#gosh this is fluffy i love it
kaiserouo · 5 months
Dark Age Hunter Set
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Wifi did you see?! Foul Legacy is getting his own figure!!
I saw the news on Twitter and knew I had to send 'em to you
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xatsperesso · 1 year
Two silly ideas
By the end of the series all members of Misfit class have crossdressed for an Evidol event, including Sabnock.
2. Iruma will summon Fluffy Kalego and he will dance with them in his fluffy form while wearing an adorable dress. Cerberus will be in a dress too.
No you dont understand this needs to happen. Everyone will wear a dress and they'll all dance and who's forcing a dress onto flufflego? Opera, and he'll give a dress to balam too and he'll have a lot of blackmail and holy shit you're a genius i cant AAaa-
Ok, im fine now
So, are we talking on stage or a lil private thing where crocell forced them into? Im leaning more onto private but i want the teachers to be there i need them to relentlessly tease kalego and compliment balam and i can just imagine robin getting too excited or he thinks it's just a thing the teachers do so he wears a dress too and dance too and the teachers just being like fuck it and dance too
And all the boys will be eyeing iruma and lied cause why are they so comfortable in these dresses? And i bet that at this point iruma will be too comfortable he'll just tell them that this isn't his first time while lied will be trying to come up with the most bullshit excuses which will make the boys question him harder
Also i hc sabnock to be comfy in dresses but like he's sabnock no one is going to question him. Purson will be the most uncomfortable he'll disappear but at this point the class will be able to spot him at any form and will force him like you're not getting out of this
AND And what if ali-san loved the chaos of it all and just Came out of the ring in a dress and started dancing with them and this is how he reveals himself to them all and it all devolves into more chaos
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chronicbeans · 11 months
Random Pierre, Caroline, Emily, and Abigail Headcanons I Have:
I came up with this random fluffy idea one day and it hasn't left, since. I want more fluffy content for these people.
Okay, so I have this odd headcanon that Pierre makes candles in his free time. Random? Yeah. Probably far from canon? Also yeah. Just hear me out pls- it ties into my other headcanons omg.
He sells more than produce/food/seeds and such in his shop, as seen by the backpacks for sale. It's a small little general store. A lot of general stores I have been to have candles for sale, so I could totally see him selling candles.
I can totally see all the aerobics class members being good friends, which Emily goes to! I big headcanon I have for her is that she loves certain scents, believing in the power of aroma therapy. As a result, she loves incense, essential oils, and - you guessed it - candles! Sometimes she makes candles and gives them to members of the class. Caroline ended up showing Pierre a set of candles Emily gifted them, with each candle "representing" one of the family members (Caroline was a green, tea scented candle, Abigail a purple plum, and Pierre was a tan apple cider scent). When he thanked Emily that night at the saloon, she offered to teach him and Caroline how to make candles, hoping to help the store.
After a long and tedious few days of Emily trying to teach Pierre, Abigail, and Caroline how to make candles, only Pierre and Caroline successfully made candles. Abigail gave up after a failed attempt (read: didn't find it interesting and purposely messed up), but made sure to thank Emily for offering to teach her. Caroline liked it, but didn't find it enjoyable enough to continue. Pierre, though, found the experience very enjoyable. He now gifts Emily a set of candles every year for the Feast of the Winter Star.
He sells a different scent of candle depending on each season, with a special scent of candle being offered on the week of a festival. Abigail has slowly started to die inside at the constant smell of candles in the house, while Caroline is supportive of her husband's hobby, as it pays well when there is no new produce to sell. She also loves when he gifts her a homemade candle for their anniversary or her birthday.
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citnamora · 7 months
I'm reading the Raggedy Ann book series written and illustrated by Johnny Gruelle. Yesterday I watched Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure. Immediately after, I stayed up watching Raggedy Ann: The Musical Adventure [the bootlegs of the show that were previously lost media(?) from what I recall].
...I think I have a new hyperfixation, LOL.
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nixsmis · 1 year
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for Eurasierboy from 2022
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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More of Our Favorite Russian Boy
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Sorry you are big sad plz feel better soon :(
For the cute headcanon all of the Dteams necks are ticklish on different levels.
They go from just a flinch with a small giggle to a squeal and a full belly laugh. From just raising their shoulders to a full body collapse on the couch or even the ler.
And yes they do that thing where there’s two lers or two lees and they go from tracing the jaw line to blowing raspberries between the neck and shoulder.
fluffy thank you ):
…..also sit back and get ready bc i’m about to rant about dteam neck tks (:
(@emmadoodlewrites uh u might wanna get in here)
i think dream has a pretty sensitive neck. i think light traces get him, as well as when someone squeezes the back of his neck or if they blow raspberries or do nibbles on the sides of it ): dream starts out with these lil high pitched giggles when the tkling is light, but as soon as it’s squeezing or nibbles or raspberries he’s wheezing and pleading and laughing. and he’d be trying so hard not to squirm away but it tks so damn bad he can’t help it. if dream is being pinned down, he’s still squirming, but mostly just doing little pathetic kicks or hitting the floor, couch, bed, etc. with his fists ):
hear me out - i think george is extremely sensitive on his neck. he is so flinchy and squirmy everytime someone even reaches near his neck or shoulder area that i think he just is so helplessly tklish there. george, much like sap, i think would be sensitive to all types or tks there - soft, rougher, squeezing, raspberries, nibbles….you name it, its gonna make george giggle. sometimes with lighter ones it’s just fluttery light giggles, but then other times it’s high pitched cackles between begging and “nohohoho nohohoHOHOT THAHAHAHAT!” (that’s to raspberries and nibbles under his ear). he absolutely is the type to just go dead weight, whether that means collapsing into something or someone, or slowly (or immediately) falling onto the ground below him - which only leaves room for more torture tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my baby boy. my tklish little guy. the man the myth the legend. sapnap. and oh boy, does my baby have a sensitive lil neck. sapnap is the worst out of the three of them. if someone even breathes near his neck, he goes into a slight giggly panic, bringing his shoulders up to his ears and his arms across his chest in case he needs to quickly grab someone’s hand, or push someone’s face away. everything you could think of doing that would tk someone’s neck? it works on sap. feathers? he’s giggling. light nail strokes? he’s laughing. nibbles and raspberries? he’s fucking hysterical. this is where george and dream come in, and where the whole two lers run fingers up and down someone’s jaw and along the sides of their neck. it also means double raspberries, and it also means one of them holding saps arms out while the other nibbles and blows raspberries into sapnaps neck. they would hold him down on his tummy, pulling the collar of his shirt down slightly to blow raspberries into the nape of his neck and as far down between his shoulder blades as they could go. and then they’d flip sap, and he’d be begging, because he knows this means that there’s not only nibbles and raspberries at the sides and base of his neck, but also to his extremely tkly collarbones 🥰
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
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Fritillaryheart is my current favorite cat from the reboot of OFND over at @oldfacesnewdawnoffical . I had to draw her and his beautiful stache. They just give a perfect feeling especially when drawing her. Just like reremembering a old memory, while it’s sweet and calm it also reminds you of your life before. So he’s reminiscing, looking at a monarch butterfly but still holding on to a sprig of sloe. Love them a lot can’t wait to see how her future folds out in the new reboot <3
(ID- Fritillaryheart is a very fluffy golden cat with dark brown accents and a tied back braid of hair down her back. He is laying down with the front half of their body mostly in view and her tail curling over their body, his right leg over her left which is up with a claw out. On his claw is a monarch butterfly with red, orange and black wings speckles with white spots. In their other paw is a sprig of sloe, a branch with lime leaves and three round blue berries. His legs are wrapped in dull brown cloth, two fangs in her right ear which hangs down and a ring in their left ear. She is mostly yellow with darker golden stripes on his hair, nose bridge, ears, corner of their eyes in hearts, two stripes that connect to the tuft next to his eye, another stripe with a spot, and the top portion of her braid. More stripes are on their body with a heart one on her front legs, cut off ones on his tail and back with a circle and a spot. Cream is on the tips of his ears in hearts, muzzle, bottom of his face, nose in a heart shape, beside her eyes, eyebrows, inner ear tufts, paws, and bottom of their tail. Dark brown is on his mane, bottom of her braid, under their paws, tail tip, and ear tufts. He has pretty green eyes that are looking at the monarch on her claw. Soft grass is under them and the sky is dull blue with light white clouds. The faint signature “Nightly Ruse” at the base of her tail. End ID)
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Easier seen version as well
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transgender-catboy · 7 months
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Okay bedtime now! Love ya, GOODNIGHT!!!
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yeleltaan · 1 year
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I could not forget him.
I could not.
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deva-archived · 2 years
More CSM Art hahah!
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Warning for some unsettling imagery/blood under the cut!
I really love this series, and I'm super excited to see how the rest of the seinen is adapted to animation :) Denji, you poor little meow meow....
By the way! my commissions are OPEN! Check my pinned for more info!
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It only gets darker from here...
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belovecore · 1 year
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-claps at each syllable-
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theseandi · 1 month
laying in bed with my snoring cat on my bookshelf 💤
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tittysuckersworld · 4 months
what if, hear me out, well never have sex soukoku animatic? eh eh?
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transfloppa · 8 months
the 'weird furry' in my bio is really shining through now. h
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