perfection, and made me feel like I was carrying around an udder. Not a bad feeling to have if you ask me. I tried to sit up, but then my fears had been realized by shifting in my new tits. It came so fast, so strong. They rubbed together as I attempted to sit up and the pleasure I felt then could’ve knocked out Rocky Marciano. I sucked in my breath quickly and my pussy became so wet it felt like I wet my panties. Paprika flew in front of me as I tried to recompose myself. She landed on my tummy and walked down, stopping before my new parts. I looked at her, wide-eyed and shook my head. She looked back, nodding hers. She turned to face me. Then she leaped into the air and fell ass first into my new cleavage. I screamed in ecstasy. It felt like a thousand dicks in my pussy all at once! She didn’t stay still in there either. She shook her ass against my tits, digging her way comfortably deep causing me countless simultaneous orgasms, probably staining my couch in the process.    “By the way Mesh, do you remember that little three-way you made me take part in? I do. Hope you enjoy the new tits! I made ‘em nice and sensitive for ya. Oh, and those nipples of yours are gonna be real itchy. Painfully itchy nips or crippling orgasms, guess you’ll have to pick your poison! Good luck breaking this spell, have a good week buddy!” And with an agonizing pat to my new breast, she twirled into the air and disappeared in a puff of fairy dust. I could already feel the itch building in my nipples, begging to be scratched. I wish she hadn’t disappeared so quickly, I’d have loved to thank her. I was going to have an awesome week!
The End. Hope Y’all like it!
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