#gojo actually likes the mating press LMAOOO except reader can more easily hide their face
stellamancer ยท 2 months
niku i come w the spicy questions ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ either for any selfship of yours or for the infinite couple ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Favorite, Libido, Position hehehehehhehe
i'm going to answer infinite loop couple because i know you're dying for established crumbs.
Favorite - What about you do they love the most? What about them do you love the most?
infinite loop reader loves how observant gojo is. and like. i say love in the sense that they also kind of hate it because they can't really get away with anything. he knows their emotions almost better than they do, for better or worse. but at the same time it also means that he knows them really well. while there are some things that they still communicate to him, there are others that he just Knows. they also appreciate how he is, for the most part, emotionally intelligent. while he is pushy he won't push them over the edge. but even if he does and they blow up at him he just absorbs it. this is admittedly something that is also true in my selfship with him. they also, would never really admit it, but they also love how despite everything he is still kind. he has a roundabout way of being kind but, ultimately.
gojo loves infinite loop reader's inner strength. i'll get more into this when i write the fic where they meet (or the one right after) but when they first met gojo just thought infinite loop reader was just another weakling despite that they did do something to catch his eye so in a way from that point he was a bit fond of them. there's a key interaction they have in their late teens that really made him look properly at them i suppose. in the sense of like 'oh wow this person is actually kind of cool.'
he's also a freak and he loves that while reader is very cordial and... easy going with basically everyone else. he's the only one who really ruffles their feathers and gets them on edge. he loves it when they deny him and tell him no purely because he's the only one who they'll just outright refuse which is actually hilarious when it comes to play when like. okay say gojo asks reader to lunch. reader tells him to go by himself. then he finds out reader is going to lunch with someone else. he will just appear and insert himself there. gojo is known for this kind of thing so even if reader is exasperated gojo won't get an earful unless it was like. something personal or whatever (read: someone asking reader to go to lunch to ask them something Serious). i'd like to say that he likes that reader treats him very honestly, which is like 'but wait doesn't reader like him?' they're very conflicted in how they feel so i think that it shows... like they're harsh but they clearly don't hate him. something like that.
Libido - what is your f/oโ€™s sex drive like? How often do they want sex?
The answer for this is actually similar to the one for my selfship. Gojo's sex drive is higher than infinite loop reader's. Like twice as high, so if Gojo wants to go every other day, infinite loop reader is fine with once or twice a week lmaoo.
incidentally, infinite loop reader, by the time they get together with gojo is not a virgin lmao. they've had two partners (the assistant supervisor that gojo mentions in one of the one-shots and someone they went to school with).
and while i don't, as you already know sel, care for gojo being the type to sleep around i do think that he'd maybe done a tiny bit of fooling around when he was younger. just as little maybe once or twice. i don't think they were insanely enjoyable experiences. mmm maybe i should write about this LMAO.
Position - do you and your f/o have a particular favorite position?ย 
infinite loop reader does not have a preference, but gojo loves any position that lets him look at their face. they know this and try to hide it. as much as they can.
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