ai-higurashi · 2 years
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O'Gilt fam AU my beloved...
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chillaxzmadudesz · 2 years
So, let's talk about crackships
they are freaking, FREAKING dangerous, i tell you.
at first you see someone shipping some impossible ship and you're like " oh mah gawd hawhawhaw this is hilariously absurd and stupid."
then when you think more about it you realize, you actually think it's a pretty neat ship and you are searching all over the web to find more content about it but fail to do so because not a lot of people really ship said ship, so you have to use your stinkin'
to think about absurd and impossible scenarios where they are together.
then you cry and weep and scream because you don't want to use your stinkin'
to think about scenarios about these ships because your stinkin'
freaking stinks
so you wait patiently to get a bit more content about them, and gradually lose your patience as you wait day after day for the content, and become depressed and on the verge of giving up because deep down you know you are never going to receive said content, so you attempt to make some of your own, and it ends up looking like absolute crap because your stinkin'
still freaking stinks.
crackships such as Bentina Beakley x Goldie O'Gilt (Goldkley?), Bentina Beakley x Black Heron (BeakHeron), Bradford Buzzard (BradHeron), Della Duck x Magica De Spell, etc.
speaking of which, Black Heron DEFINITLEY needs more freaking content
i feel like i know how to write stuff, but it always in like chunks, and i dont know how to connect them all together.
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toddykun · 5 years
So we have Goldkley, Cabroldie and M'ma Cabrera x Beakley (cabeakley?)... When the OT3? XD
asdfgh those three would be so fucking funny together because at first i think m’ma cabrera and beakley would be like “so, u HAD a thing for her too????” and then goldie would be there, all the time, like the woman doesnt give them a rest, she is just “hey ;)” 
m’ma cabrera and beakley: i guess this is our life now
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ai-higurashi · 5 years
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I know I said it was just a sketch. But I had to re-do it in a blank paper and I kinda got carried away.
I'm hella proud of Beakley's face
I don't have any excuse for myself. HOWEVER, I can add that their playlist include "Bang bang", the French version of "Despacito" and "Smooth criminal" (and maybe "Her lover" by Ally Hills)
(@a-small-collection-of-nonsense I think you asked for this? If not, I'm not sorry)
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ai-higurashi · 5 years
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(I swear this wasn't the Goldkley piece I was originally working on, it just happened. I... also may have one more suggestive in human forms sketched in my college notebook. I'm not sure I'll ever post it though)
Unpictured: Goldie running for her dear life with half of the cookie in her beak
(top 1 best thing about being single on Valentine: you can treat yourself with stuff about your otps 7w7)
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ai-higurashi · 5 years
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That’s how their first meeting went and you CAN’T change my mind.
I had the sketch of this in my notebook since forever and I totally needed to finish it
I finally post some Goldkley!!! Considering how much I love the ship, it was about time XD
(Also, I finally drew all three of the holy trinity. I’m so close to make an ot3 with them and M’ma Cabrera I have to physically stop myself XD)
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ai-higurashi · 5 years
To anyone who made a request, I'm so sorry I'm taking so long!!!
How y'all still put up with me will always be a mystery ahshdhagsahdj
I got way more than the expected (someone decided that it would be fun to spam me... goddamnit Bloo XD)
But they're good ones and I wanna do all of them right.
Also someone (you KNOW who you are) sent an extremely soft and adorable request and I'm sure she knew exactly what she was doing to me the moment she sent it (I spent a week daydreaming about the scenario. A WEEK. Just thinking about it makes me wanna cry bc they're just??? too cute??? And soft??? agsjahgdhahd. I even have headcanons!!!)
I already have three ready to color and another one sketched out, so it shouldn't be long before I finish them. I'll spend an ungodly amount of hours in a car this week so I'll finally have time to paint them!!!!
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ai-higurashi · 5 years
Honestly, just - randomly some of your favorite ships right now or in general because i'm always losing track (surprise, all of them are lesbians, aren't they xP x3)
Gosh, I am SO SORRY
I listed all mentally and then just-
Forgot to write it in here.
Anyways, I LOVE Morgkley, Cabeakley, Scroogeley, Beakfaster and Agent 22xBlack Heron.
Also, Goldkley is my guilty pleasure lmao
So, uh, pretty much any ships with Beakley in it XD
And Goldie x M'ma (or OT3 with Beakley) and Spellfaster cuz they're Good™
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