#got this idea whilst walking by a ferris wheel lol
earthtooz · 2 years
fluff! rin kisses u, it's kinda like making out but also not, unedited so bad writing, ooc rin??? maybe??? i've said it once and i'll say it again, rin has the personality of an apple.
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somehow, you find yourself sharing a ferris wheel cart with itoshi rin.
you cannot recall how you got here, having been talking with bachira and isagi mere moments ago whilst waiting in line for the ferris wheel, you don't know how you ended up alone with itoshi rin.
no- wait, you know exactly how. where you were supposed to be in a group of four, isagi and bachira immediately closed the door on you, blocking you out. as you curse them out, they just made silly faces in retaliation.
it's not like you hated the idea of being alone with him, it's just you had kind of a massive crush on the striker and if you were left alone with him for more than two minutes, you might combust. from embarrassment or from how fast your heart and thoughts race around him, you're not too sure.
either way, the thought of being in such an intimate space with him was really anxiety-inducing.
the worst part of it all was that rin remained his stoic, deadpanned self, unaware of the frenzy that was occurring within your soul. he looked so good in his casual-wear too, dressed in his trench coat and turtleneck- how are you going to function near him?
"thank you," you mutter with a grateful smile when the ferris wheel operator opens the door to the cart.
rin holds it open for you to step in first and you comply with his command. the cart dips when he steps in and where you thought he would take the seat opposing yours, the athlete catches you off guard once again by settling beside you.
you can feel the warmth of his leg pressed against yours.
"enjoy the ride!" the attendant calls out, disrupting your brief meltdown as you wave to her.
oh you were definitely going to enjoy the ride, or maybe come out of it half-alive, who knows.
"so, do you like ferris wheels?" you ask, fidgeting with your hands when you look over to him.
he shrugs. you feel the movement right against you. "i'm impartial. i don't go on them often."
you were surprised he even agreed to go on one in the first place.
"there's some aspect of fun to them," you voice, fully leaning back into your seat to try and relax and act cool.
he huffs. "like what?"
"heights are cool."
"i guess they can be."
"what's your idea of cool then?"
"rollercoasters. haunted houses."
"really? we literally went on so many rollercoasters today and you were straight faced for all of them."
if you looked closer, you would notice the small smile playing along his lips. "doesn’t mean i didn't have fun."
you bump his shoulder. "just admit that you like your friends."
not a single noise escapes him. bastard.
"okay, it be like that-"
"-i like you?” his confession catches you off guard. confusion is etched into his tone, almost as if he was suggesting his tolerance for you.
when you look in his eyes, it's hard to breathe, mostly because you don't know how to take this information. surely it's just platonic, right?
"i like you too," you respond, voice no louder than a whisper. you're not too entirely sure of what to think of your words but he doesn't press upon it.
a part of you feels disappointed that the conversation ends there.
suddenly, you realise just how far the cart has ascended into the air. the ground below you and its people has been minimised to small dots and you get a beautiful view of the water and the city horizon, illuminated by skyscrapers and the lights of people's apartments.
"the view is so pretty! rin, look-"
just as you look at the soccer player, he leans forward and the next thing you know, his lips are on yours.
it's messy, it's unreal, it's exhilarating. his hand comes up to hold your head against his, keeping you in his embrace as you inevitably relax into it, welcoming his warmth. a warmth that you miss immediately when he pulls away, leaving the kiss too short for either of your liking.
rin's looking at you expectantly. you blink once, twice, three times before coming to your senses; senses that yell to kiss him silly again.
so you bring him back in, cupping his cheeks to continue where he left off. this time, it’s less rushed and you can taste relief on his tongue, especially evident in the way that he relaxes against you and wraps his arm around your waist.
even as you pull away, rin chases after you for a second before recovering, leaving you both to bask in the afterglow of returned intimacy.
"i like you," he tries again.
you smile with smeared lip balm. "i like you too."
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babyflossy · 4 years
strangers once again | l.ty
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pairing: taeyong x reader
requested: yep, my whole ask box is angst atm lol
summary: sleeping with your best friend was never going to end well, you knew that, but you didn’t think it would end this badly (a.k.a taeyong realises his feelings for you after you’ve moved on)
genre/warnigns: angst, sexual references (not explicit), kinda sad i guess?
word count: 2k
perhaps sleeping with your best friend wasn't the best idea, you'll admit. these circumstances only ever had a happy ending in the movies you watched, in the books you read as a hopelessly romantic teenager. in the real world, they only ever ended in heartache and painful longing. and as much as you hated to admit it, this was the real world, there were no soft edges, no plush cushions for you to hit when you fell. only sharp edges and cold, unforgiving rock bottoms.
in your first philosophy class of the semester, a tall boy with baby pink had slipped into the seat next to you, a shy smile on his face. your friendship with lee taeyong, as he would later introduce himself, suddenly became a steadily increasing positive in your life. you shared everything, from food to your darkest secrets, taeyong was the one person you trusted with every fibre of your being. at three in the morning when you were too scared to walk to the convince store alone, he would offer to go with you; when he needed help with his math homework you would offer emotional, not academic, support; every thursday night was a movie night for the two of you. the movies were always trashy, regardless of who's turn it was to pick. if it was taeyong's week, you would wrap yourselves in blankets and watch the newest rom com, passing each other tissues when the sad parts came on, but if it was your week, a fast-paced action movie would play in the background of your conversations, forgotten. friday night house parties followed your nights in, the only time you would ever get dressed up and go out together.
these weekly parties were the downfall of your gradually strengthening relationship with taeyong, however. in the beginning, they were nothing but a way to release the stress of a week of classes, but they grew to be something much more troublesome. every friday after your last class you would get ready, getting dressed into whatever skin-tight and uncomfortable outfit your roommate insisted you had to wear, and meet taeyong outside your dorm building. the two of you would arrive at the parties together, drinking and dancing together and eventually stumble into whoever's dorm was closest, waking up to find yourself tangled in his arms, head slotted so perfectly against his neck.
you couldn't exactly place when things started to change, but if you had to guess, it would be sometime after he stopped coming home with you. every week a different girl would wobble her way back to his bedroom, dress sleeves slipping down before she even entered, emerging hours later, neck covered in dark purple love bites. from the start you knew it shouldn't have made you as jealous as it did, so you did what everyone does when they realise they're falling for their best friend; you ignored it. you avoided your feelings, you avoided the parties, but most of all, you avoided taeyong.
it didn't take long for your best friend to grasp what you were doing. he saw the way you started to talk to the people around you in your shared classes, instead of him, and how you suddenly had plans every thursday night. he noticed it all, but he couldn't figure out the reason for your sudden reluctance to be alone with him.
after weeks of excuses and poorly thought out lies taeyong managed to corner you in the kitchen of some stuck-up frat boy's luxuriously decorated apartment. the drinks you had already consumed made your head fuzzy and blocked out your rational thoughts. the only thing you could focus on was the hurt look covering taeyong's face, his wide eyes sad and puppy-like in nature. it pulled at your heartstrings in a way you knew would only cause trouble.
after a few moments of silence, a few moments of taeyong talking softly whilst you tried to stop your eyes dropping to his pouting lips, you couldn't bear it anymore. you had already ruined your friendship, what more did you have to lose? with shaking hands you wrapped an arm around his neck, ignoring the way his eyes widened a fraction. all sensible thoughts deserted you, your mind only able to focus on the closing distance between you and the confused boy in front of you.
kissing taeyong was everything you expected, and more. his lips were warm against yours and one of his hands came down to tilt your jaw upwards, the other falling down to rest on your waist. the new angle of your head meant taeyong could deepen the kiss, sighing into your mouth when you knotted your hands in his now neon green hair and tugged slightly. time seemed to accelerate as your lips molded against his, the lipgloss you were wearing sweet in your mouths. minutes later taeyong decided your lips weren't enough and broke away from you, panting, only to trial delicate pecks down your neck. his lips got hungrier, the like pecks morphing into hot, open-mouthed, desperate kisses that made your knees weak. you moaned when he hit a particularly sensitive spot under your ear, and he backed you against the wall to stop you falling.
it should have stopped there, you now know. but there was something irresistible about the noises he made when you pressed his body closer yours that made you unable to stop. not an ounce of trepidation passed through you as taeyong pulled you towards one of the remaining bedrooms in the house. you couldn't bring yourself to worry about the state of your friendship, or your heart for that matter, as he pressed you carefully down onto the freshly made sheets of the king-size bed, or later when he made you come undone over and over again, gasping nothing but his name. the way he moaned your name in return would forever be engrained in your brain.
your avoidance of taeyong quickly turned into skipping your shared classes, carefully planning when to walk where to prevent bumping into him. your attempts didn't go unnoticed by the man in question, and you were soon cornered again, this time with nowhere to hide.
taeyong stood in the middle of your dorm room, a deep frown creasing his eyebrows. you struggled to think clearly, his sad expression making your brain short circuit. his hands are fiddling with the sleeves of the black hoodie he's wearing, and you wonder momentarily if you look as nervous as he does. "why are you ignoring me?" excuses shot through your head as you tried to find the one that would cause the least damage, only to come up empty. you can do nothing open and close your mouth, clueless as to what to say. "do you regret it? is that it?"
did you regret it? in some sense, you think you must have regretted it, even if that regret was outweighed by the uncomfortable flipping of your stomach. before that night in the frat house your friendship could have been salvaged, but now you knew there was no chance.
"no, i don't regret it–"
"then why are you ignoring me, y/n?" he was shouting now, and you were suddenly aware of how this must have hurt him. as much as he had been your rock whenever you needed someone to rely on, you were his. and you had abandoned him. the inner turmoil was clear on your face and tears started to fill your eyes as you truly understood what you had done. this was all your fault. "did i do something? because if i did, you need to tell me–"
"i'm in love with you," although he was still shouting, your quiet words easily registered in his head. frozen, he waited for you to continue, ignoring the tears now pouring down your face. you had kept this in for too long, watched him flirt and date and sleep with so many other girls that weren't you, and you needed him to know it. the only way you could diminish the hopelessness in your chest was to make him understand your reasons, "okay? are you happy now?" you hiss, voice quickly rising to the volume his had previously been, but you couldn't look at him. instead, you focused your teary gaze on the photos you pinned up over your desk; you and taeyong at the beach, you and taeyong on the ferris wheel, you and taeyong… you and taeyong… the memories accompanying the photos drifted through your head, days of unbelievable warmth, happiness. the time you spent with taeyong made you forget the hardships in your life, like a lighthouse guiding you to safety. "i've been in love with you for months, taeyong, months. every time you brought a girl home, it killed me, okay? so forgive me if i didn't want to watch anymore."
the air was still as you waited for him to say something, anything. the strength to look up evaded you, and you stayed focusing on the once happy memories printed out on your wall. oh, how that had changed now. but taeyong didn't say anything. the sound of the door opening brought you out of your thoughts, only just seeing the back of his brightly coloured hair before the door slid shut. it clicked closed loudly, the sound echoing in the now cold room, shutting out the voices from outside. shutting out taeyong.
the next few weeks were hell for taeyong. locked away in his head, he would spend hours at a time missing you, thinking back to your soft, sweet lips against his. reminiscing on the days you spent at the school library, muffling your laughs in your hands so you wouldn't be kicked out. about all the times you would sneak into the basketball court after dark to see who could shoot from further away. about the cafes you had tried out together, the museums you visited together, the late-night car rides with no destination in mind. he didn't know why he left you in your apartment that day you confessed to him, and weeks later he couldn't fathom it. under his carefully crafted exterior, he knew he was scared. he was scared to ruin it with you, to break your heart like he had been doing so well before. in his eyes he would be nothing but trouble for you. and so, he buried his emotions, as per usual, moving on and trying anything to forget about you.
only when taeyong saw you on a date with someone else, your outgoing history partner, did he truly fathom his mistakes. you when you were laughing at something they said, the careless laugh you used to save for him – eyes crinkled at the corners, hand not covering your mouth – and he knew you had moved on. he had waited too long and destroyed whatever was left of his chance to make things right again. a weight settled in his chest as he watched you drag your hand down the boy's arm, interlocking your fingers and kissing his knuckles with a content smile on your face. as much as it hurt him, you looked happy. it was a stark contrast to the last time he had seen your face, red and blotchy with tears, lips quivering as you tried to supress your quiet sobs.
as much as it pained him, he knew you were better off without him. you would be happier with someone other than him at your side. his heart ached when he realised the two of you were nothing more than strangers again. he had nothing left of you than those cherished memories. nothing more than strangers with lasting memories.
a/n: one of the first fics i’ve edited lmao
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purecamp · 7 years
fic masterlist!
a collection of every rpdr i have ever written! contains much shalaska, some shillam, some witney, and dribs and drabs of branjie and taywhora
Sharon fucking Needles - sharon drunk texts alaska, who tells her to get her shit together if she wants to get back together. so that’s what she does.
Conflicted - (au) aaron’s conflicted because he has a secret: he’s a drag queen. little does he know, his boyfriend justin is conflicted too, for the same reason: he’s also a drag queen. one night in a bar, they find out the other’s secret.
Dead Girls Never Say No - after listening to the lyrics written about her in alaska’s bitch track ‘The T’, sharon is understandably upset. fame hardened alaska to the point where she feels like an emotionless dead girl, but as the song goes, dead girls never say no.
Would You Be So Kind - justin feels funny, and he feels funny because he’s in love. aaron feels funny, and he also feels funny because he’s in love. based off the dodie clark song
Vera Amoris - (au) alaska’s a brand new witch in town, who doesn’t know the other witches yet. after getting tricked by the evil phi phi to drink a potion she shouldn’t drink, jinkx rushes her to the town potion master, sharon, for help.
Soulmate - justin believes that in life, you have more than one soulmate, but each of your soulmates stay with you forever. so it still hurts when your first soulmate dies too young.
Weird - (au) alaska finds out her asshole boyfriend is cheating on her, and promptly breaks up with him. however, she’s left with a problem: she has no money, her phone is dead and broken, and she’s lost. a hooker by the name of sharon needles comes to the rescue, which in alaska’s eyes is frankly? a little weird.
Two Hearts and a Home - pure fluff and romance ensues in early december, when justin enlists the help of his lazy boyfriend aaron to put up the christmas tree.
Say Cheese! - sharon won’t smile for a picture. alaska is determined that, anyway she can, she will get the bitch to fucking smile.
Ferris Wheel - it’s not shalaska it’s witney. willam has a date perfectly planned out for courtney, but she ruins it by insisting they go on the fair down at the beach. willam totally isn’t afraid of heights, the ferris wheel doesn’t bother her at all.
Did You Miss Me Enough To Drink Or Did You Drink Enough To Miss Me? - sharon drinks far too much and sometimes can’t stop saying what’s on her mind. alaska doesn’t know if she misses her enough to drink, or if she simply drank enough to miss her. she never finds out.
Lost and Found - (au) it’s been five weeks since alaska went missing from her college, which she attended with girlfriend sharon and best friend jinkx. then, out on a walk at one in the morning, sharon finds her.
Turn Off The Lights - every time alaska calls, sharon answers. she swears she’s going to give her up, but she never does. she’s taking every chance she’s got, like the man she knows she’s not. based off the song by panic! at the disco.
Sensible - after falling for shea during the filming of drag race, sasha isn’t sure she’s made a particularly sensible decision, and a little fight ensues.
Mine And Yours - (au) stealing each other’s clothes goes from a fun little game to all-out war. alaska, naturally, intends on winning.
Hush Little Baby - (au) new parent alaska is left at home with her baby girl whilst her wife sharon goes out to work. the problem? alaska is convinced the sniffles and sneezes are something much worse than they actually are.
A-B-C-D-E-F-G - (au) alaska goes to her friend willam’s house for what she thinks is a halloween party. to her surprise, the “party” is more of a seance to chat with a guest who turns out to have more than a little bit of affection for one of the players.
Finding You - witney, in which the infamous willam and courtney fight is explored, and perhaps the root of it all is jealousy?
Piano Wire - (au) collab with @laskathunderfun - a dark sided piece based off of sharon’s song “piano wire” in which aaron is a murderer
Weather Girl - (au) alaska, a brand new weather girl, is a small fish in a big pond of tv news. sharon is the host.
As Long As You’re Mine - (au) inspired by wicked. sharon is always the bad one next to hilarious and well loved katya. for the first time, sharon does something that makes her feel as wicked as they say she is.
She Calls Me Your Highness - (au) the princess willam has a complicated relationship with young serving maid sharon.
What Do You Know About Love? - (au) sharon and willam are boarding school students and best friends who disagree, fundamentally, on their idea of what love is. eventually, they come to an understanding.
My Frankenstein - (au) mad scientist sharon is working on bringing her second creation to life while her first, alaska, watches. halloween fun and my first ever smut! 
The Land Of The Midnight Sun - (au) sharon wants to escape from the world and live where no one will ever find her again. she meets another lost soul who helps her to do so, and she and alaska reflect on how the world got so dark just for loving girls.
(Less Than) A Thousand Miles - (au) with the world in lockdown, alaska begins working from home, and makes a new friend over zoom who begins to brighten her world again.
Strangers - (au) sharon isn’t gay, even if she does hook up with this girl all the time, drunk or sober. she’s not. she swears.
Things That Were - (au) it’s christmas, and brooke reflects on everything that went wrong with vanessa during the awkward transition between xmas and new year.
Someone I Genuinely Love (au) - uni students tayce and a’whora attend lawrence’s house party, when an argument breaks out between a’whora and tia. even the bitch needs some love sometimes.
Sharon and Phi Phi’s Bitch Of A Bucket List (discontinued) - the zombie apocalypse has finally happened, and everyone has different priorities. phi phi wants to survive. sharon wants to find alaska. the three of them stumble across their friend’s survival base and try to live their lives. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Party (complete) - jinkx’s halloween party goes wrong, leading sharon and alaska down a confusing road of drugs, admitting feelings, and hiding. just when things are going okay, it all goes drastically wrong. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
Just The Two Of Us (in progress) - (au) hogwarts student alaska gets together with long-time crush and close friend, sharon, in the same year that the triwizard tournament begins. but her slytherin girlfriend harbours a dark past and the triwizard tournament may only be an obstacle in overcoming that. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Mean Queens (complete, collab with @thewritingnymph) - (au) mean girls crossover in which newbie russian, katya, joins a new school and befriends adore and ginger, who have spent most of their school lives being bulled by the three ‘mean queens’ who run the school. sharon, violet and alaska are life-ruiners. the three of them hatch a plan to take the mean queens down once and for all. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21
In Sickness and In Health (in progress) - (au) princess sharon is sick, and the king lets out a desperate appeal to save her: whoever will venture out to find the witch who can do it will recieve riches beyond their belief. however, the princess is inches from death and alaska isn’t sure she can get through it without sharon dying, the witch refusing, or even falling in love. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Bosom Buddies (in progress, collab with @thewritingnymph) - (au) based on the song bosom buddies, two new york-dwelling theatre sisters, alaska and jinkx, get a little more than they bargained for when the circus comes to town, bringing eccentric performers such as ivy winters and sharon needles into the mix. 1 - 2 - 3
Withstanding The Test Of Time (in progress) - (au) intern journalist hates many things, including her job, her coworkers, and the oppression from the government forcing you to marry your soulmate a month after your timer ticks down to zero. luckily, sharon has two years left. and then - she doesn’t. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Means Queens Ever After (collab with @thewritingnymph) - (au) the mean queens didnt die immediately after prom so here’s the rest of their lives lol. Girls Gone Camping - A Triple A Christmas - Violet’s Fashion Show - Some Things Never Change
Here I Go Again - (au) a mamma mia au in which trixie is getting married and decides to invite her three potential dads, much to her mom sharon’s chagrin. Prologue - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Epilogue Part 1 - Epilogue Part 2
(I Can Still Recall) Our Last Summer - (au) prequel to here i go again, following the life of young sharon as she meets three strangers who will change her life forever. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Case Closed - (au) inspired by b99, alaska is the best detective in the NYPD, of course. nothing will change that, not even the arrival of the stupidly named detective needles and her charm. 1 - 2
The Needles Family Values (discontinued) - (au, collab with aqcitrus) addams family inspired fic following the return of alaska’s unusual sister, katya, and the hijinks of the creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky household. 1 - 2
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