#going for the penta baby
bastardpacs · 1 year
It's going to be even more interesting to see how Fenix is these next three matches... If he continues to try and win each match based on pure skill alone and honor, in a way, despite now both teams using dirty tactics. But if he does choose to make use of the weapons and they still lose the next three, then he has the moral highground; with the laziness from relying on the hammer having been the ingredient in letting Death Triangle's edge get dull, and now they can't win because of that when the playing field is even.
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dubiousdisco · 1 year
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thesupreme316 · 9 months
how would the aew boys react to you breaking your nose if you can can you add Kenny thank you love you work🌺
AEW Stars React To: You Breaking Your Nose
yall are so sweet; thank you for supporting lil ol me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pairings: Kenny Omega x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Hook x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Wheeler Yuta x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader, Santana x Reader,
Word Count: 920
Supreme Speaks: idk if I've done this before but here you go! thanks to anon for requesting this. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: mentions of father abandoning a bastard (typical Christian things), not proofread, mentions what happened for the reader to break their nose
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @cassie0sstuff @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Kenny Omega (During training)
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Kenny heard a small crack and immediately picked you up
Does not allow you to re-enter the ring and takes you to the doctor
Looks up home remedies to help you
Understands that you’re angry and tries to figure out ways to relieve you
“Do you want a coloring sheet? No, I don’t think you’re a child- okay now you’re acting like one…Yeah-uh”
Tells you stories about when he broke his (I can’t remember if he did) or his friends broke theirs
He tries to distract you from the pain by his jokes or practicing promos in front of you
Will intentionally mess up for you to smile
Kenny’s really upset that you’re injured but tries to brighten your day by any means possible
Eddie Kingston (Your opponent intentionally injured you)
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I feel like I always say this…..EDDIE IS BIG MAD
Eddie is big on respect…he’ll respect you as long as you respect him and those he keeps close to him
Once he saw the ref throw up the X sign, oh Penta and Fenix had to hold him back from going to the ring
Then he saw your bloody face….he started to cuss out your opponent
And then he cussed out Kenny and the Bucks for allowing someone with bad blood to go against you
Will drive you personally to the hospital cause he needs to lay eyes on you
He’s ticking in so much anger that you’ll need to calm him down
“I’m fine doll, I just hate how a shithead couldn’t contain their displeasure to themselves. On the bright side, you still looked like a god/goddess....betta than their hating ass”
Santana (You took an extreme bump in the ring)
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You took a facebuster on the ladder and then bounced off, rolling outside of the ring
Listen, this man would be the one to stop watching your match just out of fear (he hates you getting hurt)
Like he physically cannot watch the match anymore
Once he saw blood dripping down your face, he automatically asked for the match to be stopped or at least for you to stop participating
When you come backstage, he automatically hugs you as he doesn’t care about the blood on his shirt
“Mi amor, you scared me out there…I thought I had to go jail while you go to the hospital”
You have to hold him back from cursing out your opponent(s)
Distracts you with food and cuddles (DONT @ ME)
Wheeler Yuta (Your opponent accidentally injured you)
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Baby boy is sad
He just looks like someone knocked the wind out of him; he hates seeing you bleed
Is subconsciously mad af at your opponent
Will literally baby you for the rest of the day, week, month, hell even year
“You’re not gonna take any more knees to the face. I won’t allow it….NO BIG BOOTS EITHER”
I think he would be the one to buy protective gear for you while Bryan and Mox look on in concern as he picks up everything in the damn store
He thinks that breaking your nose limits all activity and movement for you
Will not let a minute go by without him saying how pretty you are (with and without a straight nose)
Hook (Someone was trying to fight him and they hit you)
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Okay…… man is literally the devil
Will make sure that you are okay before tossing the person over his head
He is punching the shit out of them until he looks over at you and sees blood
Hook gives one more punch before carrying you to a safe corner
He immediately gets you ice before taking you to the doctor
Feels guilty about you getting hit, mentally beats himself up
“I’m so sorry that I allowed that to happen.”
I truly do think that Hook would feel so bad and will try his best to make it up to you in any way possible
Will buy flowers, bears, food, a nerf gun (whatever your heart desires)
Ricky Starks (You hit a door)
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Imma be honest….he laughed at you
Like full-on cackled as soon as you made contact with the door (it sounded like an evil witch)
But stopped once he saw blood pouring down your face
Feels like a jackass as he brings you to the doctor (I also think he is saying sorry repeatedly)
Once he hears the word surgery, he offers to pay for it
As your spirit starts to pick up and you feel like yourself after the initial wave of shock
Ricky will go back to laughing at you
Will joke about your nose only when you're comfortable and accepting of the fact
“It’s not my fault you got your ass kicked by a damn door”
Christian Cage (A fan threw something at you)
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He’s suing and kicking out the bastard who threw the object at you during the meet-and-greet
Tells security to get him and sends Luchasuarus for extra support
He immediately shuts down his booth and walks you to medical support
Sends a tweet that calls out people who think that was cool and okay
“You’re a disappointment, no wonder your father left you”
Holds you and whispers caring thoughts that only you can hear
Buys anything and everything you need (already paid for the surgery)
Offers to buy a security squad so you can protect yourself
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sydsaint · 1 year
Rizz master Danny G 💜
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Summary: The reader keeps running into Daniel. And their conversations are always fun.
You're running late to Dynamite on account of your Uber getting lost. The show has already been on the air for half an hour when you finally arrive and hurry backstage. You quickly type out a text to Wheeler, letting him know where you are.
"Well well well, slow down there, sweetheart." Angelo Parker stops you backstage when he sees you trying to hurry by.
"Ugh," You look up from your phone. "Not you two stooges." You glance between Angelo and Matt. "Where's the third stooge? Too busy kissing Jericho's ass to hang out with his buddies anymore?"
Your snark earns a chuckle from Matt, but Angelo remains stoic. "Funny," He sneers at you. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, dollface? You ain't running off to your Blackpool Combat Club buddies so soon, are you?" He asks you.
"Well, they are certainly better company than you fools," You laugh. "Now can you move? Or do I have to go through you?" You set a hand on your hip and challenge Angelo's willingness to keep you.
Angelo stares at you for a few seconds before he eventually gives in. He looks like he's about to move off to the side when the star of the show graces you with his presence.
"Damn, Y/N. You ain't even been here ten minutes and you're already in a bitchy mood?" Daniel pops up between Angelo and Matt. "But, I guess having to pretend to be interested in that loser Wheeler Yuta would do that to any girl." He flashes you a smug smile.
"Oh, and the prodigal son returns!" You roll your eyes. "You know it was nice of you to remove yourself from Chris Jericho's ass for a moment so the three stooges could reunite, Danny."
Daniel laughs and steps in front of Matt and Angelo. "So snarky tonight, Y/N," He licks his lips, taking a moment to look you up and down. "Keep that fire going baby. I love a challenge."
"Ew," You sneer, wrinkling your nose in disgust. "Get over yourself, ladies man." You push his chest with your hand and move Daniel off to the side of you. "You aren''t as cute as you think you are, Garcia."
"I know," Daniel replies. "I'm even cuter." He winks at you. "And you're into me, Y/N. You just don't want to admit it. But don't stress about it baby. Imma make you mine soon enough."
You roll your eyes again and walk past the three stooges. "In your dreams, playboy." You shout behind yourself as you turn the corner out of sight.
Later into the night you're hanging at ringside with Wheeler whiile Mox and Claudio are in a tag match against Penta and PAC. Wheeler stands guard while you lean against the corner of the ring casually.
"Yuta, come on, relax," You notice the tense look on Wheeler's face. "You're stressing me out over here."
"Sorry, Y/N." Wheeler stops pacing and comes to a stop in front of you. "It's just, I have a bad feeling about being out here." He explains.
You push off the ring post and put a hand on Wheeler's shoulder. "Why? We've got nothing to worry about, Yuta. Mox and Claudio are gonna beat Pac and Penta. Then we'll be back in the safety of the locker room before you know it." You assure him.
"Right. I guess if you're not worried." Yuta nods.
You mimic his nod and go back to leaning against the ring post. The action in the ring ends with Mox picking up the win by pinning Pac. The bell rings and you wait for Mox and Claudio to finish up their gloating when suddenly the JAS theme plays over the speaker system.
"Oh, god," You glance up the ramp to see Angelo and Matt heading down the ramp with Daniel at thier side.
Wheeler wastes no time in posting back up at your side at the JAS comes down the ramp. Matt and Angelo make a B-line for Mox and Claudio. This leaves Daniel a clear path to you and Wheeler.
"Man, you just don't know when to quit, do you, Garcia?" You ask Daniel as he comes around the corner, a smug look gracing his face.
"Nope," Daniel replies. "It's part of my charm." He winks at you.
Wheeler steps in front of you puffed out chest, ready to defend you. "Leave her alone, Garcia."
"Go help Mox and Claudio, Wheeler." You stop him with a shake of your head.
"But-" Wheeler protests.
You shake your head again and point to the ring. "Go! I can handle Daniel." You assure him.
Wheeler slips into the ring with a nod and you turn back to Daniel.
"Damn, didn't take you long to train him, huh, Y/N." Garcia jokes with a grin. "Does he carry your bags and come when he's called too?"
"He does," You reply cooly. "Why? You looking to be ordered around, Garcia? I thought Chris was already handling that for you? Or is it Sammy Guevara that's got you on a leash now?" You ask him with a smug grin.
Daniel scoffs with a half-smile. "I'd watch my mouth, dollface. Before it lands you in trouble." He warns you.
"Ooo, I'm shaking," You laugh. "Please, Garcia. I've been more scared of bad airplane food than you. You've lost your edge, Danny."
"Have I now?" Daniel steps towards you and you unconsciously take a step back. "You know I bet this whole bad bitch thing you got going on is all an act." He suggests. "I bet behind closed doors you ain't so tough."
Your back hits the ring corner back but you don't back down. "You couldn't handle me behind closed doors, Daniel." You assure him.
"Yeah? Wanna bet?" Daniel replies sharply, his gaze switching from your lips to your eyes a few times.
Before things can go any further Wheeler's got ahold of your arm and is pulling you to safety. Daniel turns sharply on his heel and glares at Wheeler. You laugh at his anger and back up the ramp with Wheeler, Mox, and Claudio.
"Looks like I win this one, Garcia!" You shout at him. "See you around, Danny!" You wave to him as you walk off.
"Damn it," Danny muttered as he watched your retreating form, your taunts echoing through his mind. This wouldn't be the last time your paths would cross, Danny would make sure of it. 
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judgementdaysunshine · 3 months
Wisdom teeth
Pairing: Kris Statlander x Fem reader
Description: Kris takes care of you after you get your wisdom teeth removed
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You wobble to the car with Kris beside you after getting two of your wisdom teeth removed gently talking to you whenever you moaned in pain trying to sleep if you could which you did for some of the way home. After setting you down on the bed you slowly spoon eat a milkshake before she gives you over the counter pain meds putting gauze in your mouth falling asleep a few seconds later waking up to use the bathroom with kris standing in the kitchen waiting for you and staying close to you until the anesthesia wears off reminding you not to drink soda or eat anything that requires tons of chewing mainly sipping on chocolate milk and eating mac n cheese to have something a bit solid while still being easy to eat so you wouldn't spend the next two days eating soup "Hey baby here's a little bread since that's easy to eat as well" you take a few bites of the bread roll she gives you before taking pain relievers watching tv in between talking with Orange, Hook, Willow, and Penta on facetime for the next few hours until kris hears everyone laughing "What's funny?" they point at you half asleep with your gauze sticking out quickly fixing it and kissing your forehead "Looked like a small deformed state puft marshmallow man"everyone bursts into laughter before ending the call waking up and watching tv before kris brings you soup opting to eat it and soaked up bread with milk before changing out your gauze feeling most of the pain going away. The next few days go by without pain and halfway through the third day you didn't use the gauze seeing that the bleeding had stopped feeling your eyes water at the sight of kris making hamburgers your mouth and taste buds melting when you took the first bite making kris laugh seeing the expression on your face as you eat the hamburger and fries "God I can finally ear without pain" you had two of the four wisdom teeth removed one cause it was infected and the other cause it was pushing on the nerves of the tooth under it keeping your other two since you had lost the previous two in a texas death match against Ruby letting them grow in and replace the lost ones, you enjoy eating like normal again without the unbearable pain coursing through you and you thank kris for taking care of you by making dinner the next night even though she insisted you didn't have to but you did anyway.
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
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Current garden status: a solid meh, with a few highlights here and there.
In the back box garden the marigolds are doing TERRIBLY. This is the second time I've tried to plant marigolds and the second time they've looked like weedy little sticks within a few weeks. The African marigolds are doing a little bit better than the French ones, but neither is doing well. Even the salvia is pretty mediocre, and I couldn't stop that from growing last year. I don't know if they're getting eaten or if my water levels are off, but I'm giving up on the marigolds after this year. The daylilies, however, are in full bloom and having a fantastic time.
In the front, the tea olive tree looks pretty shabby this year after a late frost killed off its first attempt at leaves (and possibly some limbs--I'll need to see where the leaves come in next year). The handful of tiny hostas has struggled to do anything three years running, and the azaleas never did put out a decent first bloom. The hydrangeas are at least alive, though I won't be getting any blooms this year. The white hydrangea in the back looks fuller than it has the last two years, so hopefully I'll get some blooms next year. The lantana in the brick garden is growing magnificently, just in the wrong direction! I want flowers, not big fat green leaves! I did discover today that I've accidentally been half-dosing my fertilizer, so I gave it a double dose and hopefully that will promote some bloom growth over the next couple of weeks.
The viburnum seems to be having a great time; I'm not sure what those spindly little mint green bits on the leaves are, but I'm hoping they might be baby blooms? It's certainly doing better than last year's roses. The honeysuckle in the corner of the fence had a catastrophic first month where I kind of accidentally totally forgot to water it ever, but I've got a hose on it now and it's finally putting out runners, so hopefully I didn't torch its chances too badly.
At the end of the driveway the jasmine is off to the races with long runners crawling all over the fence. The pentas are blooming pink again and the plumbago is beginning to fill out nicely. I can't figure out what's going on with the little arched bed at the end of the driveway; I have five hostas planted there, all planted about the same time, all planted about the same depth. However, one has been up and full for a month, two have just decided to spit out leaves in the last week, and I have no idea where the other two are. A little hosta mystery...a hystery, if you will.
Plus an Ophelia, just because.
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duckapus · 1 year
-Honestly not all that different from canon(Game canon I should specify. he’s not a literal baby like Anime Kirby) in terms of personality
-G-mod Stretchiness is amplified by Mouthful Mode Stretchiness
-Lots of fanmade and meme-based copy abilities
-Unlike SMG4 Universe Kirby he can talk, and has the same subtitle font and colors as Judge Kirby but sticks to clips from the games and anime as audio outside of specific circumstances
-Sometimes leans into the whole eldritch god thing
-Is a standup comedian instead of a Youtuber, though he still posts memes on the internet to keep the cycle going
-Both he and Penta Knight already know about what they are and how they work because they kept their Guardian Pods and were able to look stuff up on the big computers
-6 actually lives in his
-Doesn’t have any powers(outside of Meme Guardian Stuff) or weapon training, so he’s way out of his depth during most adventures
-Thinks he’s the voice of reason but is actually just as chaotic as everyone else
-Honestly isn’t too worried about the “Protect the Avatar” part of his duties since Kirby is Kirby
Penta Knight
-Landed in the Internet Graveyard like he was supposed to and rarely comes out. Mostly because Another Dimension is between the IG and the normal world thanks to how Kirby’s universe is set up, and he doesn’t exactly feel like fighting his way through The Horrors just to get better quality groceries.
-Very dramatic, Big Theater Kid Energy
-Has a black Puffle named Leroy as a pet/son/sidekick
-Dresses and acts like a badass warrior to hide the fact that he’s a cringefail loser
-That said, he is genuinely skilled with that sword
-He can even channel some of his personal store of Meme Energy through it to make his strikes more powerful and achieve Sword Beam
-Very dedicated to his job. Acts like a peacekeeping superhero instead of a ruler like 3
-Even more self-conscious about his cute squishy appearance under the armor than Meta Knight is
-He and MK have absolutely done the SA2 “found you Faker” exchange before
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goddessofthedawn · 11 months
been a while since i talked about my books on here but it was my birthday last week so you could buy them as a late birthday present like, if you want. or if you have ku you could read them as a late birthday present if you want. anyway. i got something for everyone. i publish like six books a yea rin various series.
first up you got the pentalogy of hell, with five books in it (iscariot, forty days, lake of fire, the false prophet, son of perdition). if you like huge casts of characters from various time periods because like, they're all in hell, one of the main characters is from the 12th century but he's been dead forever and his best friend is a juvenile delinquent from 1994 so he's got a weird understanding of the world (he eats a kiwi like an apple at one point). anyway. lots of characters. diversity also. in terms of like. everything? i guess? also way less religious than it sounds. really this was created by an atheistic 14-year-old in 2011 who was terrified of the thought of nothingness after death because she's pretty sure that's what's going to happen. but it's chill.
next up abnormal murders. i call this 'stupid-ass murders' in my heart and my hard drive. first book is serial killers with cookies, second is morph suit murderer. i am currently writing the third book, flip flop felony. they sound ridiculous but like, they're pretty dark. the main character is slowly going insane. she loves vigilante justice and everyone around her is Tired.
third up is the tinon trilogy. this is my attempt at fantasy. three books, obviously, it's a trilogy: circus wings, royal blood, bandit born. my fun way to describe this one is "environmental activist lesbian princess fucks things up for everyone." moving on.
the AUGHTS BOYS. oh holy shit you guys, this one is my baby. there will be, by the time it's done, if it's ever done, at least twenty books in this fucker. these books do not need to be read chronologically, and you don't actually even need to read them all, if you don't want to. they're more companion novels than anything. the first one is one more sad song, which follows the stupidest kid in the world as he tries to like, skateboard and be jealous of his best friend kevin getting a girlfriend because he's in love with kevin and has been for like his entire life. the second book, the horror at camp new woods, is a slasher where everyone dies. the third book, right or wrong, follows this kid being friends with Matt the Douche, who is the only common thread between all the books as of right now, and then matt bullies some kid to suicide. uh-oh. that's not good. and the fourth book, hit or miss, is sort-of a direct sequel to one more sad song, so MAYBE read omss first, but it's about this high school hockey player dealing with his ex-boyf becoming a pro skateboarder (lol, guess who that is) and also winning state hockey and also dealing with matt the douche, again. these books either take place in ohio, minnesota, or north dakota, and if it's north dakota, it's gonna be a horror novel. guys i love these fucking books so much.
then vendettic! vendettic is the only series that i have written that i will never ever add anything to ever. it's a trilogy: spahn, sacrifice, sunset. it's about heavy metal in the early eighties and demon shit and they're fun. a little experimental with the writing. main character is the stupidest bisexual to ever live.
and of course i have standalones.
columbiner is about a kid who moves to a new school and gets involved with this kid who is a columbiner. it is my school shooting book.
the crucifixion of craig knox is like, loosely based on the case of the west memphis three. if you don't know aobut the west memphis three, look them up and read about them. i wrote the first draft of this book, 50k, in four days. then i wrote a second draft, 50k, in twelve days. then i printed both drafts out and made a frankendraft which i tehn rewrote it was a whole process.
beyr is like, a side story for pentalogy of hell. you don't need to read poh to read this but it is essentially jus tlike. backstory for one of the characters. that 1994 juvenile delinquent.
carl & jimmy is like... sort of... based on the american serial killer carl panzram. basically what i did was i learnd that carl panzram did, when he was a teenager, run across north dakota burning down churches with a friend and so i made it the 70s and less serial killer-y. i think this is probably the worst book i've ever written.
like hell is one of my favorites. it's about these three dudes who live in poverty and one of them is in a very abusive situation and as i put it, it's about "revenge, friendship, and killing your mom's boyfriend."
and i have three short story/essay collections: life in anachronism, rewind, and graduation day.
so yeah. check 'em out. let me know if you have any questions.
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elitehoe · 2 years
All Out Predictions
Eddie Kingston vs Tomohiro Ishii. I wish both men the best and hope they put on beautiful glorious wrestling violence.
Pac vs Kip Sabian. 50/50 Kips first match back, but champ Pac... I'm at odds with myself. Hope they have fun.
Hook vs Angelo Parker. HOOK HOOK HOOK HOOK.
Ruby Soho and Ortiz vs Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo. If the wrestling gods are good, Ruby and Ortiz for the win.
Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho. I don't think you understand if my sadistic evil goat man doesn't win I'm going to die and haunt TK for the rest of his life.
FTR and Wardlow vs Jay Lethal and MCMG. I am biased, I am a biased woman. It's FTR and Wardaddy, but MCMG are my emo dilfs, my comfort wrestling husband's. I can not root against them it's law, even if that means I have to root for Lethal...
Jungle Boy vs Christian Cage. I'm here for a good time, I want to see Christian be a pathetic petty little bitch and I want to see Jungle Boy beat the shit out of him.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs Ricky Starks. If Ricky don't win we pulling up on Teeks.
House of Black vs Miro, Darby and Sting. Manifesting a House of Black win.
Claudio Castagnoli vs Wheeler Yuta vs Dante Martin vs Andrade vs Rey Fenix vs Penta vs Rush vs TBA. MAXWELL JACOB BABY ITS TIME TO BRING YOUR BIG BOOTY CUTIE ASS HOME. I've seen many bring up Kota and I need y'all not to give me that kind of hope please.
Jade Cargill vs Athena. I'm 50/50 I'm completely okay with Jade retaining, I'm also completely okay with Athena winning.
Swerve In Our Glory vs The Acclaimed. How can you expect me to root against the Acclaimed?? Seriously HOW?? Acclaimed for the win.
Toni Storm vs Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida vs Jamie Hayter. My kendo carrying wifey Hikaru Shida for the win obviously. We all know Toni is winning tho.
The Elite vs Dark Order. I've already posted about this, Dark Order is my pick, I love my Elite boys, but they really don't need this win. Either way I'm going to be incredibly distraught
Jon Moxley vs CM Punk. Jon Moxley.
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sithwitch13 · 2 months
AEW Dynamite 4/10/24
...well, that escalated quickly
Orange's locker room sign is perfect
Is Penta's gear Blue Beetle inspired????
Nooo not Alex Abrahantes, he's just a little guy
Brody King being basically Julia's wrestledad is the most wholesome thing.
Yep Jericho is totally a "veteran knows best, These Kids Today Don't Listen" heel.
Mark Briscoe staring at the camera while Cope tries to name the team
Oh lord here's The Footage.
Wrestle internet is gonna be insufferable. More than usual, I mean.
On the one hand, wrestlers are gonna use any ammo to move a story along and I'm cool with that. On the other, the IWC is FUCKING ANNOYING ABOUT EVERYTHING
Julia's presentation is just *chef's kiss*
Not happy about Shibata taking the pin, but I think I see where the story is going
Big Boy Kazu vs Little Angry Pac, gimme it
Every time they do the split screen B&W for Toni, I can't stop giggling
This is so weirdly sexual
The Toni/Mariah/Mina love triangle thickens
Blood time!
Joe's angry face is amazing, he looks like he's about to pop a vessel
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heartsoulrocknroll · 7 months
AEW Dynamite Winter Is Coming 12/14/22
Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite Match 4 in the Best of 7 Series for the AEW World Trios Championship -- Here we go!! Beautiful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Omega to Pac, followed by a stomp from Matt from the top, as Pac remains in the backbreaker position. Pac has Matt in position for a German suplex. Fénix walks the top rope for a kick to Matt, then Pac lands the German suplex on Matt! Penta springboards off Pac's back into a slingblade!! Nick has hurt his ankle or foot. Nick is taken to the back. Fénix tags Penta. Matt rolls up Fénix! Penta comes into the ring. Matt hits a Northern Lights suplex on Penta, while keeping Fénix's legs trapped, and lands in a pinning predicament on both guys in one fluid motion! Beautiful snap dragon suplexes by Omega! Pac with a beautiful springboard cutter from the apron into the ring on Omega! Penta lands a package piledriver on Matt on the apron!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!! Lucha Bros isolate Omega. Reverse Spanish Fly by Fénix from the top! Made in Japan by Penta!! Backward frog splash by Fénix! Omega kicks out! Pac misses a Black Arrow attempt on Omega. Nick is back! He tags in and gets some offense in! Penta produces the hammer out of nowhere and nails Nick's injured ankle!!! Fénix locks in an inverted knee bar, also wrenching down on Nick's injured ankle!! Nick taps!!!! Hell yeah!!!!! 3-1 baby!!!! This rocked again!!!! I don't know what it is, but something about Death Triangle using illegal weapons to repeatedly beat The Elite really hits the spot for me.
After the match, Kenny suggests that, for the next matches, they make the hammer and all other weapons legal. "We are sick of playing by your rules, so let's just make it to where there aren't any rules at all." No DQ!!! Hype!!!!!
MJF IS BACKSTAGE WITH ALEX MARVEZ!!!!! He proceeds to blow my mind again. What's new???
"Ricky Starks, buddy, you did it. You finally did it. You cut your first great oratory exposition. And we were all rooting for you, man. Everyone saw the potential you have. You know what they're calling it, Marvez? Get this, they're calling it a star-making performance. Isn't that cute? (Lmaaaooooo). Isn't that great? You know what's funny? The first time I ever appeared on AEW Dynamite, I was already a star. And then after that, I just proceeded to hit home run after home run. I am batting a thousand, all hits, no misses. Just curious, Ricky. How many at bats did you have before you finally hit that homer? And then you've got the people claiming you made yourself a star when that couldn't be further from the truth, Richard. I did. Because at 26 years of age, I am the most talked-about name in this business. I am a star maker. So you're welcome for the rub, Rick. And then you had to go ahead and talk about your upbringing. (Whiny voice) 'Oh, I had it so hard. I grew up poor, I had to leave and move into the dumpster fire known as Texas, I grew up with a bobble head that was so much bigger than my body, I had to live out of my car, I had to eat out of a dumpster with raccoons.' I don't care. None of that matters. The only thing in this lifetime that matters is are you or aren't you the AEW World Heavyweight Champion. And of course the smooth-brained simpletons watching at home love you, Ricky. It's because they relate to you. Much like you, their lives suck. But instead of fixing it, all they do is whine and moan and complain. 'Why me, why me?' It's because you all suck. And then there's me, Ricky. You said when I grew up, I had it easy. And guess what? He was right. I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was born rich, I was born attractive, I was born funny, I was born witty, I was born pretty, and I was born better than you and every single putrid person on this planet, and I ain't apologizing for it. And then you wanted to talk about taking pressure off my plate. Well, granted, it took you a while to get to your point, you know. You kind of meandered and mumbled for seven minutes. And every single time he got lost, he'd go (mocking Starks' pose, whiny voice), 'Give me a break! Give me a break!' How about you give me one, Ricky? So let's talk pressure. Because tonight I'm under none. See, I'm already the guy. I'm already the man that has the Dynamite Diamond Ring. I am already the AEW World Champion. I am already the guy. Everybody hates my guts. Everybody wants to see my downfall. No one's rooting for me, therefore I have no one to let down. But you, Ricky Starks, I do not envy you, my man. Not even a little bit. See, everyone around the world wants Ricky Starks to win the big one. His mother, his family, his fans, God, everyone is rooting for Ricky Starks to win the big one in his adopted home state of Texas. Can you do it, Ricky? Or will you let everyone down? Now that? That's pressure. And tonight we are going to find out what happens when pressure is applied to The Pebble. Will he turn into the diamond everyone claims him to be, or will he simply turn into dust?"
GO. OFF. MAX!!!!!! Another Wednesday, another Dynamite, another promo class with MJF. Damn. This was perfectly constructed and perfectly delivered. He addressed all of Ricky's points in an organized, logical fashion. He delivered with incredible conviction, every word and every inflection perfectly placed. When he said "Isn't that cute?" about people calling Ricky's promo a star-making performance, I laughed out loud. God help me, I am in love.
Jericho says the Giant Swing is inhumane and should be banned. Lmao.
BCC with a promo. Wheeler Yuta says he has learned to fight like he is already dead!!!
Chris Jericho vs. Action Andretti -- Andretti goes almost 10 minutes with Jericho and pins Jericho with a running shooting star press!!! Chris Jericho is having a terrible week!!! Good stuff here. The crowd is super into it, which sells it even better. Jericho is later shown throwing a tantrum backstage.
Now we have a promo from Starks to respond to MJF. Starks says that when he broke his neck, he thought his career was over, so now he's winning the AEW World Championship, because he has no other options. Starks says last week's promo was nothing new, he's been doing that in his sleep. Starks says MJF has to find validation in ratings and being a draw. Starks says nobody gives a damn about that, but they do care about seeing Starks stomp MJF's ass tonight.
This was a little corny for me. Saying that MJF is obsessed with ratings and being a draw as if that is a bad thing and saying that no one gives a damn about that as if it isn't an objective measure of how much people care about MJF is... questionable.
Ruby Soho vs. Tay Conti -- This was alright. Tay with some surprisingly decent offense here, a pump kick and a Gotch piledriver. Ruby looks good here and gets the win with No Future.
MJF (c) vs. Ricky Starks for the AEW World Championship and the Dynamite Diamond Ring -- MJF with some taunting out of the gate. He mocks Starks' pose. He does the Flair strut. Nice arm drags by Starks! Thumb to the eye by MJF!!!!!!!!! Gut buster, stomps in the corner, and a back rake by MJF!!! MJF locks in an abdominal stretch, and he bites Starks' ribs! Wtf! MJF grabs the ropes repeatedly for leverage on the abdominal stretch when the ref isn't looking. Starks escapes the hold when the ref kicks MJF's arm to break his grip on the rope. Loool. Jumping lariat, tornado DDT, and sit-out powerbomb by Starks! MJF with a big stomp off the second rope to Starks' arm as Starks clutches the top rope!! Nasty, beautiful powerbomb on the knee by MJF!!! Starks kicks out! MJF stomps Starks' arm on the mat. MJF slaps Starks in the face!! This turns into a slugfest, both guys trading rapid-fire shots, and ends with MJF's thumb in Starks' eye!!!! AHHHHH PERFECT, I AM SUCH A MARK FOR A GOOD THUMB TO THE EYE, BROTHER. MJF rebounds off the second rope for a BEAUTIFUL rolling elbow!!!! Picture perfect shit, love that!!!! Starks responds with a spear! Both guys are down! The ref starts the ten count. Starks barely sits up at nine and covers MJF, but MJF was just lying in wait!! MJF kicks out and immediately grabs Starks' arm and locks in Salt of the Earth!!!!! Beautiful!!!! While applying the hold, MJF bites Starks' hand! Starks reaches for the rope, but MJF traps the other arm!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!! Starks stretches his leg toward the rope, but MJF grabs the leg too! Starks finally manages to get his one free foot onto the rope to break!! MJF looks like he is going for Salt of the Earth again, but Starks counters with a roll up!! MJF kicks out! They trade side headlock takeovers! Powerbomb attempt by MJF, but Starks escapes! Superkick by Starks! Starks attempts Roshambo, but MJF blocks it! MJF pulls the ref between himself and Starks!!!! MJF steps out from behind the ref and quickly lands a low blow kick to Starks!!!! MJF rolls up Starks!!! 1, 2, 3!!!!!!!! GREAT, WONDERFUL, AMAZING, FANTASTIC!!!! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!! Love to see MJF dictating the pace and using his signature heel moves. MJF's in-ring style has a nice, old-school flavor that really does it for me. Great stuff.
Danielson comes out after the match!!! He heads toward MJF, and MJF runs at 100 MPH down the ramp, over the barricade, and up the arena stairs through the crowd! I AM SO BEYOND HYPED FOR MJF VS. DANIELSON!!! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!
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melissahausen · 8 months
Predictions for AEW wrestledream
As always this is who I think is gonna win not necessarily who I want to win.
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and Billy Gunn (c) vs.
TMDK (Shane Haste, Mikey Nicholls, and Bad Dude Tito).
Six-man tag team match for the AEW World Trios Championships:
The acclaimed and Daddy ass
Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne Singles match:
Nick I hope cause I don't think Darby is winning.
Josh Barnett vs. Claudio Castagnoli Singles match: Claudio.
Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty), Diamante, and Mercedes Martinez vs. Satoshi Kojima, Keith Lee, Athena, and Billie Starkz Eight-person mixed tag team match:
I had no idea this match was happening lmfao. So Keith and athena.
Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr. Singles match:
everyone but mines dream match lmfao but I think Bryan gotta do it he's the best man.
Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata Singles match for the ROH World Championship and Strong Openweight Championship:
Eddie is on a roll so I'm going him, and he's only just won the title.
Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart (with Brody King) Singles match for the AEW TBS Championship :
now this one I'm torn on cause Julia hasn't lost a match in months but Kris has only just won the title ahh I don't know.... I'm going Kris but I wouldn't be surprised if Julia won.
Ricky Starks vs. Wheeler Yuta Singles match:
Ricky is on a roll right now but so is Yuta ahhh I'm going Ricky but once again I won't be surprised if Yoots won.
MJF (c) vs. The Righteous (Vincent and Dutch) 2-on-1 Handicap match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship:
Unless Adam comes to help out I think Max might have bitten off more than he could chew. But it's MJF he'll probably find a way to cheat to win.
FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) (c) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis) Tag team match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship:
Everyone's saying FTR are done with the titles but I'll forever have faith in my boys. I'm going FTR.
Chris Jericho and The Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi) vs. The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara, and Will Ospreay) (with Don Callis) Six-man tag team match:
Now everyone has lots of beef in this feud and everyone (apart from kota) has lost to their enemy in this. But I'm going golden lovers and Jericho cause Kenny hasn't won a match for ages lol.
Hangman Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) Singles match:
This match is the one I'm looking forward to so so so much , I think Swerve is gonna win cause its hometown advantage but I think this is gonna be my favourite match of the night. Its gonna get intense I just KNOW it!.
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) vs. The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Orange Cassidy and Hook Four-way tag team match for a future AEW World Tag Team Championship match:
Now if the bucks book themselves to win this match everyone is gonna lose their goddamn minds.
Buuuuut ...... nah I'm joking I think OC and hook are gonna win it cause they're being pushed to the moon right now.
Christian Cage (c) vs. Darby Allin Two out of three falls match for the AEW TNT Championship:
Well well well , emo baby in the main event I'm so goddamn proud. This match gonna be brutal, it's gonna be intense, it's gonna be bloody and it's gonna be full of surprises might get me on the edge ;) of my seat.
Frfr though I think Christian is gonna retain only because he's just won it. But I've a feeling there's gonna be shenanigans with nick Wayne and Luchasaurus and Adam copeland and maybe just maybe sting.
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I just remembered the time Jax was Santa. Fun times. (how i'm actually inside: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK THIS WAS CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ALKOASDOFHAKLkasjfd k)
>> >=3c
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deathtriangles · 2 years
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
Qualification blues
Pairing: Penta Oscuro x Fem reader
Description: Penta comforts you after your disastrous gymnastics qualifications
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The only thing you wanted to do was cry and hide in a hole as you pack your bags to head home after championship qualifications for the European championship of them all. The springboard for the vault was tilted the wrong way leading you to have a botched landing almost landing on your neck which terrified you, bars weren't any better having missed a release move jamming your finger on the bar and almost falling while doing a full turn, beam was your saving grace being the best performance and your best apparatus earning a standing ovation, and finally floor was another redemption but despite that you were just a place out of the qualifying ten spots placing eleventh which made you hold your head in your hands as the competition finishes only wanting to disappear from the world, you fell asleep for most of the plane ride immediately heading straight home not knowing whether your boyfriend was home or not. "Bebe? Is that you?" you sigh putting your bags by the staircase as Penta walks out from the dining room in an apron laughing with a small smile before wrapping your arms tightly around him as the exhaustion, stress, and frustration oozes out only feeling his hand rub your back and a kiss to your temple staying in place holding each other until he pulls away kissing your forehead "I know things are rough let me help you relax" you nod following him into the dining room where he has dinner made smiling at the smell of steak, peas, and mashed potatoes enjoying the warm meal before going upstairs with penta behind who stops and sits you on the bed making you raise a brow before he runs you a bath letting you soak as he does laundry, changes the bedsheets, washes your hair massaging your scalp, and dressing you in shorts and a tank top sharing a soft kiss before he holds you in his arms wrapped in a warm blanket straight out of the dryer. "Thank you so much baby" he smiles sweetly as you lay on his chest watching tv "Don't thank me you needed it and I'm happy to make you smile on a rough day" the words leave a warm feeling and make your heart swell sharing another kiss before you were peacefully asleep listening to his heartbeat and leaving a smile on his face tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before gently caressing your face.
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
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Spring planting, part one! I'm only partially using this as an active distraction against a secondary new, even worse problem discovered with my new trees. At least with these it won't matter if they die in a few weeks!
This year I decided to go red, gold, and white over last year's purples and oranges. In the back box garden I planted white vista salvia, yellow African marigolds to complement the gold azalea, and French "strawberry blonde" marigolds in front, as they'll stay shorter. I also replaced the rosemary bush, which perished in the snap freeze we got last year along with so many others. :( The heritage hostas are already up and doing great, and the fig is finally putting out a new round of leaves after we had one last cold snap early April.
In the front brick garden I planted yellow and white lantana with red celosia as accents. My celosia last year went insane with joy, so I'm hoping to get a big overflow here this year too. No latent polka dots have come up yet, which means I might have finally torn them all out!
I also went into some bushes this year. In the front, I've planted a baby Chinese snowball viburnum to mark the gravesites of last year's ill-fated roses. In the backyard where the hickory was torn down last year, I've put in a Professor Sargent camellia which should do well in that sheltered area and hopefully won't mind the acidic soil too much. In the front in a very naked area I've wanted to fill out for years, I've put in a Confederate jasmine vine that should hopefully take over quite quickly, and a Hall's honeysuckle vine about twelve feet further down the same section of fence, which should have beautifully fragrant whitish blooms to match the jasmine. I look forward to discovering who'll win the scent war.
In one of my pots I planted pink pentas because they're just so stinking cute and they did beautifully last year. And a pair of red and white geraniums to match my seats on the back deck, just because I can.
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