#god someone please give me a crash course on all the shitty things they've all done
maybankiara · 2 years
"hearing that he's racist, i'll stick to my boys pierre charles and danny" pierre has been doing ca left and right for the past year and has yet to apologise for it, charles called the blm movement violent to justify why he didn't want to take the knee and your danny boy has literally been caught saying the n word in 4k and has never apologised for that either. if you consider max to be racist bc of a slur he said in the heat of the moment and later apologised for, then your boys are racists too
what's ca??
tbf i need to look into the whole thing with max but damn this does all sound bad. i guess who the bad guy is really depends on whose side you're on, if everyone's done messed up shit. the issue with f1 is that with joining it, you basically need a crash course on everything good and bad that's been done and said and the timeline of when it happened in order to form a "valid" opinion on drivers/teams.
i'll look into is as much as i can, thank you! if that's the case with max, then he really is no worse than the others (in terms of being politically correct -- but sometimes we all slip up, especially in the heat of the moment)
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